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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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"Oh come on beautifull surely you need some fun instead of stabbing us full of holes maybe we can talk about it?" Draco yelled out to the salesmare "For instance what is your name?" Draco asked aloud as he ran.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BRAIN DRACO?" he screamed at Draco with frustration. "DO YOU REALIZE THIS MARE IS A PSYCO AND WANTS TO KILLS US?". while running.


A wave of emerald green fire issued forth and streamed above the three ponies. The blades dropped, but the shroud of fire blew aside the knives immediately above the ponies, saving them from being hit. Jade jumped forward under the blaze, and the blades unaffected by the fire embedded into the ground.  


"There's a magic trick comming on" Beat mumbled while seeing the gray unicorn horn lighten up in green. But what it caught his attention was that even though they were in a lot of danger, he appreciated the beauty of the green sparkling flames that collided against the sharp weapons.


Though the green unicorn spells were usefull to avoid a large part of the weapons, a second wave was still threatening them.

Jade stumbled upon landing, and took a moment to get back to his hooves.


"MOVE!" Beat shouted at the unicorn, announcing the threat. He pushed him with his head to help to recover his balance.



Meanwhile, the salesmare, succesfully landed on the ground, she gracefully hovered with the help of her magic before touching the ground with her hooves. Though she was really far away from the 3 running ponies, she remained calm. However she wasn't happy to see that gray pony malfunctioning her weapon rain storm.


Then many flying javelins, spears, knives and others were landing on their way. A really long sword landed just in front of Beat. "Celestia!" he shouted while giving a step back, then continued his gallop. 

In front of him, he also saw Draco and the gray unicorn dodging every single weapon that landed near them.


"this stallion is pretty skilled isn't he?" Beat thought to himself refering to the gray unicorn while he was recovering his pace after the sudden stop.


Then.. out of the blue...



POOF! a pink magical smoke appeared above the 3 still-running ponies. A very familiar pink coated body emerged from the magic smoke. It was the body of the salesmare putting one of her hinder hooves in possition to land.
Her horn lit up, making her hoof shoe to glow in a intense tone of pink.


Then she just fell and landed on the gray unicorn's head with all the weight of her spell, smashing him really hard on the ground. Small chunks of stoned debris where jumping all over the place.
Beat and Draco reacted while horror filled their faces of her repentine aparition because they thought that she was many meters behind them. Beat tried to stop his galloping, but as soon as he started to do that, she flexibly back-flipped her body, so one of her hinder hooves would find it's place on Beat chest as he inevitably got close to it...


She rotated her body in a 180 degrees motion using her fore hooves as a support, while her horn lit 
up again making her hoof shoe to glow again in pink mantaining Beat's body orbiting on it.


After that, she slammed Beat Spark on his face with all her power! 





After slamming Beat, she instantly reasumed her initial position, while Draco was still breaking his running pace
She kicked the gray unicorn's damaged body out of the way to receive Draco without any intervention. Unfortunatelly, traction wasn't helping Draco as he presented his side, facing the salesmare.
She knew one of his wings was injured, so instead of attacking him, she just lowered her head, leaving her horn pointing directly at his side, she would leave everything to phsysics.


Her longer horn, succesfully embedded on his side, making a HUGE amount of pressure on his broken wing.  
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" he furiously screamed. giving the salesmare the opportunity to shut him up with a slap, after that she repeled him with her magic sending him flying away in agony and pain to a stone pilar which was completelly shatterd by the impact of his body.
"DRAAAAAA....CCC...." A very lifeless and injured Beat Spark lying on the stoned streets of Canterlot screamed, calling for his friend.
If the pain that he was feeling wasn't enough, he felt a lot of pressure on his mane. The salesmare walked next to him, using her magic to pull him by his long mane.
"Beat Spark right?..."
"why unicorns waste their time trying to learn difficult spells when they forget about their telekinetics abilities?".
"They think that levitating objects is a everyday life thing! and they have no idea what they are missing!"
"Anyways! I enjoyed the fireworks but there's somethig I have to get done! Do you really think, Beat Spark, that this is about a filthy necklace? I couldn't care less about that necklace! I am on a very important mission and you are ruining it by calling me racist in front of my clients!"
"Your mane?" she used her magic to pull him harder.
"arrghh!!" he complained for the pain. 
"Beat Spark, you could have a very healthy and long lasting life, if you accepted that your kind is full of nasty and disgusting monkeys ...I have something really cute prepared for you".












