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I don't really think that this game will ever finish I mean really who wants to feel like a loser but still the cutest, prettiest pony isn't Fluttershy it's actually the best pony of them all Sweetie Belle I mean how is she not pretty.


Edited by PokeBolter
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Oooooooooooooh man guys! Check this out!


Apparently Harry Calligan (Harry101UK/ the Portal song making guy from YouTube) is working with a couple of other developers to make a new Portal 2 mod based around the Testing Gels :D

The mod will be released sometime during this summer. Oh, and it's free.

Hope you guys are as excited about this as I am.

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So many forests and fire pits have been destroyed by the hands (or the claws) of the Questioner.

I think this game will last untill the end of the website. Ending this thing is pointless it will go on eternally just like Eterna Forest

Oh, and forget about the end if the site. This thing's going to shoot past the end of the Internet! (Www.wwwdotcom.com)

Edited by AI Pony
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If the Cutie Mark Crusaders had elements of harmony what do you think they would be or would there be new ones? Almost an hour and still no posts I WON!

Edited by PokeBolter
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How dumb do think I am I'm basically as smart as Patrick Star so I'm a genuis that just proves I'll have to keep posting on this I WILL NEVER LET YOU WIN MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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