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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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(OOC: Can we get to Canterlot now? I wanna execute a certain snobbish pony)



Nocturnal stopped focusing on Draco and quietly just started listening to Beat and Draco's conversation. He noticed the scar on Draco after he removed his scarf.


Well I guess that I'm not the only pony one who's gotten his hooves dirty.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Continuously tapping her hooves on the floor in a crazed pace, Amber Vox was close to freak out inside that train. The power was cut off, the train slowed down and, on top of that, she was bored. The passenger car she was in had very few ponies: most of them old and sleeping. And now, without electric power, she couldn't even play her video game anymore since the battery had just run out.


Ugh!... How much longer until Canterlot!?... I’m going crazy here!!


The unicorn mare mumbled, as she lightly bumped her head against the window. Soon after, she sighed loudly and stood up from her seat, moving towards the next train car in a desperate search of something to do.


Slamming the door open with a helpless look on her face, Amber scanned over the car, noticing the ponies in it. At least it looked like they were doing something to kill the time: a staring contest of some sort. Observing each of the pony passengers a little more, she dropped herself on the floor, putting up a show.


“Somepony! Anypony! Please, entertain me!!”


She whined, rolling on the floor. Amber was way too hyperactive – she went mad if she had to stay still and do nothing for a period of time longer than five minutes or so.

  • Brohoof 2
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Everypony turned their head's towards the whining unicorn mare, who was now rolling on the floor like a little filly. It reminded Nocturnal of three certain fillies he had to deal with in Ponyville. They called themselves the Cutie Mark Adventere Group or something like that.


Nocturnal stared at her for a few seconds, then shook his head.



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>> "It's n-nothing, really. Just ...stuff... Just wondering..."


Ganaram could tell by Jade's nervous reply that something was up, but before he could ask why, something else came up in the form of another passenger:


>> “Somepony! Anypony! Please, entertain me!!”


The pegasus's prediction was right: Something interesting did happen. He conversed to the other two ponies:


"Uhh, should we even do something...? I mean,... This is what happens if you get too bored, anyway..."


Deciding that he should at least help in some way, Ganaram yelled out to the mare on the floor:


"Hey!!! A proton and electron walk into a bar--"


His joke was cut off by a sudden jolt of deceleration. When he looked outside to see what the matter was, he noticed that they had just passed the border of Canterlot and were now within the capital itself. Ganaram turned back to Jade once more:


"So you said something about Canterlot...?"



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as Nocturnal, Draco and Beat were having their conversation, they could hear a voice yelling in the other side of the car's door, then, it was abruptly opened by apparently a mare that was rolling on the floor like a little filly...


“Somepony! Anypony! Please, entertain me!!”

she yelled


then all eyes in the car where focused on her



of course Beat was unamused, and threw a dirty look at her:


"such a cute lady acting like a small filly...this is outrageous!" he mumbled. But he noticed that Noctural never changed the look on his face. "maybe he thinks that this lady is acticing like a little brat too...hmmm, what's wrong with his face? why always that expression? he creeps me out a lot!" he thought.


Then he heard a gray pegasus talking from the front part of the car:

"Hey!!! A proton and electron walk into a bar--"

Beat mumbled again: "I always knew that he was weird...".


His joke was cut off by a sudden jolt of deceleration. When he looked outside to see what the matter was, he noticed that they had just passed the border of Canterlot and were now within the capital itself.

"We are in Canterlot!" beat said out loud. He started to smile.
  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Electrobolt was curious about why Jade had asked if the train was stopping at Canterlot, and when Ganaram had confirmed that they were, he looked back to the grey unicorn. As soon as he did, he noticed that the unicorn looked rather nervous about something, even though he tried to deny it. "Um, are you alr---" he began, before hearing a loud voice, drawing his attention away from Jade for a moment to see who just spoke up.


“Somepony! Anypony! Please, entertain me!!”


She whined, rolling on the floor. Amber was way too hyperactive – she went mad if she had to stay still and do nothing for a period of time longer than five minutes or so.


Upon seeing this pony just rolling around, he sighed and shook his head. *Really... I mean, really... Why not look around the train instead...?* thought the somewhat-annoyed colt, as he simply turned around. It was then that Ganaram attempted to throw out a joke, before the train jolted, causing the colt to get bounced about. This time, fortunately, he didn't fall out of the chair and land flat on his face. So that's the first thing that at least went right for him. He then looked out the window, seeing the scenery change to that of Canterlot's, when he heard yet another voice speak up.


"We are in Canterlot!" beat said out loud. He started to smile.


