XrosOver 613 August 2, 2012 Share August 2, 2012 We all know of the BroNYCon that happens in new York, but is there any other places that could easily have one? I live relatively close to Reno NV and wonder to myself "if bronies came together could we set a convention at one of the hotels"? What about the rest of America? The world? With a lot of dedication we could set up conventions across the globe. Does this sound like a reasonable idea? The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaneki 1,073 August 2, 2012 Share August 2, 2012 There could be one at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis for us Midwest people, maybe during Gen Con, I dunno. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twi Rubix 726 August 2, 2012 Share August 2, 2012 (edited) I like the idea. I heard that there is a Gala Con coming to Europe. (Or at least, I saw on Mr. Poninator on YouTube.) I see most Bronycons are in the New York area. So far, it's just been there. Lets hope the convention will spread out further across the US! I live in TX, so theres now way I can afford plane tickets to wherever the next one is... Edited August 2, 2012 by Twi Rubix 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ol' Sarge 885 August 2, 2012 Share August 2, 2012 BronyCon is basically a brand name / organization and they will only have a BronyCon in that area (I presume). If someone wants to see a con in their area, that person / others will have to do all of the leg work. That's not to say that you can't set up a meet up near where you live. The first BronyCon last summer was basically just that a meet up with roughly 500 people. EQD and word of mouth caused it explode. The problem would be getting all of the cool other stuff that goes along with theirs. Maybe renting a small Hotel convention room with a big ass tv screen and inviting people to come watch episodes together. But that's how things start. Good luck! 1 This Signature Brought to you by Dragonshy Signature Service Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 9, 2012 Share August 9, 2012 (Sigh)...the problem when you live in a captial that is a metropolis, is that you KNOW there is a good center of conventions in your city, but you know a convention of something you like may never happen. This is the case of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. We have a BIG convention center called La Rural. The space it could use for the a sort of Bronycon would be so much that I think we could EASILY fold five times the amount of people there were to the last BroNYcon. Just check this out http://www.larural.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Mapa-del-Predio.jpeg. It's big for me at least, and I went there quite a few times in my short life. At least I'm glad that the people back in Mexico, and now in Germany with Galacon and in the UK with BUCK can enjoy it. I hope it goes well on those. But now I could beg to my president..."Can you PLEASE make a pony convention in La Rural? PLEASE?!" XD My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XUNUSEDXXX 3,459 August 9, 2012 Share August 9, 2012 lots of them spread around the US, some in other continents too, especially europe. i have seen lots of european bronies, im not sure how many conventions they have had there though. it would be nice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I live in Idaho and i'm sure seattle Washington is plenty large enough a city to be a considerable site for a convention. If someone get a con going near idaho you will be my hero. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I'd want to see one in Chicago. Seriously why does it feel like the midwest never gets any attention? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kita 8 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I would love to attend a Brony convention somewhere in California, preferably near Los Angeles. The convention center here is pretty huge ( it holds both Comic Con and Anime Expo- two big conventions), and there are quite a lot of Bronies in my area, so I don't see why we couldn't have one here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hwrogers 168 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 i'm all for a con in texas, kinda sucks hearing about all these cons elsewhere and getting no local love. maybe just a board for meetup listings would be in order, would be low traffic, but would make for more efficient organization of meetups and such Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I live in Idaho and i'm sure seattle Washington is plenty large enough a city to be a considerable site for a convention. If someone get a con going near idaho you will be my hero. Everfree Northwest, which is the second big Bronycon of the year so far, is in Seattle dude XD. Although, i'm not sure there will be any tickets left, considering only 8 days are left for it, you could save for next year. Here http://everfreenw.com/ I'd want to see one in Chicago. Seriously why does it feel like the midwest never gets any attention? Worry no more. It may not be Chicago, but I think it's close (I'm from Argentina, but I at least know that Chicago is in Illinois XD). There's one in September, called Midwestria. Here you go! http://midwestria.org/ (if you can go, you can get to see Amy Keating Rogers and M.A.Larson dude!). I would love to attend a Brony convention somewhere in California, preferably near Los Angeles. The convention center here is pretty huge ( it holds both Comic Con and Anime Expo- two big conventions), and there are quite a lot of Bronies in my area, so I don't see why we couldn't have one here. Los Angeles you say?...Does Equestria LA, a