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Filly Pinkie Pie

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This game is like, so imagine this sort of a scenario, but as a pony:

You find the book:Facts Of Ponies. Opening it, you turn to a chapter about a certain pony and facts. This pony happens to be Rarity. The book says:

Facts of Rarity


Fact of Rarity 1:All fashion encircles her.


and so on and so on.


So basically, we're choosing any pony (and I mean ANYpony) from the show, and writing facts about them. Remember, even if someone has done a pony already, you can do that pony too! Just start off where they left off!


I'll start.

Rules of Pinkie

Rule of Pinkie 1:She defies the laws of physics, or else.

Rule of Pinkie 2:All parties thrown by her must be awesome.

Rule of Pinkie 3:Her friendship is strong, or she must be depressed.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Rules of Roseluck


Rule 1: Thou shalt only ship Roseluck with Daisy and Lily.

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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Facts of Applejack

Facts of Applejack 1: The only pony who is not naked.

Facts of Applejack 2: SHE IS BEST PONAYYYY

Facts of Applejack 3: Likes Apples


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Facts about the totally rad and awesome Rainbow Dash:


Facts about the awesome Rainbow Dash 1: She's got swag and aims to become a Wonderbolt


Facts about the awesome Rainbow Dash 2:She has more swag then you'll ever have


Facts about the awesome Rainbow Dash 3:Is extremely loyal to her friends


Facts about the awesome Rainbow Dash 4: She can perform a sonic rainboom because shes awesome


Facts about the awesome Rainbow Dash 5: Rainbow Dash wrote this section

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