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S06:E05 - Gauntlet of Fire


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By the end, Garble already knew they were there. I don't think anyone would have questioned the morality of defending one's self when they are on a ledge overlooking a firey drop of certain death and their surrogate son/brother/lackey is in mortal danger.

The Dragon Lord quite obviously wants to attack Equestria (if I heard it correctly, I may be wrong). While just being there doesn´t make for a good reason to declare war, them interfering and Spike getting the Sceptre would be a good reason to declare the trial for non-valid, to banish Spike and Ember as traitors to dragonkind and to demand a new trial. This would likely cause a schism between the dragons, some would follow Ember (thus either be neutral or help defend Equestria) or whoever becomes dragon lord according to the new trial (thus attack Equestria)

  • Brohoof 1
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Now THAT'S a Spike episode! Finally, he isn't portrayed as a total fool, but as a great character who tries his best without being selfish. I have to admit, I was worried, because every time we get a Spike-centered episode, it usually falls flat. Not this one thankfully.


It's great to see more exploration into the dragons and their culture. Granted, we've gotten a little bit of it before, but nothing of this scale.


One last note I want to make that how surprised how rather dark-ish and a bit violent it got towards the end of the episode. Yes, they had to cut it afterwards because it's a kids show and all, but still...


Oh and I want to mention how much I LOVED that end credits scene. It was so fitting for the theme of the episode!


Please, writers, give us more Spike episodes like this one!

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Other than several nitpicks (Twilight could've blasted Garbel when he cornered her), it was pretty good.

True. Twipower is well known to cause material disintegration. On the other hoof, you can make the magic argument for really just about anything in any episode. I'm not saying it's wrong. I think the writers just have to choose where to apply magic so they can still have stories without easy or too-quick endings.  :grin:


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While far from the most fresh or innovative episode from MLP, with a relatively well-worn and predictable plotline, I can definitively say that this episode puts the "Can Spike have a good episode?" question to rest. It's an episode that finally focuses on some of his better assets and puts them in a place where they are valuable.


By my count, it's the third or fourth episode that actually developed Spike's positive traits, after "Dragon Quest" (despite its negative implications about dragons in general), and "The Crystalling", and parts of "Princess Spike" retroactively because of "The Crystalling".


I'd definitely give kudos to the episode for portraying that dragons other than Spike can be good, and for turning Garble into karma's bitch. He deserved it, definitely an improvement over "Princess Spike" allowing the delegates to get away with denigrating Spike's role.


I'm sure someone's probably going to claim "sexism" over the fact that the dragons needed to have a female leader to civilize them, but I look at Ember as the character first. The episode never mentions gender, only physical, social, and mental assets. If she was bigger and/or not royalty, she probably would have been treated with more respect like the other female dragon. Although the characters fit the traditional gender roles for this kind of story, and Ember herself a few common character archetypes, the distribution of gender among the characters seems incidental given the way the script was written. When none of the characters are giving it the "because I'm a girl" treatment that cartoon characters from, say, the 90s or 2000s, would have had an easy time giving it, I'd consider that a nice, subtle sign of actual progress.

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Act 3 Twilight: Hey Twilight I know Rarity's not much of a fighter, but you went toe-to-toe with Tirek. Maybe you could blast them with a Kamahamaha or something, just saying.
Different scenarios. Twilight was able to battle Tirek because she borrowed all of the AliTrio's magic. She doesn't have it anymore.
  • Brohoof 3

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Different scenarios. Twilight was able to battle Tirek because she borrowed all of the AliTrio's magic. She doesn't have it anymore.

Point being that she has magical abilities to call on. I mean it could very easily have done nothing if the plot demanded it, (maybe adding to the lore that dragons are very highly magical resistant or something) but it still would have been better than just standing on the sidelines. I mean Spike was a distraction to Garble so why could Twilight (and even Rarity) do something to distract him to give Ember the edge? 

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Garble, was annoying as always, but i think it can't be helped, since he is the stereotypical bully.

Garble was one-dimensional in this episode. We could at least see he understood the concept of respect for others in "Dragon Quest," but he had none for anyone this time out - not even the daughter of the previous Dragon Lord. I actually dislike Garble as much as I dislike Suri Polomare now - they're the most vile villains on the show! (There's something Spike and Rarity have in common, lol!)