convention happening in the start of November good for you? https://equestriala.com/ (plus points, John Joseco and Eurobeat Brony will be there, but since there's a lot of time until it happens, who knows what else there will be? =) ). i'm all for a con in texas, kinda sucks hearing about all these cons elsewhere and getting no local love. maybe just a board for meetup listings would be in order, would be low traffic, but would make for more efficient organization of meetups and such In Austin, Texas...a convention awaits you =). There's one in the start of September, in said city called Brony Fan Fair. Get HYPE! http://bronyfanfair.com/ (given the fact that Ponykart team and game will be there, if you are a gamer that likes that game and type of those, go. Now XD. Also, as far as I know, San Antonio is having San japan right now sadly, and also, I've heard of brony meetups there). Seriously guys, when will you learn that Equestria Daily, The Round Stable, Derpy Hoooves News and other news sites, and Google can always meet your expectatives? XD. I've knew of the ones I mentioned for quite a while now, but i guess it's good I can use my knowledge if it can help people out (even though I'm from the OTHER SIDE of the continent, here in good Argentina XD). I guess I envy you, but if you manage to go and have the time of your lives, be sure to do it! I COMMAND YOU TO DO SO! Nah, just kidding (but Luna and Pinkie will be watching you...FOOOOREVEEEEEEEERRR! XD). 2 My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HecateSix 45 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 BronyCon Germany. Mein Leben ist abgeschlossen! (Never gonna happen though ... need to move back to the U.S. soon) And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared No one dared Disturb the Sound of Silence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 (edited) BronyCon Germany. Mein Leben ist abgeschlossen! (Never gonna happen though ... need to move back to the U.S. soon) Dude...you do realize Galacon, which will happen in Stuttgart, is happening in about less than what...two weeks? XD. Here, check it out. http://www.galacon.eu/ lots of them spread around the US, some in other continents too, especially europe. i have seen lots of european bronies, im not sure how many conventions they have had there though. it would be nice Well, Galacon in Germany and BUCK in England are happening this month, so it's probably starting to expand. The fact that the Bronycon Documentary team will be in both makes it more awesome XD. Edited August 10, 2012 by Arcanel My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HecateSix 45 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 Dude...you do realize Galacon, which will happen in Stuttgart, is happening in about less than what...two weeks? XD. Here, check it out. http://www.galacon.eu/ How am I oblivious to this?! I need to get out more often...Looks like tickets are sold out though... I am saddened by this. And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared No one dared Disturb the Sound of Silence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 How am I oblivious to this?! I need to get out more often... Looks like tickets are sold out though... I am saddened by this. Sorry to hear that XC. But my advice is, that you always keep somewhat in touch with Equestria Daily, Derpy Hooves News and The Round Stable for news on conventions (they are the most noticeable news sites as far as I know, plus the fact that EQD and DHN have more stuff to offer, while TRS is more about news and "opinions columns" sort of style). Also, always check Google for any incoming brony meetup somewhere close from were you live, and see if there is a community online of Germany in Facebook or the like. You never know what you can find =) (Believe me, I know. Even in Buenos Aires, one of the big cities of the world, I didn't know there was a community until I found it by accident, and I have been a brony ever since October last year. Also, looking for conventions via Google is also useful XD. That's what I do whenever I look for conventions maybe other people can go to, even if there's not a single hint of it happening here...(Sigh). In Google, you can trust...mostly XD). My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taco Horse 116 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I would kill for a convention in Texas, as much as would love to attend one of the many convention in the US my job would allow me to go due to time constraints. I wouldnt be surprised if one pops up eventually. I mean I have no doubt that Texas has a vastly large brony community. http://www.youtube.c...eBrony/featuredA Machine For Pigs - #6 l Abduction - #6 l Outlast - #8 l Clive Barker's Jericho - #11 https://soundcloud.com/nick_rodriguez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 (edited) I would kill for a convention in Texas, as much as would love to attend one of the many convention in the US my job would allow me to go due to time constraints. I wouldnt be surprised if one pops up eventually. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Azz-6oT08c I mean I have no doubt that Texas has a vastly large brony community. What is it with people and not trying to look for stuff? XD. Nah, I'm just kidding. There will be a bronycon of sorts in Texas. Austin, in the start of September, to be more precise. It's called Brony Fan Fair with Ponykart as their top presence, I guess. Here check it out http://bronyfanfair.com/ (I'm still amazed that, even from the other side of the continent, and from a country that has zero to no hints of conventions of bronies, AKA Argentina...I know more than the people where there IS one... XD). There could be one at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis for us Midwest people, maybe during Gen Con, I dunno. There's not something in Indiana as far as I know, but there are in two of your neighbour states, Illinois and Ohio. Illinois will have the Midwestria convention in St. Charles at mid September (with Amy Keating Rogers and M. A. Larson as top attendees)http://midwestria.org/. And then there's Canterlot Gardens in Strongsville, Ohio. If I had to tell you ALL of the cool stuff there is there, I would NEVER be able to finish XD (and even now, they keep adding even more stuff. Just go check out their page. It will be at the end of September and I HIGHLY recommend going, if you can https://www.canterlotgardens.com/ I like the idea. I heard that there is a Gala Con coming to Europe. (Or at least, I saw on Mr. Poninator on YouTube.) I see most Bronycons are in the New York area. So far, it's just been there. Lets hope the convention will spread out further across the US! I live in TX, so theres now way I can afford plane tickets to wherever the next one is... Unless you live far away from Austin, maybe a plane won't be needed. In that city, Brony Fan Fair will take place with Ponykart as top presence you could say. It will be at the start of September, so maybe you don't have to wait for long. Here, check it out http://bronyfanfair.com/. Also, aside from Galacon, it will be in Germany by the way, BUCK will be happening in England, so yeah, there's a spread going on =). I just WISH they would come to South America (Argentina to be more specific...) Edited August 10, 2012 by Arcanel My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunastep 34 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 If i were you i would go to a brony meetup: http://bronies.meetup.com/ They happen a lot and are usually local. ( I live in PA and those meetups are EVERYWHERE!) Previously known as Phil Be sure to visit Creative resources In the MLP forums to get free signatures from me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FedoraMemes 582 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 There have been multiple My Little Pony fan conventions, like Everfree Northwest and Canterlot Gardens, which are coming up soon. It is also starting to spread more (Galacon, BUCK etc). The Anime Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/20661-the-anime-thread/page__hl__the%20anime%20thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taco Horse 116 August 12, 2012 Share August 12, 2012 What is it with people and not trying to look for stuff? XD. Nah, I'm just kidding. There will be a bronycon of sorts in Texas. Austin, in the start of September, to be more precise. It's called Brony Fan Fair with Ponykart as their top presence, I guess. Here check it out http://bronyfanfair.com/ (I'm still amazed that, even from the other side of the continent, and from a country that has zero to no hints of conventions of bronies, AKA Argentina...I know more than the people where there IS one... XD). My Google-fu sucks Thanks for the link to Brony Fan Fair, already pre-registered, trying to get some of my buddies to go. http://www.youtube.c...eBrony/featuredA Machine For Pigs - #6 l Abduction - #6 l Outlast - #8 l Clive Barker's Jericho - #11 https://soundcloud.com/nick_rodriguez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 August 12, 2012 Share August 12, 2012 My Google-fu sucks Thanks for the link to Brony Fan Fair, already pre-registered, trying to get some of my buddies to go. I'm glad I could help =). The more the merrier! Since I've seen so many people that don't know about conventions or meetups in their own countries...eh, if someone asks, I'll use the best of my knowledge and searching abilities to help XD. If I can at least allow people to have fun in the conventions in said country by enlightening them (it's fun to use that word XD), be it so =). My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hwrogers 168 September 3, 2012 Share September 3, 2012 now that i learn of a con in texas, even if it is in austin (i HATE driving in austin) i have no ability to go will have to watch for it next year i guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,196 September 3, 2012 Share September 3, 2012 I haven't heard about a bronycon anywhere near st.louis, i heard people trying to start one, but it never happen. I would most likely go if they had one in STL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcanel 3,041 September 3, 2012 Share September 3, 2012 I haven't heard about a bronycon anywhere near st.louis, i heard people trying to start one, but it never happen. I would most likely go if they had one in STL The closest to Missouri there is that I know of is in St.Charles, IIllinois, called Midwestria. http://midwestria.org/I know it's pretty much a week before it started, but, you think you can afford to go to that one? My OC Arcanel: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcanel-r2118 My OC Xiomara: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/xiomara-r5412 ~Member of the Great Pony Analyzers~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,196 September 3, 2012 Share September 3, 2012 The closest to Missouri there is that I know of is in St.Charles, IIllinois, called Midwestria. http://midwestria.org/ I know it's pretty much a week before it started, but, you think you can afford to go to that one? Sadly, no. Even as far as St.charles i still don't have enough money or time (pretty much school) to go that far but ether wise I would of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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