Edited by Motion Spark
  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco winced as he could see his friends hurt adreniline spread through him numbing part of his pain his vision was blurred from pain. He saw his friends getting hurt. He needed to do something but what could he do right now. Draco looked around slowly looking for a sword or something.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I haven't seen the others, but if you're here, then that means the others must be here, too."


Amber looked around with the same worried expression as before.


"I hope you're right... I don't want any of them to be in trouble, even though you guys actually went a bit too far back there..."


She stopped and thought for a moment, and with a 'ding', she remembered about what she thought that happened back there. With a gasp, she stared at Ganaram, upset.


"Why did you steal that helmet anyway??" She poked his forehead as a 'punishment'. "Naughty Anagram!"


 "Hey Amber, hey Ganaram! And um... Hello to the two of you, as well..."


"Electrobolt!!" Amber quickly eyed the green earth pony, feeling even more relieved and forgetting about the scolding for a moment. "I'm so glad you're all okay!..." She kept on scanning around the train car, noticing some really annoyed passengers staring at the, now, shortened group.


"...Let's just take a seat. The trip to Appleloosa shouldn't take too long. I'm sure everypony else is alright!~" Amber grinned warmly, as she went back to her seat.


(( OOC: By the way, AnonyPoni. I think you can take the lead and tell the other characters that the train is actually going to Manehatten. I think it would be nice. :3 ))

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Jade scraped at the ground before planting his hooves down and pulling his head out the hole in the concrete. He shook the debris out of his mane, and managed to get one eye open through the blood and pain. "What...just happened...?" he groaned, before struggling to get to his hooves.


A voice drew his attention forward, "...I couldn't care less about that necklace! I am on a very important mission and you are ruining it by calling me racist in front of my clients!"


Her... Jade looked at her, and his horn began to glow green again...only for there to be a soft hiss and a poof of glitterand Jade got a splitting headache. Agh! You've GOT to be kidding me! Focus. FOCUS! Jade, however, was too dizzy and in pain to focus on launching a spell.


"arrghh!!" Jade heard Beat Spark yell after moaning something indistinct. Jade had to do something...


"Beat Spark, you could have a very healthy and long lasting life, if you accepted that your kind is full of nasty and disgusting monkeys ...I have something really cute prepared for you".


"Hey!" Jade yelled, loud enough to be heard "Put the monkey down!" If Jade could stall her long enough so he could regain his powers...

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"Steal the helm-- I didn't even know it was on me. Besides, I had it hidden in a compartment somewhere..."


Ganaram explained how he "stole" a guard's helm, or rather, how it ended up on his head.


"Anyway, we--"


It was then that Ganaram heard a familiar voice: Electrobolt. He responded out of relief:


"Electrobolt, I was worried that you got arrested."


It appeared that things weren't as horrible as Ganaram feared: As he hoped for, at least two others from the group were on the train, so it meant the others weren't too far off.


>> "...Let's just take a seat. The trip to Appleloosa shouldn't take too long. I'm sure everypony else is alright!~"


Ganaram replied to Amber:


"Actually, Appaloosa's a long way's away, about a day's worth of travelling."


Ganaram looked around in the train, and noticed outside something peculiar:


"Appaloosa's to the west, right?"



