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First things first, you have to watch that film as soon as you get a chance pal, Gladiator is one of my most liked films..


Don't worry pal this is the first time in almost two weeks that I had more then an hour to myself so I know how it feels ¦) anyway are you going to join us (me and storm) in the RP when it goes up?


42's requests ‡) 

(42 had to take out the images in the quote because there were too many images in this post. :adorkable:)


I tried leaving Twilight out of this one as she teaches everything ‡)


"by MisterAibo"

As for the pony in the rain there's hundreds so I'll go for one that's a little more epic ¦)


"by Pirill-Poveniy"

But i'll give you a little drizzle of chocolate rain too becuase it is a nice pic..


"by Bonaxor"

As for Celestia and Luna there's not much better then a cookie raid haha


"by AnticularPony"



I never really thought about it? Ok i'll reframe from looking for them myself ¦)

1:how about an "Octavia" day off?

2:maybe an Nightmare moon making an Eclipse?

3:And the Best Nurse Redheart you can find (I don't see her much)


Hope the aren't to hard for ya I usually do it myself ‡)

I didn't expect to see an animated lecture! It's amazing how smooth it all is; I feel like I'm watching the lecture as it happens through a window. I wonder what that book is about? Probably physics, judging by the whiteboard. I'm seeing all sorts of awesome stuff like Feynman diagrams, radioactive decay and Newton's law of universal gravitation! Although I'm not actually sure what that diagram that looks like a y in the very top-right corner represents. Maybe I need to attend her lecture so I can find out.


When I asked for a pony in the rain, I was actually hoping to see ponies with wet manes, because for some reason wet manes look really cute. But don't worry, I didn't specify that and got surprised by a very awesome image instead! Add some lightning and some lens flare and you get an incredible image. Besides, in the next picture, young Celestia has a wet mane, so I'm happy.


Cookie jar stealing. This is truly the most dramatic of crimes. Obviously Celestia and Luna put a lot of planning into this heist. Let's hope these two hardworking, serious, not-at-all-messing-around ponies are successful! They deserve cookies after all this effort!


And now for my next requests: I want to see:

Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall

Rarity being fabulous

More ponies with wet manes!




And here's your images!



Here's Octavia having a day off practising in a nice spot.


(by gign-3208)


And here's a concert where other ponies can take a day off watching Octavia perform:


(by Tsitra360)


Here's an awesome image of Nightmare Moon making an eclipse;


(by turnipBerry)


And here's an epic battle in front of an eclipse! They aren't exactly ponies in this picture, but it's awesome enough anyway that I had to show it:


(by atryl)


Here's the best Nurse Redheart image I could find:


(by harwicks-art)


And here's Nurse Redheart at her best:


(by Pony-Berserker)


And finally, one bonus funny Nurse Redheart image I found:


(by Snapai)


  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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I didn't expect to see an animated lecture! It's amazing how smooth it all is; I feel like I'm watching the lecture as it happens through a window. I wonder what that book is about? Probably physics, judging by the whiteboard. I'm seeing all sorts of awesome stuff like Feynman diagrams, radioactive decay and Newton's law of universal gravitation! Although I'm not actually sure what that diagram that looks like a y in the very top-right corner represents. Maybe I need to attend her lecture so I can find out.


When I asked for a pony in the rain, I was actually hoping to see ponies with wet manes, because for some reason wet manes look really cute. But don't worry, I didn't specify that and got surprised by a very awesome image instead! Add some lightning and some lens flare and you get an incredible image. Besides, in the next picture, young Celestia has a wet mane, so I'm happy.


Cookie jar stealing. This is truly the most dramatic of crimes. Obviously Celestia and Luna put a lot of planning into this heist. Let's hope these two hardworking, serious, not-at-all-messing-around ponies are successful! They deserve cookies after all this effort!


And now for my next requests: I want to see:

Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall

Rarity being fabulous

More ponies with wet manes!




And here's your images!



Here's Octavia having a day off practising in a nice spot.


