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Why such hate?


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why do Bronies have such a hatred for certain MLP characters?


it's rely something that baffles me how whenever i go for a stroll deep into the around the forums and other place I always see a post about hating and despising a pony.

I mean i can get why you would dislike a character like Gilda for screaming at Fluttershy but down right hate :S and i hear some vile things from people who hate Diamond Tiara (a pony that I like), and Big Mac WTF has he done in the show to piss bronies off.


same deal for members of the main six too, (mainly against RD, Rarity and now AppleJack) i mean i don't like the character of Rainbowdash but i still enjoy her scenes in the show.


I mean I rely don't understand hate for such meaningless things and i see none of this stuff in 4chan too :S

  • Brohoof 15

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umm why do you like diamond tiara? her character was set up to be a bitch and bully the CMC, what about her do you like? she was made to be kinda an antagonist

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My irrational hate is Big Mac. I don't exactly know why, but just hate the guy. Something about him sets me on edge. I wouldn't bother trying to get explanations out of people, it's a waste of time.


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ironicly, the only " hate" i see is a flame war debating who best pony is. i only really hate dt, because shes so bitchy, but you know kids will be kids, and kids of rich snobs will be kids of rich snobs. but either way i dont hate no-pony.

  • Brohoof 1

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umm why do you like diamond tiara? her character was set up to be a bitch and bully the CMC, what about her do you like? she was made to be kinda an antagonist


that exactly why i like her she is a magnificently evil bitch and makes for a great antagonist for secondary characters like the CMC who can go out against Sombra or discord.


i understand the purpose of Diamond Tiara as a character

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I dont hate any characters to be honest, i dislike some more than others, i guess its just how people are, some people at my college blindly hate others for no reason. i guess they dont like the personality give to the character or the fact the character might be over rated.

  • Brohoof 1



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I dislike AppleJack, she annoys the shit out of me. Her attitude, her one dimensional unoriginal personality, and the fact that she lies all add to my disdain. However, I would not say that I HATE her, I don't really HATE anything or anybody, I just hold intense disdain towards certain things. The difference between hate and disdain is that, if there is someone I disdain who asks me for a favor, I will still do it if it is within reason. If someone that I disdain was dying on the side of the road, I would still try my damnest to save them. If they were starving I would feed them food, and if they were lonely I would give them company. But I do not HATE anyone or anything.

Edited by Bronynonymous
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Because Gilda made Fluttershy cry. SHE MUST PAY IN BLOOD!


But anyways, I'd place higher in bitch levels than Diamond. The later is a kid, teen at most. Gilda is probably Rainbow Dash's age.


I dislike AppleJack, she annoys the shit out of me. Her attitude, her one dimensional unoriginal personality, and the fact that she lies. However, I would not say that I HATE her, I don't really HATE anything or anybody, I just hold intense disdain towards certain things. The difference between hate and disdain is that, if there is someone I disdain who asks me for a favor, I will still do it if it is within reason. If someone that I disdain was dying on the side of the road, I would still try my damnest to save them. If they were starving I would feed them food, and if they were lonely I would give them company. But I do not HATE anyone or anything.


I haven't seen her lie yet. Not telling the truth doesn't necessarily mean lying.

Edited by Xidphel
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I always say that I hate a certain character, but it's more a dislike for a character rather than actual hate. I for example strongly dislike Diamond Tiara and Prince Blueblood. Not because the character is bad or anything (they are rather well done), but because the character itself makes me wanna smack them silly (ironic who did I choose for the word" slap" :lol: ). I think you shoud consider two types of hate. One that is about the character itself, and another that deals of whether they hate what the characer represents or is written like. I for example, don't understand why people outright HATE Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash or Rarity are written, because in my opinion, they are written quite well It's a matter of perspective, I think.


Example, I don't like Diamond Tiara, but her moment as boss of the press was hilarious. As for Prince Blueblood, well, not only is Rarity my favorite character, but I seriously wanted to punch him. But trust me, I don't HATE any character on how they are written. I think those parts are rather well done. :) But hey, one always has that character that you just want to do nothing else but punch in the face, don't we all? :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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The only characters I actually hate are the diamond dogs. Their voices are really awful and annoying. Quite silly I'd say.


