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I like the idea, he sounds similar to my Draenei Vindicator. However, my only addition to that description would be "that's it?" Not that every character needs to be a special snowflake but they need a backstory, something that establishes their existence in the world prior to you actually creating them. 

I'm gonna think of something before I get serious with him, I'm not very creative when it comes to things like this, so it may take some time.

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I've never really played wow before but I would have already been addicted if it was free ahaha I love the scenery in it though, and that's what I love about any game really...

  • Brohoof 1


Think For Yourself.

Be Yourself.

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I've never really played wow before but I would have already been addicted if it was free ahaha I love the scenery in it though, and that's what I love about any game really...


No doubt, the environment design on same regions can be utterly breathtaking. From the dreamlike forests of Teldrassil, to the windswept plains of Mulgore, and beyond, Azeroth is a beautiful fantasy world.

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No doubt, the environment design on same regions can be utterly breathtaking. From the dreamlike forests of Teldrassil, to the windswept plains of Mulgore, and beyond, Azeroth is a beautiful fantasy world.

Would you say it can be quite dreamy at times as well?

  • Brohoof 1


Think For Yourself.

Be Yourself.

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Would you say it can be quite dreamy at times as well?


Teldrissal? Oh Hell yeah. The dark blues, violets, greens, and purples, the animals flitting about, the seren background music, the sounds of nature. You could find a cozy patch of grass and probably lay down for the night.

I'm gonna think of something before I get serious with him, I'm not very creative when it comes to things like this, so it may take some time.


Well I can certainly help, some guiding questions to help flesh out your character. These are things that effected ALL Draenei one way or another.


-When and where were you born? Thousands of years ago on Argus before the Eredar fell to the demon corruption? Or a mere century or so ago on Draenor when the Draenei felt they finally had peace?


-What did you do and who did you loose when the Orcs declared their genocidal campaign against the Draenei? Were you still a child or old enough to help?


-Why and how did you become a Vindicator? Were you chosen by the Naaru or mentored by another? Did you seek to become one yourself, if so, why?


-How does your character spend their time? An important aspect of every character but for Draenei, their hobbies are not just hobbies, they are a form of training. Velen has propheseid that the Dreanei will be among the "Army of Light" so for each Draenei, their every day is seen as a preparation for a grand final battle against the Legion, even if it's a peaceful occupation, it's all meant to contribute to something greater.


Important note: All Draenei are immortal, like the Night Elves were for a time. It's not something they talk about or flaunt it's just a part of who they are. It's especially irrelevant if your character WAS born on Draenor. Sure they would put your Draenei at present on the older side of the mortal races but not the truly dizzying age of 11,000 years old. What matters is less the years, for they don't even really count the passage of time, and more what one does with their life.

Edited by Steel Accord
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So this is going to sound like a stupid question, but can one send mail to alts across factions?


if it's account bound stuff, you can...other wise, it's not really possible.


if however, you've got two accounts, you can attempt it, via the auction house...though you'll need to be careful, of those who watch it like a hawk. those people tend to pluck stuff off very quickly, should an item be at, around, or drop below a certain price. >.>

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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I'm gonna think of something before I get serious with him, I'm not very creative when it comes to things like this, so it may take some time.

Don't forget personality flaws. He sounds like a nice guy so far, but what makes him tick? What is he like at his worst? Is he aware of these traits? If so, how does he deal with them? Remember that even saints can slip up sometimes, whether they trust the wrong people or give in to selfish desires. And that's generally what makes a character even more interesting.


Also, consider professions.  Like what Steel Accord said, do any of the in-game professions occupy the times he isn't fighting?

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Don't forget personality flaws. He sounds like a nice guy so far, but what makes him tick? What is he like at his worst? Is he aware of these traits? If so, how does he deal with them? Remember that even saints can slip up sometimes, whether they trust the wrong people or give in to selfish desires. And that's generally what makes a character even more interesting.


Also, consider professions. Like what Steel Accord said, do any of the in-game professions occupy the times he isn't fighting?

Said flaws though, don't need to be grievous sins, simply being naive or apathetic to the world of Azeroth and the lives of the individual shorter lived race can be understandable flaws.


Look at Vindicator Maraad. Pretty stand up guy, all things considered, but he fell for the sin of wrath. Killing orcs when Shattrath was sacked, not out of self defense or even defense of others, but leaving defenseless civilians unprotected so he could satisfy his need for vengeance and as a result, let the people he was supposed to protect, die. He feels immensely guilty about this, but being a mature and heroic individual, knows that the Orcs are not to blame for that mistake, he is.


That is a more egregious example, but an example nonetheless. Your character's flaw can be far more simple, it just has to exist.


Professions are good to RP, but one's class can be their profession if so desired. Especially amongst the Draenei, where their "jobs" are more akin to vocations. Vindicators are an honored calling amongst them, even moreso than amongst the humans. Again, see my questions regarding your class.


If you are "x first, Vindicator second," why? What do you do that you consider a more important calling or duty than directly fighting evil? The Draenei would not look down on you for said choice either as you still are a Vindicator and they believe one walks in the Light in many ways.


Keep in mind, if there was a most likely candidate to emphasize their peace time doings than war time it would be the Draenei. They don't view war or combat as something glorious and praise worthy the way the Orcs or even the humans might but as an ugly and unfortunate necessity.


