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Lord Theoretical

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Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury is a great game.

Don't see how that's an unpopular opinion, many consider it one of the best DBZ games out there. Legacy of Goku one on the other hand...

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Atheists are wrong about religion.


Cloppers are abominations of the fandom.


Sweetie Belle is the most annoying CMC.


Derpy is lame and isn't even relevant to the show.


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Then saying "I like Brostep" would make a lot more sense


Except that wasn't what I was trying to get across. Dubstep is often bashed, and so is Skrillex. Brostep, however, (as a term) is outside of the public eye. It's much more efficient to state that I like Skrillex, who is very popular and receives a lot of bashing, than to state that I like 'Brostep'. Most people aren't that involved in these things to know that sort of jargon.


Actually, about that - it bugs me when people get frustrated because someone is ignorant on a subject (calling death metal/heavy metal 'screamo' because they haven't properly researched the topic, and are only going off what they hear). It's elitist and off-putting - if they don't know, educate them. It's like if I got ticked at a guy for not knowing about the Control Panel on their computer (you'd be surprised how many people don't know about it). He obviously hasn't used a computer that much, so it isn't his fault he doesn't know.


On the same token, it annoys me when someone tries to remain ignorant. You're basically trying to remain stupid.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 2


Signature by Blue Moon

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Don't see how that's an unpopular opinion, many consider it one of the best DBZ games out there. Legacy of Goku one on the other hand...

A lot of people didn't like it because of how easy it was. It got much lower Metacritic score mainly because of that. IMO, it's just as good as Legacy of Goku 2 was, if not better.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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Atheists are wrong about religion.



Also, religious people are wrong about atheists, because both make generalizations about each other, not just atheists. Religious people always criticize atheists because they think all atheists are "dey hate churchz and wunt 2 destroy our religion, and dey believe in science or nothing. XD".


While many atheists criticize religious people because they think the majority of their beliefs is fairy tales.

  • Brohoof 4
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Lets see, unpopular opinions.....

All established religions are false, they are founded by men that manipulated the words of wise men for their own gain. 

Jesus was a man, nothing more, but one of the best of us.

The Bible is a book of lies, as are all other "holy books"

I don't think less of you if you believe in religion/atheism. That is your choice, not mine. Just don't force it on others.

No one usually has a fucking clue what they are talking about when it comes to Religion vs Atheism. I choose to be Agnostic

The Big Bang Theory is just that, a theory. I don't buy that we came from nothing.

Society doesn't know what is best for us

America is full of shit, Religion dominates everything and you have to be a Christian to be in office

The phrase "under god", has no right to be in pledge and never should have been added. It was added later on btw, it wasn't originally there. 

The U.S. government is the largest criminal organization in the world

Pink Floyd was the best band from the 70's

U2 is the best band from the 80's

Cloppers are fine, just as long as they don't try to make a club and say, "hey look at me, I'm a clopper!" I'm not a clopper.

There is no fate but what we make

Edited by Full Spectrum
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There is no fate but what we make

Caught that Terminator reference.

- I didn't mind Raiden in MGS2

- Obama is not the best or worst president

- The StarWars prequels were not bad

- I like long cutscenes in games

- Family Guy & Seth Macfarlane suck

- South Park should make a brony episode

  • Brohoof 3

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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- South Park should make a brony episode


Oh god yes, this needs to happen. :)


Darn now I need more opinions


America starts/provokes a lot of wars 

We lost Vietnam

There is no good and evil

Coldplay don't suck

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't have a problem at all with cloppers, the majority of Bronies blame them for all their problems, so fucking what, people are attracted to anything they want, let em clop all they want.


I am ashamed to be an American.


I am anti-missionary for the fact that missionaries have a lack of respect for other cultures, religions, and countries. It's just a wealthy first world country telling the poor third world countries how to live their life.


Windows Phone > Most other phones.


