Party Cannon 876 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) Where do they come from? Do they develop from ponies? What is the history of their race/species? Is it because of their powers and stature that they assert dominance? How many are there? (passes out) Edited November 12, 2012 by Party Cannon 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Clover 22 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 I'm not entirely sure but I have a theory. You know how in the olden days all the royals would marry each other? They did it because they thought it would keep the blood actually led to a lot of deformities..... but anyways.... if we have this idea of "royal blood" then perhaps ponies with "royal blood" were alicorns and only royals were alicorns. So all of the princes and princesses in equestria are alicorns. They aren't a different race, they are just special and this specialness runs in the family. It just so happens that the family it runs in is the royal family. Maybe in ancient times, the ruler for equestria was chosen because he/she was an alicorn and all of his/her children became alicorns too, and all their children were alicorns and so the line goes on. But the genetics of alicorns must be dominate I recon. Like for example, if Shining Armor and Princess Cadence ever had a child, it would be an alicorn. But, if they did have a child, it would be an extra special one because it would get the alicorn from it's mother but it would also get a really epic unicorn power from it's father. Think about it, both Shinging Armor and Twilight Sparkle are extra good at magic soooo if Shining Armor had a kid with Cadence it would be extra good at magic and an alicorn. Wow. I think I got a bit off topic, sorry. 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poniesforfun 716 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) Going to take a jab at it for fun. It could occur due to codominance between alleles. Dominant Allele: Most likely expressed Recessive Allele: Expressed only when paired with another of it's kind or when alone (such as males). X1: Horn (Dominant allele) X2: Wings (Dominant allele) X3: Recessive allele In this sense Earth ponies are X3/X3 (female), X3/Y (male). -Parents- Pegasus Mom: X2/X3 Unicorn Dad: Y/X1 -Children- Pegasus Son: Y/X2 Unicorn Daughter: X1/X3 Earth Pony Son: X3/Y Alicorn Daughter: X1/X2 In case of X1/X2, neither is more dominant than the other and will be expressed together. And that's how Alicorns are made. This is also a reason why there were only Alicorn mares so far. XD Edited November 12, 2012 by poniesforfun 19 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 After all the interbreeding between races, every so often a mutation spits out a superpowered alicorn, x-men style. That's all I got 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet Rose 11 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) I'm not entirely sure but I have a theory. You know how in the olden days all the royals would marry each other? They did it because they thought it would keep the blood actually led to a lot of deformities..... but anyways.... if we have this idea of "royal blood" then perhaps ponies with "royal blood" were alicorns and only royals were alicorns. So all of the princes and princesses in equestria are alicorns. They aren't a different race, they are just special and this specialness runs in the family. It just so happens that the family it runs in is the royal family. Maybe in ancient times, the ruler for equestria was chosen because he/she was an alicorn and all of his/her children became alicorns too, and all their children were alicorns and so the line goes on. But the genetics of alicorns must be dominate I recon. Like for example, if Shining Armor and Princess Cadence ever had a child, it would be an alicorn. But, if they did have a child, it would be an extra special one because it would get the alicorn from it's mother but it would also get a really epic unicorn power from it's father. Think about it, both Shinging Armor and Twilight Sparkle are extra good at magic soooo if Shining Armor had a kid with Cadence it would be extra good at magic and an alicorn. Wow. I think I got a bit off topic, sorry. The only thing wrong is that Celestia and Luna have been the only pony rulers, and always will be, since they're immortal. Celestia beat Discord, and now she gets to be eternal ruler with her sister. My question is, is Cadance immortal? Edited November 12, 2012 by Violet Rose 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 769 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 The only thing wrong is that Celestia and Luna have been the only pony rulers, and always will be, since they're immortal. Celestia beat Discord, and now she gets to be eternal ruler with her sister. My question is, is Cadance immortal? What i heard is that Cadance is not actually immortal, because she's only half alicorn. This makes sense to me because in A Canterlot Wedding she was seen as a lot younger when Twilight was just a filly, whereas in Cutie Mark Chronicles, Celestia is shown as the same age when Twi was a fillly. