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private Sky's romantic house party.


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Morning Rain watched in awe as Krystal hit the ground as Sky galloped over, asking her, "Are you okay?". Morning Rain stood up and went over next to Sky, inspecting her carefully. She's helped enough animals to know when an animal is in distress or pain. Though, after looking Krystal over repeatedly, she seemed to have taken the crash well. "She looks all right, I suppose."


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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"Yeah I'm fine" she said with a groan. She got up and let Sky help her back to the circle "It's not like that was the first time I've done that" She said with a half hearted laugh. When they reached the circle they sat down and Krystal leaned onto Sky for support in a sort of cuddly 'half hug'. With one outstretched hoof she spun the bottle. It landed on Lockon "Truth or dare?" she said.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"You guys are worrying to bad. We pegasi are harder to hurt than that" she smiled. She smiled at Lockon "Good luck with your choice!" and turned to Ember and whispered into his ear "I would probably have to take you home and kiss you day and night"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Morning Rain got back into her spot in the circle after Krystal and Sky made their way back to the circle. Krystal then spun the bottle, half-leaning on Sky for support. After it landed on Lockon, she couldn't help thinking that she was lucky to have dodged another bullet.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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(OOC: Sorry I've been gone for a while.)

Daybreak Belle replied to the truth, "I'd actually have to say nopony because well I've been ignored here for a bit."


Lockon was very bored so of course he chose dare, "Dare me."

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Right, ummm..." Krystal put a hoof to her chin and started to think of a dare. She'd never put any thought into what she'd dare somepony to do. She was more occupied with Sky to tell the truth. "How about you... Try to drink as much of that punch as you can" Krystal smirked. She knew that if he did he'd be completely drunk for he rest of the night.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"Sounds fun." Lockon replied as he started drinking the punch one cup at a time. Lockon didn't have much of a problem drinking the punch, thought he was older than the others so his system would be more mature to take it all in.


He spun the bottle and got Embers, "Alright Embers, truth or dare?"

Edited by SnowPegasus

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Morning Rain stared at Lockon as he gulped down the punch cup by cup, and she thought she saw a hint of dizziness. She grinned, thinking in her mind that Lockon would not be able to finish the punch completely. Lockon was barely half-way through the punch and the pauses between her cups of punch were getting longer and longer.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Storm Cloud was fascinated by Lockon's drinking and stared at him for several seconds agape. In an hour you'll regret that she thought and turned away, looking at Ember and laid a wing around him. She was happy he was more responsible with his drinking and leaned onto his side again to feel his warm fur against her own.

Edited by rainbovv dash

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Embers leaned back into storm and yawned, he didn't stay up this late much and more, and storm cuddling him just made him want to sleep, but he knew he couldn't, so he he propped him self up at her side as he saw the pony drink more and more cups

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Storm Cloud noticed a wave of sleepiness had hit Ember and smiled as he struggled to fight it. She leaned in closer, until her head rested on his shoulder and shifted her position a few times to find a comfortable position. She didn't feel like talking, just sitting next to him and listen to his breathing made it perfect for her.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Krystal leaned into Sky and used him like a super fluffy chair. She and him just kept watching Lockon as he drank the punch. It was just over one third full now. 'come on Lockon, you've got to give up eventually' she thought to herself.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"Nope." Lockon replied on his 26th cup, he felt a bit of dizziness but it wasn't enough to stop a Royal Guard.


Daybreak Belle watched her brother drink the massive amounts of the beverage. She face hoofed while watching.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Morning Rain sighed as she eventually got bored of watching the wavering pony drink the punch. Though it was a big harsh, she kind of wished that he would either give up or just finish up. But now the breaks between the cups grew unbelievably long, perhaps 5 seconds between finishing a cup and filling it back up. It was getting quite boring. She wished that the pony who had dared Lockon to do this had thought of something that wouldn't take so long. She sighed once more before lying down and staring at the ceiling, waiting.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Storm Cloud felt comfortable like she was and therefore didn't want Ember to move from where he was. She was fast to reply "He'll tell you something about him, truth" she said looking up from his shoulder to his face.


