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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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Church can hear noises coming from the right path so he takes the left path. He steps in and slips down a steep slope and face plants at the bottom. He gets up and brushes himself off. "Now where am I actually supposed to find supplies in here? I don't see any right now..." As he speaks he can see a group of Runner's up ahead. It looks like they are gathered around something so he quietly hides and listens to what's going on.


"Alright, so we can take this path... supplies drop there... hornet's nest..." That's all you make out before they head off. They seem pretty well-armed; wherever they're going, it could provide plenty of supplies, but it could also be pretty dangerous.

What do you do?

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Red shrugs. "Possibly, depends on where you go in the tunnels. They're absolutely filled with all kinds of freaks that even the Prison didn't want around."

He sniffs and turns to face a pony that had come up to him.

Maybe you should go and prepare, or do something that's not here.

What do you do?


Quillusion walks away from Red, trying to find some sort of merchant or something, someone who might be able to get her a weapon. She looked at the few ponies who seemed to be the sort who might deal with weapons and walked up to them, hoping they were not to violent. "Is there anyway I might be able to get a weapon off of you." She asked one.

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Quillusion walks away from Red, trying to find some sort of merchant or something, someone who might be able to get her a weapon. She looked at the few ponies who seemed to be the sort who might deal with weapons and walked up to them, hoping they were not to violent. "Is there anyway I might be able to get a weapon off of you." She asked one.


"Depends on one what you've got for trade, and what you want." One of them spits on your hooves.

You really haven't got much... Oh! It suddenly strikes you you've saved a small package by your bed. Inside is a pack of cigarettes and roll of clean gauze strips. Maybe these will fetch a decent sale.

(OOC: This is my way of helping you on your way.)

What do you do?

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"Depends on one what you've got for trade, and what you want." One of them spits on your hooves.

You really haven't got much... Oh! It suddenly strikes you you've saved a small package by your bed. Inside is a pack of cigarettes and roll of clean gauze strips. Maybe these will fetch a decent sale.

(OOC: This is my way of helping you on your way.)

What do you do?


She looks at the one who spit on her and frowns. "Now that wasn't very nice." She said, turning and walking back to her room. She grabs the package and heads back to the merchants, hoping it might get her something. "I can trade you some cigarettes and a rool of clean gauze strips for something." She said, hoping to get something useful.

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She looks at the one who spit on her and frowns. "Now that wasn't very nice." She said, turning and walking back to her room. She grabs the package and heads back to the merchants, hoping it might get her something. "I can trade you some cigarettes and a rool of clean gauze strips for something." She said, hoping to get something useful.


They examine the supplies and discuss in privacy.

(Perception check, successful.) "Absolute chump... scam it off them... secret stash..." That's all you manage to hear from them.

Seems like they're going to give you an unfair trade, but they've also revealed they have a secret stash location.

What do you do?

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They examine the supplies and discuss in privacy.

(Perception check, successful.) "Absolute chump... scam it off them... secret stash..." That's all you manage to hear from them.

Seems like they're going to give you an unfair trade, but they've also revealed they have a secret stash location.

What do you do?


It might be useful to go after this secret stash, but I need to know where it is first. Maybe I can talk it out of them. "So are you willing to trade me yet." She asked, knowing full and well that they would give her next to nothing. However her plan was going to involve sweet talking the location of the so called "Secret stash" out of them.

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It might be useful to go after this secret stash, but I need to know where it is first. Maybe I can talk it out of them. "So are you willing to trade me yet." She asked, knowing full and well that they would give her next to nothing. However her plan was going to involve sweet talking the location of the so called "Secret stash" out of them.


They put the supplies away. "Yeah, follow us."

You follow them for a short while, eventually they stop in front of a locked crate. With a few small movements, they open it up and pull out a handgun.

"For you, it's the best we can offer." One of them grunts at you. Doubtful... you know they're trying to scam you.

What do you do?

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Church listened carefully. From what he heard there is a great supply down here but it's a dangerous trek. He didn't know what the hornet's nest was either. He thought maybe it was another gang or it could be totally different. Nevertheless he'll find out when the time comes. He begins to silently follow the group of Runners.