Also, they don't know alot about Dragons, but Celestia and Luna suddenly know what that glowing thing means? Yeah right.

To be fair, I think the ages of the two sisters probably means they have seen this happen before, despite how long dragons live (and rule). The last time they noticed it happening they probably sent a pony out to scout and do some research on just that phenomena and immediately return. Clearly the dragons aren't very good at noticing spies, so I could see that happening!  :lol: 



And one more thing. Now Spike has 3 ships. Take your pick. :D


I swear - is knowledge about all the Spike harem fanfics leaking into DHX studios or something and influencing the writers? Spike is the character with the most semi-canon ships in the show.

Edited by Truffles
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Rarity & Twi reminded me of those vendors & merchants that appear whatever fantasy RPG your playing. Always there, regardless of what obstacles were in the way. 

Like in the Witcher 3 in Skellige when the same guy with a change of shirt is hiking selling goods on whatever road you happen to be walking down XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Everything went better than expected :) Ember looks like an annoying Spike shipping OC, but instead we get platonic friendship with her and plenty of shipping with Rarity :D


One thing that bothers me.. why does the dragon lord say "dragons of Equestria"? I thought they lived far away in their own land where they don't have to submit to the friendly ways of colorful miniature horses. At least, not until now that the new dragon lord has been infected with pony friendship  :love: Discord, griffons, dragons... is there any uncontaminated species left at this point?


But Spike bringing pony culture to the dragons was the dragon lord's fault for summoning him. Twilight did a good job of non-interference.


I wish we'd gotten more time with Celestia and Luna at the start. Just a little bit of actual conversation beyond greetings, before they were interrupted. But at least they're around in a regular episode, unlike in season 4.


Hmm, it would make a good future story if Garble uses friendship for evil. Spike's friendly attitude allowed him, a tiny baby dragon, to win against all the big ones. Up until he gave the scepter away, that could have been considered as just a very good strategy. And Garble just might have enough brains to realize that he could use it too.

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I'm sure someone's probably going to claim "sexism" over the fact that the dragons needed to have a female leader to civilize them, but I look at Ember as the character first. The episode never mentions gender, only physical, social, and mental assets. If she was bigger and/or not royalty, she probably would have been treated with more respect like the other female dragon. Although the characters fit the traditional gender roles for this kind of story, and Ember herself a few common character archetypes, the distribution of gender among the characters seems incidental given the way the script was written. When none of the characters are giving it the "because I'm a girl" treatment that cartoon characters from, say, the 90s or 2000s, would have had an easy time giving it, I'd consider that a nice, subtle sign of actual progress.

I could go on and on with how important this is. But basically, I agree with you. The whole "big strong leader" thing has to do with basic psychology. The reason it's bad for modern society is because we don't want to live as barbarians. Or at least a sizable number of people don't. What I found good about Ember was that she seemed to be the most willing to change her ways. At the start, she was against friendship and to be fair she was still too much so at the end - BUT she had eroded enough of her "tough guy" attitude to do the right thing. I think the only real advantage she had over the other dragons was that she was slightly more open to helping others. Simply being female does not make her better than any of the others.  :toldya:


On a related note: I'm not sure what she thought she was trying to prove early on without going the helping others route. She didn't like the emphasis on strong and tough so what did she prefer? Smart? Clever? But without the concept of helping and caring for others, those traits are no better than mere physical strength. Sure, one dragon might be clever enough to overcome lack of physical strength by poising their opponent but who cares since that's still barbarism. (The emphasis is still on force and oppression or survival of the fittest / most clever.) 

  • Brohoof 5


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This was a good Spike episode that treated him well in a good light, displaying the traits and what makes him a character that we respect him for.


The Dragonlands had some creative designs on what gives locations in Equestria their distinct, unique style which sets them apart fom all the rest I did enjoy that kind of world building, Ember and Spike do make a good team though. Not as much as Starlight & Spike duo but still, overall good episode. :D

  • Brohoof 3
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That was one heck of a Spike episode!


