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If there were a total of 11 ponies, then that would just be too many characters in my opinion. They already have the Mane 6, the CMC, and I believe they are doing more with the princess this season. To go ahead and introduce 5 new characters and expect them all to have similar air time as the regular ponies is a bit much. It's a good idea, and the fans always want more of something that is awesome, but it would be a shame if they just saturated the show with such an array of characters that it takes away from each of their personalities. However, it is a good idea for a story.

  • Brohoof 2
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If there were a total of 11 ponies, then that would just be too many characters in my opinion. They already have the Mane 6, the CMC, and I believe they are doing more with the princess this season. To go ahead and introduce 5 new characters and expect them all to have similar air time as the regular ponies is a bit much. It's a good idea, and the fans always want more of something that is awesome, but it would be a shame if they just saturated the show with such an array of characters that it takes away from each of their personalities. However, it is a good idea for a story.


I do agree with you alot. It would turn MLP into some cartoon teen drama and it would be quite confusing there fore drifting from everyone's personality then then point of the show.
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Exactly, not to mention, any other new characters or villains the writers have cooked up. It would just be too much pony for only 22 minutes of airtime.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know I'm probably mostly speaking for myself here, but part of the appeal of the show to me is the fact that the mane cast is completely female (well, except Spike if he counts as a mane). It's refreshing in an industry dominated by male-dominated shows.

  • Brohoof 2
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Honestly, it's sort of a slice of life sort of show. If you start bringing in too many other characters, you'll lose quite a few opportunities for character development. Also, what about stuff like montages? They would just drag on a little too long. As cool as it sounds, it is simply not realistic.

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It would also be hard to create new, original characters, and keep them a little different from the already awesome mane 6. I don't think this would be a good idea at all. It might be cool if they introduce a new character every season, (one that stays in ponyville, not like Trixie. Like Zecora) because it keeps the show more flexable and makes it interesting to see these characters again!

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I agree with all of the above. If they were to make five new characters, nobpony would get enough air time to do much personality development, and I would probably feel resentful if five new characters randomly appear one episode and steal air time from the mane 6.


Eh.. Maybe 1 or two males and limited appearances (Like Zecora) would be the way to go. I think it's going fine as is, though.

This would be a much better alternative, in my opinion.
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And then Fallout: Equestria became canon.


Nah, I kid. Still, we had ponies complaining that Discord wasn't drawn out enough (myself among them, but I know there's only so much you can do with 44 minutes of air). To add a reverse Mane 6 would totally throw the show's dynamic. As it is, I see Luna fanfic writers lining up for seppuku when her episode airs.

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Personally, I'd like to see the existing side characters get a bit more screen time before they start lumping too many new characters in.

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I know I'm probably mostly speaking for myself here, but part of the appeal of the show to me is the fact that the mane cast is completely female (well, except Spike if he counts as a mane). It's refreshing in an industry dominated by male-dominated shows.


True. I personally think it's best to have a GOOD cartoon with the mane characters being all female. Of course, a one time episode with male characters would not be bad if they do something unexpected then the whole "crush" thing we have all seen implemented when a male counterpart is shown off (Totally spies, anyone?). Just think of Pinkie's twitch; it will appear in an episode or two, but good writers don't want to rely on a recurring would-be trump-card or plot device. Just my take on it.

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I think it would work to have an episode focused on a male character - for example where in The Dog and Pony Show it is Rarity who gets into trouble you could have an episode where Soarin gets kidnapped and Rainbow Dash goes off to try to help and it pulls in the rest of the Mane Six.

I understand why none of the Mane ones are male; on one level it would have made sense for Rainbow to be male, cos half the time I forget she isn't, but if she was the group dynamic would be all wrong.

I'd like some of the background ponies to get a bit more airtime, the dolphin unicorn pony in my avatar being one!

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I understand why none of the Mane ones are male; on one level it would have made sense for Rainbow to be male, cos half the time I forget she isn't,


I'm sorry, I know I'm harping, but stuff like this really bothers me. Just because someone is male doesn't mean they look act or think a specific way and the same for being female. There is nothing particularly male about Rainbow Dash in spite of being strong fast and competitive. Masculine, perhaps, but only because masculinity and femininity aren't actually linked to genders in spite of what the words and society would lead you to believe.

Again, I'm sorry, but this is just a huge pet peeve for me.

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I'm sorry, I know I'm harping, but stuff like this really bothers me. Just because someone is male doesn't mean they look act or think a specific way and the same for being female. There is nothing particularly male about Rainbow Dash in spite of being strong fast and competitive. Masculine, perhaps, but only because masculinity and femininity aren't actually linked to genders in spite of what the words and society would lead you to believe.

Again, I'm sorry, but this is just a huge pet peeve for me.


Well I didn't mean it as an insult, its just when I talk about her I often almost say "him". In a sense most of the ponies are basically androgynous apart from Rarity, but Rainbow Dash is usually the less overtly feminine. I had no problem with her being a she, all I was saying was that sometimes I forget she is a she.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a male character (aside from Spike) take on a more active role. I wouldn't want 5, 1 would be plenty. Maybe someone like Soarin. He could be a little more active in the show, appearing here and there to lend a supporting role. Maybe even take Rainbow Dash out sometime. I know, we don't want the show to delve into shipping. But something involving him and RD would be cute. :)

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I wouldn't mind seeing a male character (aside from Spike) take on a more active role. I wouldn't want 5, 1 would be plenty. Maybe someone like Soarin. He could be a little more active in the show, appearing here and there to lend a supporting role. Maybe even take Rainbow Dash out sometime. I know, we don't want the show to delve into shipping. But something involving him and RD would be cute. :)


That'd be nice, I wouldn't mind Soarin getting a few more lines. But then, I'd also like to see more of Spitfire, too. But you're right, no shipping please. There's plenty of fanfic for that. Canon shipping would spoil the show IMO.


Honestly, I'm happy with it being all about the girls plus Spike, with a few male characters getting to pop in from time to time like Braeburn, Soarin, and Big Macintosh.

Edited by TwilightSparkle
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  • 5 years later...

What would you think, if the creators created a mane 5 but guys into the show. I think it would be cool and different having two mane's in the show.

Interresting. It's only going to work out if they've got a purpose in the show and since all things are already taken it doesn't make sense.

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