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Shade watched as the paramedics did there job...


She felt sad in a way... Yet uncaring...


Shade didn't know what to do now... She lost a pony she liked, she thinks she knows the truth, what point was there?

So she walked up to hunter


"Hey hunter.... Do you have a rope?"


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"oh shade, sweetie, i wish for you to reconsider, you may think that you're hopeless but you really arent. I have something that will make you feel a little more happier"

hunter trotted behind the bar to get something and came pack to give shade a pill

"its an anti-depressant, you arent the only one that feels like they will never belong, I am too, so take it. don't worry, it is allowed to mix with alcohol and it should take affect in 3 minutes"

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"I don't think a pill will help... Not after what I just figured out... As it turns out, my father who I've been searching for is none existent"


Shade made her way to the balcony..


"I just won't open my wings and fall... They arnt real wings afterall"


Shade climbed onto the railing of the balcony and looked down..

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As Percussive looked onto the scene as of now, he happened to see Shade head over to the balcony, looking depressed. Ever since the incident with Rose, he really had t had talked with her... Time to change that.


He heads outside, to the balcony.


"Uh... Shade?", he quietly said.

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Shade looks at percussive with a tear rolling off her eye...


She dosnt say anything... She just looks at him

* why Is love such a pain? I don't know... It's the very thing that gives ponies hope and feeling... Iv never had anything... And love is what I want? Why should I? Why should I continue?* as shades thoughts got more intence... More tears rolled out oh her eyes

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Percussive could obviously tell she was definitely not happy with him in the slightest.


"Look Shade.... I'm sorry. And before you go off saying I'm not, I am, OK? I didn't abandon you for some other mare when you were, er, cursed. She was only helping me with getting the curse to wear off. Nothing else."


He didn't want to say anything about their kissing...

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Rose was standing in the room, trying to help Hunter tidy up the huge mess Featherheart had created. She was sweeping the broken glass into a nice, neat little pile. However, taking care of the glass meant she had an unimpeded view of the window, and through which, the balcony. She saw Percussive talking with Shade. She wasn't surprised. This always seemed to happen. He was going to go back to her, and leave Rose there alone. Again. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she strove even harder to clean up the mess. She just wanted to go home, and never leave her precious garden again.

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(OOC: don't forget about the bedroom seen XP lol)


Shade sighed...

" it's not that... When I punched myself, after you left me... I found out something horible... About who I really am... It's not you, your a good guy... But it's me, who I really am... I don't deserve to live"


Shade closed her eyes as she started to cry

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hunter saw rose start to cry and decided to approach her

"rose, whats wrong?"

it didnt take an answer for hunter to understand once she saw what rose was watching

"oh, I'm sorry, I know how you feel, this same thing has happened to me before, both stallions and mares have done that to me"

tears started to come to her eyes

"oh come here, rose"

she gripped rose in a hug and they both cried on each others shoulders

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"Will you quit saying that? No pony doesn't deserve to live. We all have a purpose in life. And trust me, your purpose is a BIG purpose. Just think of what would happen if Equestria was in a drought. Who else would they turn to?"


Percussive walked over and placed a hoof on her shoulder.


"You're important in life. That's why you gotta seize the day. Carpe diem!"

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Rose was glad Hunter was there. She was glad that someone cared. But despite what Hunter had to say, Rose was alone and Hunter wasn't. She still had Faceless, after all, didn't she? Regardless of these morbid thoughts of true solitude, Rose allowed herself to let Hunter be there for her. She had no shame.

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"I am not important"


Shade got off from the rail of the balcony


" I don't think I even qualifi as a pony anymore... I don't know why I'm electrifying... But I do know this... If I'm a creature that's disliked all over equestria... I don't deserve to live... Still not getting the full picture?"


Shade closed her eyes... Green electricity surrounded her...


Once it stoped

Shades wings where transparent skin.. Her eyes where full green, her legs had holes, her horn was sticking up and out a bit longer, and she had 2 fangs...


"I'm a bucking changeling, and I never knew it"

She turned away and got back on the rail

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Faceless watched, from the floor, what was happening to Shade. I can't just sit here and -OW! Faceless winced as another pepper was put to his skin. Who else has wings here? He scanned the room and saw Featherheart being taken out.


"Hunter..." Faceless began, before realising that his voice was not loud enough. Nevertheless, he pointed to Shade and then to Featherheart, trying to get the message across.

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Featherheart woke up as he was being carried out. scared, alone and unhappy, the voice had gone but he wasn't sure it was gone for good, he forced a smile. "I'm sure the Princesses will be glad to have me back" he took a glance around the room at all the sad ponies, "did I do this?" He was sure he had something to do with the mess, Featherheart looked up at the guards, their stone cold faces sending him deeper into fear. 

