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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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"Funny thing is"Draco stepped aside to reviel the cafe"here it is we were standing infront of it for awhile now"Draco said smiling"I guess with all that has happened right now. I forgot that it was on this street it's the large buisness but the folks in there are friendly and no discrimination. That's right they sell everything to everyone, pegasi,earth ponies, and unicorn, oh and alicorns too, funny thing is that I think I once saw the princesses in there once," Draco said as he smiled at his favorite cafe.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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As Sandweaver slowly made his way to the plaza, the green earth pony catched up with him.


"Um... I don't think I introduced myself yet... I'm Electrobolt, and if I may, what is your name...?"

"You can call me Sandweaver. Good to know you, Electrobolt," Sandweaver said impassively. He took a glance to the stallion's flank. He was half expecting something food related, based on his green fur, and thus he was quite surprised that some weird grey tube thing presented itself on the flank. Weird cutie mark is weird, Sandweaver thought to himself. Before he could ask what does it mean, the stallion suddenly panicked, his eyes widened. Something ticked in Sandweaver's mind.


"Um... This is embarrassing..." muttered the colt, blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "I... I left my bits on the train..."



"I guess you can borrow some of mine then," Sandweaver said, smirking as his prediction proved to be true. "You can return it later on the train," Sandweaver said as continued on his path.


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Electrobolt continued to look away from Sandweaver, as he called himself, feeling embarrassed about the whole thing still. He was even considering hurrying back to the train, until he heard Sand speak up.


"I guess you can borrow some of mine then," Sandweaver said, smirking as his prediction proved to be true. "You can return it later on the train," Sandweaver said as continued on his path.


The young colt then lifted his head as soon as he heard this. Was he really offering to pay for his breakfast in return for appropriate payment back on the train? Trying to clear the embarrassment from his face, he looked back to the unicorn and said, "Um... Thanks... I appreciate it..." Although he was still feeling embarrassed, there was a small smile on his face. "So... They have milkshakes there, you said...?"

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Nocturnal looked at the Cafe. It looked like an oversized cottage. Howver, at that moment, he didn't give a damn about anything except for the fact that he was hungry and had a craving for pancakes. He took another look at his hoof watch


I wonder when the train departs...I hope I have enough time.


He looked back at Draco, who he remembered had said something about discounts.


"Does that mean I can have more pancakes?", he said hungrily as he followed Beat and Draco into the Cafe.

Edited by The Awesome One



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"Yes you can have more pancakes actually I think today is all you can eat pancake day for them"Draco said as he remembered what day it was"Yeah all you can eat pancakes today"Draco said with a kind smile and a laugh"Looks like we have a pancake fan on our hooves"Draco said.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I have to admit this place is lovely...finally some place I can enjoy in Canterlot" then Beat started to smell somethig "*sigh* I can smell those pancakes, I crave some blueberry with low fat hay pancakes" Beat mentioned.


"Oh! we should get that table over there! it looks like it has the perfect size for all of us" Beat said while pointed a table that roughly has room for at least 10 ponies.

Edited by Motion Spark


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco chuckled"Aye come on ponies"Draco said as he took his seat wikth his new friends. Draco waited for his friends to take their seats so that they can all order. Draco smiled slightly as he was breathing in the air the calming aroma of the cafe showed that underneath the grumpyness was a kind pony.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Jade had remained quiet while walking with the other ponies, being distracted by his own thoughts about Canterlot. Fairly soon, however, he began to feel awkward walking with ponies he barely knew, but he kept with them when nopony objected to him being part of the cafe party when they arrived.


After taking his seat at the table, he felt like he had to contribute something to the conversation, "This place has quite the atmosphere, doesn't it?"

Edited by Jadefire
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"Aye the charming atomosphere as the gorgous pegasis serving us"Draco said as he flirted with the serving mare. She playfully punched his shoulder as he pulled out a pen and paper. Draco chuckled slightly as he rubbed his shoulder"Oh my pride I think you wounded me am I bleeding"Draco laughed aloud as the green female pegasis with the mark for a waitress rolled her eyes.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"So... They have milkshakes there, you said...?"

Sandweaver shrugged slightly. "Well, yes, If my memory served me right," Sandweaver said, uncertainty filled his voice. He took a good hard look at the restaurant, did they have the entire building repainted or he suddenly color blind? He pouted. I'm not that old, he thought to himself.