Not only do we see Celestia and Luna again so soon after the premiere, and back to their normal, everyday appearances since the last scene we saw of them in the premiere was when they were still in their temporary Crystal Alicorn appearances, but we see a ton of dragons, the retiring Dragon Lord Torch, his daughter and new Dragon Lord, Princess Ember, Garble from Dragon Quest back in Season Two, and Spike manages to forge a newfound friendship with Ember, granting Equestria a powerful new ally in her and the dragons for if Equestria is ever threatened in the future!


This episode definitely gets a 10/10 from me! Way to go, Spike!


Also, Celestia and Luna mentioned that when they noticed Spike's glow indicating it was time for the Gauntlet of Fire challenge again, it is clear that they must have seen it several times before in the past either during their rule or even before Equestria was founded.


They must have had good relations back then with previous Dragon Lords if they recognized it so easily.

Edited by Sonic5421
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I'm sure someone's probably going to claim "sexism" over the fact that the dragons needed to have a female leader to civilize them

I hope not - I didn't get that vibe at all, which I think you stated eloquently.


No one should complain about a female saving the day again because Spike was actually the Dragon Lord, and he would have been just as good a leader as her; he just didn't want the job.

  • Brohoof 1

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After the atrocity that was Princess Spike, Spike deserved this episode.  :okiedokieloki: This is definitely a contender for one of the best Spike episodes to date. If this was indeed Dragon Quest 2, then I'd have to admit that in this case, the sequel was definitely better. 


It's just a shame that he'll likely return home an unsung hero after he literally threw himself into harm's way just for Equestria's sake. Also, on that note, I do wish Twilight had showed more concern for his safety. She was reasonably concerned, but considering that his life was in potential danger, she simply wasn't exactly the concerned parent I'd expect her to be in a situation like this. 


I liked Ember as well as the influence that Spike's actions had on her. I also like that Spike finally got the chance to connect positively with someone of his own kind. 


There are a few questions I am left with, though: Why was this the first time in Spike's entire life that he was ever summoned by the dragon lord? Why were there so few dragons competing? Hell, why didn't Twilight defend herself when Garble nearly backed her off a cliff? Since when does she ever hesitate to fire a laser? :huh:

And is Equestria as a whole really at the mercy of the dragon lord? Because that seems like a REALLY big problem. Surely there has to be some sort of deterrent or peace treaty in place that keeps them from ravaging ponykind?


Overall, this was an enjoyable episode. However, I am really starting to miss mane six ensemble episodes. We haven't had one since the premiere, and even that fell to the wayside due to all the focus Starlight got. 

Edited by Cleverclover
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Also, Celestia and Luna mentioned that when they noticed Spike's glow indicating it was time for the Gauntlet of Fire challenge again, it is clear they must have seen it several times before in the past during  their rule or even before Equestria was founded.   They must have had good relations back then with previous Dragon Lords if they recognized it so easily.

Cue epic music. If only we got that awesome princesses background episode(s) we all want! ^_^ 


There could be some epic almost Equestria-ending stories waiting to be told there. I'm still putting my bits in for a Celestia and Luna episode. Season 6, show me the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow~! :D  

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Good lord.  They made Garble look like Daffy Duck to Bugs Bunny.  I'm surprised they didn't drop a cow on him.  Or even a Piano.

Don't forget the anvil LOL!

  • Brohoof 3

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I've got hay fever and I had a big headache today but I managed to watch the episode and I've enjoyed it. Definitely a good Spike episode for all beings alike to enjoy.


The Spike and Amber relationship reminds me of the relationship between Spyro and Cynder for some reason.

