Lost 1,410 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 Hey, i'm self building a new computer, it'll be the first time i've actually done a full self build (although i have taken many computers apart and put them back together), i'm just wondering what everyone thinks of the components, had any issues with them or complaints about them ect? OS - Windows 7 (64bit) Coolermaster HAF X Case - http://www.ebuyer.co...ase-rc-942-kkn1 OCZ 1000watt PSU - http://www.ebuyer.co...-ocz-zx1000w-un Intel Core i7 3770K CPU - http://www.ebuyer.co...-bx80637i73770k Asus Motherboard - http://www.ebuyer.co...us-iv-extreme-z 16GB DDR3 RAM - http://www.ebuyer.com/370070-corsair-16gb-2133mhz-ddr3-red-memory-wtih-heatspreader-cmz16gx3m4x2133c11r GTX 670 GPU - http://www.ebuyer.com/368520-gigabyte-gv-n670oc-2gd-gv-n670oc-2gd CPU Cooling - http://www.ebuyer.com/366065-thermaltake-clp0587-frio-extreme-clp0587 Disk Drive - http://www.ebuyer.com/388525-pioneer-12x-bd-writer-50gb-retail-box-bdr-s07xlt Program Hard-drive - http://www.ebuyer.com/366380-velociraptor-1tb-3-5in-10k-rpm-sata-6-gb-s-64mb-cache-in-wd1000dhtz SSD - http://www.ebuyer.com/236497-ocz-120gb-vertex-2-ssd-oczssd3-2vtx120g I will also be putting another 4TB of Hard-drives from my current build. The SSD is to hold my OS and all the programs i load on start-up whereas the other Hard-drive holds programs, the 4TB of Hard-Drives that i'll be putting in are essentially dump drives, used to store all my raw/edited game play footage and my steam games (i have around 700GB of them) Any thoughts/suggestions for this build? I know Ivy-bridge CPUs run rather hot so i'm not sure if i should put liquid cooling in, anyone running an Ivy-Bridge? 1 Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graphite 80 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 Are you going to be doing any Overclocking? if you are i suggest water cooling the 3770K because of the heat ivy produces. Its a good rig you've planned there but i suggest getting a Crucial M4 as the SSD, its a much better SSD then the OCZ drive you have selected. The 1000W PSU is kinda overkill for that system unless you intend on adding more GPU's in the future. if your going to stick with a single 670 then a 750W would be sufficent for this system. (but i always go overkill myself so stick with the 1000W ) if you need any help or advice im the Moderator at www.lavcopricetech.com and id be happy to help if you need it, i suggest you make an account over there as we have many people who would be able to give advice or help if needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akita-ken 581 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 (edited) I agree with the water cooling bit, I've a friend who has had pretty good OCing results with the Corsair H70 closed-loop WC system, and it has a relatively compact radiator too. The 1000W PSU does seem a bit excessive; if you're getting an 80plus PSU you'll do fine with a 750W and still have some headroom for additional components. You do have a pretty neat board so you might want to consider SLI-ing in the future Edited August 18, 2012 by akita-ken Signature to come soon. I think. Yeah. Once I think up a nice one. Or when someone makes one for me. Damn it. I need more time to draw and animate poni. >_< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graphite 80 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 (edited) also, that Gigabyte 670 you have listed there needs a bios update (the cards bios itself i mean, not the motherboard) inorder to function correctly when overclocking the card, apparently the bios Gigabyte shipped the card with can cause overclocks on the memory to be unstable. they have released a update for the card to fix the problem but i thought you should know http://www.techpowerup.com/170032/GIGABYTE-Outs-Corrective-BIOS-Update-for-GeForce-GTX-670-WindForce-3X-OC.html Edited August 18, 2012 by Graphite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 18, 2012 Author Share August 18, 2012 (edited) Thanks, i don't think i will be overclocking this build though, I've overclocked and fried every PC I've had so this is to be the exception i think As for the 1k watt, i figured why the hell not, may as well stick it in for future proofing as the price isn't too hefty anyway. I've been thinking of going with a 680 instead of a 670, but the PC gamer benchmark tests put the 680 below the 670 FPS wise, anyone know if the 680 out performs the 670 or not? don't want to spend an extra £100+ and get a lesser card for it. I looked at the H80 and it would fit my socket and is only a few pence more than the fan, just gonna be a bitch to fit it XD Edited August 18, 2012 by Lost Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graphite 80 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 (edited) I agree with the water cooling bit, I've a friend who has had pretty good OCing results with the Corsair H70 closed-loop WC system, and it has a relatively compact radiator to. If you get any of the H series water coolers make it the H100, its the only one worth getting, but if you were to get it you might as well get the Noctua NH-D14, it performs similary and is quite a bit cheaper. if you do go the water cooling route and didnt want to spend aot of money on a full custom loop, i suggest getting the Rasa RX360 kit or the RS360. its a great water cooling kit, im using the RS360 myself and have had my 3930K up to 5GHz and it doesnt top 75C i have a GTX680 and beleive me, it performs better then the 670, especially if you overclock the card. ill post some benchmarks i made with my friends Gigabyte GTX670 Windforce and my Asus GTX680 Reference card below: be sure to look at the Graphics score Overclocked Windforce GTX670: (Graphics score 9206) Overclocked GTX680 Reference: (Graphics score 10912) Edited August 18, 2012 by Graphite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 Looks like a great build, but 4 TB and 16GB of Ram is a little much...but hey if you going to use it by all means do it. A Liquid cooling system would indeed help, but i think your fans would do the job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 I built my own computer once I did a horrible job so it was a huge mistake and caused lots of WHYYYYY'S and BUCK YOUUUUU'S, so I wish you luck my friend. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Planty 1,053 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 Thanks, i don't think i will be overclocking this build though, I've overclocked and fried every PC I've had so this is to be the exception i think As for the 1k watt, i figured why the hell not, may as well stick it in for future proofing as the price isn't too hefty anyway. I've been thinking of going with a 680 instead of a 670, but the PC gamer benchmark tests put the 680 below the 670 FPS wise, anyone know if the 680 out performs the 670 or not? don't want to spend an extra £100+ and get a lesser card for it. I looked at the H80 and it would fit my socket and is only a few pence more than the fan, just gonna be a bitch to fit it XD My brother's CPU overclocks itself when it needs to (its built in ) and it caused issues for him, he had to get a bigger heat sink and extra cooling ect. (i don't know loads thought not sure if your CPU does the same. Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 18, 2012 Author Share August 18, 2012 Looks like a great build, but 4 TB and 16GB of Ram is a little much...but hey if you going to use it by all means do it. A Liquid cooling system would indeed help, but i think your fans would do the job. I will be using it, i have 9GB of RAM in this, and to go to 16GB its only a little more. And i record gameplay videos, which works out to be around 200GB of raw files per episode. My brother's CPU overclocks itself when it needs to (its built in ) and it caused issues for him, he had to get a bigger heat sink and extra cooling ect. (i don't know loads thought not sure if your CPU does the same. I think all the IvyBridge CPUs overclock themselves when needed. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Blithering Div 247 August 18, 2012 Share August 18, 2012 Decent build but I'd personally go for a Corsair power supply as most if not all of them are just rebranded Seasonic units and for some odd reason, that site doesn't sell Seasonic PSUs. Also, don't forget some thermal paste for the cooler. While it isn't the best, Arctic Silver 5 will do the job quite well. I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 18, 2012 Author Share August 18, 2012 Decent build but I'd personally go for a Corsair power supply as most if not all of them are just rebranded Seasonic units and for some odd reason, that site doesn't sell Seasonic PSUs. Also, don't forget some thermal paste for the cooler. While it isn't the best, Arctic Silver 5 will do the job quite well. Don't worry, I've got thermal paste in my cart, just didn't see the point in adding it to my list here XD If its not on Ebuyer i wont buy it, my dad runs a business so he gets VAT back on Ebuyer, making the whole thing about £200-300 cheaper for me ^^ I think i'll swap out the PSU for http://www.ebuyer.com/280351-corsair-1050w-hx-series-modular-psu-cmpsu-1050hxuk i have a GTX680 and beleive me, it performs better then the 670, especially if you overclock the card. Which of these would you recommend getting? http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Graphics-Cards-Nvidia/subcat/NVIDIA-GTX-680-Series Which one do you have? As for the Liquid cooling, i think the H80 will do fine, the comparison charts put the H80 just below the H100 + i wont be overclocking my CPU any time soon. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Blithering Div 247 August 19, 2012 Share August 19, 2012 Don't worry, I've got thermal paste in my cart, just didn't see the point in adding it to my list here XD If its not on Ebuyer i wont buy it, my dad runs a business so he gets VAT back on Ebuyer, making the whole thing about £200-300 cheaper for me ^^ That explains the lack of Newegg, provided they even ship to the UK. I think i'll swap out the PSU for http://www.ebuyer.co...-cmpsu-1050hxuk Welp, there is good news for you if you had your heart set on the OCZ PSU. It actually did fairly well in benchmarks and is JonnyGURU recommended. Which is more than can be said for the equivalent Corsair unit. A bit of a rant here, but seriously. What PC hardware store would not sell some of the best power supplies money can buy? I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graphite 80 August 19, 2012 Share August 19, 2012 (edited) i have this one: http://www.asus.com....ies/GTX6802GD5/ but out of the cards that site has in stock i recommend: http://www.ebuyer.co...680gtx-pm2d2gd5 you could go for one of these tough, i personally wouldent buy it because it has a tripple slot cooler but if that doesnt bother you then its a great card: http://www.ebuyer.co...tx680-dc2o-2gd5 Edited August 19, 2012 by Graphite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 23, 2012 Author Share August 23, 2012 I'm currently sat building my PC now, but i'm missing one vital part, a name! Names anyone? my last two PCs have had female names (sasha and natascha(after the TF2 heavy's minigun)) but i don't mind a male name. i'll choose a name from this thread if any are posted, after i have finished building it Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hellocat 308 August 23, 2012 Share August 23, 2012 Name? All of my computers are named after famous physicists. Right now, I'm on Kirchhoff. But... I take it those aren't the names you are looking for. So, on that note, since you're computer is fast, 'Spitfire' is not a bad choice for a name. Or perhaps, because of the look of the case, you could call it 'Crysis' or 'Nanosuit'. Extrapolating from that, you could go with 'Nano'. Or maybe, you want to call it something somewhat random, like 'Mushroom 001'. 