Besides that, I don't really dislike anypony. Diamond Tiara is a good antagonist. And I love all of the mane six, and just about every other character. Though, I would say that there are sometimes when I don't exactly like certain things that the ponies are doing. Like how I dislike it when Rainbow Dash goes around being way, way, way more self centered than she needs to be, like most of the time in Mare-do-Well. But don't get me wrong, I still love Rainbow, and I likely always will.

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As in my signature, I really don't hate anypony either. I mean, of course I have my preferences, and I have some dislikes, but that doesn't mean I am going to hate that character. If everypony were perfect, there would be no story line, no lessons to learn, no interest. They were created so that people, kids, teens and adults alike, could relate to them. I'm sure we've all been a jerk or lied or fussed about things at some point in our lives! Nopony is perfect, and that's what makes them all beautiful! :3

  • Brohoof 2

I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! :)

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Hate is a strong word, and I don't hate any character. The only character I really, really dislike is Trixie; but I'm not hating her ni her fans.


I think hating is extreme.

  • Brohoof 2

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I haven't seen her lie yet. Not telling the truth doesn't necessarily mean lying.


>Reads quoted text.

>Reads again just to make doubly sure.

Do you know the definition of lying? Because I am pretty sure that is the textbook definition. She has been dishonest before, intentionally deceiving ponies for personal reasons.

Edited by Bronynonymous


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>Reads quoted text. >Reads again just to make doubly sure. Do you know the definition of lying? Because I am pretty sure that is the textbook definition. She has been dishonest before, intentionally deceiving ponies for personal reasons.

I can think of three examples off the top of my head of her lying. The irony of the situation is uncanny. Perhaps we should make her the element of sometimes honest. Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 2


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I can think of three examples off the top of my head of her lying. The irony of the situation is uncanny. Perhaps we should make her the element of sometimes honest.


Yup, I know of four or five, but like I said, her dishonesty is really not the big reason why I dislike her so much. She really annoys me, and I think that voice might have something to do with it. But the fact that she annoys me so much is why I do not care for her too much.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

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>Reads quoted text.

>Reads again just to make doubly sure.

Do you know the definition of lying? Because I am pretty sure that is the textbook definition. She has been dishonest before, intentionally deceiving ponies for personal reasons.


I can think of three examples off the top of my head of her lying. The irony of the situation is uncanny. Perhaps we should make her the element of sometimes honest.


You do realize that she hasn't actually lied, rather omitted the truth, right? And the times she did the last was a) when it was to hide the fact the ponies were doing Pinkie a surprise party in Party of One, b ) when she refused needing help on Applebuck Season and rather let everything go to hell, because of how stubborn and proud she was, which is part of her personality in almost the same way as Rainbow Dash, and c) when she didn't want to tell anyone she hadn't bested on anything, and rather prefered to suffer alone, NOT counting when she was discorded.


From outside, it does look just as bad. However, for example, b was the worst situation, when she finally let on, and c was because her biggest fear is to disappoint someone, as well as losing her friends. And in her mind, she was going to do everything to not let that happen because she'd probably rather disappear than facing the truth. She could not handle it. And that adds to her character, which is great.


Also, EVERY pony has at least once contradicted their own element. I KNOW that Rarity has been selfish and superficial, and yet she's my favorite pony. Why? Because of all the good stuff she has done.

Edited by Arcanel
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>Reads quoted text.

>Reads again just to make doubly sure.

Do you know the definition of lying? Because I am pretty sure that is the textbook definition. She has been dishonest before, intentionally deceiving ponies for personal reasons.


If you're are wrong about something because you were misinformed or jumped to a conclusion, then you are not lying.

It's not the truth either, it just wrong, a mistake.

But not telling the truth isn't necessarily a lie.

Jokes are also not true, but not lies really either because you're not trying to deceive anypony, just make a laugh.


Regardless of that, there are some definite times where she has lied for sure:


Boast Busters

The Great and Powerful Trixie turns Rarity's hair green. Applejack, when asked about it describes it as "gorgeous." However, by her face, I'm sure that that she did not think so.

That was a lie.


The Last Roundup

When asked about the rodeo, Applejack said that there was "nothing more to tell." And, as seen by the end of the episode, there was definitely more to tell.

That was a lie.


There may have been some other times as well.


