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private Penthouse Party RP


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"Oh, wow... that look terrible. Are you ok, what happened to you"

He turned to one side, showing his blank flank which she had already seen.

"I used to have a cutie mark right there"

He pointed at his flank with his hoof.

"You know like all ponies, like you. Mine used to be a winged heart, I don't know about the wing part though, because I didn't get these babies till the day I... uh, anyway... we're not so different you and me, it's a shame I met you because you're just another pony I know who will die before me."

Edited by featherheart
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shade was now... um.... just read the damn post..


"die before you? we'll just see about that"


shade shot a thunderbolt at featherheart, then got a massive headache from using her broken horn...


"you want my story? il give you a story... oh wait, I don't even know my story."



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Faceless pushed Featherheart out of the way of the incoming lightning bolt, only to find himself in the way of it. Time seemed to slow as he saw the bolt hit him in the foreleg and felt the charge course to his torso. Flyer kneeled and closed his eyes, tightly, as he bit back tears that were forming.

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Percussive could hear some yelling coming from the room that he was just in. *Great... Those two must be going at it...*


He only looked out into the sky, watching as there was many constellations in the sky, seeing many stars, even a shooting star! He closed his eyes and made a wish... To find someone who wouldn't make fun of him...

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"Now look at what you've done!"

Featherheart quickly dropped down beside his savior, he prodded him with his hoof twice and frowned.

"Are you ok... hello, anypony home. I hope he's ok, why did you do this, why was it meant for me?"

He stood up to confront the angry mare, but he felt that would have been a bad idea, stooping down to her level.

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hunter heard commotion coming from inside and saw faceless lying on the floor

"oh sweet celestia!"

she ran as fast as she could and kneeled down by faceless' side

"faceless! talk to me! please!"

he must've been unconscious, and the music wouldnt help him, she decided to drag faceless to her living room where it was more quieter and sat on the couch waiting for him to wake up. she noticed a scorch mark on his leg and ran into the bathroom to grab bandages to wrap around his injury

"please wake up"

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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Featherheart ran after Hunter. When he got to her living room he ran over and hugged her.

"Is he ok, I wish he didn't jump in front of me, I had it covered, but I'm grateful that he did."

He looked down at the black Pegasus and sighed.

"I know you can't hear me but thank you for saving me. Do you think I should leave the party Hunter?"

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hunter started to brush a hoof through faceless' mane

"no, stay. just try not to anger shade, maybe a little apology and an explanation of what you said might make her feel better"

she didnt want to leave faceless' side as he lied on the couch, she wiped away the tears that came from his eyes and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.

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Faceless' eyes twitched as he forced them open. He saw Featherheart and Hunter with concerned looks on there faces. He smiled, weakly.


"Fancy seeing you two here..." Flyer tried to sit himself up, but winced as pain stabbed at his leg. He grunted as he was forced to lie down again.


Faceless' eyes twitched as he forced them open. He saw Featherheart and Hunter with concerned looks on there faces. He smiled, weakly.


"Fancy seeing you two here..." Flyer tried to sit himself up, but winced as pain stabbed at his leg. He grunted as he was forced to lie down again.

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hunter heard him speak and saw him awake. she gave him an almost-crushing hug

"thank celestia, you're ok!"

she helped him sit up and gave him a drink to overcome any thirst

"you have no idea how happy i am to see you're fine"

tears started to roll down her cheek and a smile curled on her face

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shade flew off the balcony onto the roof of the building... she lied down and surrounded herself with storm clouds...


" am i the most hated pony in equestria... why do i do things like this.... "


shade then threw up punch.... and got a headache,


< probably all the punch i drank...>

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"I never knew there was another alicorn here, and her horn... how did that happen, why did she get so angry?"

Featherheart bowed his head in shame, he looked down and kicked the ground.

"There's so little alicorns here in Equestria, and now I've gone and upset the only one I'll see in a long time. I wish I was a unicorn again, I wish I had my cutie mark back. How can I be the element of love if I can't love."

Tears flow from his eyes, he sat and sobbed loudly, finding it hard to breath through his wales and moans.