  • Brohoof 2

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spoiler alert! This was a good episode and a great follow up to "Dragon Quest". It was great to see Dragons featured again and see what the main red bully dragon from "Dragon Quest" has been up to. I noticed even before Spike made this bully angry in "Dragon Quest" he had some kind of beef against ponies and I would have loved to know exactly what his issue with ponies is. I liked that Spike was able to use his temporary status to punish that bully. I liked the new character of Amber and I'm glad she was a female dragon because I know a lot of bronies who wanted a female dragon to be featured the the show. I liked that she ultimately became the leader. I like that her character shows us that not all of the dragons are mean. I noticed the dragons and the griffons have very similar traits. I liked how friendship was still the answer. I would love it if they someday explained why Spike does not have wings. I liked the lighting, and shadowy work in the animation. I liked having Twilight and Rarity there and Rarity's rock outfits were adorable. The shot at the end was really cool! I guess the unicorns can actually see those colored magic auras they make judging from Rarity's line at the beginning. It was interesting to see Spike glow too because its an example of dragons having magic. I was sort of surprised they didn't ad Rainbow Dash in to the episode since she was in "Dragon Quest" but I'm glad they spiced things up a bit. I'm also a bit surprised Rarity and Twilight didn't use their magic during the brief fight scene, but it could be they just freezed up in fear. And as many people have said this episode showed Spike's noble and loyal side like "Equestria Games" "Power Ponies" and "The Cystalling" does. Now Spike is teaching like the other characters are. It's so nice to see Spike brave and loyal. 

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Cue epic music. If only we got that awesome princesses background episode(s) we all want! ^_^


There could be some epic almost Equestria-ending stories waiting to be told there. I'm still putting my bits in for a Celestia and Luna episode. Season 6, show me the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow~! :D  

I'm with you on that my friend!

Everything went better than expected :) Ember looks like an annoying Spike shipping OC, but instead we get platonic friendship with her and plenty of shipping with Rarity :D


One thing that bothers me.. why does the dragon lord say "dragons of Equestria"? I thought they lived far away in their own land where they don't have to submit to the friendly ways of colorful miniature horses. At least, not until now that the new dragon lord has been infected with pony friendship  :love: Discord, griffons, dragons... is there any uncontaminated species left at this point?


But Spike bringing pony culture to the dragons was the dragon lord's fault for summoning him. Twilight did a good job of non-interference.


I wish we'd gotten more time with Celestia and Luna at the start. Just a little bit of actual conversation beyond greetings, before they were interrupted. But at least they're around in a regular episode, unlike in season 4.


Hmm, it would make a good future story if Garble uses friendship for evil. Spike's friendly attitude allowed him, a tiny baby dragon, to win against all the big ones. Up until he gave the scepter away, that could have been considered as just a very good strategy. And Garble just might have enough brains to realize that he could use it too.

Celestia and Luna did mention that they recognized the glow indicating Spike was being summoned for the Dragon Lord selection ceremony, so they must have seen it happen several times in the past, maybe while still in good relations with previous Dragon Lords.

Okay, time to make myself be the party pooper for the first time ever.


I really didn't liked this episode. I was never a big fan of the action type episodes of MLP and making Spike looking like a super dragonlord, was for me a very cheap way, to satisfy spike fans. All i want, is that spike look competent in a slice of life situation, nothing more.


Garble, was annoying as always, but i think it can't be helped, since he is the stereotypical bully.


What i did liked was Twilights nerdy attitude throughout the episode, eventhough i think Twilight and Rarity where completly pointless during the second half of the episode.


Also, they don't know alot about Dragons, but Celestia and Luna suddenly know what that glowing thing means? Yeah right.



I don't expect you to agree with me, because i wish i could enjoy this too. But this is just how i feel.




And one more thing. Now Spike has 3 ships. Take your pick. :D

They could have seen it previously sometime before the events of the series, even before Luna became Nightmare Moon. They had plenty of time then to experience the Gauntlet of Fire summoning thing several times over.

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Wow, what a cool episode, and it expands on the mythos of the show to boot, particularly where dragons are concerned. On one hand, dragons seem a little too much like griffons, but on the other, there are actual female dragons outside of the comics. Kind of an oversight on DHX's part in Dragon Quest IMHO. According to the wiki, Crackle is supposed to be female, but I'm not really counting that. The episode itself is just a lot of fun. I know it's predictable, but it's kind of hard not to make a gauntlet fun to watch. I mentioned it before, but expanded mythos is a big draw for me, and I like seeing it outside of the comics and chapter books for a change. Sure, we get minor stuff like the Crystalling every once in a while, but there's a lot of untapped potential where dragons are concerned.

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