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"...I did believe I would be more surprised to see a dinosaur in bright day light" Alice said, looking at the dinosaur marching towards them."Well, let's discuss that later, move!" Candlemon shouted to Alice and pushed her out of the way before he jumped up into the air and shouted "Flame Bomber" shooting small balls of fire which exploded in Tuskmon's face. Alice realized the danger and ran to get some distance from the fighting scene. "Go Candlemon! You can do it!"


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Sakura saw what was going on and looked down at Renamon, She ran in front of Tuskmon, "Stop it! Stop hurting everyone" she shouted in a beg. Before long Tuskmon had Grabbed Sakura and pushed her against a wall. "oh.. well i tried..." she whimpered.


Renamon got up and was clearly heard. "Sakura no..." she said her voice was thread with pain.


Sakura digivice started to glow and she looked down at it "what that..." she said.


Renamon started to run for Tuskmon, a golden glow covered her. "Renamon digivolve to" she said. She dropped on all fours becoming more fox like. Her tail split into nine tails and red and white thing came around her neck. "Kyubimon" She finished off. She smiled near him and nine tails spread like a fan.


Little blue flames formed at the top of her tail, "Fox tail inferno" she shouted. The little bit of blue flame hit Tuskmon making him stagger backwards, letting go of Sakura. Kyubimon carried on running towards him soon jumping in the air and spinning round on her self.


"dragon wheel!" She called this time. Spinning faster and faster a blue flame came around her. Soon the flame left her body and Kyubimon gracefully landed on her paws. The blue flame became a dragon and hit Tuskmon square on.


Tuskmon stumbled back into the cliff. Making a rock slide hit over him.


Kyubimon smiled and started running over to Sakura to if she was alright, she nodded and smiled.


Sakura looked at Renamon, "why are all your forms so pretty?" She asked.


Kyubimon blushed and looked away.

Edited by Midnightive
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"Oh, my god. I can't look!" Covering her eyes, Coral was too scared to watch what would happen to Shojomon darting right toward the green dinosaur. When she heard a soft thud, she peeked out between her fingers and saw that the tip of its horn was cut off. "She did it!" Her desire to cheer for Shojomon's victory was sliced when the green dinousaur counterattacked and Shojomon ended up unconscious against a tree. This is not a fair fight at all! It's too big to even feel any pain. The attacks from other Digimons looked like trying to pierce a crocodile hide with a spoon. Following behind the others, Coral picked up a few rocks and started to chuck them at the dinosaur's face. "That's right! Leave Shojomon alone."


Suddenly, bright light was casted out from behind her. Looking over her shoulder, Coral saw Sakura and a Digimon she had never saw before. Ghostly-blue fires danced off from the tip of the Digimon's ninetails and all barraged upon Tuskmon like fireworks. Dust settled down when the final attack ceased as the dinosaur was buried underneath the avanlanche. "Who is that ninetails? Where's Renamon? She didn't fall down the cliff, too, did she?" Instantly Coral jumped back after she took a peek over the cliff.

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Kyubimon sighed and turned into Renamon. She looked over Coral and smiled. "I'm right here, no need to worry" She laughed. She helped up Sakura and walked over to everyone else. "Is everyone ....ok?" she asked.


Sakura looked at Renamon, "how come you didn't stay as Kyubimon?" she asked.


Renamon looked Sakura, "It takes a lot of energy, only some can stay in there champion form" she told her. She smiled "But they comprise power to stay at that level" she told everyone.

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"Makes sense, I guess" Alice said. "Are everyone fine? Anyone got hurt?" she then said, facing everyone.


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((Why is Kyubimon turning back into Renamon again? Coral knows and see Kyubimon, but she just doesn't know Digimons can evolve and doesn't think she is same the Renamon Renamon. :) ))


Recognizing the voice, Coral turned and jumped forward to hug Renamon again out of joy. "You are okay! I thought you got eaten or fell off the cliff before Kyubimon showed up. Then-" Pausing, she blinked and distinguished the traits shared between the two fox forms. "You are Kyubimon, but you can also be Renamon at the same time. It's like there are so many kind of you coming in different styles. " Letting go of Renamon, Coral rushed back to Shojomon's side. Urgently she asked. "Is there a hospital around here? " Tenderingly she checked for any injuries, hoping the ninja Digimon didn't break any bones or hit her head from the impact against the tree

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Renamon looked at Coral and smiled. She then looked down at the human hugging her and she looked at Sakura. "Do all humans show affection like this?" she asked.


Sakura just gave a simple nod.


Renamon nodded "Yes I was Kyubimon, but i couldn't hold her power for very long" she told Coral. "Being it's the first time of being Kyubimon my energy going pretty quickly" she told her. She then ran over to Shojomon, she looked over at Shojomon "I don't think we have bones" she pointed out. She handed over some Berries to Shojomon.

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Leon looks at Coral and Sakura running over to aid Shojomon "Oh yeah don't worry about my Digimon. He was only knocked around and took the same amount of damage as Shojomon." Leon says sarcastically. "Uhhg....My head hurts." Terriermon says as he starts to wake up. "Well at least he's ok." Leon says with a relive.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Shojomon was unconscious, she heard blurred voices, but couldn't distinguish them.