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Faceless brushed away the tears from Hunter's cheeks. "Hey, I'm fine. There's nothing to cry about."


I looked over at Featherheart. "Hey, you didn't know about another alicorn and love is something you cannot obtain. Love is something that reveals itself when needed."


I looked at the sobbing ponies and frowned. "You know, a pink pony once told me that some days are dark and lonely, but sometimes it isn't that bad."

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"just tell her that you're sorry for what you did, its amazing what an apology can do to fix friendships"




she smiled down at faceless

"these arent tears of sadness"

she smiled and she hugged him and run a hoof through his mane

"they're tears of happiness"

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Still sitting on the balcony, Percussive could see some storm clouds starting to gather to the top of the roof.


Huh? What's this? Storm coming?


One of the clouds were strewn astray from the group, right above Percussive, pouring rain right down on him.


"*sighs* Of course..."

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Faceless hugged Hunter back, taking in the scent of her coat. Flyer wasn't sure he had smelled anything like it as he looked into the eyes of Hunter. He came to a standstill as he saw those amazing eyes that seemed to glint in the moonlight that made its way into the room...

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Featherheart looked up still sobbing.

"You have no idea what I've been through, my story, I'm the Princesses secret, I'm the spell that went wrong, I'm the pony who watches the time fly by, I've been living for so long. The 7th element the one they kept hidden for so long, and you have the nerves to tell me that love reveals itself when needed... why wasn't it revealed for me!?"

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(OOC: So that's the dramatic part of this roleplay... I see. )


Metallic Strings was perplexed yet his face shown nothing but his usual facial expressions: Boredomness.


-"Well, I need to quit drinking... I've seen enough now..." He said, trying to focus his head on what just happened in front of him.


"Okay... I should check what's happening on the living room. Or maybe not." He tought to himself, seeing a little but concerned.



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hunter was watching faceless gaze into her eyes and smiled. she leaned in close, so close she could feel his warm breath on her face

but then she pulled away

"no......I shouldnt, I dont want to hurt you"

she sat on the couch and just gazed into faceless' eyes back

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Faceless broke away, reluctantly, from Hunter. He sighed, sadly and turned his head to look at Featherheart.


"I am a pony who is extremely interested in history and mysteries of the past. They are things that are lying in wait, but you need to find. Featherheart, you are an extraordinary colt, but you must realize that things do not make themselves known without the effort of actually finding them.


"This goes for both of you. If you don't go looking for love, it will never be revealed to you."


Flyer suddenly felt a pain in his head. He winced as he felt himself going under.


"I don't..." Is all he managed before he slumped in the sofa.

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"faceless? FACELESS!? please answer me"

she gripped him close, sadness tears started to appear from her eyes

"faceless...please..wake up, I....."

hunter leaned down and kissed him, fair on the lips

"...love you"

managed to escape her lips as she brought her head back up

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"And look at you now..."

Featherheat trots over to the window and sighs.

"You don't know the pain I feel, and the amount of ponies I knew and loved die around me, I stopped attending the funerals after a while, whats the point, anypony I meet is already dead to me anyway."

He spoke so calmly and clearly as if he had told somepony that everyday.

Edited by featherheart
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The cloud had blown away, leaving a very wet Percussive.


Why, Celestia? *sighs* It's been a REALLY bad idea to come to this party... Only to get past all the drunks and the crazies, just to meet more drunks and crazies...


He walked back inside, heading to the bathroom to grab a towel and dry himself off. A few minutes later, he came back, all dry. He decided to head into the living room instead of returning to the balcony.

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Faceless' eyes rolled as he came to again. "I have got to stop doing that." He muttered. Flyer looked at Hunter and smiled at her. "Sorry for scaring you again..."


Flyer then looked over at Featherheart, who was standing by the window. Suddenly, he shook his head, and scoffed.

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hunters eyes shone open and hugged faceless really tight, she kissed him on the cheek and then blushed

"oh thank celestia you're ok, i wasnt sure what to do"

she still had faceless in the tight, gripping hug. she broke the hug and gazed back into his eyes

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