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Submit your questions to test a brony!

Twilight Circuits

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Let's pretend that you were about to enter special website like this dedicated to bronies! But to weed out non bronies, you had to answer ten questions under a timed period. So what questions can be asked that ponies of various ages could answer? I'll copy and paste them here for every pony to see. I'll let this go for a little while and when I feel we're getting there. I'll decide how to proceed after that. And just in case you weren't aware of it, i've put a little contest for every pony. http://mlpforums.com...as/#entry859103


Good luck!

Q: What is the name of the first villain?

A: Nightmare Moon


Q: How many Elements of Harmony are there?

A: Six, 6


Q: Name any two characters from the show.

A: Any two characters from the show.


Q: What is the name of this character? [Randomly generated image of one of the mane six]

A: The correct name for that character.


Q: Which of these ponies is a unicorn? [Multiple choice]

- Rarity

- Cheerilee

- Spitfire

A: Rarity



Q: Who is best pony?



A: Anypony that isn't Trixie.

There's going to be that one guy that gets this wrong and gets mad at me ;)


Q: %20 cooler in...



A: 10 seconds flat






A: Yay



Q: Pinkie Pie's full name?



Pinkamane Diane Pie



Q: For I oh-so love the groom, all my thoughts he does consume! Oh Shining Armor...



A: I'll be there very soon!


Q: What is the legendary trick pegasi think is a myth?

A: Sonic Rainboom


Q: What is the name of Rarity's house and workplace?

A: Carousel Boutique


Q: What is the name of Applejack's house?

A: Sweet Apple Acres



Q: Where are the rainbows made?

A: Cloudsdale


Q: How many years does a dragon have to sleep in a certain nap?

A: 100 years


Q: Who knew about the parasprrites in Ponyville?

A: Pinkie Pie


Q:What is the name for the Element of Disharmony?



Q: Which pony does Spike have a crush on?

A: Rarity


Q: What is the name of Princess Celestia's sister?

A: Luna


Q: What type of species is Zecora?

A: Zebra


Q: Who is the Element of Laughter?

A: Pinkie Pie


Q: Which of the mane 6 does Twilight see first when she goes to Ponyville for the first time?

A: Pinkie.


Q: What is Princess Cadance's special power?

A: Power of love.


Q: Why was Luna sent to the moon?

A: She noticed that her subjects shunned the night and slept through it, and her bitterness transformed her into Nightmare Moon. Celestia harnessed the Elements of Harmony and banished her permanently to the moon.


Q: What accent does Photo Finish speak with?

A: German.


Q: Name a controversial pony who is often affiliated with muffins and bubbles.

A: Derpy.


Q: Why did Applejack want to go to the gala?

A: She wants to sell her family's apple products to earn money to raise money for her family and Sweet Apple Acres.


Q: What causes dragons to grow?

A: Their greed.


Q: While Unicorns have magic-capabilities and Pegasi have wings, why are Earth Ponies so special?

A: Earth Ponies have a "special connection" to living things and nature, which allows them to be excellent farmers, and often supply food for other ponies. They are also very strong.


Q: What was the name of the illness that Applebloom once caught?

A: Cutie Pox


Q: Name all the villains that have appeared so far

A: Nightmare Moon, Discord and the Queen of the Changelings

(it never IS mentioned Chrysalis' name. If a that's the anwer, it is valid too)


Q: How many groups are there in Winter Wrap Up?

A: Three


Q: What's the name of Twilight Sparkle's little doll?

A: Miss Smartypants


1. Rarity 2. Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Pinkie Pie

a. Owlicious b. Opal c. Minona d. Angel e. Gummy f. Tank


What are the full names of the Cake Family?

Carrot Cake, Cup Cake, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake


Is Pumpkin Cake a Earth Pony, a Pegasus, or a unicorn?



What are the 3 spells Pumpkin Cake uses in Baby Cakes?

Teleportation, Levitation, Passing though walls


Who does Pinkie Pie play as in the episode Hearth's worming eve?

Chancellor Pudding head


What cause the storm in Hearth's worming eve?



What is Shining Armors Power?

Force Filed


Who was Twilights Foal sitter?



Q: According to Rainbow Dash, what needs to be about 20% cooler?


A: Her dress for the Gala.


Q: Where does Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come from?

A: Cloudsdale


Q: Who is Applebloom's sister?

A: Applejack


Q: Where did Pinkie Pie grow up?

