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Worst medical related incident?


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So far the worst I've had are panic attacks, not that they are any better or anything. It's the most terrifying thing I've experienced; uncontrollable shaking and crying, over whelming feeling of fear and doom, and not to mention nervous vomiting.


Formerly Flutterrage

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Mines not life threatening or anything, but none the less really bizzare.

About 2 years ago, I found out I had something called Water Urticaria. Long story short: My skin breaks out into chicken-pox like hives whenever I come into contact with water. So, yeah, I'm allergic to water.

It suuuuuucks. :mellow:

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-Have had 3 concussions to the head. It's amazing how I'm still functioning normally (but what is normal anyways?) The first time happened when I was around 6 years old, and I fell down 2 flights of stairs and ended up in the hospital after I blacked out. I had a major bump on my forehead. The second one was when I was 10, in which I fell down on a hiking trip and struck my head again, this time only a minor concussion and not serious. The third one was the worst, though. I think I was 11 years old, and my dad took me and my friend out slidding. It was a real steep hill and very icy, and no protection for the huge trees on the side. Welp, my sled turned into the tree area, and I collided head-on with the bark, making my head swell up like crazy. I had to go to the emergency room, and was pretty much out of it for like 2 weeks or so. Yeah, it was really bad, but thank heavens I didn't get serious brain injury from any of these.


-I broke my arm and wrist bones at the same time, a total of 3 bones. I was trying to do a flip off the trampoline and into my dad's pool which he had just put up. Well, I landed wrong and I came crashing into the pool, messing up my left arm pretty badly. Once again, I had to go to the emergency room and had to be put to sleep for them to "realign" my bones together. It functions very well now, though.


-I had a minor infraction of my ankle when I went for a lay-up at one of my Basketball games. I tried to go over this huuuuuuge black kid and I completely fell wrong upon impact and then my ankle swelled up. But it wasn't bad, and I was only out for like 3 days.

Edited by AegisReflector
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Medically? I really haven't been to the ER in memory other than once to receive stitches. (See thread in previous posts) But, apparently when I was really young (less then two years old) I was given a shot of some kind, and had a very severe allergic reaction to it. Was in the hospital for nearly a week, there was no guarantee I was going to make it through. This is just what my parents have told me, I obviously have no recollection of these events.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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So far the worst I've had are panic attacks, not that they are any better or anything. It's the most terrifying thing I've experienced; uncontrollable shaking and crying, over whelming feeling of fear and doom, and not to mention nervous vomiting.


Me too. I know the feeling *hides* all the time... especially at night when it's quiet and there are just little sounds. I even get nervous about posting my opinion on the forums.

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Once in the third grade or something (cant remember anymore) a kid ran into my head at full speed which cut my head, I had to get stitches for it and take medicine which had an awful taste, another time sometime when i was a kid i swallowed a dime (don’t ask i was a strange kid)... idk it was an accident, it was awkward since every time i had to "use" the bathroom my mother had to examine some of the "stuff" with gloves :blink: to get the dime that went through me...

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In 2003, I fell into my neighbor's driveway while on a bike and woke up covered in blood, scrapes, had a loose piece of flesh in my mouth (it was still attached to my lower jaw, amazingly) and had this deep gash underneath my nose. Even 10 years later I'm still not 100% better.

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I don't really get into many accidents, the worst I've gotten I'd a sprained ankle. Geez, I'm getting a sprained ankle and Obama is making me buy healthcare and shutting down the government. Thanks, Obama.

But that's off topic. I've gotten a few nasty cuts, but have only gone to the ER once.

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The time I got hit by a truck, was drunk off my ass walking to my GF house and next thing I know everything go's black, and I could kind of hear 2 men talking, truth be told all I could hear was, "I'm not going to jail for some homeless guy". When I wake up, my had is cut up really nicely, my chest hurts like hell and well all of my body hurts. So I walk 1hour to her place, she drives me to the ER.


I'm told I have 4broken ribs, bad thing is one of them healed kind of bucked up, to the point were is not to far from my heart, and the doc told me that If something hits my chest with the right amount of force well it could brake and go right in to my heart and kill me.


Oh I do love drinking :)


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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When i was around 8 years of age I went to a dentist to get my teeth checked out. The dentist I had then was very old and he would later be convicted a murderer a month later, but that's another story. Anyways, he decided I needed to get a tooth pulled from the root. There was a tiny little mishap however; he forgot to numb my mouth so I wouldn't feel the pain. I sat through 20 minutes of a senile old man pulling at a fully rooted tooth and tearing it out, while feeling all of it and nearly breaking down into tears.

He probably did it on purpose :-C


When I was eight I was playing around with my sister, fell and cut my head open. I bled all the way to the hopsical.

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>I was 15

>Sitting on my bike in a circle with my friends, them also on their bikes. 

>Girls from down the alley yell for us (for my friends to be exact)

>We all go to take off

>Standing up of course, only lame kids ride sitting down I guess...

>Somehow bike chain came undone while I was stationary

>Put all weight down on peddle, which is now unchained and has no resistance to it. 

>Sudden movement causes bike to fall out from under me

>Handlebars turn, ramming straight into my chest

>Girls come over to see

>I try to act cool

>Wind knocked out of me

>Can't talk, speaking gibberish, panting

>Starting to cry, spaghetti flowing out of pockets, ears and nose. 