Little kid Bronies are the worst, considering the fact that they're annoying and expect the older, much more mature Bronies to back them up and save their asses when they cause a shitstorm.


The Avengers was meh.


The Hunger Games sucked.


Valve makes okay games.


Half-Life has a mediocre story line and it is a generic sci-fi game.

Edited by Another Creative Username
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I don't like threads like this.


I fully support LGBT and gay marriage.


I support a woman's right to choose abortion.


I hate patriotism.


I hate my home country, Scotland and the rest of Britain.


I support the military.


Final Fantasy XIII isn't that bad.


I don't dislike any pony.


The later versions of Minecraft are better than the old ones.

  • Brohoof 4


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The only way to be bereft of boredom is to destroy it.


People who do stupid things are really just afraid of having their pride injured.


Newton's third law of motion is the universe's only absolute statute.


Creativity is the core of humanity.



Staring beyond; up past the moon - - - will we reach the stars yet soon?

Met quick with loss; no sure response - - - men reach up high with their thoughts.

How high it goes; still no one knows - - - the likes of which search thick in droves.

Yet looking far; up near the stars - - - truth knows no better than we are.

With silver thread; and clouded head - - - blissful 'neath the darkened dune.

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I'm getting an Xbox One


I've never cared for The Walking Dead


I've never seen Star Wars or Lord of the Rings


I don't like Octavia's design (I can't explain why, I just don't. Maybe it's the colors?)


I didn't hate MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Feeling Pinkie Keen, or The Mysterious Mare Do Well (I still think that it is the weakest episode out of the series, but I didn't hate it)

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I like the Xbox one.















Please note that everything that I said here is a complete lie.     - Floris the ridiculous wizard who lies and stuff.

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I like the Xbox one.















Please note that everything that I said here is a complete lie.     - Floris the ridiculous wizard who lies and stuff.

It's looking like that's the unpopular opinion though. Everyone is jumping on the Xbox One hate train, even though most of them are probably still getting one anyway.

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i hate america


fallout new vegas was awesome fallout 3 was overrated


both democrats and republicans suck


i hate ALL religion


god is fake

  • Brohoof 3


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The Avengers was total shit and so is every superhero movie in existence with the exception of the new Batman movies (The newest one was quite boring though)


Star Trek is the worst show I have ever seen

  • Brohoof 1
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Unpopular Opinions

By Sky Song


  1. Twilight Sparkle alicorn is best pony (and princess)
  2. Coke Zero is best Coke product
  3. Diet Pepsi is better than regular Pepsi
  4. Submarine sammiches are better than pizza
  5. Sushi is better than sashimi
  6. Scootaloo is best crusader
  7. My cat is better than your cat (wink.png )
  8. I don't like overly nice people; I find them dishonest
  9. The number eight is the best number
  10. I'm excited to see Equestria Girls this Friday


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Tea > pop, also it is called POP not soda


Star Trek > Star Wars


Xbox One is going to be okay, not going to suck, but isn't going to be that great. 


My cat is best cat, deal with it.


Coke and Pepsi both suck, Sprite and Mt. Dew are best pop


Nothing makes sense




I've never seen Star Wars or Lord of the Rings


That isn't an opinion :/ 

Edited by Dark Moon
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I hate sushi.


I think grammar and punctuation is a necessity in life.


I've come to hate Coke because of the sugar.


I like plain dresses. 


Scootaloo is adorable. BEST PONY.


I like green beans. x3

  • Brohoof 1


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So apparently a few people in this thread think that their cat is better than my cat.


That is not an unpopular opinion. That is a straight up lie.

  • Brohoof 1



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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I wasn't terribly fond of Winter Wrap Up as an episode, but it's a great song.


I'd rather be a monkey than a human.


Waffles are FAR better than pancakes.


I think spiders are cute. (To an extent)


I can find beauty is many things.


There's no such thing as "best pony".



I'm sure I could muster up s'more, but I'm lazy, and my brain needs a rest.

Edited by Keiichi
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Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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