"Oh! we should get that table over there! it looks like it has the perfect size for all of us" Beat said while pointed a table that roughly has room for at least 10 ponies.


Ears flicked from the sudden voices from the other passengers, Sandweaver craned his neck to look at the source. They're done already? Oh please don't tell me we all have to sit on one table...


With an exaggerated sigh, Sandweaver entered the building, his hope for a quiet meal seemed to be very distant.


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[Disregard my previous post.]




Ganaram's mind began to drift off -- probably because he was on the verge of passing out -- and before he knew it (and right before he could collapse), he was already behind the rest of the group. He frantically ran up to the green colt and company, so that he wouldn't fall behind.


"Did I miss anything?"



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"alright! I get it Amber!".


Amber humphed once again, looking directly into the stallion's eyes. As always, attention is what she wanted, so perhaps this silly "arguing" could bring up something interesting.


Her horn began to glow as she assumed a sarcastic stance, imitating Beat Spark's voice with the use of magic.


*Alright! I get it, Amber!* She said, using the stallion's voice.


She then grinned, feeling accomplished as if she won the argument. However, at the point, the hunger was starting to overcome the other feelings.




The group began to trot over to a local restaurant that one of the ponies had suggested. Amber took one more look around as the rest of the group, that was lagging slightly behind, caught up. She then rushed towards Beat Spark and the others, bouncing, following them inside the said place.


"Oh! we should get that table over there! it looks like it has the perfect size for all of us" Beat said while pointed a table that roughly has room for at least 10 ponies.


As soon as the pony pointed the table, Amber immediately took a seat, scanning through the menu.


"So! What you guys gonna eat? Pancakes?? Milkshake?? Oh, BOY! I know what I want!" She said, as the raised her hoof, loudly calling out for a waiter.


"EXCUSE ME!! CAN I HAVE A BUNCH OF WAFFLES WITH BUTTER AND EXTRA SYRUP, PLEASE??" She shouted out her order, barely watching her manners.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nocturnal ordered exactly a dozen blueberry pancakes, which probably made everyone on the table think that Nocturnal was probably trying to commit suicide via heart attack.


A couple of moments later, the smell of pancakes was coming from the kitchen, as all the ponies' orders were being made. Soon, a serving mare emerged from the kitchen. She was a blue unicorn who was wearing roller skates. She wheeled over to Nocturnal's seat and dropped a humongous stack of pancakes in front of him.


I love this place.



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Electrobolt heard that they might have milkshakes, if Sand's memory served him correctly. He was confused, because earlier, he had recalled him saying they had the best milkshakes in town. Clearing his head, he focused on the more important task at hand: getting food. As he was following, a voice called up, which startled the young colt.


"Did I miss anything?"


Quickly turning around, he noticed Ganaram, having seemingly silently followed them. "Oh, um, hey Ganaram..." he spoke up. "Actually, we're about to get some food now. Feel free to join us." With that, he started to turn around and enter, when another voice spoke out.


"EXCUSE ME!! CAN I HAVE A BUNCH OF WAFFLES WITH BUTTER AND EXTRA SYRUP, PLEASE??" She shouted out her order, barely watching her manners.


This shouting had caused Electrobolt to jump from surprise. Who could be shouting this loudly, and not considering the other guests? As he looked around for the source of the shouting, he noticed the others were sitting at a table together, possibly waiting for some food. That, or they just sat down. Then when he saw Amber, he recalled her voice from when he heard her. *Oh gosh...* he thought, sighing before approaching the table and sitting down in a free chair.

  • Brohoof 1
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*Alright! I get it, Amber!* She said, using the stallion's voice.

Beat made an awkward smile, of course it was fake. But he was somewhat intriged by the fact that she had changed her voice, but he didn't ask anything about it.


Unfortunatelly for Beat he had a seat next to the loud mare and Draco, Nocturnal was next to her.

"So! What you guys gonna eat? Pancakes?? Milkshake?? Oh, BOY! I know what I want!" She said, as the raised her hoof, loudly calling out for a waiter. "EXCUSE ME!! CAN I HAVE A BUNCH OF WAFFLES WITH BUTTER AND EXTRA SYRUP, PLEASE??" She shouted out her order, barely watching her manners.

Many ponies in the cafe abruptly looked at the loud mare and gave her Dirty looks.

Beat reacted quickly, and grabbed her by the neck with one hoof and with the other one covered her mouth shut.