>Girls laugh and I waddle home defeated

>Go to hospital

>2 Cracked ribs

>Pain for a month

>Never got to eat my spaghetti 


OC:Spetz Nausea

Username: Xabekrn

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After I had a baby, I guess my insides got really messed up.  I had a chronic mystery pain in my upper back for months.  I went to many different doctors and no one could figure out what it was.  It was worse pain than childbirth.  It was so bad that I'd wake up from the pain, and the pain would even make me puke.  Eventually I had to be put in the hospital and they just left me there on morphine, which was the absolute best feeling in the world for the pain to just stop and I slept for at least a day after the morphine.  


Before they gave me medicine though, I had some painful shots in my butt.  Then I had to stay in the ER for a day, in which they refused to let me drink any water (I guess for some test they were going to give me), and then they had the NERVE to say my pain was because of dehydration.  Then over an hour they tried to put me on an IV, but my veins were so shrunk from not having any water that they couldn't get the needle in.  They had like 6 nurses and the actual doctor all try.  They dug all around in my arm and wrist and couldn't get the vein.  They had to try the wrist because they broke the blood vein in my arm from one of the needles.  Then I was obviously crying at this point because OUCH, and the doctor threatened to kick me out for 'refusing medicine' because I was crying.  That made me cry even more and my nice nurse came in and calmed me down and he got the IV in my arm. Then the mean doctor came back and shoved a pill up my butt when I was looped up on meds and gave me hemorrhoids.  

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I went to get my tonsils taken out when I was in 4th grade. I woke up after the surgery not only with an agonizing pain in my throat, but my hand had a HUGE knot on it because when the doctors tried putting my IV in, apparently the veins in my wrist were too small and popped a few blood vessels. They had to put it in my arm instead. ;_;

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Bronchitis, particularly the first time I got which when I was 6,7 maybe 8 years old. I was so deathly ill that I could barely stand up, I was bedridden for about 2 weeks or so. I was so knocked out from the all the anti biotics and cough medicine I was taking that I slept through about 90% of it. I got it several more times after that and each time it was pretty bad but not as bad as that time was. When I was awake sure wasn't fun, taking even a single breath was a struggle for me and it was hard to keep any food at all down.

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Oh, and all the medicine I was on for that pain messed up my liver.  Never went back to the doctor like I was supposed to, so I don't know if it fixed itself or not.


Another time I had the flu.  After the flu was over, my tonsils got infected.  They swelled up pretty bad and made it really painful to swallow even my own spit.  So eventually I stopped eating and was living off liquids.  Then after a couple months they got even worse, and I couldn't even get liquids down.  Then I lost the ability to talk.  Then I woke up one night and they had swollen so bad that I couldn't breathe.  I decided after that that I should probably go to the doctor.  So I went and the doctor was so shocked that I had survived that long.  lol

I had to get my tonsils taken out.  I felt so good after the surgery that I didn't even need my pain medicine.

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I've only had to go to the hospital once for stitches. About 3 years ago, I bumped my hand against the chandelier in my room, and it fell on it, slicing it open. I only had to get 4 stitches, but I was in a cast for a few days, which SUCKED. It was an...Interesting night to say the least.

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Upon further reflection, I've changed my mind about my last post. The worst medical-related incident I endured was a root canal with virtually no anesthetic. One of the canals under the tooth had an infection. Said infection prevented the Novocaine from numbing the area regardless of how much was administered. Consequently, every application of the drill or those paper tips they used to dry out the canals was very real to me. White knuckle grip on the chair the whole time with a cold sweat. Worst pain I can recall experiencing. Got through it though. Subsequent visits to the dentist have been a cakewalk in comparison.


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I once went to the dentist to fix one of my tooth. So they started digging in it, but they forgot to freeze it. Le pain, I almost lost consciousness.


Also, I've been unlucky enough to grow one feet in one year. And since the bones grow up faster than the skin and muscles, I got erniated discs. And it hurts everytime I move. :(


Oh, and I went to the hospital for some kind of test, because when I eat food get stuck in my throat. Well, they had to pass a kind of tube from my nose to the stomach, and it hurted like hell. Even worse, they took the wrong path. The tuve went in my pharynx. I almost lost consciousness here. I couldn't breath or talk, and couldn't stop coughing. So I tried to tell them something, and finally I could say something. I said "remove it!", but they answered that they wouldn't remove it because we went far. Well, with my last bit of air, I decided to cough as hard as I could. I almost vomitted, but the tube succesfully went out of the pharynx. Then they realized... No wonder I fear people.

Edited by GhostPony750
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My friend ripped the side of his leg open when his car flipped over and glass from the windshield did a number on him. Also, he had miniscule shards of glass in his eye, and he now wears an eyepatch. He broke seven bones.

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I remember having an operation to remove by adenoids. Apparently, the doctors didn't use enough sedative to keep me asleep, so I woke up in the middle of the operation. I was screaming from that moment onward from all that pain... 

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I've had a lot of different encounters with the hospital. I've broken bones, split my foot's bone structure in half, had a deep cut on my leg, sprained a lot of stuff.


However, the worst one has to be one that happened fairly early in my life. I had an unknown stomach disease that would make me puke blood and have unbearable pain, I remember feeling so much pain that I couldn't move or fall unconscious, it hurt so much my muscles all cramped up and kept me awake. The doctors didn't know what to do with it, so they tried out all kinds of medicine on me, mostly through IV therapy. Though it helped, the medicine really messed up a lot of things in my body. It messed up my teeth, slowed my growth, made my lungs less functional, made it unable to digest certain food and worst of all, my muscles don't grow as fast as those of other people. 

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My mum reminded me of the time when I was only two, I fell down the two steps that led to the second living room with the television and I got a big scar near my left eyebrow and from this day on I still have it. Due to that incident my dad had to cover the hard steps with carpet. 

Edited by ~Glimmer Lily~


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