Again not that the Draenei look down upon their defenders, for they know they aren't fighting because they like killing, but because they are risking themeselves so others of their people don't have to.

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Ok, this is a rough draft of my character's backstory and personality.

Alagaros, my character's name, was born on Argus, right before the corruption. His parents were killed in front of him when he was just a small child by the burning legion, and then he went with Velen to travel the stars until they came to Draenor.

He took it upon himself to study up on the vindicators and taught himself how to fight at a young age, and mostly kept to himself for a while. He vowed to protect others and sought vengeance on the Legion.

When the Orcs were corrupted, he knew that something was wrong, and that they were not in control. He fought them off when the time came, but soon, he knew he had to retreat and escape elsewhere. Thus he came to Azeroth in the Exodar, and that's his backstory. 


Kind-hearted and peaceful, he spends his spare time training to be a full vindicator. He didn't really have a mentor to become one, but he wanted to train himself to be one.

He can be over-confident and refuses help sometimes, and it can lead to getting badly injured and needing to stop for a while, even in wise age.

He doesn't really do any professions, maybe fishing and cooking a bit but nothing major. His only relatives were his parents, but they were killed on Argus.

He's very protective and will stand in the way of harm for others.

Doesn't hold a grudge against the Orcs, because he knows they were manipulated.


That's my bio so far. Let me know what you think and tell me if there's anything that might need tweaking.  :D

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Akari of Duskshire,On Draenor? He resided in Shadowmoon Valley in Embaari Village, before Gul'dan razed the area and created the fel mountain in the center of the zone, and as for residence, he's pretty much a drifter. 

Edited by Celli
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Just a minor tweak. The Legion would not get the chance to kill his parents before Velen and the Naaru took them all away. It was a kind of mass "beam up" exodus thing. They could have been killed on another world shortly after though.


Also, how does your character view the Naaru? The Draenei see them the same way the ponies do Celestia, with utter adoration, but that comes in different forms to different individuals. Some are confident and find their presence calming. Others are more nervous, for while they know the Naaru to be gentle they want to be worthy of their saviors.



and as for residence, he's pretty much a drifter. 


Hey, just like my guy! Although he would be tempted to call the Exodar itself his home. 

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Yay!  Welcome to the brother/sister/whateverhood of drifters (my hunter's a drifter, former Rangari).


Anyways, what does he think of the more unsavory members of his race?  Like draenei death knights and the Sargerei.  Does he easily forgive them?  And am I right when I say that his spec is Protection?

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Steel Accord, Ah, I suppose I could change it to them being killed by the orcs on Draenor. He looks up to the Naaru, and finds them calming.


It can be a very long ago event, they could even be killed shortly before he leaves. Perhaps they were late to get to the exodus spot, and threw themselves at the Legion, telling you to run. That would work. The point is, the Legion's "invasion" and the Draenei's exodus both happened within mere hours of one another. Not alot of time to bat the options around.


(It's in quotations because, is it really an invasion when two out of three leaders basically throw open the gates?)



Yay!  Welcome to the brother/sister/whateverhood of drifters (my hunter's a drifter, former Rangari).


Anyways, what does he think of the more unsavory members of his race?  Like draenei death knights and the Sargerei.  Does he easily forgive them?  And am I right when I say that his spec is Protection?


Remember when being a shaman was considered controversial and gauche? Almost seems quaint now.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,He's pretty neutral towards them and doesn't like their way of life, but doesn't bother them, as they are against the Legion as well, as for the Sargerei, he despised them because they go against everything with the Draenei, and follow the Legion. And yes, he is Protection.



Perhaps they were late to get to the exodus spot, and threw themselves at the Legion, telling you to run.
I think that's a pretty good way of thinking. 
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Steel Accord,


By the Earthmother, I nearly forgot about that fact!  My, how the times change!


Also, I think it would be an invasion to some.  Certainly was to Velen and his followers.




By any chance, does he have a specific mount and/or pet in-character?  If it's a dragon, you might want to reconsider. 

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Eh, when in doubt, go for a griffon and say you got training at Ironforge or some other place.  A nether ray mount would also make sense, but you better be willing to do some dailies in Outland.  Same with an Enchanted Fey Dragon, but that costs real life bucks.

  • Brohoof 2
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@@Akari of Duskshire,Hmm, for ground mount, just an elekk, flying, not sure what would fit a vindicator.





Eh, when in doubt, go for a griffon and say you got training at Ironforge or some other place.  A nether ray mount would also make sense, but you better be willing to do some dailies in Outland.  Same with an Enchanted Fey Dragon, but that costs real life bucks.


Especially for a Paladin/Vindicator, can't go wrong with THIS badass wing king!




Doesn't it just look like something sent from On High?


(Besides, Vindicators get "the Exarch's Elekk)

Edited by Steel Accord
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Wait a minute, doesn't it usually cost real money to get off of the in-game store?


Normally yes, this was something like a "customer gratitude" thing. There is a way to get it in game I'm pretty sure.

  • Brohoof 1
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Normally yes, this was something like a "customer gratitude" thing. There is a way to get it in game I'm pretty sure.


No there is not. It is real money or go home.

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