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Equestria of Tomorrow


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In 1010 A.B (After Banishment of Nightmare Moon), Equestria is one of the most stable societies in the entire continent. With the Royal Sisters benevolent rule over Equestria and their ability to control celestial bodies, Equestria thrives. With that came luxury but also several problems. After the failed Discord invasion ten years back, ponies began to start doubting Princess Celestia's ability to rule. Many simply dismissed that as a lack of faith towards the princesses but still many more saw that as a time to change leadership.


But it exploded when the advent of the Pegasus pulled carriage became mainstream international travel. Ponies began to read history texts and saw the creation of a new government after ousting the old one. Most again, dismissed the thought but still some saw potential in that.


In Fillydelphia, the site of the Parasprite swarm, a powerful and influential stallion named Vell is now rallying support to change the leadership of Princess Celestia and Luna, claiming to bring protection and freedom to the ponies.


Celestia, not wanting to hurt anypony or turn Vell into a martyr, remains passive towards the looming Civil War. Other countries however, support Vell either subtly or outright, wanting to bring Equestria down so that they too are on the same playing field.


As the threat of Civil War grows greater and greater, a peace conference is announced by Princess Celestia. The Speaker of Canterlot and Vell's Right hand man are both attending.



Despite my new membership, rest assured that I am a veteran RPer. I've RPed for over a year now in various Fallout forums and even observed a My Little Pony RP go on for about a month now.


With that said, the whole premise for this RP is that you're free to do whatever. There's the overlying conflict of Civil War but other than that, you can be whatever species you want and do basically anything. Just remember that everything you do will have repercussions. For example: Being a dragon and burning a small village may seem fun now but you'll soon come across a massive mob of ponies trying to kill you.


Also remember that Equestria is on the brink of Civil War. It's not as jolly as the show and if you're a Celestia loyalist in Vell's territory, be expected to be harassed.


For reference as this RP will span all of Equestria, please look at this map: http://matims.devian...a-2-0-221475393


The territory that Vell's influence controls is from Fillydelphia to Hoofington while Celestia's influence is everywhere else.


This will be the reference point for most of the RP.


Character Sheet



Approximate Age:





Cutie Mark (if any):






Alea Jacta Est

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Name: Shy Flower


Approximate Age: 19


Species: Earth Pony


Gender: Male


Appearance: Green eyes, Red coat, Orange Mane, Very small


Cutie Mark (if any): Books


Faction: Neutral


Personality: Very shy.




Killed his parents when he was smaller.


He has been an outcast ever sense.

Edited by FinestHour


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Name: Silver Light


Approximate Age: 20


Species: Unicorn


Gender: Female


Appearance: Brown eyes, silver coat, purple mane, slightly on the tall side.


Cutie Mark: Penticle (upright, not inverted)


Faction: Undecided/neutral (For now)


Personality: Down to earth, and very grounded. Listens inventively and likes to guide others.



Silver Light is a unicorn who focuses on the balances of nature and life forces. Primarily dealing with healing and relaxation magics.


Has trust issues with other ponies due to a childhood as the only Unicorn in her village and being teased of it.

Edited by Hayze


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Name: Scrubs

Approximate Age: 49

Species: Earth

Gender: Male


Appearance: Short, light Gray hair with dark streaks of gray, wears a newsboy hat.

Cutie Mark (if any): Shovel


Faction: Neutral

Personality: A bit cold hearted, wise, bitter when annoyed.

Background: Traveler who decided to quit travelling and get a job helping out townsfolk. Used to dig graves for ponies and served as a Royal Guard in his 20's before being discharged due to criticism and questioning of the princess's decisions


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We've introduced a new roleplay system to MLP Forums. To maintain a consistent format, we have locked and archived all of the original roleplay threads in Cloudsdale Colosseum. If you would like to continue your roleplay, please re-create it according to the new system.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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