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When Electrobolt had noticed them, he barely managed to overhear a bit of Ganaram's explanation of how the helmet wound up on his head. But he didn't really need to hear, as he knew how it happened. But once he was noticed, Amber had offered that they should sit down for the ride to Appleloosa. Nodding, he sat down in a free location, around the group. It was then that Ganaram stated that Appleloosa was quite a distance away, and that it'd be a long time till they got there. A minute later, however, and Ganaram had brought up a strange question.



"Appaloosa's to the west, right?"


Tilting his head slightly out of confusion and curiosity, he looked outside the windows. Without a compass, or any other sense of telling where they are, he is unsure of Ganaram's observation. "Um... I suppose it would be, yes..." he spoke up, still slightly confused. "But um... Why do you ask...?" As he looked around at the two new ponies that were around him, he cleared his throat. "Oh, um... Yeah... I didn't quite get your names... I'm Electrobolt, by the way."




  • Brohoof 1
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"Hey!" Jade yelled, loud enough to be heard "Put the monkey down!" If Jade could stall her long enough so he could regain his powers...

The salesmare looked back and sighed...


"Look behind you! a royal guard!" She warned the gray unicorn.



"what?" he said while he looked back.


While still pulling Beat Spark by his mane, she took 2 steel pipes from the ground, and lauched them to the distracted stallion. The bars knocked him and pulled him against a wall, then, still using her magic, twisted the enges of each bar so it could be attached to the wall. It was some sort of prison for him.



"Where we were at Beat Spark? before I got interrupted...oh yes! I'll show you something really cute!"


She proceeded to drop Beat to the floor and with her magic she took a rope, and tied his 4 hooves, she lifted him, and moved the ropes so his limbs would be on top of his back. The other end of the rope was tied to a old piece of wood that was sticking out of a building, but it seemed to handle Beat's weight right.


She hanged his body like he was a worthless pinata. "what...what...ahhrr...wha..." Beat was trying to make an effort to talk "what...are you going to do....to me..." he asked scared for his life.


"I'm going to break your spine Beat Spark...but do you know how am I going to do that?"


Beat looked at her directly in the eyes.


"with a pencil"


"A PENCIL?!?" shouted the gray unicorn shocked.


"You don't believe me Beat Spark? ...allow me." she levitated a normal-looking, old and un-sharped pencil with her magic, and placed it on Beat's back, then with her magic she started to put pressure down on his back using the pencil.


"AHHHH!!!" Beat shouted in pain, because his limbs are being stetched on the opposite side bending his spine as they stretch.


She pressured harder and harder each time.


"PLEEEEEEEEE~" he didn't have energy to finish a phrase, his voice was raspy and broken. His breath souless and lifeless.


Both Draco and the gray stallion were looking at the scene with horror and impotence for not being able to help him.


She pressured more, until some noises filled the area "KRRRRRK!!" "POP!" the sound of Beat's bones starting to break.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh...." Beat used his last resource of strengh to pull out that scream.


"See? do you think that I'm stupid Beat Spark, do you think that I just work in a store? how you can be so naive and dare to challenge me hahahahaha!!!"
CLANK! suddenly the salesmare fall to the ground unconsious. Apparently some pegasus royal guard knocked her really hard on her head with a steel pipe.
He placed the pipe on the ground and looked at the gray stallion. "what do we have here? it's Jade Flare..."


  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Jade looked at the Royal Guard, before lowering his head, defeated. "Look, I was literally on the way out of the city when this psychotic bitch tried to kill us."


"I'm sure." The guard dismissed, not really caring, before walking up to Beat Spark, chewing through the rope suspending him and gently easing him to the ground. "Are all of you ok? Do you need medical assistance?"

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"Steal the helm-- I didn't even know it was on me. Besides, I had it hidden in a compartment somewhere..."


Amber rolled her eyes ironically. "Yeah, right. You didn't steal that helmet just like Beat didn't shoplift that expensive necklace from that poor and defenseless old mare, and Jade didn't mercilessly assault that do-gooder Royal Guard."