1 PM me when you're bored!! I always love meeting new ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azura 1,107 August 23, 2012 Share August 23, 2012 How much did it cost you to buy every single thing you need to get the computer working? Including you monitor, mouse and keyboard. I have a somewhat similar rig so I'm curious. My Signature Shop!-=-=-=-=-Art Collection!-=-=-=-=-A Signature Tutorial! Also known as "Cloud Chaser". My Ponysona, Azura. Avatar & Signature by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 23, 2012 Author Share August 23, 2012 How much did it cost you to buy every single thing you need to get the computer working? Including you monitor, mouse and keyboard. I have a somewhat similar rig so I'm curious. components are at £1900 Im running an LG 22" gaming monitor which cost me £200 Razer Black Widow Ultimate Stealth Edition - £180 Razer Mamba 4G - £150 Razer Megaladon Headset - £150 Razer Vespula Mouse Mat - £20 Total cost £2600 That excludes the cost of the other hard-drives from my old build. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dany Heatley 160 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 cool! im building my own pc as well. Im using the i5 3570k, so its not quite as high end as your is . (It's gonna be a gaming rig) Anywho, have you purchased everything yet? Those prices seem quite high. (or is that a good price for thing in europe... I don't know). But that thing is gonna be beast! You didn't skimp anywhere. Im pretty jelly. ¿ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʇɥƃıɟ oʇ ʇuɐM˙ǝzıs ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇ,uǝɹɐ slıdnd ʎɯ ɥɐǝʎ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XUNUSEDXXX 3,459 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 Not sure exactly the components, but I have a Geo Force desktop (or something along those lines) and it runs pretty well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 I've wanted to build a computer from scratch for a while now. I know I want to, all I know is that it sounds like a fun project. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hellocat 308 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 I've wanted to build a computer from scratch for a while now. I know I want to, all I know is that it sounds like a fun project. You should! It's definitely not very difficult: just try to fit things together and if it fits, it's the right place. If it doesn't fit, it's the wrong place PM me when you're bored!! I always love meeting new ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azura 1,107 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 components are at £1900 Im running an LG 22" gaming monitor which cost me £200 Razer Black Widow Ultimate Stealth Edition - £180 Razer Mamba 4G - £150 Razer Megaladon Headset - £150 Razer Vespula Mouse Mat - £20 Total cost £2600 That excludes the cost of the other hard-drives from my old build. Not bad, I'm personally using.. -23" Dell Monitor -Razer Black Widow Ultimate -Razer Imperator -Razer Kabuto Mouse Pad I also have a few headsets, a 7.1, 5.1 and 2.1. Add me on Steam if you want! My Signature Shop!-=-=-=-=-Art Collection!-=-=-=-=-A Signature Tutorial! Also known as "Cloud Chaser". My Ponysona, Azura. Avatar & Signature by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 August 24, 2012 Share August 24, 2012 (edited) i suggest if you want this computer cheaper, go to newegg.com i love this site and use it all the time for building custom computers from scratch, btw to get best deal you have to buy your computer in intervals, put all of your items into a wishlist, then price mark 'em so you get updates on sales. Then you buy, you can build about a 3k computer at about 1200 bucks "no pun intended" seriously. PS when my new computer is done it will have water cooling system and i will be overclocking my I7 3rd gen ivy bridge 3.7ghz processor to pump up to about 6.4 ghz "basically in simple terms... holy crap" Edited August 24, 2012 by Rainbow Dashey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 24, 2012 Author Share August 24, 2012 So, on that note, since you're computer is fast, 'Spitfire' is not a bad choice for a name. Or perhaps, because of the look of the case, you could call it 'Crysis' or 'Nanosuit'. Extrapolating from that, you could go with 'Nano'. Or maybe, you want to call it something somewhat random, like 'Mushroom 001'. Finally finished building it, took ages as i encountered quite a few problems along the way It took me near enough 7 hours of fiddling around with sticks of RAM in different combos to try and work out why i was getting a RAM error, eventually i just gave up and had to run a blind BIOS update :/ Now its alive, i'm actually posting on it while i update drivers, i named it Spitfire I'll post a few build pictures in a bit Here are the pictures of my new computer! Boxed: Built: Yeah, the cabling is rather messy, but because of the thickness of the cables and some of them being a little too short (like the one running over the GPU) it meant that i couldn't manage the cables very well :/ Otherwise, i'm very happy with my new PC! Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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