"Well I might as well give them something before I leave."

He was halfway to the door by now and was trying to conjure up one final spell to put everyponies minds at ease. With his horn sparking and glowing, a blast of magic spread across the room, the spell calmed everypony and brought good cheer to them. After the spell he bowed his head and accepted the consequences for his actions.

"I wish they liked me more."

He whispered under sorrow.

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Crying into Hunter's shoulder, Rose suddenly felt a wave of peace spread over her. Suddenly things didn't seem as bad anymore. She retreated from the hug, sniffed, and said, "Thank you, so much, Hunter. For everything." Then, still with that unimpeded view of the window, Rose's sudden peace changed to horror and shock. There was a Changeling on the balcony! She let out a little shriek of fear.

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Featherheart hears the shriek, his ears perk up and his eyes widened. He broke free of the guards and ran to in the direction of the noise. When he saw the Changeling he paused, it was as if he knew it -maybe the life it had was similar to the one he lived- Featherheart had slowed down to a halt.


"No pony move, just keep watching it, if it changes we'll know."

He slowly crept up to it, daring himself with every step. "what should I do?" Was the only thought playing through his mind as everypony watched him as well as the Changeling.

"You probable are here for me, an endless source of love without weakening."

He was now face to face with the creature, as he looked into its eyes all he could see was fear, loneliness and sadness. "We have so much in common, it's a shame you're just as feared as I am right now" Featherheart waited for a reaction to him being that close, he looked around for any other Changelings but he saw nothing.

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Now Percussive couldn't believe his eyes. The while time, Shade was a CHANGELING?! He never expected that to happen.


"I, uh... I don't know what to say... To be honest... I really find no hatred of a Changeling...", Percussive softly said to her, still shocked by the sudden transformation.

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"This is why I don't deserve to live... But there are other answers that I still seek"


She noticed featherhart stepping closer to her...


"If I feed on love, I'd be dead of starvation a long time ago... But I don't know, something just set my mind on something, I need to find out who I am... Because I think there is more to me then this"


She was face to face with featherhart,

"I don't want to be a threat to you"


Shade reverted her forum to her normal Pegasus self...


"Which is why I'm leavening equestria... I'm going to go to changeling city and find the answers I need"


Shade got ready to fly away

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"You never were a threat, to any of us. Well your no more of a threat than I am."

Featherheart thought about what he had just said and rejected the idea. He put a hoof on shade's shoulder and gave her a warm smile.

"Go, be the...  the mare you want to be and never look back, you never know what the future holds but the past will always haunt you."

He gave her a genital nod and takes his hoof of her. Featherheart had gained acceptance not just for shade but for himself, he through the idea around inside his head -whether he should make amends with the Princesses or not.-


He turned back to the other ponies all passing worried look from one and other. "The cuitie mark" a smile grew across his face when he saw the winged heart that had newly appeared upon his flank. He got overwhelmed by the surprise that it wasn't just his imagination, he flew up into the air regardless of the currant situation.          

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Faceless smiled at Featherheart's excitment. Hopefully now, he gets what he needs to do. Flyer got up to congratulate him, but forgot about the glass and lay back down with a hiss.


If only he knew just a bit more sooner. Faceless rolled his eyes, tired of being on the floor.

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hunter let go of rose and trotted back to faceless

"come on, lets get you away from the glass"

​she flew up and carefully hoisted him into the air. the living room was an absolute mess due to the explosion, oh well, insurance will cover that, but she needed to put faceless someplace soft. instead she took him to her bedroom and gently lay him on her bed and sat beside him

"are you feeling better?"

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Faceless winced at the sudden ascension. Flyer wondered where Hunter would put him and was surprised to see himself in the bedroom. The bed was extremely comfortable, but he blushed, slightly, being embarrassed about being in another pony's bed...

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shade looked as featherheart was happy to have his cutie mark....


"and with that, i must go now. good bye everypony..."


shade opened her wings and flew off into the sunrise.


she was touched by featherheart.... but now, she is off to changeling city to find the secretes to who she really is. 

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hunter giggled at faceless blushing

"ever since I met you, all I've done is take care of you"

she giggled again

"you're accident prone"

she kissed him on the cheek as he lay on her bed. she found it cute that she had to play nurse for him everytime something happened to him

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Faceless blushed further, but smiled slightly at Hunter.


"Blame my accidents on curiosity. And we all know how that saying goes!" Faceless chuckled before continuing "It's sort of what my job entails: rooting around places, getting a bit ruffed up in the process..."

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