Afterwards, she grinned silly. "But don't worry! I understand you guys just wanted to have some fun! I still like you!"


"Actually, Appaloosa's a long way's away, about a day's worth of travelling."


Amber sighed silently, facehoofing. "Oh, boy... I was just trying to be positive, but it seems it's inevitable to once again sit still, do nothing and wait." She mumbled in a childish way.


She then crossed her arms, looked away, and yawned.


"Appaloosa's to the west, right?"


Covering her yawn, she looked over to Ganaram. "I guess?... Do I look like a compass?" Amber replied harshly, and turned away once again, curling herself into a ball and intending to rest a little. A couple of seconds later, though, she turned back to the grey pegasus with a confused expression on her face. "...Why?"

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Draco stood up slowly when the pain subsides.He saw Beat hurt. "I've got this," Draco said as he pulled out a healing  talisman "This will be either worst than your injury my friend r better depends on your view," Draco said as he placed  the talisman onto Beat's chest.

(Now this is whereI normally describe the healing process if that's alright with you Motion)

The taliman glowed as it's magic seeped into Beat Spark healing the damage slowly but the process was painfull. The magic almost seemed like it stampeded through him fixing the damaged. The magic concentrated on the stallions broken spine.It felt like molten lead,lava, and hot water burning in that one spot as the talismans magic had pulled the broken bones together then realigning them painfully. "I'm gladd he's not awake for this part," Draco said as he walked over to the gaurd "Tie up that mare I want to teach her a lesson and nullifye her magic. I'll take down Jade," Draco said with a cold voice.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Ganaram stared at the other two ponies with an unsure look on his face. He knew something wasn't right, and with each passing second, his suspicions grew more and more.


>> "Uhh,..."


He opened a nearby window and stuck his head out, looking for two things: Where the sun is and where the back of the train is. He figured it was about almost noon, so the sun should be overhead, but slightly to the east. He compared it to the position of where the back of the train is. If the train's supposed to be heading west, then the sun should be overhead where the back of the train was.


It wasn't. Instead, it was overhead where the engine was: The train was heading east. Maybe there was supposed to be a track switch that was further down the line, but if there was, why were they so far from Canterlot now...?


>> "I think we're on the wrong train...?"


Ganaram turned to one of the passengers to inquire:


"Is this train headed to Appaloosa...?"



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"Is this train headed to Appaloosa...?"



"Huh? What?" Rook was trying to doze off while standing (the mare he was sitting next to pushed him off the seat) when somepony asked him something. He turned his head and was half surprised to see the grey Pegasus again. "Uh... No?"


The grey Pegasus's eyes widened and twitched a bit. One of his companions let out a little yelp.


"Why do you - wait... you're on the wrong train, aren't you?" the Pegasus slowly nodded, without changing his facial expression. Rook facehoofed, "You guys didn't see the engine with the lettering 'Manehatten Express'? Or notice that this train is really crowded? Or - ... never mind."


Rook looked though his small bag to see if he could find a schedule for the trains. He found it, but didn't bring any good news. "Ok, our next stop is Manehatten. Though, it's almost a couple of hours travel to get there. The next train to Canterlot leaves from there there in..." Rook levitated the program and flipped through the pages. "In about a day.... think"

Edited by AnonyPoni


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The royal pegasus was somewhat intriged by Draco's not-so-common gems, and it's magical power. "These stones, are pretty rare huh?" he commented.


"Tie up that mare I want to teach her a lesson and nullifye her magic. I'll take down Jade," Draco said with a cold voice.

"No, I won't let you do that. Leave justice to us. That's why we are here". He said while Draco was walking towards towards Jade.


"Don't worry, I know this mare. But I just can't believe of what she has done here. Her name is Rosebelle and she works in this really fancy store, Le Hoffé. I always tried to flirt with her but never got in the store while I was on duty."