"Shojomn! Shojomon! wake up" Jayten yelled with a tear in his eye. He held Shojomons frial body in his arms. He could see the damage, the bruises and burns on her stomach. "Does anyone know first aid, or have some herbs that can help her?" Jayten asked tears filling his eyes even more. No one answered him at first "Wake up! SHOJO WAKE UP!" Jayten yelled. His digivice began to glow, he unclipped it from his belt, and got an idea, he pointed his digivice at shojomon, a bright beam came from it. Jayten could feel some of his energy leaving his body, the light hit shojomon giving her some of his energy. She began to heal, the burn disappearing and the bruise lightening up. She opened her eyes "Jay... Jayten?" Shojomon asked "Shojomon! You are alive" Jayten said astonished. She got up and started walking, it was clear she had a limp. "Shojo let me carry you" Jayten said

"I am fine really... but if you insist" Shojomon hopped up on Jayten's shoulder resting piggyback style.


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Shinobu is best girl. 

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Renamon looked at Shojomon and wallked over to Terriermon. "You didn't need to worry about him" she said calmly. "He's a small warrior when it comes to it" she pointed out.


Sakura sighed and looked around "Well we're to now, i don't even know where we are!" She sighed.

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"You don't have bones? But... I thought only jelleyfishes don't have bones. " And you look nothing like a jelleyfish, thought Coral confusingly at Renamon's statement, We all have bones, right? Her attention was turned back when she noticed tears filling up in Jayten's eyes. Desperatly she loooked around, wanting somebody having medical training to jump out. Then the thing she never expected happened. Shojomon looked fine now. Worn out, yes, but fine. "Shojomon, you are healed! " Out of joy Coral wrapped her arms around Shojomon and snuggled their cheeks together, though the hug turned out to be more like a bear hug. "The Digidevice saved you!"



A pair of eyes flickered open against the darkness of the forest, staring forward sharply with its pupils thinning into slits. Past the foliages and branches did they capture every movement of the human kids and thieir Digimon companions. Full of hatred, dangerously the cat eyes narrowed when they rested on one figure. Turning her gaze away, the cat-like Digimon leaped away and dissapeared into the shadows.

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"Unhand me, you cretan." Shojomon put up a protest as she was being squeezed. She managed to wiggle her body out of the vice-grip hug and jump back up on Jayten's shoulders "Its called a "digivice" not a digidevice, humph" Shojomon said with a look of disgust

"Don't mind shojo, she is a bit grumpy from taking a beating." Jayten said beaming now because shojomon was alive and well.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Renamon looked over at Coral "well we are just data, we just a program" she said to her. She looked over at Shojo and laughed a bit. "You remind me of me before i found Sakura" she said.


Sakura looked around "Wasn't there other kid with us?" she asked.

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"Food..." Dorumon mumbled as he saw a restaurant in the distance and sped up. "What in the world is that doing here," Shawn thought as he followed him in.


"Welcome to the Black Digifood Palace," Said a BlackWeregarurumon who sat handed Dorumon a menu.


"Wait for me," Shawn called as he walked in behind Dorumon and grabbed a menu.


BlackWeregarurumon gasped as he saw Shawn. "A real human," he yelled and clapped his hands. Immediately they were seated at the finest table in the place as Shawn looked around baffled.

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"Guys" Jayten said skeptically "I don't know if we should trust this, you know what they say, 'it is too good to be true'. Wait, how did I know that?" Jayten asked, confused.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Oops, sorry. I am still trying to get used to the terms." Coral apologized with a smile, then she added, pointing out how close it was for Shojomon to just not to get beat ups. "Shojomon shouldn't be fighting that monster at all, especially when I can give her bear hugs like this. " The amusement in her eyes was not hard to miss when she hold up her arms dramatically like she is going to give Shojomon another hug, seeing if she could tell her point. To Renamon she said. "That doesn't mean you can't get hurt or get wounds or bruises all over your body. " Coral protested, frowning at how less Renamon thought of herself. "Where are Shawn and Dorumon?" Stopping her actions, she headed away on a trail leading to a restaurant. How long has it been since I ate? I am starving~

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The appetzing aroma of roast chicken hit Coral before she reached the restaurant along with the ringing of tablewares against plates. A restaurant? Oh, Digimons msut also have their own restaurant, too! Patting her pockets, she fell into despair when she already knew she didn't have any money on her. Think about wilderness survival-! But I am so hungry. "Sakura~ Shawn and Dorumon went into the restaurant. Should we follow them in?" Coral forced herself to look away and called out to other people, trying her best not to look ravenous.

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Alice was relived everyone had turned out fine after the fight, how happy she was that Shoujomon was able to get healed. She kept on being quiet, following the others to what seemed to be an Digimon restaurant of some sort.


Suspicious written all over her face, ideas of all kind of things you could eat from the forest went through her head.


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"Guys, this is very suspicious..." Jayten said again. But he couldn't help himself. He sat down and stuffed his face with a Burrito.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Alice sighed, since some of them already started eating, she couldn't really tell her thoughts. So she sat down by the table with them, thinking of an excuse why she wouldn't order anything. "Already eaten... no... Allergic... maybe" went through her head. Candlemon, taking after his partners ways of behavior, kept silent too, though giving the food the others were eating hungrily glances.


Noticing Candlemon's hunger, Alice felt sorry for the little guy. "Oh, I'm sorry guys, but I think I dropped something there we landed, I'll just run back and check, it won't take long"


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Sakura looked over at Alice and nodded. "ok, be safe!" she called after her. She then sat down at a table she didn't want anything to eat. She eat all the berries Renamon had bought her.


Renamon sat down next to Sakura, "We not eating anything?" she asked.


Sakura shook her head, "I ate them berries" she said smiling.

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"Good more for me!" Terriermon says as he sits at a table. "Is this going to be a thing with you?" Leon askes. "What do you mean?" Terriermon askes.


"The food and always being hungry." Leon says


"Hey I told you we Digimon need energy to Digivovle and energy comes from food." Terriermon explains.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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