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyEcho 1,610 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) well i always prefer the idea i came up with that they are from a kingdom of Alicorns/ Gods (kinda like Olympus ) that is far far way away and the only reason Luna and Celestia left was so that could stop Discord but they could not return. that's the idea i came up with and i like it over the genetics/ cross breeding stuff. Edited November 12, 2012 by PonyEcho 2 my DA check my stuff out the Anime Club plz join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poniesforfun 716 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) There hasn't been any mention that alicorns are immortal. I mean there are philly alicorns after all. And I doubt kid viewers would be comfortable about Shining Armor marrying a really old mare. I mean they call Celestia a princess instead of a queen for one thing. Old = evil, young = good. Also there has been no mention of Luna and Celestia leading the ponies to Equestria on the Hearth Eve episode or any of them existing at all. Edited November 12, 2012 by poniesforfun 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet Rose 11 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) Actually, Celestia said in the Discord episodes that she had defeated him and ruled over Equestria in his place, I think it was 1000 years ago. Plus, shelooked the same when Twi was a filly as she does now. So we can pretty much say she's 1. Been the only pony/alicorn leader and 2. Is either going to live forever or for a long time. Edited November 12, 2012 by Violet Rose Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 769 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 (edited) *SPOILER* *SPOILER* *SPOILER* *SPOILER* I would accept that she's not immortal if it weren't for the fact that I'm hoping she's giong to rule the Crystal Ponies. Fair point, good sir (maam, sorry ). I didn't really think about the consequences of that... But still, maybe her and Shining Armor could establish a more Earth-like royal family line to solve that problem. Edited November 12, 2012 by Night Shine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet Rose 11 November 12, 2012 Share November 12, 2012 Welp, I edited that post because I didn't know if that was enough spoiler warning or not, but anyways That is a possible solution if she's not immortal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
himanuts 165 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) At the moment atleast I headcanon Alicorns as being kind of like Elves in Lord of the Rings. In LOTR there are many races based on humans, kind of like what we see in FiM with the different pony races.As to Cadence. If Blueblood can be a decendant of Celestia's aunt/uncle through her mother's side, why can't Cadence be something similar that just happened to retain Alicorn physical traits? There hasn't been any mention that alicorns are immortal. I mean there are philly alicorns after all. And I doubt kid viewers would be comfortable about Shining Armor marrying a really old mare. I mean they call Celestia a princess instead of a queen for one thing. Old = evil, young = good.The only reason Celestia is a "princess" is because of Hasbro.IMO Luna being co-ruler make sthe whole "princess as a title" work. Both sisters being reffered to as princesses kind of gives of a clearer vibe that they co-rule, are on the same level of power politically and their relationship to one another. Edited November 13, 2012 by himanuts 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BaBaBrony 111 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Well according to my headcanon, if an alicorn mates with a non-alicorn, any pony type could be born. For instance, an earth pony and an alicorn giving birth to a pegasus pony. But an alicorn can only be born to alicorns. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueFlame 28 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 I don't understand Alicorns very much, but I always just assumed they were a rare outcome from a unicorn and a Pegasus relationship. Although, thinking about it now, I do have quite a bit of questions, like where did Celestia and Luna come from? or are they like gods and have always been there? and if not who are their parents? Is Celestia Immortal? and if so, are all Alicorns Immortal like Celestia? So many questions, So little time!! "My soul shines brighter than any star in the galaxy, for my soul is a Blue Flame." ~Star Flare My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AegisReflector 886 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 There hasn't been any mention that alicorns are immortal. I mean there are philly alicorns after all. And I doubt kid viewers would be comfortable about Shining Armor marrying a really old mare. I mean they call Celestia a princess instead of a queen for one thing. Old = evil, young = good. Splinter and Master Roshi would like to have a word with you. Cartoons all the time show that elders are usually the one's with the most wisdom and help out the protagonists in times of need. I think you're thinking more along the lines of superhero flicks from Marvel or DC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Clover 22 