"I'm going to put on her this necklace" he took a black necklace out of his armor, it has a black shiny stone craved on it and placed it on her neck. "The power of this rare stone will absorb the energy of her unicorn magic and store it on it's components for later use. We use these necklaces with all of our unicorns prisoners and any of them has been able to beat it's power, only Princess Celestia herself is able to nulify the magic of the stone".


Then, the guard saw Draco struggling trying to set Jade free.


"ummm...do you need help with these, let me... step aside please"


"Hold on tight Jade Flare, this may hurt" said the guard while started to buck the pipes with his hinder hooves with his streght, the fact that he was wearing golden hoof shoes helped. He bucked the pipes 12 times when he was able to break them and caught Jade before he landed on the ground. He felt really small in the guard's hooves, he must be really weak for the beating he received from the salesmare.


"So...do you guys know that I have the responsabily to arrest all of you right? Princess Celestia will not be happy to know what happened in Canterlot..."


"ARRESTED?!!?!" Beat shouted! Then all eyes were on him.


"Yes, there were a lot of witnesses in the place and you are the direct suspects. I bumped into a very frenetic pegasus, and many scared ponies were commin g his way. Then a thick air of dense smoke started to emerge. I went to the center of the disturb and then found my mate coughing his life out because he's extremelly allergic to the components of that smoke bomb.

If I wouldn't be there, he would probably have died right there. I put him on a place free of smoke and he told me about you, he described Jade Flare perfectly so I knew I had to come."


"You shouldn't be here Jade Flare, this is a fault to your exile, and you deserve an exemplary punishment... "


"But I won't, because it's not fair to face you in this condition, it would be too easy ...so I'll let you go this time, you must leave Canterlot at once! Because there's reinforcements of royal guards comming this place right now". 


"WHAT!!?!?" said Beat Spark while still lying on the floor.


"I'll take care of Rosebelle, but you must go now"


"...but remember once you leave, I wont rest until I got all of you arrested. It's more likely that your names would be everywhere haha!"


"Good luck!" said the royal guard while putting Rosebelle on his back.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Wait, what!?" Jade blurted. Jade slowly and painfully got to his hooves before wobbling a bit and subsequently regaining his balance. "D-does that mean...I'm free to go?" he asked after the leaving Royal Guard, who didn't answer his question.


Jade heard a groan and looked over to Draco and the prone Beat Spark, before turning his head away self-consciously, aware they heard the guard talk about his exile. After a bit, he swallowed and limped over to them. "Come on, let's get out of this godsforsaken city."

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Draco put Beat Spark onto his back gentlely "You won't be moving for acouple hours Beat so I'll be carrying you alright," Draco said with finality "No ifs ands or buts about it you took a pencil to your back it'll take the remaining magic from the talisman to reconnect the tissue and the proper functions," Draco said once more as he began to walk.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Thank you so much Draco...but are you sure that you can carry me? I'm kind of tall...and we have to hurry!" he said, but it was too late, he was already on Draco's back, his hooves were sticking out Draco's body.


He then looked at, now Jade Flare. "So your name's Jade Flare...I guess you are more of a criminal than I am. But I'll leave the questions for later, we have to leave Canterlot inmediately, there's a wave of guards comming!"

Edited by Motion Spark


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Follow me quickly" Draco said as he ran hrough the streets quickly. Draco looked back to see Jade following him. "Good we're almost there so we need to get onto the train now,"Draco had Beat Sparks saddlebags in his mouth but he was using his ventriliquism to talk.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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He then looked at, now Jade Flare. "So your name's Jade Flare...I guess you are more of a criminal than I am.


Jade made a sound in his throat and quickly looked away.


 But I'll leave the questions for later, we have to leave Canterlot inmediately, there's a wave of guards comming!"


Jade looked back at Beat. "Yeah, I got that. The train stations this way." Jade said, gesturing his head down the road.


"Follow me quickly" Draco said as he ran hrough the streets quickly. Draco looked back to see Jade following him. "Good we're almost there so we need to get onto the train now,"Draco had Beat Sparks saddlebags in his mouth but he was using his ventriliquism to talk.


