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S01: EP59 - Moon Festival


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This was an interesting episode with an interesting concept - though in my opinion, the execution of it could have been better. A group of lanterns somehow blocks the effects of the Moon on magic? That didn't make any sense to me, plus the joke with Posey being in the wrong place at the wrong time seems like it is over-done by this point. It was funny the first couple of times. I find it that TYT has the habit of dragging on the same jokes too much. Though, the Moon in Equestria being super close every 10 years supercharging magic is a unique concept I would like to see explored further. 

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Love how this one explains that the ponies in G5 get their magic enhanced by the moon. So they're the children of the night, who would've thought? :orly: It's always great to get new G5 lore like this, only disappointment is no mention of Luna. The Posey abuse at the end was not a disappointment though, that is my all-time favorite Posey abuse gag. For real, I love how it actually showcased character development for Posey. No screaming and running away or even getting angry, just sighing as it seems she's coming to accept her cruel fate in the world. :cheeky-smile:

  • Brohoof 1
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It was fast and wacky again and a bit difficult to follow at times, but I got a few laughs from it. Like Posey's expression right at the end and Izzy wearing the rope around her shoulders. Sometimes Tell Your Tale can be really funny when the writers are on good form and stay away from the toilet humour.

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Well, this episode was pretty interesting. I love how they create pony holidays representing holidays of plenty of different cultures, with this one being based on the Asian Mid-Autumn Festival. This can be seen from the music to the food to the lanterns in the episode. It seems like the fliers here are based on the Wonderbolts in G4? I wonder if Zipp would participate in this given her love of flying. Though is it just me, or does it seem like just about everything super charges magic? I mean, I like the idea of the moon being able to do this, given how celestial objects are often tied to magic in G4, but I feel like there should be a better explanation for this. It's interesting to see Zipp investigating things again, I like the way she's very obsessed about getting to the bottom of things. I also really like the colors, lights, and effects of this episode. It seems like Posey just can't seem to catch a break, huh? XD


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Just finished watching this.

Very creative episode it's actually of G4 quality really. Nice comedic touches with Posey, no demeaning "little kid" talk used in earlier episodes: you know that cheesy almost "Dora the explorer meets Blues Clues" moments (E.G. #1 "Oh no I am out of fruit where do I find MORE fruit?" #2. "Hey, #1 I hear they sell fruit in magic place called a GRO...CE...RY ST...ORE!" #1. "Yay, I bought fruit with this magic currency called  MONEY in this Grocery store." *Credits roll).

No, for once it was well written problem, with a well thought up logical detective work from Zip to figure out an solve.

I don't think I've enjoy G5 this much since the movie they made.

also their reactions to the moon do make more sense than you may think.

In G4 the unicorns and Pegasi have had everything from previous generations, schools, friends etc to show them how to handle and carefully adjust for events like these. They've been taught literally from their whole lives how to control their wings or horns in much more detail.

however the ponies of G5 have barely gotten their feet wet so to speak and thus are the first generation to have to relearn EVERYTHING the hard way.


  • Brohoof 1

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Not a bad episode by G5 standards.  Cultural appropriation aside, and the fact that this is yet another festival/holiday related episode, I actually enjoyed this one, for the most part.  Sunny is being oblivious as usual to magic-related stuff, further reinforcing that Zipp works better as the mane character, in spite of Sunny having that OP ability to just transform into an Alicorn on a whim.  Otherwise, I think this one is paced well, and manages to not feel rushed.  I do wish Misty got a line, but oh well.  Of course, nothing about this episode will have any bearing on future ones, so the whole idea of the moon causing a spike in magic is kind of wasted, but I'll take a decent G5 episode, and I think this one is the best one since episode 50.

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