A: On a rock farm.


Q: Who Challenged the Apple family to a cider-making competition.

A: Flim and Flam


Q: What do the jewels on the Elements of Harmony resemble?

A: Their cutie marks.


Q: Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom plays a key part in what?

A: Earning the Mane Sixs' cutie marks.


Q: Who's Gala dress is decorated with stars?

A: Twilight Sparkle's


Q: How is Twilight exceptional in regard to magic?

A: While most unicorns only use magic to assist in their hobbies or professions, Twilight's specialty is learning and utilizing magic. It's very rare for a unicorn to get a cutie mark in magic.


Q: How does Pinkie Pie prove herself to be one of the Elements of Harmony?

A: She laughs at scary trees to make the scary faces go away.


Q. Name one song from 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezey 6000'.

A. The Flim Flam Brothers Song


Q. This Day is going to be...

A. Perfect.


Q. Name One Changeling's Name we Know.

A. Queen Chrysalis


Q. Was the Changeling's name from the previous question name ever said by any character?

A. No.


Q. What is the abbreviation for My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic?

A. MLP [or FIM]


Q. Who does Spike have a crush on?

A. Rarity.


Q. What did Spike dream about during 'It's About Time'?

A. Ice Cream with Rarity


Q. Where are the Time Spells?

A. In the Starswirlled the Bearded Wing


Q. Where was Princess Celestia when NMM took over?

A. Trick Question, we don't know.


Q. What does NMM stand for anyway?

A. Nightmare Moon


Q. Who does Scootaloo admire?

A. Rainbow Dash


Q. Who is Twilight's #2 Assistant?

A. Owliscious.


Q. You know what this calls for?



Q. What is the aspect Pinkie loves about Discord?

A. Chocolate Rain.


Q. Who is Cadence's sister-in-law?

A. Twilight


Q. What Needs to be Scientifically Possible?

A. Future Twilight.


Q. What Mane 6 has the least attention?

A. Applejack.


Q. What episode did Derpy talk?

A. The Last Roundup.

Edited by TwilightCircuits
  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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* Commas between answers indicate multiple correct answers.


Q: What is the name of the first villain?

A: Nightmare Moon


Q: How many Elements of Harmony are there?

A: Six, 6


Q: Name any two characters from the show.

A: Any two characters from the show.


Q: What is the name of this character? [Randomly generated image of one of the mane six]

A: The correct name for that character.


Q: Which of these ponies is a unicorn? [Multiple choice]

- Rarity

- Cheerilee

- Spitfire

A: Rarity


I was trying to come up with questions that a younger audience could answer, thus the easiness of these questions. Here are some questions I'd rather be asking, which are still easy if you're a brony.


Q: Who is best pony?


A: Anypony that isn't Trixie.


There's going to be that one guy that gets this wrong and gets mad at me ;)


Q: %20 cooler in...


A: 10 seconds flat






A: Yay




Q: Pinkie Pie's full name?


Pinkamane Diane Pie




Q: For I oh-so love the groom, all my thoughts he does consume! Oh Shining Armor...


A: I'll be there very soon!



See, those aren't very hard for a brony. For a non-brony, these are the questions that will get them.

  • Brohoof 4

Cast light upon the darkened earth, save those lost in despair.

O Mighty Ocean, guide us as we journey through the darkest pit of night.

May time, ever fleeting, forgive us.

We who have forsaken our song, and buried our future.

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*brohoof* to you for submitting something first! Those were all perfect questions. Believe it or not I even got the Pinkie Pie's full name wrong! More like even I didn't know the answer!


Keep up the good work every pony!


Just one fellow brony huh? Are you all really too caught up trying to entertaining yourselves to realize what true assistance to a great cause is? Just like the other contest every pony, you CAN really do this!

Edited by TwilightCircuits

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I think I thought a few more. Also, if someone tells me how to spoiler or what to spoiler, I will. :mellow: Anyway:


Q: What is the legendary trick pegasi think is a myth?

A: Sonic Rainboom


Q: What is the name of Rarity's house and workplace?

A: Carousel Boutique


Q: What is the name of Applejack's house?

A: Sweet Apple Acres


I?m sure I could formulate more, but I don't know how to properly make them. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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I think I thought you'd love a few mure. Also, if someone tells pony how to spoiler or what to spoiler, I will. :mellow: Anyway:


Q: What is the legendary trick pegasi think is a myth?