2.30 AM: Good night!

Edited by rainbovv dash

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Lockon finally drank the last of the punch, he seemed to be very groggy. "See that, I ate all them apples." Lockon said as he went over to the others. He looked at Krystal, "Hey Sky, do ya know where the hay that bathroom of yours is?" he asked.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Great I guess ill ask Ember the question then because you seem incapable also if you want to go to the bathroom follow the cloud" Sky said as he made a cloud to lead Lockon. "And Embers umm your truth is have you ever done 'it' with somepony?" Sky Smirked

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Cloud? What in the hay are you talking about? That's no cloud, that's Scootaloo sugarcube." Lockon replied as he followed 'Scootaloo' to the bathroom. "Wait, come back here! Scootaloo! Scoot Scootaloo!"
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Razor just lost in her eyes and conversation. Thats not silly at all, its cool to me.And to make a flower replica with your wings is amazing. You mush have very steady wings? And because you like flowers so much i want you to have this. Uses the aura and forms one of the rarest flowers from his home. Its called Darkhearts Love. I found it when i was looking for my brother in Princess Darkhearts fortress. But i want you to have it. As he flouts it over to her From what i know its a crossbreed of a few flowers and is said to have special powers. Do you know anything about it? Heres your food you two. Enjoy.

(OOC this is the only post i can make today.So i leave Razor in your hands. Thx again.)


Blossom Bloom stretched her wings out a little and looked back at them "Yea, I guess I do have pretty steady wings. Hm..." she looked back at him. "Oh? What is it?" Blossom Bloom watched quietly as he began to form something. Once the aura was done forming, she gasped. "Darkhearts love!" she said at the same time Razor said did. Blossom looked at it in awe and listened to him as he presented it to her. "I-I know absolutely everything about it! I've been studying it ever since I was a filly! E-ever since I even knew what a flower was! I thought it was just a myth...!" she stammered, tripping over her words. She was so happy and excited as she carefully took the flower in her hooves. "This is so great..Thank you!" Blossom smiled at him softly. Once the food was brought to them, they each said their thanks to the owner and looked at their food. "My...This is looks delicious..." she said as she looked at the beautiful plate of food in front of her. "Well I'm glad you like it... Anyway, dig in!" Razor said as he began to eat. They ate and conversed about many things such as what they liked and what they didnt. Blossom Bloom smiled and blushed as she ate. She was having a fun time and she was glad that she had decided to stay at the party. Soon they were finished eating, and they sipped on their drinks as they continued to talk and look over Ponyville. About an hour passed and once their stomachas were full, they decided to go back to the party to see what everypony else was doing.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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(OOC that was one long trip and guys have been going at it. Now its my turn.)


As they left Razor started some convo while in the sky. It was nice of Aries not to charge me this time, and im glade you like the flower. I heard that it has the power to heal those taken over by Princess Darkheart is that true?

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(OOC that was one long trip and guys have been going at it. Now its my turn.)


As they left Razor started some convo while in the sky. It was nice of Aries not to charge me this time, and im glade you like the flower. I heard that it has the power to heal those taken over by Princess Darkheart is that true?


(I couldnt post much at all today. That's why the response was so late. Sorry!)


Blossom Bloom nodded as she cradled the delicate flower in her arms. "Mhmm..It has these special chemicals in the petals that can heal anything and anyone. All you really have to do is take one of the petals and rub it over your wounded spots. Then in no time it will be healed. It's quite magical." she replied as she looked down at the flower.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Good...that just what i needed to hear. Razor thins to himself with what my seem like a crazy idea. Blossom with this information and your knowledge on this flower can i ask of you a favor? I could use your help with this.

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Good...that just what i needed to hear. Razor thins to himself with what my seem like a crazy idea. Blossom with this information and your knowledge on this flower can i ask of you a favor? I could use your help with this.


"Hm? What is it?" she asked, wanting to know before actually agreeing with anything.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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