Jumping slightly, he looked around a bit, before shaking his head. It wasn't the easily-bored pony rolling on the floor who said that, at least. He then remembered that he was asking Jade a question. So turning back around and facing the grey unicorn, he asked, "Um... Are you alright...? You seemed... A little nervous earlier..."

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Amber noticed how some of the ponies in the room looked at her with some disgust in their faces after the unnecessary fracas she caused. She was used to it though: ponies around her have always thought she was extremely weird due to her slightly immature behavior. It was always fun though (at least for Amber herself). That's all that mattered to her.


She then looked up with a small grin between her "tears" at the light-grey pegasus as he began to tell a joke.


"Hey!!! A proton and electron walk into a bar--"


Perhaps her silly whining was successful and the pony was working on to make her laugh - at that point she would laugh at nearly anything anyway. The joke was immediately cut off though when the train jolted a bit, followed by another pony shouting:


"We are in Canterlot!"


Amber jumped up from the floor and rushed to one of the windows, bumping into some of the passengers.


"IT'S CANTERLOT!!" She screamed loudly in joy as she saw the gorgeous city rise before her eyes.


"Oh my Celestia, I can't believe it! Finally!! I was loosing my mind here inside this boring train!" She laughed and jumped around on the tip of her hooves.


"Hey! Hey, you guys! What are you all going to do in Canterlot? Ohh!! Maybe we could hang out a little! What do you guys think?? It will be fun!!" Now that she was no longer bored, it would be hard to keep her mouth shut.

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"Finally now let's see ah cripes how in the world am I going to that those two....."Draco smiled as he looked at Beat Spark"Hey beat how would you like to meet the princesses"Draco said with a mischivious tone. Then he threw a cautous look at Nocturnal something about him just didn't sit right in the pit of his stomach or maybe was it just his stomach telling him 'get food into me now' "I could go for breakfast"Draco said more to himself but still loud enough for anyone that was near him.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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In response to Electrobolt and Ganaram's query, Jade averted his gaze. "Yeah, well, let's jus-"




Jade turned to the interruption and watched the mare bound around excitedly. After a moment of her talking, Jade turned back to the other stallions. "Anyway, let's just say there're some ponies there who...won't exactly be happy to see me come back..."

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"Somepony should tell this crazy mare to keep her mouth shut" Beat whispered to Draco.

Draco smiled as he looked at Beat Spark"Hey beat how would you like to meet the princesses"Draco said with a mischivious tone

"well...I think we won't be able to see Princess Luna because it's daytime, and I bet that Princess Celestia would be too busy to see some strangers subjects hehe"


Then he threw a cautous look at Nocturnal something about him just didn't sit right in the pit of his stomach or maybe was it just his stomach telling him 'get food into me now' "I could go for breakfast"Draco said more to himself but still loud enough for anyone that was near him.

Beat wasn't dumb and knew instantly that something odd was happening between Draco and Nocturnal, but he was too afraid to say something out of place, but he was cautious of both ponies actions. "actually, I am a little hungry too...we should catch something for breakfast as soon as we get there, Nocturnal should join us, don't you think?" he asked Draco.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Sandweaver trotted out from the bathroom. He felt really fresh after splashing all that water to his face. His mane was still unkempt as usual, but Sandweaver paid no heed. It's not like anypony cared about his mane. As Sandweaver busied himself with scratching that sore spot in his mouth with his tongue, the door to the next train slammed open, revealing a rather dishevelled looking mare.


“Somepony! Anypony! Please, entertain me!!”


What in the Luna's starry mane?, Sandweaver thought to himself. And now she's rolling on the floor


A sudden jolt stirred Sandweaver from his daze. Looking to the window as he trotted back to his seat, Sandweaver noticed that the train just passed the Canterlot's border. With all the white-painted building dotted the landscape Sand felt a wave of nostalgia.


Ignoring all the havoc caused by the now superbly excited mare, Sandweaver took his seat and started running his telekinetic field through his briefcase, looking for some bits to carry with him to the capitol. With the train being out of electricity and all, it would take some few hours to repair.


"Anyway, let's just say there're some ponies there who...won't exactly be happy to see me come back..."


Sandweaver tensed. He briefly took a glance to a light gray unicorn across the train. A criminal? Really?