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They put the supplies away. "Yeah, follow us."

You follow them for a short while, eventually they stop in front of a locked crate. With a few small movements, they open it up and pull out a handgun.

"For you, it's the best we can offer." One of them grunts at you. Doubtful... you know they're trying to scam you.

What do you do?


"Really that is the best you can do. But you look so much stronger and bigger than that. You must have more somewhere, you big tough stallions you." She said, hoping it would work. she didn't however know if it would, and doubted that it would. She figured she might need to lie to get it out of them.

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Church listened carefully. From what he heard there is a great supply down here but it's a dangerous trek. He didn't know what the hornet's nest was either. He thought maybe it was another gang or it could be totally different. Nevertheless he'll find out when the time comes. He begins to silently follow the group of Runners.


They carefully follow a path, clearly they've prepared this beforehand. You nearly lose them a couple of times, but you manage to keep up.

They finally stop at a large metal door, seeing no opposition beforehand.

"Alright, behind this door is the armory," He explains to one of the smaller of the group. "Beyond is armour, weapons, medicine... and a large nest of Skags."

That doesn't sound good, seems like they're going to get themselves absolutely destroyed.

You aren't sure what to do, whether you should leave now or stick around.

What do you do?


"Really that is the best you can do. But you look so much stronger and bigger than that. You must have more somewhere, you big tough stallions you." She said, hoping it would work. she didn't however know if it would, and doubted that it would. She figured she might need to lie to get it out of them.


(You clearly underestimate the desperateness of convicts.)

One of them puts on a smug smile. "Well, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I've got my own stashes spread about."

The other begins eyeing you up a little. "Depending on how much you want to see them, we could show you them..."

Ugh... disgusting...

Looks like you have some options available to you, in case things go south.

What do you do?

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Church has never seen a skag before. He's heard stories... Horrible stories. He doesn't know how powerful they may be either. The group of Runner's look tough though too. There were about six of them and the are all heavily armed. If he runs now they would surely hear him. He decides to stick around and see how thing play out. If things begin to get out of hand he could use what little magic he had to get out of there.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Church has never seen a skag before. He's heard stories... Horrible stories. He doesn't know how powerful they may be either. The group of Runner's look tough though too. There were about six of them and the are all heavily armed. If he runs now they would surely hear him. He decides to stick around and see how thing play out. If things begin to get out of hand he could use what little magic he had to get out of there.


"Alright, so you got the codes, right?" One asks.

"Yeah, of course." Another begins to enter a set a number into a keypad. The door hisses open, and the entire room shakes as it struggles on its hinges.

"Ready your aim..." They all raise weapons at eye level and aim into the dark room.

At first nothing happens, not a noise is heard. Then they strike.

Horrible monsters, deformed and foaming, launch out of the darkness.

The ponies try, but it doesn't seem to be holding them off forever.

What do you do?

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"We could find anything, and that includes a computer, the prison has been stretching lately so things are moved about, opposition is possible, maybe a 6/10 chance. I hurt things, Deadeye is a chemist, and Crimson is a lockpicker. Any further questions? We're going to be leaving in a second." He loads up his rifle and heads over to the hole that you'll be heading down.

Seems that's all the time you have.

Continue down the hole?

>Yes >No



Rich joined him by the hole "One last question. Do we get dental?" Without waiting for a reply, he loaded his gun, switched the safety off and followed Deadeyes and Crimson Red through the hole. For the first time since the incident, he was starting to enjoy himself. Sure he might be walking into danger, but at least he was actually doing something.

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After Jacob woke back up in his cell he decided to get some rest. So he shut the door to his cell went in his bed thinking about what he accomplished during the day. (So i managed to piss off the south locos but those assholes had it coming. I can possibly join the Hell's Hooves as long as i help them out. And i talked to that mistery pony,Trinity who could possibly help me out in the future.)

