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Claim a Pony Thread

Captain Marvelous

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I claim Roseluck, Cherries Jubilee and LittlePip from FO:E.


one a day, and I haven't decided or not to include fanfiction oc characters or not


Captain Marvelous, pony slave trader. Now the real intent of your heart comes forth!


Hey, I told you thats what I'm here for... Pirates selling ponies seems to be like fun

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Can i choose Discord? Just a thought, and i will if i can.

Scratch that, only 12 hrs..... :(

I swear, if anyone DARES TO TAKE MY DISCORD, YOU WILL FEEL MY coffee WRATH!!!!!!

Just so you know.

Edited by CoffieBean
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I clam nopony, makes them sound as if they are slaves.


Ya know what? I take that back, I will claim somepony, I claim myself.


See this pony here?:

Posted Image

I would definately be a pegasus is I were a pony. His mane is similar to my hair, my hair of course isn't blue, but perhaps if it would be if I were a pony in Equestria (It is my second favorite color after all, and pink hair would be silly on a stallion :P). Eyes are the same color as mine, I'm pretty good with a camera myself (Unfortunately mine is broken right now though :( ) And I imagine I would look pretty damn good in a fedora. I'd say he's a pretty decent representation of me, therefore he is now Klopp.

  • Brohoof 2
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I claim The Great and Powerful Trixie!!! <3


You have made a very terrible enemy.



Very few ponies left. I thus claim JOHN MADDEN. (ponified)





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I claim Twilight's mom



Twilight's mom has got it going on.




Oh, btw. I can control Equestria now. I can use photo finish and sapphire to subtly manipulate the public through the media, then when my ideas gain public acceptance, I use celestia to make them into law. If something goes wrong, I use prince blueblood as a scapegoat.

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