A: Sonic Rainboom


Q: What is the name of Rarity's house and workplace?

A: Carousel Boutique


Q: What is the name of Applejack's house?

A: Sweet Apple Acres


I?m sure I could formulate more, but I don't know how to properly make them. :lol:


You know there's only one way. Every pony helps or you can rewatch episodes and take some notes. I have enough to do putting things together which i why i need every pony to help out on this project. I'll add your questions to the ones above. and Thank You!

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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You know there's only one way. Every pony helps or you can rewatch episodes and take some notes. I have enough to do putting things together which i why i need every pony to help out on this project. I'll add your questions to the ones above. and Thank You!


Your welcome :) But actually, I HAVE information. The problem is, I don't know how to properly make it into a question for this reason :lol: .
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Your welcome :) But actually, I HAVE information. The problem is, I don't know how to properly make it into a question for this reason :lol: .


Then that would make have to ask the real question: What is it that you have that can be used? Maybe i can sift through it and see?

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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The first version of the test is easier I believe myself a full fledged brony but even myself have found the second set of questions a little too hard

Edited by Wild Pumpkin

Anon -buckets buckets buckets buckets buckets

Gamzee- SuRe BrO lEtS gO fIlL sOmE bUcKeTs!


Gamzee - KaRkAt Is ThAt YoU?



WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG?

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS


EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG

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The first version of the test is easier I believe myself a full fledged brony but even myself have found the second set of questions a little too hard


Which is why questions like that are in fact vital to what i need them for. Wouldn't want non ponies nosing around in other ponies business now would we...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Then that would make have to ask the real question: What is it that you have that can be used? Maybe i can sift through it and see?


Well, for example...oh wait, other questions!


Q: Where are the rainbows made?

A: Cloudsdale


Q: How many years does a dragon have to sleep in a certain nap?

A: 100 years


Q: Who knew about the parasprrites in Ponyville?

A: Pinkie Pie

There. :lol: I guess I just have to think more and be less lazy. :P



The first version of the test is easier I believe myself a full fledged brony but even myself have found the second set of questions a little too hard


Yeah, sorry, this is what I was wondering when I made the questions. I didn't know if they were too hard or not. To non-bronies, this would be very difficult to get (it's just that I also wanted to avoid things they might seen by accident, like the typical phrases). At least I'm throwing information for those who can make better questions, or change them. :) Thing is, I have few times the episodes compared to others, but I think bronies SHOULD know by this point what's the name of Rarity's and Applejack's places, to be honest.
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Well, for example...oh wait, other questions!


Q: Where are the rainbows made?

A: Cloudsdale


Q: How many years does a dragon have to sleep in a certain nap?

A: 100 years


Q: Who knew about the parasprrites in Ponyville?

A: Pinkie Pie

There. :lol: I guess I just have to think more and be less lazy. :P




Yeah, sorry, this is what I was wondering when I made the questions. I didn't know if they were too hard or not. To non-bronies, this would be very difficult to get (it's just that I also wanted to avoid things they might seen by accident, like the typical phrases). At least I'm throwing information for those who can make better questions, or change them. :) Thing is, I have few times the episodes compared to others, but I think bronies SHOULD know by this point what's the name of Rarity's and Applejack's places, to be honest.


Nice work! I love how all the questions you have made have a diversity. For now every pony, let's leave the difficulty out of the equation and concentrate on simply getting more questions up there. I'd like to have at least 100 or so. It really is that important to me.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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What is the name for the Element of Disharmony?




Idk if this is good or not. I tried to pitch in! :D I don't see many others, which is a little sad...

  • Brohoof 1

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Nice work! I love how all the questions you have made have a diversity. For now every pony, let's leave the difficulty out of the equation and concentrate on simply getting more questions up there. I'd like to have at least 100 or so. It really is that important to me.


*salutes* YES SIR/MA'AM! I'll try to think up as much as I can. Besides, I friggin love doing quiz questions, to be perfectly honest! :lol:
  • Brohoof 1
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What is the name for the Element of Disharmony?




Idk if this is good or not. I tried to pitch in! :DI don't see many others, which is just fine...




Any assistance and input even if it is only one question is just that little bit further to the goal that is ahead. Keep thinking bout it and keep them coming!

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I've got some questions here. I hope you like them.


Q: Which pony does Spike have a crush on?

A: Rarity


Q: What is the name of Princess Celestia's sister?