"Hopefully the train'll be ready to leave. I'm not interested in another assassin attacking us again." Jade said, following.




Fairly quickly, the trio arrived on the platform. Jade looked around and quickly spotted the train "Over there. Looks like it's ready to go." Jade quickly noted Sandweaver standing on the platform. "Oh hey, it's that stallion from breakfast earlier..."


Sandweaver was suddenly bludgeoned by a much larger and scarier pony. "...and everywhere I go, somepony gets hurt." Jade said, dryly.

Edited by Jadefire
  • Brohoof 1
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Draco winced when he saw SandWeaver get hit with a monkey wretch then he began to laugh "Who else find that funny?" Draco looked between Jade and Beat "No pony else just me? Oh well wonder what he did to deserve that. Maybe he slept with that stallions special marefriend" Draco said aloud.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Draco winced when he saw SandWeaver get hit with a monkey wretch then he began to laugh "Who else find that funny?" Draco looked between Jade and Beat "No pony else just me? Oh well wonder what he did to deserve that. Maybe he slept with that stallions special marefriend" Draco said aloud.


Jade looked at Draco before looking back at Sandweaver. "What, between now and when the riot started?  That's got to take some talent." Jade said, again dryly. The large stallion and the maretress walked away from Sandweaver, and Jade shook his head and walked over. "Sir, are you ok?"


(OOC: @@Twinkleshine, you're up.)

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Beat, still on Draco's back, said looking at the scene "don't mind this old stallion, something tells me he had it comming"


The large stallion and the maretress walked away from Sandweaver, and Jade shook his head and walked over. "Sir, are you okay?"


Then Beat lowered his voice and told his train buddies "more than that...don't you guys think it's strange if we get into the train in this condition? we are all covered in blood and wounds, actually I don't even know how am I talking now, I swear, I felt my bones popping."


"and on top of that, where are the other passengers? do they know a group of royal guards is following us?"


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Nope we were out drinking I flirted with the wrong mare. Jade here must have flirted with the wrong stallion and you well you passed out when you had one toi many" Draco said with a joking tone "Oh and your welcome for that Beat because I used the last of my healing talismans realigning your spine and wounds," Draco said slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Then Beat lowered his voice and told his train buddies "more than that...don't you guys think it's strange if we get into the train in this condition? we are all covered in blood and wounds, actually I don't even know how am I talking now, I swear, I felt my bones popping."



"I'm a mage, if you didn't notice. I know some healing spells." Jade shrugged. "Nothing substantial, but I can get us all cleaned up." Jade continued, "But if you want your mane fixed so you can be pretty again, I'm afraid I won't be much help there." Jade joked.


"Nope we were out drinking I flirted with the wrong mare. Jade here must have flirted with the wrong stallion and you well you passed out when you had one toi many" Draco said with a joking tone


Jade made surprised noise in his throat and quickly looked away.


 "Oh and your welcome for that Beat because I used the last of my healing talismans realigning your spine and wounds," Draco said slightly.


The mention of the talismans brought Jade's attention back. "Where the hay'd you get those talismans, anyway?"

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Draco said "It was when Beat and I were in Le' Hoof one of my friends is a zebra alchemist which makes these talismans. and before you ask I can't use them again,again, and again, because they are only used once" he looked at Jade as he chuckled slightly. "They are hard to make so it takes two years for him to make 10 of shrinking, ten of resistance to high impacts, and four years for 1 healing talisman"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(Improvisation time.)


>> "Mane--"


Ganaram sighed:


"Guys, we're screwed now..."


Ganaram turned back to Amber nervously; He anticipated being yelled at by his peers, and given his current emotional state, he prepared himself for the worst.


"I-- I don't know if... You're... Well, I just met you not too long ago, and it felt like we've been friends for months, and I feel like I've endangered our..."



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