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private Junior Speedster's Flight Camp RP


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Fluttershy stared at the wolves as they appeared in the distance. They seemed angry, yet she couldn't tell why. "What's the matter?" She called out, in a caring voice. The wolves whimpered quietly as they approached, seeming as if they were limping.

Quickly, Fluttershy ran to the wolves. "Um... Guys, I think these guys hurt their paws! They're not angry! They're looking for help!"

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Hurl wasn't too sure about this, looking at the timber wolves with suspicion and confusion. "Help?" Cocking his head, he gave the closest wolf an eagle glare. "Urr, how do you know that they hurt their paw? Are you a wolf?" In a few leaps, Hurl rushed in front of Lark to stop him from advancing closer to the pack. "Don't go! What if... what if they are pretending and wanting to tear us apart?!" He mimicked and slashed the air in front of him.

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"Oh....my..GOSH!" Spedea screamed. "I've never seen a real TIMBERWOLF! Is he okay?" she asked Fluttershy who seemed to be the only one besides herself who wasn't afraid of a Timberwolf.

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"I am not going anywhere.", answered Hurl defensively, fluffing his feathers. "Fine... I guess it is okay." Fluttershy's decision convinced the small griffon to follow, though he, tail lashing and talons curling, looked like he was ready to jump on the Timber wolves any moment if they were going to bite the ponies' heads off.

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Hearing Fluttershy's instruction, Hurl looked down to see the Timber wolves' feet. All he saw were long, dangerous claws, not hooves. "Are they ponies? Is that why you can understand them?" Bandages, bandages, bandages... Ah! "There was a guy who had bandages to wrap Lark up. Maybe he had some.", suggested the small griffon, searching for his figure among the others. With one sweeping look, he was confused about why so many pegasus suddenly gathered up.

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"Well... uh... I don't remember much about my injury, it all went by so fast... you'd have a better idea than I would..." Lark said as he looked at the pack of timberwolves. "I don't think Timberwolves are ponies, but Fluttershy seems to understand them..."

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"I saw some bandages over by the racetrack, I'll go get them" Speda told Fluttershy. Speda raced over and got the bandages. Then, she flew back and gave them to Fluttershy. "Here you go! I'm Speda by the way'

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"Um, thank you, Speda," she said, taking the bandages from her. She immediately got to working on the wolves, carefully covering the first one's paw.

"There there," she gently whispered to the first one, "It'll be alright," Looking back to the ponies, she wanted some more help. "Could someone help me bandage them?"

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Watching Fluttershy tending the Timber Wolves' wounds, Hurl swayed a little from side to side on his feet, his amber eyes glaring. To be honest, he was jealous about the attention these guys-coming-out-of-nowhere received. Sitting down on his haunches, the grifffon only watched.

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Lark finished bandaging the last of the Timberwolves, and looking around and seeing all the other ponies around him, he shrinked back to a tree and laid down, being unable to sit due to his injury.

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