"shhhhhh!!! you can't behave like this is a public place, what do this ponies may think of me?" Beat muttered to the hyper mare while awkardly smiling to the other customers. After that he reasumed his initial position he then said to her: "I'll buy you a candy if you behave like a proper lady".


A couple of moments later, the smell of pancakes was coming from the kitchen, as all the ponies' orders were being made. Soon, a serving mare emerged from the kitchen. She was a blue unicorn who was wearing roller skates. She wheeled over to Nocturnal's seat and dropped a humongous stack of pancakes in front of him.

after serving Nocturnal the maretress approached the table and joyfully asked Beat: "Hi! can I take your order?"


"umm, I would like an order of Blueberry pancakes with low fat hay, I want it half-cooked in one side, half-burnt on the other. What kind of syrope do you have, I only eat maple syrup...Corn syrup is not acceptable, however I'm OK with honey, but then I would like apple pancakes. Put the syrup on the side, not on top. And I would like Apple tea for drink, please use diet sugar, I don't want to increase my calories intake right now, 2 cubes, shake it. Thank you."


The mare had a lot of trouble writing up the order with her pen using her unicorn magic. "*pant* *pant* hmmmm...ok! I think I have everything ...hehe...I'll come with your order very soon. " said while sweating a little bit.


Then Beat turned to Draco and said to him: "I think it's time to take a look to my saddlebag to find out if there something weird going on".


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Exactly in here everypony is a friend. Anyhow we might as well see about your bags" Draco said as he ordered a muffin and white chocolate latte' which usually tide him over till dinner. Draco smiled as he looked around the cafe' everypony talking chatting.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Should I run away? Should I not?


Sandweaver was quite torn on the dilemma. Between slipping away from the group to eat in a preferable silence, or stay on Electrobolt's side to keep an eye on the green stallion. He could hear the previously dozy grey pegasus returned to consciousness, asking what was happened. As Electrobolt turned around to answer him, Sandweaver had to struggle to keep himself from taking this chance to turn tail and fled. Oh bloody nuts, he thought to himself as he trotted closer to the table, his paper bag in tow. One by one other passengers took their respective seat, the only mare of the group already deep in the menu.


"EXCUSE ME!! CAN I HAVE A BUNCH OF WAFFLES WITH BUTTER AND EXTRA SYRUP, PLEASE??" She shouted out her order, barely watching her manners.


That scream almost made Sandweaver jumped to the roof. He staggered on his hooves, totally shaken by the sudden surprise. Beat Spark quickly grabbed the mare and silenced her. "This day could only get better from here," Sandweaver muttered to himself as he took the seat right beside Electrobolt's.


As others made their orders, Sandweaver called to a nearby waitress for a haycake and an iced tea. Just a small meal for him, nothing special.


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Beat reacted quickly, and grabbed her by the neck with one hoof and with the other one covered her mouth shut.


Posted Image


"shhhhhh!!! you can't behave like this is a public place, what do this ponies may think of me?" Beat muttered to the hyper mare while awkardly smiling to the other customers. After that he reasumed his initial position he then said to her: "I'll buy you a candy if you behave like a proper lady".


Amber froze for a moment, then glanced at Beat Spark with the same upset look as before, sighing.


"Alright, alright... Boy, you're always so concerned about what others will think of you. Try to relax a bit and have some fun!" She said, lightly poking his forehead as a revenge for when he pulled her by the neck. "And also, don't you think you can persuade me with candy. It may not look like, but I'm a grown-up mare!"


Amber giggled warmly. Perhaps she was being a little too noisy, but that's the way she is. Not even a demanding city like Canterlot would change her bright personality. She just needed a little more time to get along better with the group.


She turned to the maretress and ordered the food again, this time a bit more 'politely'. "May I have some waffles with butter and syrup, please?" Then she turned back to Beat Spark. "Was that good enough for you, prissy colt?"


(( OOC: I'm sorry for that drawing... At least I tried! xD ))

  • Brohoof 4
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(OOC: That drawing just inspired me to try as well....prepare for the worst pencil and eraser drawing ever....when I my PC is back from the shop >_>)


Nocturnal started gobbling down his pancakes at an amazing speed. It made all the ponies sitting at the other tables giving him weird looks. He didn't always eat like this, he still remembered some of the proper eating etiquettte from when he was still with his parents in Canterlot. He had a job to finish, and it wouldn't wait any longer.


Nocturnal finished up the last of his pancakes and wiped his mouth with a tissue and got up, "Excuse me."


