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Awards migration to Achievements


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For years we have utilized the Awards system to give our badges for participation in events. Soon I will be moving badges previously earned to the Achievements system.  Awards is a paid-for enhancement add-on that I pay for every six months, and Invision created the Achievements enhancement built-in, which can do the same thing but it’s part of the main package so … yay less cost to me. Achievements has most of the same abilities as Awards, but what we lose in one we can in another. I’ll be doing a lot of this in the background, but wanted people to know that any oddities that they note with Awards from prior events will be housed somewhere else. As I start wrapping this up, I’ll make a full announcement of how it works when the Events Team is trained up on it. It’s an exciting change that someone of you will probably appreciate a lot. 

I won’t give an ETA because, this is a volunteer thing and my wife, my health, kid, grandkids, career, and friends come first. I love you all, but I’m only here when all of those things have nothing outstanding that I could do. In the past I’ve been flexible about timing. That isn’t happening anymore. 

  • Brohoof 6
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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay all, at some point this weekend I will be taking down the old Awards system while I work on the styling and migration changes. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I’m doing what I promised last month. ;) 

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