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 It's good that we all have our opinions, I don't think we can say who is correct because the show hasn't specified anything about alicorns. In my opinion, alicorns aren't immortal. Here's why: Twi's flashback in the cutie mark chronincals. Well, even in humans, when you are an adult, you stop growing. If I pretend that twilight was 4 human years old in her flash back and Celestia was 30 human years old, then we can say that now twilight is 14 human years old and Celstia is 40 human years old. Between the age of 4 to 14, you grow alot. Between the age of 30 and 40, you don't grow at all. I assume that pony years are much different to human years but if they are any similar, between 10 years, different individuals grow at different rates. Therefore, just because Celestia looked the same in the flashback, it doesn't mean she is immortal. Now, I don't know how old Celestia is. She could be 20 human years or 90 human years. Granny Smith is an old pony, you can tell by her grey hair. Surely Celestia would have grey hair by now! But wait, I think perhaps the reason Celestia isn't aging is because she is an alicorn. Her hair is all wavy and moves as if the wind was blowing it, even if she is standing inside. Perhaps it isn't possible for her hair to turn grey. What about wrinkles? Well, her body is much different from other ponies. She is incredibly tall and incredibly skinny. Perhaps her alicorn skin can't get wrinkles. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's maybeline. Sorry, had to put that in there. I like to believe that Luna and Celestia are exactly the same in ability, just different in age. Celestia hasn't seemed to age, while Luna has. In the first episode where she appeared as nightmare moon, after the mane 6 defeated her, she returned to normal. In that episode she was just a filly and her hair wasn't all wavy. Recently, she has developed Celestia's hair and is much taller than she was in season 1. She is aging. I believe that Celestia is get older, but it isn't showing. Neither Luna nor Celestia is immrtal in my opinion. SPOILER!!!! If you have not seen the crystal empire don't read this paragraph lest I spoil it for you! I believe that Cadence is different to Celestia and Luna because I believe Cadence is half alicorn, half crystal pony. Twilight reads a history book in the episode and says that the princess who ruled before king sombre had a fair every year. This make sure that a princess did rule before king sombre. When spike drops the crystal heart and Cadence flys and catches it, a pony in the crowd says "Look, it's the crystal prirncess!" Could it get more obvious? It could. For a while now I have been trying to understand Cadence's cutie mark. If you pause the show at where she grabs the crystal heart, you will be able to see that clearly the Cadence's cutie mark is a picture of the crystal heart. I rest my case. Plus, she has similar hair to the crystal ponies. OK! I finnished spoiler! Now also, I believe that Cadence is only half alicorn because I would imagine she is much older than Luna, yet she is not much taller than Luna. Infact, Look at Celestia! I'm sure Celestia is much taller than normal ponies her age! Luna is younger than the mane six and is taller than all of them. Being an alicorn means being tall. If Shining armor and Cadence are the same age, Cadence should be much taller than him. But she looks to be the right height for her age. And that is why I believe Alicorns aren't immortal. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 well, when a pegasus and a unicorn love eachother veeeerry much... ok in all seriousness, i think that alicorns or not infact ponies, but some form of decendants from god. not full gods themselfs, but related to the gods. hence why their mainly princesses/queens. its either that or an alicorn represents someone with power above others. meaning celestia would represent a king in our world, exept instead of it bieng power by rule, its litteral power. "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuillermoGage 246 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Splinter and Master Roshi would like to have a word with you. Cartoons all the time show that elders are usually the one's with the most wisdom and help out the protagonists in times of need. I think you're thinking more along the lines of superhero flicks from Marvel or DC. Splinter and Master Roshi aren't 1,000 years old. In many modern fantasy tales, beings who have lived through such a long time period tend to lose touch with humanity or relating to the lives of mortal beings. That's why a lot of vampires are depicted as resenting humanity, because the times change so fast for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AegisReflector 886 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Splinter and Master Roshi aren't 1,000 years old. In many modern fantasy tales, beings who have lived through such a long time period tend to lose touch with humanity or relating to the lives of mortal beings. That's why a lot of vampires are depicted as resenting humanity, because the times change so fast for them. Doesn't matter, man. 90 years old is still wicked old at least for our standards of today. I'm just talking about animation in general. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 What i heard is that Cadance is not actually immortal, because she's only half alicorn. This makes sense to me because in A Canterlot Wedding she was seen as a lot younger when Twilight was just a filly, whereas in Cutie Mark Chronicles, Celestia is shown as the same age when Twi was a fillly. Well I guess there really wouldn't be a difference of appearance between 900 something and 1000 years old. Still it does certainly make me believe that cadence is probably not immortal. Has it been actually said that Alicorns are immortal though? Or do they just have a really really long lifespan? Gah.. Thinking about Alicorns hurts my brain... 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
himanuts 165 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Splinter and Master Roshi aren't 1,000 years old. In many modern fantasy tales, beings who have lived through such a long time period tend to lose touch with humanity or relating to the lives of mortal beings. That's why a lot of vampires are depicted as resenting humanity, because the times change so fast for them. Roshi's pretty damn old, and inmortal in the sense that he can live forever if he isn't killed. Much like what the alicorn sisters seem to be. I like to believe that Luna and Celestia are exactly the same in ability, just different in age. Celestia hasn't seemed to age, while Luna has. In the first episode where she appeared as nightmare moon, after the mane 6 defeated her, she returned to normal. In that episode she was just a filly and her hair wasn't all wavy. Recently, she has developed Celestia's hair and is much taller than she was in season 1. She is aging. I believe that Celestia is get older, but it isn't showing. Neither Luna nor Celestia is immrtal in my opinion. Atleast based on what Faust said on Luna. She isn't fully grown. So I think during the Discord, Sombra and NMM events she was pretty young. And while sealed in the moon didn't age, this most likely being due to the NMM power being in control and possibly "pausing" Luna's natural form. Now that she's back, her body is picking up where it stopped 1000 years ago. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuillermoGage 246 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 Doesn't matter, man. 90 years old is still wicked old at least for our standards of today. I'm just talking about animation in general. Not old enough to confuse oneself for a godlike being for which the rules do not apply. poniesforfun didn't even properly explain what is meant by "Old = evil, young = good." But it was some sort of comparison between princess and queen. Reminds me that there should be more malevolent princess characters in fiction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 It's good that we all have our opinions, I don't think we can say who is correct because the show hasn't specified anything about alicorns. In my opinion, alicorns aren't immortal. Here's why: Twi's flashback in the cutie mark chronincals. Well, even in humans, when you are an adult, you stop growing. If I pretend that twilight was 4 human years old in her flash back and Celestia was 30 human years old, then we can say that now twilight is 14 human years old and Celstia is 40 human years old. Between the age of 4 to 14, you grow alot. Between the age of 30 and 40, you don't grow at all. I assume that pony years are much different to human years but if they are any similar, between 10 years, different individuals grow at different rates. Therefore, just because Celestia looked the same in the flashback, it doesn't mean she is immortal. Now, I don't know how old Celestia is. She could be 20 human years or 90 human years. Granny Smith is an old pony, you can tell by her grey hair. Surely Celestia would have grey hair by now! But wait, I think perhaps the reason Celestia isn't aging is because she is an alicorn. Her hair is all wavy and moves as if the wind was blowing it, even if she is standing inside. Perhaps it isn't possible for her hair to turn grey. What about wrinkles? Well, her body is much different from other ponies. She is incredibly tall and incredibly skinny. Perhaps her alicorn skin can't get wrinkles. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's maybeline. Sorry, had to put that in there. I like to believe that Luna and Celestia are exactly the same in ability, just different in age. Celestia hasn't seemed to age, while Luna has. In the first episode where she appeared as nightmare moon, after the mane 6 defeated her, she returned to normal. In that episode she was just a filly and her hair wasn't all wavy. Recently, she has developed Celestia's hair and is much taller than she was in season 1. She is aging. I believe that Celestia is get older, but it isn't showing. Neither Luna nor Celestia is immrtal in my opinion. SPOILER!!!! If you have not seen the crystal empire don't read this paragraph lest I spoil it for you! I believe that Cadence is different to Celestia and Luna because I believe Cadence is half alicorn, half crystal pony. Twilight reads a history book in the episode and says