Edited by Star Weaver


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Draco nodded at Beat"Aye sure if he wants. Hey miss care to join us at the cafe' I've been there alot so they know me. And a friend of mine works there so I get a nice discount so I can pay for your breakfasts"Draco said as he walked down to the cargo car and grabbed the cake and the telescope."Come on Beat I'll say your my secretary"Draco said jokingly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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With the train finally stopped (and the warning having been given that the next departure will be delayed), deliberately drowning out the mare's excitement for the sake of concentration, Ganaram picked up his bag and started to get off the train, as some of the others have started to do. He remarked about his joke, having realised that he had messed it up:


"Dangit, it was supposed to be a proton and a neutron... No matter; There's still the one about the two chemists requesting water... But do you know how much of an atom is empty space...?"


Ganaram was suddenly feeling quizzical, hoping that somepony would be able to answer his sudden question. In his mind were a few predictions, such as a sort of emo-ish answer regarding one's existence or soul being empty space, along with the answer that says that his remark was ridiculous, but in spite of that, he continued his way off the train.


However, he turned back to Jade right when Electrobolt asked him if he was okay.


>> "Anyway, let's just say there're some ponies there who...won't exactly be happy to see me come back..."


Perhaps he had some sort of rival or enemy back in Canterlot that he wasn't willing to face...? But no matter; Ganaram hopped off of the train (which was now being assessed by a group of repairponies) and headed into the capitol, hoping to find some way to pass the time.

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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Amber ceased her hopping around for an instant, rising her ears as soon as she heard some of the ponies talking about breakfast.


"That is an AWESOME idea!! We should all have breakfast together! And then, we could go to the cas--"


Despite being carried away easily in excitement, she noticed how some of the ponies in the train appeared to be quite annoyed by her. If she wanted to make friends to hang out with, that wasn't the right way to do it. Besides, she was now in Canterlot - the most chic and extravagant city in Equestria. She should start working on her behavior as soon as possible. Even though it would be nearly impossible.


"I mean... whatever you guys wanna do, is fine..." She lowered her head, clearing her throat afterwards. "Anyway... My name is Amber Vox! Nice to meet you all!" She smiled warmly, looking forward to get to know some of the ponies.


"Dangit, it was supposed to be a proton and a neutron... No matter; There's still the one about the two chemists requesting water... But do you know how much of an atom is empty space...?"


Amber grinned at the pegasus pony. "Is this a joke or a science class?" She joked, laughing afterwards. "You're weird! I like you!" as she grabbed onto her saddlebags and proceeded to disembark from the train, happily hopping around as usual.

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"She's a hyper one like miss Pinkie Pie"Dragon pulled out the cake and telescope quickly"jeez a broken wing why did that one crazy mare fly into me again oh yes because I was flirting with her sister sheesh how was I suppose to know that she was taken"Draco muttered to himself.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Now we have to babysit her her...ugh!" Beat Spark thought to himself.


"I mean... whatever you guys wanna do, is fine..." She lowered her head, clearing her throat afterwards. "Anyway... My name is Amber Vox! Nice to meet you all!" She smiled warmly, looking forward to get to know some of the ponies.

"Beat Spark at your service" he winked at her and proceeded to trot to his huge saddlebag, opened the big zipper with his mouth and grabbed a smaller bag that was inside of the big saddleba and place it on his back, he made sure to tie up the bag to his belly so it wouldn't fall off.

He has all the main items he could need for his trip in Canterlot in that smaller bag. "Always prepared!" Beat said to himself.


"jeez a broken wing why did that one crazy mare fly into me again oh yes because I was flirting with her sister sheesh how was I suppose to know that she was taken"Draco muttered to himself.

"Did you said something Draco? I thought you said something..."

"Anyways we should keep going before it's too late"


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Aye just follow me I need to get these two to the princesses"Draco said as he walked with both the telescope and large cake"Celestia has a sweet tooth alright sheesh importing theis cake from the zebra lands which I learned many things"Draco said to his new friends as he walked.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I mean... whatever you guys wanna do, is fine..." She lowered her head, clearing her throat afterwards. "Anyway... My name is Amber Vox! Nice to meet you all!" She smiled warmly, looking forward to get to know some of the ponies.



Nocturnal stared at her with hate. He didn't want to show it though, so he just kept quite. When Amber smiled at him, he just gave her 'the stare'.

Nocturnal then saw Draco grab a huge and delicious looking cake which according to him, was for the Sun Princess. Nocturnal was no expert on food but even he could tell this cake was loaded with sugar


Just the way Celestia likes it..


Nocturnal opened his bag and took out a smaller bag inside it, which contained just a few necessities and of course, his dagger, which he quietly put into his silver vest when no one was looking and joined up with Beat, Draco, and the hyper mare.


"I'm starving...the food on the train was terrible."