Edited by giordano
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Rich joined him by the hole "One last question. Do we get dental?" Without waiting for a reply, he loaded his gun, switched the safety off and followed Deadeyes and Crimson Red through the hole. For the first time since the incident, he was starting to enjoy himself. Sure he might be walking into danger, but at least he was actually doing something.


The tunnels is dark and dank. The smell is horrible and the sewage is knee deep.

"You never get used to the smell," One of your companions mutter.

Switching on a flashlight, Deadeyes pulls out a map. "Okay, our destination is under the old shipping station. They security is still active over there, so be careful where you step."

Seems like they planned all of this form the beginning.

What do you do?


After Jacob woke back up in his cell he decided to get some rest. So he shut the door to his cell went in his bed thinking about what he accomplished during the day. (So i managed to piss off the south locos but those assholes had it coming. I can possibly join the Hell's Hooves as long as i help them out. And i talked to that mistery pony,Trinity who could possibly help me out in the future.)


(Ring-A-Ding, baby.)

That night, you have a very strange dream. In this dream, you are in a red-velvet room. An old gramophone plays a record that skips every few measures.

Across from you, a pony with a darkened out face sits. He's wearing a prison warden's outfit.

"Hello, I am the director. What is your name?" He speaks, but he has no voice...

What do you do?

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"I'm surprised you have a map. I thought this place was continually changing," RIch spoke up quietly, trying to distract himself from the smell.

"Since the security system is still active, if you find a control station, you might want me to have a crack at it. I'd prefer to find out if something's ahead through a camera than in person."

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Church is appalled by the monsters. The Runner's are holding them off for now but they have to run out of ammo at some point... One of them sneaks by the Runners and sees Church. Church nails it in the head with the baseball bat and knocks it unconscious, "This is getting a little hectic. I need these supplies really badly though. There can't be that many skags left..." Church decides to wait it out some more.

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"I'm surprised you have a map. I thought this place was continually changing," RIch spoke up quietly, trying to distract himself from the smell.

"Since the security system is still active, if you find a control station, you might want me to have a crack at it. I'd prefer to find out if something's ahead through a camera than in person."


"The Prison takes time to change, this is the records from the last attempt. As for computers, we're not sure. I doubt the AI would leave something so precious for us." They try to explain all of this to you as they walk along the tunnels.

Seems reasonable, though you still have a few nagging questions.

What do you do?


Church is appalled by the monsters. The Runner's are holding them off for now but they have to run out of ammo at some point... One of them sneaks by the Runners and sees Church. Church nails it in the head with the baseball bat and knocks it unconscious, "This is getting a little hectic. I need these supplies really badly though. There can't be that many skags left..." Church decides to wait it out some more.


Surprisingly, there are. Wave after wave pour out, and one by one the brave convicts are overrun and dragged back into the dark.

Inside the darkness you can hear their screaming, their horrible screams. You're not sure whether or not they'll come back out for you.

What do you do?

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In the dream, Jacob looks at the warden and tells the him. "My name is Jacob. What am i in prison what did I do to deserve this?" Jacob barely even noticed that the warden didnt have a voice. Everything seemed normal to him. He didnt realize he was in a dream.

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"Still, what'll it do if we try, add time to our sentences?" Rich thought a moment on how to explain advanced Artificial Intelligence theories to these ponies. "AI's are just like ponies. They have a consciousness, a subconsciousness and automatic responses, equivalent to heartbeats and blinking. The AI can't control everything consciously, it'd go crazy. We just need to do what we need to do without it realizing it. If everything goes well, it'll forget about us as quickly as you forget a dream."




"This place was built to have pony staff, there must be cracks forming now they're all gone."

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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In the dream, Jacob looks at the warden and tells the him. "My name is Jacob. What am i in prison what did I do to deserve this?" Jacob barely even noticed that the warden didnt have a voice. Everything seemed normal to him. He didnt realize he was in a dream.


"You will learn soon enough. Time wears down all things." His voice echoes in your mind, as if that last line were important. "But enough, Jacob, I have big things planned for you and a few other convicts. It's up to you to meet me halfway."

He taps the end of a cigar, then pulls out a small vial of liquid.

