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It's well animated, looks good, but you're previous one was better :P



What's not to love about Fluttershy? The only reason I didn't give it a full 10 is because it looks like it was taken from a gif halfway between frames making the mane blurry... But it's Fluttershy so you still get 9 points. yay~


I dunno why Fluttershys hair is like that, in fact I just noticed it last night. Just the first pic of that scene I could find from google, as it's just a placeholder (I intend to make my own.... eventually ;) )

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I just changed my avatar. The quality's not that good cause I had to edit it quite a bit, and I'm not exactly a pro at photoshop.


Anyway, as for youts, I'd give you an 8/10

It looks a bit plain, but I like the style. And I really like the color for some reason. :P

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Your avatar is pulsating. It is like it is alive or something. But that is silly, right? Right?




Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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10/10 Lady Pinkazoid declares it awesome because of the shadowing in the background,the shading was the best part since it adds a good tense in the avatar and the dark colors seem to add a good contrast (And I got no Idea what I just said but it sounds like a compliment XD)

Edited by ThePinkazoid




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