He picked up his saddlebag and went to the stallion's wash room. Once he locked the door behind him, he quickly opened a window facing the back alley and jumped out. He landed without any sound on the hard concrete road and quickly started galloping towards the Blueblood estate.

  • Brohoof 1



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"Alright, alright... Boy, you're always so concerned about what others will think of you. Try to relax a bit and have some fun!" She said, lightly poking his forehead as a revenge for when he pulled her by the neck.

for some reason Beat didn't find that annoying, for the first time he was seeing Amber as a joyfull, full of spirit mare. He find cute the poking, but his face reflected irritation.


"And also, don't you think you can persuade me with candy. It may not look like, but I'm a grown-up mare!"

"fiiiiine!" Beat replied in an kinda childish tone, he didn't realized that he was somewhat smiling and blushing.


The maretress returned with Beat's order, surprisingly for him, everything was in perfect order, just the way he wanted. Then the maretress proceeded to take Amber's order. While she did that, Beat glanced at Nocturnal which was sitting next to Amber.


"Was that good enough for you, prissy colt?"

even though she was next to him, he didn't pay attention to her because he was focused on Nocturnal's strange behaviour, of course, he wasn't very much surprised. He ate incredibly fast and left. Beat just kept looking at him while he went to the stallion's bathroom. "weird" he thought.


he looked back at Draco completely forgetting Amber. "let's take a look at my saddlebag when I finish my pancakes, I'm starving" he said smiling at him.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Alright then" Draco said as he began to eat his muffin slowly. The muffin itself was pretty large and it was a english muffin. Draco smiled when he slowly drank his latte' the warmth of it spread through out his body. The smile was like a hearth warming eve smile when you have friends over for the holiday and share stories. He missed those days but his work tripled ever since that changeling invasion afew monthes ago.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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After having taken his seat, he looked over to the stallion and Amber, who seemed to be a little argumentative. But otherwise they seemed to be having some fun. As he thought about what he wanted, he thought back a bit. When he had pancakes, he would always have them topped with blueberries. A small smile on his face, Electrobolt spoke up to the maretress, "I would like some pancakes, as well. Topped with blueberries, please." After that, he looked back to the table, only to notice they were one pony short. *Huh? Where did that one pony go...?* he thought, tilting his head slightly sideways.

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Pretty soon, Jade found himself sipping on a milkshake, and after listening to the others' conversations for a bit (and jumping at Amber's outburst), decided to turn his attention to the ponies who had remained quiet so far. He turned his head in the general direction of Ganaram and Electrobolt and spoke up, "So, where're you guys headed on our train trip, anyway?"

Edited by Jadefire
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(This is me trying to catch up here.)


Ganaram continued on with the group and sat down where the others were at. Once seated, he quickly requested...


"... A baked potato with cream of potato sauce."


He wasn't too thirsty, so he didn't need much of a drink, but he was still feeling lightheaded. Had he waited any longer, he probably would've fainted. He tilted his head down and covered his head with his forelegs, trying to drown out all of the white noise...




... And all the amber noise around him. After some time -- which felt like an eternity to the pegasus -- his food was finally delivered, which he proceeded to devour. After which, he began to feel some energy surge back into his body.


By the time he had nearly finished his potato potato, he was asked a question by one of the others:


>> "So, where're you guys headed on our train trip, anyway?"


Ganaram was reminded of the reason for his journey, which made him felt ashamed to admit. Between his childhood and his time in Ponyville, there was an era of his life in which he felt incredibly lonely and helpless, simply because he was, and during that era, he would resort to riding the rails to wherever the trains would go. Before he could remember any more, he let out a depressive sigh and tried to create a response:


"Oh, uh... I'm just here to visit some old places I've visited back then..."


Ganaram knew that the trip would coincide with many of the places he once visited, but he wanted to keep it under wraps; He didn't feel like it was necessary to give out the entire story...



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He turned his head in the general direction of Ganaram and Electrobolt and spoke up, "So, where're you guys headed on our train trip, anyway?"


Electrobolt was still waiting for his pancakes to arrive, when he heard somepony speak up to him, asking him a question. Looking in the direction of the voice, he noticed Jade was looking towards him. In response to the question, he answered "Oh, well... To be honest, I was wanting to go out and see the world, you know? Can't just live in Ponyville for all of my life, right?" Not much longer after answering the question, Electrobolt's food had arrived as the maretress sat the food down in front of him. He then thanked the maretress before starting to eat his pancakes.

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