"Drink this, it contains your future."

You're not sure, but something about his 'sound' makes you want to drink it, like there's not a thing in the world that could hurt you...

What do you do?


"Still, what'll it do if we try, add time to our sentences?" Rich thought a moment on how to explain advanced Artificial Intelligence theories to these ponies. "AI's are just like ponies. They have a consciousness, a subconsciousness and automatic responses, equivalent to heartbeats and blinking. The AI can't control everything consciously, it'd go crazy. We just need to do what we need to do without it realizing it. If everything goes well, it'll forget about us as quickly as you forget a dream."




"This place was built to have pony staff, there must be cracks forming now they're all gone."


"I think you seriously doubt the power of the AI, boy." Crimson Red scoffs. "This thing was created with the highest grade mechanics possible, not even a million unicorns can compare to this machine."

Deadeyes interrupts. "You know, they say if it catches you somewhere you're not supposed to be, it drags you away and does terrible experiments on you."

Sounds... horrible... at least you know a little more about the AI.

What do you do?

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Rich wasn't sure if they were being serious or trying to mess with him. He decided to believe them, for now.

"I'm not saying we could walk into the main computer room and start pulling cables out. Just if we come across a computer terminal, I could at least have a look. I doubt the AI would let us do something worthy of being experimented on without warning us first. It must have some leniency, otherwise we'd all be trapped in our cells 24/7."


Rich sighed, hoping the AI was listening to their conversation.


"Suppose through using the security systems to find better stuff. We then take it back to the yard and sell it. We get richer and ponies in the yard get the things they need. Ponies have things they need and want, they're less likely to go crazy and have another riot or try and access places their not supposed to, making the AI's life easier. Everybody wins. Anyway, what would the the AI care if you hacked a computer to break into a vault containing medical supplies? It's not like it has any use for them."

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Jacob took the vial from the warden and starred at it. "My future, that sounds very interesting. Warden you peaked my curiosity, im intersted in helping you but im not drinking anything without knowing what it is first. If you explain more to me then i'll gladdly drink it." He was waiting for the warden's response.



(OOC: did this really happen or is it just jacob's random dream?)

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Rich wasn't sure if they were being serious or trying to mess with him. He decided to believe them, for now.

"I'm not saying we could walk into the main computer room and start pulling cables out. Just if we come across a computer terminal, I could at least have a look. I doubt the AI would let us do something worthy of being experimented on without warning us first. It must have some leniency, otherwise we'd all be trapped in our cells 24/7."


Rich sighed, hoping the AI was listening to their conversation.


"Suppose through using the security systems to find better stuff. We then take it back to the yard and sell it. We get richer and ponies in the yard get the things they need. Ponies have things they need and want, they're less likely to go crazy and have another riot or try and access places their not supposed to, making the AI's life easier. Everybody wins. Anyway, what would the the AI care if you hacked a computer to break into a vault containing medical supplies? It's not like it has any use for them."


"If we come across something like that, I wouldn't say 'no'. Still, the AI does have its usual protocols, I guess..."

Hm... the AI is still running its systems? So-

The thought is interrupted as your group has reached a vent.

"Alright, shipping and sorting should be just through here." He gives the vent a good kick. "Keep your eyes open for anything moving."

Anything moving... what could be moving?

What do you do?


Jacob took the vial from the warden and starred at it. "My future, that sounds very interesting. Warden you peaked my curiosity, im intersted in helping you but im not drinking anything without knowing what it is first. If you explain more to me then i'll gladdly drink it." He was waiting for the warden's response.



(OOC: did this really happen or is it just jacob's random dream?)


"It's my blessing. I can only watch over you if you let me." He coughs a little and taps the end of his cigar again.

Seems like it's the only way out of here, or at the very least the only way to get this guy to talk more.

What do you do?

(OOC: This is just a random dream he's having.)

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"Anything that moves? In the vents?" Rich waited for the others to go through the vent before entering himself. He was the new guy after all. He entered with his rifle facing behind him so he wouldn't have to worry about turning it around if something came up behind him.

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