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S04:E05 - Flight to the Finish


S04:E05 - Flight to the Finish  

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Dash is right

You never leave a friend behind.


I really like that sequence. That's true exhibition of your Element of Harmony. Seriously, keep doing this FiM writers!


Also: Scootaloo confirmed to have a house. Au revoir, millions of headcanons.

Edited by Flipturn
  • Brohoof 8
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This is a whole new low for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon but not all that surprising. I like the lesson of this episode of you are who you are even if you are in Scootaloo's case a pegasus who can't fly.

  • Brohoof 2
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I really like that sequence. That's true exhibition of your Element of Harmony. Seriously, keep doing this FiM writers!


Also: Scootaloo confirmed to have a house. Au revoir, millions of headcanons.

Goes perfectly with her character and element.



I lost it when Scoots threw her scooter away!

  • Brohoof 1
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Favorite episode of S4 so far. Also loved the cutie mark troll


Also Scootahouse confirmed

Edited by Junpei Iori
  • Brohoof 2
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Hmm. While I wouldn't say this was the best episode of Season 4 so far, it was most certainly the cutest so far! Maybe the cutest in the series.

I agree.

Wasn't the best.

But most defiantly the cutest!

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