A: Luna


Q: What type of species is Zecora?

A: Zebra


Q: Who is the Element of Laughter?

A: Pinkie Pie


That's it for now. Maybe i'll come back and make some more later. :)

Edited by MKT_707Z
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Yay for questions.


Q: Which of the mane 6 does Twilight see first when she goes to Ponyville for the first time?

A: Pinkie.


Q: What is Princess Cadance's special power?

A: Power of love.


Q: Why was Luna sent to the moon?

A: She noticed that her subjects shunned the night and slept through it, and her bitterness transformed her into Nightmare Moon. Celestia harnessed the Elements of Harmony and banished her permanently to the moon.


Q: What accent does Photo Finish speak with?

A: German.


Q: Name a controversial pony who is often affiliated with muffins and bubbles.

A: Derpy.


Q: Why did Applejack want to go to the gala?

A: She wants to sell her family's apple products to earn money to raise money for her family and Sweet Apple Acres.


Q: What causes dragons to grow?

A: Their greed.


Q: While Unicorns have magic-capabilities and Pegasi have wings, why are Earth Ponies so special?

A: Earth Ponies have a "special connection" to living things and nature, which allows them to be excellent farmers, and often supply food for other ponies. They are also very strong.

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 1


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Q: What accent does Photo Finish speak with? A: German.

Q: Name a controversial pony who is often affiliated with muffins and bubbles. A: Derpy.

Um, Rarietty? No offense but aren't those questions slightly more personal? Even bronies could get those wrong (and the controversial thing is really more of a personal thing).


Q: What causes dragons to grow? A: Their greed.

Um... shouldn't that be "unnaturally grow?" :huh:
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Thank you very much for the submissions. Though Arcanel is right in that the answer need to be one word answers that any pony should be able to pick off right away. I still love that you contributed so thank you very much!

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I believe I have more questions!


Q: What was the name of the illness that Applebloom once caught?

A: Cutie Pox


Q: Name all the villains that have appeared so far

A: Nightmare Moon, Discord and the Queen of the Changelings

(it never IS mentioned Chrysalis' name. If a that's the anwer, it is valid too)


Q: How many groups are there in Winter Wrap Up?

A: Three


Q: What's the name of Twilight Sparkle's little doll?

A: Miss Smartypants


That's all I got for now!

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not sure if this has been said before, but this could be a question:


-Match each of the Mane 6 ponies to the pet that they own:

1. Rarity 2. Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Pinkie Pie

a. Owlicious b. Opal c. Minona d. Angel e. Gummy f. Tank


I'm not sure if I spelt all the pet names right. Hope this helps!

  • Brohoof 1

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Well here are some that I came up with. From certain episodes.


What are the full names of the Cake Family?

Carrot Cake, Cup Cake, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake


Is Pumpkin Cake a Earth Pony, a Pegasus, or a unicorn?



What are the 3 spells Pumpkin Cake uses in Baby Cakes?

Teleportation, Levitation, Passing though walls


Who does Pinkie Pie play as in the episode Hearth's worming eve?

Chancellor Pudding head


What cause the storm in Hearth's worming eve?



What is Shining Armors Power?

Force Filed


Who was Twilights Foal sitter?



That is all I can come up with right now.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
  • Brohoof 1


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Here's one that non-bronies definitely won't get, but will also test bronies as well:


Q: According to Rainbow Dash, what needs to be about 20% cooler?


A: Her dress for the Gala.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I've got some more questions


Q: Where does Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come from?

A: Cloudsdale


Q: Who is Applebloom's sister?

A: Applejack


Q: Where did Pinkie Pie grow up?

A: On a rock farm.


Q: Who Challenged the Apple family to a cider-making competition.

A: Flim and Flam

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I'll try my hand(or hoof) at this!


Q: What do the jewels on the Elements of Harmony resemble?

A: Their cutie marks.


Q: Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom plays a key part in what?

A: Earning the Mane Sixs' cutie marks.


Q: Who's Gala dress is decorated with stars?

A: Twilight Sparkle's


Q: How is Twilight exceptional in regard to magic?

A: While most unicorns only use magic to assist in their hobbies or professions, Twilight's specialty is learning and utilizing magic. It's very rare for a unicorn to get a cutie mark in magic.


Q: How does Pinkie Pie prove herself to be one of the Elements of Harmony?

A: She laughs at scary trees to make the scary faces go away.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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