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How many times have you watched the series?

Silly Lily

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  • the entire series probably on average twice. (but I never watch them in order after ive seen them once)
  • the entire seasons Season 1 about twice (some more then others) Season two about twice
  • each episode 2-3
  • your favourite episode A dog and pony show, The royal wedding episodes, winter wrap up

Ive started watching since december

Edited by pinkie
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MLP: FiM: Probably 4 or 5 times

Season 1: 6-7. Season 2: 4-5

Single episode on average: maybe 7-8 times. Not Entirely sure here,

Favorite episode: Well, I am not sure what my episode is, but I know I have watched Look Before You Sleep more times than any other episode. No idea on the number though.


I started to watch back in late january I think, or maybe early february.

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Since april, and i watched season 1 twice, and the first half of season 2 twice, and al of season 2 twice,(i think i didn't see ponyville confidential though)

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  • the entire series I've watched the whole series at least three times.
  • the entire seasons: I've watched the first season at least five times.
  • each episode (on average): Every first season episode I've seen 5 to 8 times. Second season episodes 3 to 5.
  • your favourite episode (and indicate which one): Oh dear god. Favorite episode? Bridle Gossip, May The Best Pet Win, and The Canterlot Wedding Episodes.
Edited by LaceWing
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The whole series: I've seen every episode at least twice.

Season 1: the whole thing three times

Season 2: the whole thing twice, with select episodes 3 times or more

on average, I've seen the individual episodes three or four times.

My favorite episode is Bridle Gossip. I've seen it five times and listened to Flutterguy sing "Evil Enchantress" more times than I care to count.


I first got into the show six months ago

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Watched some of season 1, and all of season 2, once, I barely get time to rewatch episodes and am not really known for rewatching episodes (of anything) on purpose.
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Gone through the entire series twice.

Gone through the entirety of season 1 three times, season 2 twice.

I watch at least 2-5 episodes a week.

Favorite episodes are either It's About Time or A Canterlot Wedding.


Some episodes I watch more commonly than others. (Lesson Zero, It's About Time, Canterlot Wedding, and Return of Harmony have my highest views, with 5-7 each.)


Been watching the show since Christmas Day, 2011.

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i watched season 1 and 2 like twice. some of my favorites would have to be "the return of harmony." , "read it and weep." "putting your hoof down", and "baby cakes."

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I'd say I watched each episode twice, and I've been a fan since February or so, though I knew about the show pretty early in it's existance.

I must admit, I've probably seen Feeling Pinkie Keen, A Friend in Deed, and Baby Cakes more then others..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have watched each season twice.

I've seen "A Friend in Deed" about seven times as it is my favourite episode.

I have seen most episodes two-three times.

I have been watching the whole series for about three-four months.

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I became a brony in February 25th and since then I've watched both seasons twice and currently going for the third time. Just watched Sonic Rainboom yesterday. My favorite episodes are Lesson Zero and Sonic Rainboom.
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- I primarily just watch MLP: FiM, the past generations of MLP are a little off-putting save for G1

- Considering the amount of time I have on my hands, I've watched both seasons at least 4 times already. If I had the money I would have already bought the dvds.

- I've watched each episode at least 4 times, however "Luna Eclipsed" and "The Last Roundup" I have watched 5 or 6 times mainly because of Princess Luna and Derpy.

- My favorite has to be "The Best Night Ever", though I might have said somewhere on here that I liked a different episode.


As for how long, I'd say about 3-4 months. I haven't been a fan for long, why I haven't been a fan until recently...I don't know.

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I've only watched the entire series once over, but I've watched several episodes several times (I think my most played ep is probably Luna Eclipsed). I can't say I feel inclined to watch the series over again just yet, maybe in the week coming up to season 3 i'll watch every episode back to back.

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I've only watched the series once through, I started watching the show in March, so I'm actually fairly new to it all once I think about it.

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Well, I've done about 3 marathons where I've watched the entire series straight through. In addition to that, I've watched season one about 3 or 4 times, and I've watched season two about 4 or 5 times.


Altogether, I've seen each episode about 7 times on average. My favorite episode is Sonic Rainboom, I'm certain that I've seen that episode nearly 20 times. I really, really, really like it. ^_^


I think that I've been watching the show since the last week of January this year. I know that I've spent a remarkable amount of time watching ponies, and I like it! :D

Edited by Scootacool
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I've only watched the entire series on marathon 5 times through, I will probably watch another marathon of it the day before the premier of season 3. But I've watched each episode dozens of times, thanks to the Hub showing FiM at 3 AM everyday, as well as Netflix and my ability to easily get bored of nearly everything else.

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