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ooc [OOC, Signups Closed] Train Ride Headed West (On hold)

Ganaram Inukshuk

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I imagined that he was prepared and had brought his bag, and no, he doesn't have any sort of electronic devices. Gem, on the other hand...


Blah, and Gem is on the other train... Ah well, thanks for the response. I'll come up with something, somehow :P

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Oh, boy! Seems like we've got a bully aboard! :lol:


I hope it is okay for Amber to create a little scene there?

My "logic" says that this guy is one of the bad guy treasure hunters. He hit Rook when he confirmed he was the owner of the journal.


now, the question is if we make this a fight scene or a chase scene....

Edited by AnonyPoni
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Oh, boy! Seems like we've got a bully aboard!


I hope it is okay for Amber to create a little scene there?


It depends on what you mean by little, but I'd allow it either way.


My "logic" says that this guy is one of the bad guy treasure hunters. He hit Rook when he confirmed he was the owner of the journal.


now, the question is if we make this a fight scene or a chase scene....

Ganaram just came out of the bathroom, and when he sees what's happening, he'd either panic or throw something heavy.

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It depends on what you mean by little, but I'd allow it either way.


Well, I was just thinking of her giving the guy a lecture or something silly like that. I still don't know if he would hit a mare either way. :o

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Illustration alert: http://mlpforums.com/topic/35740-rp-train-ride-headed-west/#entry1013142


Yes, I've finally gotten around to drawing out something from on the train. It's in my latest post. It's relevant to what Gem was saying to Draco and the others.


Plus, Ganaram's use of brute force is because he ain't that good at thinking in these kinds of situations.





@AnonyPoni, @Electrobolt, @Motion Spark, @Jadefire, @dragon4111,  


OK, not so much with DS, Bolty, Dragon, and AP (and maybe Jade), but are you guys been active lately here?

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Right now I'm waiting for Motion and you Ganaram to reply  so chill sheesh. *humms fighting words from Trace Adkins*

Yeah, that's who I'm also waiting on; I haven't seen him in here for days and the Appaloosa half can't proceed without him...

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@Motion Spark, I'm only guessing that you're too preoccupied with something too important that it's simply keeping you from the RP.


Scratch that; I think it's because it's not the weekend. (I'm on winter break right now...)

Edited by Ganaram_Bloodrune
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MY FINALS ARE OVER! Which means I can post a bit more regularly.


However, I'm going to be a bit busy with fic writing, so I still cant post 24/7


Oh, and My computer is "fixed" (it technically wasn't broken... I wont explain it because nopony here is going to understand my linux talk) so posting will be easier from here on out :)

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MY FINALS ARE OVER! Which means I can post a bit more regularly.


However, I'm going to be a bit busy with fic writing, so I still cant post 24/7

Fair enough. I'm still waiting on getting my new computer, and I'm currently working on something else that's completely non-pony related.




Question: Has anyone seen Motion Spark anywhere or knows something that I don't?

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Question: Has anyone seen Motion Spark anywhere or knows something that I don't?

there's nothing to be worrying about... I'm here


I just limited myself to lurk the forums every now and then because I'm working in a very importand project and I just can't focus in something as time consuming as a RP ATM.

However, I'm just finishing it today (the hard part) and will be able to draw ponies and post for a while.

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@... with your permission, I was thinking of having some random passenger to steal Amber's saddlebag, which she left alone on the seat. Or will it be too much stuff happening altogether? :B


Also, @@AnonyPoni... Would you like to describe a little this bad guy physically, or can I make up his appearance myself? Because I was thinking of drawing a little, maybe.

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Also, @@AnonyPoni... Would you like to describe a little this bad guy physically, or can I make up his appearance myself? Because I was thinking of drawing a little, maybe.



Sure why not? I sorta imagined him as a brown earth pony. He's taller than Rook (who's normal sized) and probably a bit "buffer".


I also imagined him chewing on a toothpick and wearing a hat like this -




...but blue



All signs point to him being a grunt or goon of some sort, working for somepony else. I also attempted to put in a "manehatten accent" if that helps :P

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Sure why not? I sorta imagined him as a brown earth pony. He's taller than Rook (who's normal sized) and probably a bit "buffer".


I also imagined him chewing on a toothpick and wearing a hat like this -




...but blue



All signs point to him being a grunt or goon of some sort, working for somepony else. I also attempted to put in a "manehatten accent" if that helps :P

I have one small silly question that I just want to ask out of curiousity...


is the thief brown because he's black?    

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I have one small silly question that I just want to ask out of curiousity...


is the thief brown because he's black?    



har har, I forgot to laugh :P


All I have is a shrug. I didn't mean to show race or anything. I just imagined him as some sort of earth tone. He'd be fine as tan, grey, <insert other colors here :P>

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har har, I forgot to laugh :P


All I have is a shrug. I didn't mean to show race or anything. I just imagined him as some sort of earth tone. He'd be fine as tan, grey, <insert other colors here :P>

it always happens in in RL, in movies, in TV shows, everywhere, even in RP's ...the black is always the thief. XD

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why is everyone asking when I'm going to post all the time if jadefire hasn't post in a long while.


I don't have a heck of a lot to post at the moment. Jade is currently in his room sulking, whereas Beat's still in a conversation. 


My original plan was to reintroduce Jade when somepony wanders into the balcony at the caboose of the train later that day where Jade's drinking cider and admiring the scenery. Unless someone here has a better idea, I'd like to stick with that idea.

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Hey guys, um... I suppose I should bring this to everyone's attention... But it seems Ganaram has left the forums for an undetermined length of time... If you need to know, click on the link here




So... Yeah... :/ Ganny broke down again, and it's unknown how long he'll be gone this time... And unless I'm mistaken, there is no way to communicate with him either... Sooooo... Yeah...

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