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S06:E05 - Gauntlet of Fire


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    • I LOVED IT!!!!! <3

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Ember == Pre-Toothless Hiccup, plus Astrid.


This episode feels so different from a regular MLP:FiM episode. Almost feels a bit like Littlest Pet Shop with an epic quest thrown in.

Edited by Truffles
  • Brohoof 3
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Ember == Pre-Toothless Hiccup, plus Astrid.


This episode feels so different from a regular MLP:FiM episode. Almost feels a bit like Littlest Pet Shop with a epic quest thrown in.

I was thinking the exact same thing. This does not feel like ponies to me. It's kind of terrible.
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This was actually a really cool episode.

Twilight and Rarity were adorable in this episode and I liked how they interacted with Spike.

We got to see a lot of cool new dragon designs, and learn a little bit more about dragon lore.

I also found Spike to perform really well in this episode.  I definitely liked how he was portrayed throughout.

Especially with his friendship with Princess Ember who was a nice new character added to the show.

Plus some of the action was pretty cool.

All around a good episode.

And considering Spike's track record that is impressive.

  • Brohoof 1
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And again the end credits music is unique and fitting the theme of the episode. As much as I love the main ending theme, it's nice to see the showrunners go the extra mile to make new ending themes!

  • Brohoof 1
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TitleGauntlet of Fire

Air Date: April 16, 2016

Written by: TBA

Synopsis: In order to save his friends, Spike is forced to compete in a perilous Gauntlet for the title of Dragon Lord.




Remember to watch with us live at the CMC Clubhouse on Equestria.tv


11:30 AM EST/8:30 AM PST









"Please be a good me episode. Is that too much to ask?"


Don't worry, Spike. It was good!

  • Brohoof 2
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Epic episode! All this dragon stuff always brings an extra layer of awesomeness to the show. Spike is now cool(er), Rarity and Twilight were awesome cheerleaders, Ember is best new character, stuff was just good maaaaaaaaaaan :squee:

  • Brohoof 2
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