(OOC: When I saw the amount of posts I almost died)

  • Brohoof 1



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Draco looked at the gaurds"I am Courier 6 I'm here to make a delivery"Draco said when the gaurds quickly opened the castle doors"and they are my assistants"Draco said to the gaurds they let his new friends pass. He walked up to Celestia and Luna and brought out his notepad and using his skill in ventriliquism, he said"I need you two to sign here ,here and here"Draco said without bowing. He was never one to bow to any pony even to the princesses his pride wouldn't let him."For celestia your cake, and for Luna this high powered telescope"Deco looked at his friends"shall we?"Draco began to walk.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Nocturnal quietly followed Draco, bowing to the Princesses. Draco gave the Princesses their respected packages.


Draco looked at his friends, "Shall we?"


He then began to walk back and Nocturnal came up besides him, "I take it you don't know how to greet the princesses?"



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Jade descended from the train on onto the platform, before looking up at the city in front of him. This shouldn't be too bad, I guess, Jade thought, it's not like I haven't been here illegally before.


Jade inhaled and exhaled. Besides, what are the chances of somepony recognizing him, anyway? Jade took a step forward-


"Hey, you!"


Oh gods!


Jade turned his head towards the sound, where somepony was galloping towards him...


...and his gaze followed him as he ran past, ignoring him, and chasing after some filly doing Epona knows what. Jade sighed. "I hate this place already..."

  • Brohoof 1
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"I know how to greet them I'm just stubborn not to bow to them that's all. plus I think they like it that I don't bow to them get's them to know they are like use the average pony. Well exept them living for thousands of years and wield enough magic to rip appart entire towns"Draco said as he looked at his friends"plus they pay me handsomely to get their packages"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Amber followed the group of ponies, aimlessly. She didn't exactly have any plans, she was just on a simple holiday trip across Equestria for fun. So the earlier she found ponies with whom she could be with during her stay, the better.


Nocturnal stared at her with hate. He didn't want to show it though, so he just kept quite. When Amber smiled at him, he just gave her 'the stare'.


Amber shuddered, looking down at the ground again.


Well... Perhaps my introduction was a bit over-exaggerated after all.


She thought to herself and sighed silently, as she smirked nervously back at the small dark-blue stallion one more time and resumed following the others. She looked back near the train, though, to meet one pony that was left behind, looking rather nervous and worried:


"Hey, you!"


Oh gods!


Jade turned his head towards the sound, where somepony was galloping towards him...


...and his gaze followed him as he ran past, ignoring him, and chasing after some filly doing Epona knows what. Jade sighed. "I hate this place already..."


Amber thought for a second, then trotted over to the said pony.


"Hey! Didn't you mention that some ponies in here don't like you or something like that?" She smiled "That's okay! No need to worry, I doubt anything could go wrong!"


She had no idea of the current situation any of those ponies were in, but she was desperate to make friends with them anyway. Maybe if she went slowly and acted 'normal' for once she could have a chance.

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Draco noticed the unicorn coming by "Your a strange pony aren't you. Well join the group then I mean it's not like we're a strange group"Draco said with abit of sarcasm in his voice. Of course there is some truth they were a strange greoup of ponies that just happened to meet on a train.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The train stopped unceremoniously. Sandweaver was nose-deep in his briefcase while other passengers and the new mare were trotting off the train. As some technician-looking ponies started to climb into the train, Sandweaver locked his briefcase and took off.


Sandweaver stood still, silently taking every sight he could from the Canterlot's Station. What was its name again? Sandweaver couldn't really tell. The station was... nice. White marble walls and huge pillars, Canterlotians sure have an unhealthy obsession to white as a color. There was a lot of ponies going around him... Where were the other passengers anyway?


"Here we go again..." Sandweaver mumbled to himself, fidgeting the small bits pouch on his neck, which was now hanging with a simple cotton string. "Now where was I?"


Sandweaver looked around for a bit while trotting ever slowly. He squinted a lot. While his sight was still good, he never really had a good eyesight. Not that it was bad enough to get him to buy some glasses like Ganaram's, though.


"Hey! Didn't you mention that some ponies in here don't like you or something like that?" She smiled "That's okay! No need to worry, I doubt anything could go wrong!"


Ah, there they are... And they were going to the what-its-name district, not very interesting. While the elder stallion contemplated how to spend his time in the capitol, he noticed something from across the street.


"Is that what I think it is?" Sandweaver squinted more. "It is!"


Gleefully Sandweaver cantered toward the souvenir shop, paying no heed to anything else. Above the fancy shop was a simple banner, written in huge red letters was "GRIFF'S KNIVES AND FORKS"



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Edited by Star Weaver


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