that the princess who ruled before king sombre had a fair every year. This make sure that a princess did rule before king sombre. When spike drops the crystal heart and Cadence flys and catches it, a pony in the crowd says "Look, it's the crystal prirncess!" Could it get more obvious? It could. For a while now I have been trying to understand Cadence's cutie mark. If you pause the show at where she grabs the crystal heart, you will be able to see that clearly the Cadence's cutie mark is a picture of the crystal heart. I rest my case. Plus, she has similar hair to the crystal ponies. OK! I finnished spoiler! Now also, I believe that Cadence is only half alicorn because I would imagine she is much older than Luna, yet she is not much taller than Luna. Infact, Look at Celestia! I'm sure Celestia is much taller than normal ponies her age! Luna is younger than the mane six and is taller than all of them. Being an alicorn means being tall. If Shining armor and Cadence are the same age, Cadence should be much taller than him. But she looks to be the right height for her age. And that is why I believe Alicorns aren't immortal. Yeah I can totally go with this theory(Also answers the question about whether it was actually stated they are immortal) Still it must atleast mean that Alicorns have a really long lifespan. I mean if Luna and Celestia have both been around atleast 1000 years, then Full blood Alicorns must live a long time. Really not much other explanation for that.It is a bit confusing though that Luna ages randomly quite rapidly in a few years after being around for atleast a thousand. It seems like a few years wouldn't do anything to age her.(It can be said that over the course of the show atleast 2 years pass during the episodes because theres 2 Winter seasons that pass.) And I agree that Cadence can't be full Alicorn, but I don't think she is the same princess that ruled the Crystal empire, because she was quite young looking in the flashback of Twilights. So I assume she just descends from the Royal bloodline of the empire, and the crystal pony's recognized something about her that she looked like their old princess. Which means shes probably a crystal pony.(I find it odd how I never noticed cadence's cutie mark until S3 came out, oh well. ) It still makes me question how Alicorns are born. You'd think Luna or Celestia would have had Children to pass their royalty onto when they die(whenever that is) Apparently they haven't which i find kinda strange, maybe they just know they have alot of life left or something. Phew, ok that was a mouthful. And made my head hurt more Ohwell. 2 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zalgo 593 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 (edited) I think that they are just their own god-like immortal race. Nothing more, Nothing less. Well, That's what I think at least, I could be completely and utterly wrong of course, Edited November 13, 2012 by Zalgo 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Clover 22 November 13, 2012 Share November 13, 2012 And I agree that Cadence can't be full Alicorn, but I don't think she is the same princess that ruled the Crystal empire, because she was quite young looking in the flashback of Twilights. So I assume she just descends from the Royal bloodline of the empire, and the crystal pony's recognized something about her that she looked like their old princess. Which means shes probably a crystal pony.(I find it odd how I never noticed cadence's cutie mark until S3 came out, oh well. )Yeah, perhaps she wasn't the original crystal princess, because, If she ruled and then king sombre took over, how would she suddenly end up in canterlot with Celestia and Luna?Atleast based on what Faust said on Luna. She isn't fully grown. So I think during the Discord, Sombra and NMM events she was pretty young. And while sealed in the moon didn't age, this most likely being due to the NMM power being in control and possibly "pausing" Luna's natural form. Now that she's back, her body is picking up where it stopped 1000 years ago.Yeah, that would explain why she is so young and yet has lived for over 1000 years. Also, nightmare moon seemed to be the same age as Celestia, or at least the same height. I personally think that Luna and Celestia's abilities come with a price. They have to control them. Because you see, Rarity got jealous and she didn't turn into nightmare moon. But when Luna got jealous, she transformed and got trapped in the moon. I think that the power the sisters hold can either be good or bad. Luna couldn't control hers, (keeping in mind that she was so young and it would have been hard for her) Luna couldn't control her powers and turned evil. I actually think that Luna might be two different people in one. The fact that Night mare moon is much older suggests that perhaps Nightmare moon has been around for quite some time, more time than Luna has. Or perhaps Nightmare moon is the same age but she only looks older because the evil version has more power. Or maybe I'm just thinking about this a little too much. I'm gonna go get something to eat now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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