(by gign-3208)


And here's a concert where other ponies can take a day off watching Octavia perform:


(by Tsitra360)


Here's an awesome image of Nightmare Moon making an eclipse;


(by turnipBerry)


And here's an epic battle in front of an eclipse! They aren't exactly ponies in this picture, but it's awesome enough anyway that I had to show it:


(by atryl)


Here's the best Nurse Redheart image I could find:


(by harwicks-art)


And here's Nurse Redheart at her best:


(by Pony-Berserker)


And finally, one bonus funny Nurse Redheart image I found:


(by Snapai)



1st pic: beautiful picture although I expected her having a coffee or something and not actually playing ¦) (best thing about not being specific)

2nd pic: Great pic almost looks like a photograph haha (although there seem's to be a very evil looking storm in the background you probably missed haha)

3rd pic: Fantastic pic, I once posted it to someone called "Niddra" I think although I can't for the life of me find her ¦S (she wanted to see the queen of darkness)

4th pic: another one Iv'e seen haha infact I have it on my need to post list haha

5th pic: another cute pic that also looks like a portrait haha

6th pic: I like how dark this one is if you think about it haha that pony has had tree separate injections at the same time AND is being dragged away from the lobotomy room...Eek

7th pic: and a great way to finish it..Bravo..I like how Flutterbat is just trying to help and doesn't seem to think it's wrong haha (and Redhearts face is amazing to)


All in all a good variety of different styles and a good mix between comedy and realism ‡) you want me to keep makeing request's or??


42's request's 


I don't know why the 4th wall is so important compared to the other three...Oddly Specific if you ask me ¦D

breaking_the_4th_panel___collab_by_toxic"by Toxic-Mario"

I'm guessing you mean a more Fabulous Rarity as she is always fabulous?


"by Koveliana"

Hell she's even Fabulous when she has ruined her mane haha 


"by YogurtYard"

Of course your still not supposed to get a ponybot wet haha (I love Rose Luck's expression)

wet_mane_contest_by_underpable-d9is6hq.p"by Underpable"

And two bonus pic's because asking for a Fabulous Rarity is like asking for a cute Fluttershy..Hell even Nightmare Rarity give's it her all.


"by IsaEliseDuk"

The closest you can get to Rarity having a bad mane day is when she's worked herself to sleep and still.

s1e14_art_of_the_dress_by_noben-d9iamlj."by Noben"



Still if anyone else want's me to have a look for a pic you can just ask you know?

img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-  points from 42 =139 and 2 coupons 

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I LOVE the new banner! CMC are always so cute! :D


(and I *cough cough* really kinda didn't like the old one that much *cough cough*)


@Trottermare Galamane


If you really need some requests, here's a hoof/handful. Hope they're specific enough for you, but not too specific so that you can't find any and not NOT specific enough so you're frustrated with them... I hope they're just the exact amount of specificness -- not to much, not to little -- for you to be able to find some cool art, m'kay? M'kay!




Spitfire leading the Wonderbolts into an epic battle in the sky (bonus points if Rainbow Dash is one of the Wonderbolts)


Derpy trying to help manipulate the weather and being derpy. Also time-traveling Derpy if you can find some.


Minuette/Colgate brushing her teeth


Anything with Roseluck in it


Trixie Lulamoon practicing or casting epic spells or doing some really hard magic studying. Also Trixie doing menial, everyday tasks like brushing her mane or doing laundry.


Rainbow Dash getting ready for the day or unwinding after a long day


Apple Bloom and Big Mac doing brother/sister things



  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Whoa, seems I haven't been here very often as of late.  :blink:  I'd better step up my game if I'm going to remain number one.  :twi:





Snake!? SNAAAAKE!!!

Edited by Robotic Stormgiggle
  • Brohoof 2

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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I win! I hereby declare this planet mine! xD

"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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I win! I hereby declare this planet mine! xD



Are you some sort of evil overlord?  :twi: Listen, I like your flag motif, but this is my territory.  :fluttershy:

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Edited by FieryButt1990
  • Brohoof 1

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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