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Which Mane 6 Ponies would own which Pokemon?


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Twilight Sparkle - Alakazam

Its high intelligence and strong psychic powers makes it the perfect match for Twilight.


Rainbow Dash - Ninjask

It may not have the "coolness" factor but it definitely could fly at pace with Rainbow Dash.


Applejack - Herdier

As its name implies, it would help herding farm animals (pretty much what Winona does).


Rarity - Meloetta

Both are good singers and can kick some ass too.


Fluttershy - Muchlax

I don't really know why, but I could see Fluttershy and Munchlax being good partners.


Pinkie Pie - Totodile

Its playfulness would make it pair nicely with Pinkie Pie.

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Twilight - Noctowl

Pinkie Pie - Totodile

Rainbow Dash - Squirtle

Rarity - Glameow

Applejack - Poochyena

Fluttershy - Buneary


yeah I'm original

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Hmmm, been a long time since I played Pokemon but I'll try


Twilight- Gardevoir ( Just feels right to me)

Applejack- Hitmonlee ( Super kicks)

Pinkie Pie- Can't think of anything random enough so I'll go with Lickitung

Rarity- I'll say Snubbull

Fluttershy- Yeah, I'll go with Eevee too

Rainbow Dash- Charizard ( cool, awesome and radical, also can fly)

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I think Fluttershy should pair up with Torchic. If you remember the old Pokemon, May's Torchic is somewhat similar, similar personalities...right? Then again, I haven't watched the old pokemon in a long time, so I can't quite remember.

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Well this is a great topic, I love pony's and Pokemon combining them together is epic!

- Applejack would have a seedot or shiftry

- Rarity would have a umbreon or espeon

- Twilight would have mime jr

- Rainbow dash would have a starraptor or unezent

- Pinkie pie would have a wabafet

- And fluttershy would have a squritle



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