I still love AJ, but I do wish that the character representing honesty would be more honest. :P

  • Brohoof 1

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I used to hate Rarity. Now she's my favorite character.

I used to hate Twilight Sparkle. Now I think she's awesome.

I used to think Spike was dumb. The very concept of a dragon butler seemed stupid. Now I think he's great.

I used to think Princess Celestia was a condescending bitch. Now I realize she's just a warm-hearted, benevolent dictator.


This show has wrung all the hate out of me. You'll not be getting any from me. :)

Edited by Circadian Rhythms
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I don't hate anypony. Yes, there some ponies that I don't like, but I would never "hate" them. I even like Diamond Tiara. She's such a bad girl. lol


Featherweight is one of the ponies which I don't really care for too much. But then again, I don't hate him.


Ponies are just too cute to hate.

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Hating/disliking characters is inevitible in any fandom for anything really, I dislike Pikachu from Pokemon for example because I believe its time as a mascot is long overdue and there are hundreds of way better Pokemon. But I still respect that people like it, as I feel about certain MLP characters like Trixie(who dispite my dislike of her, I am interested to see what happens in her upcoming episode). I don't think it's anything to get really hung up about really, just don't worry about what others think of your favorite characters.

Edited by (\SBB64/)
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There's always that one character that each individual seems to really dislike in the show just because the characters don't relate to them personality wise.


Like the CMC, I really don't like their storylines and their personalities (well, except Scootaloo because she is like the mini Rainbow Dash) but I don't necessarily hate them. I just get bored when watching an episode that involves them, that's all.

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yeah i see where you're coming from but i think the writers have tried to make it so that the mane six are not chained to there element, Rarity can be selfish and greedy, Fluttershy can be mean, Rainbowdash can be disloyal, Pinkie Pie can snap, Twilight can fall victim to her own habits, and ApplaJack can tell a lie

honestly I can only think of 2 times she lied (outside of her discorded self) was when she broke her Pinkie promise via a loop hole and in party of one (where every pony was lying to Pinkie pie)


Edit- wait i forgot in Boast Busters when she lied to Rarity as to not hurt her feelings,

Edited by PonyEcho
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You do realize that she hasn't actually lied, rather omitted the truth, right? And the times she did the last was a) when it was to hide the fact the ponies were doing Pinkie a surprise party in Party of One, b ) when she refused needing help on Applebuck Season and rather let everything go to hell, because of how stubborn and proud she was, which is part of her personality in almost the same way as Rainbow Dash, and c) when she didn't want to tell anyone she hadn't bested on anything, and rather prefered to suffer alone, NOT counting when she was discorded.


From outside, it does look just as bad. However, for example, b was the worst situation, when she finally let on, and c was because her biggest fear is to disappoint someone, as well as losing her friends. And in her mind, she was going to do everything to not let that happen because she'd probably rather disappear than facing the truth. She could not handle it. And that adds to her character, which is great.


Also, EVERY pony has at least once contradicted their own element. I KNOW that Rarity has been selfish and superficial, and yet she's my favorite pony. Why? Because of all the good stuff she has done.


As I said before, the fact that she constantly contradicts the element that she embodies is not even the big reason why I dislike her so much. I can handle the other mane six's contradictions, but she annoys me, irritates me, and sometimes angers me. I have never wanted to yell at a cartoon character more than I have with Applejack.
  • Brohoof 1


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Boast Busters The Great and Powerful Trixie turns Rarity's hair green. Applejack, when asked about it describes it as "gorgeous." However, by her face, I'm sure that that she did not think so. That was a lie. The Last Roundup When asked about the rodeo, Applejack said that there was "nothing more to tell." And, as seen by the end of the episode, there was definitely more to tell. That was a lie.

Well, in the first, unless you're just as tactless as Spike, are you REALLY going to tell the truth? :P


And on the second, well, like I said. Terrified from what's probably her biggest fear, she wouldn't really want anyone else to know. The thing I like about this things, it's that they are really "Real life" things. Even if they are related to a certain trait they are suppposed to follow.


As I said before, the fact that she constantly contradicts the element that she embodies is not even the big reason why I dislike her so much. I can handle the other mane six's contradictions, but she annoys me, irritates me, and sometimes angers me. I have never wanted to yell at a cartoon character more than I have with Applejack.


I got that much. :P Even though it's interesting to note you hate so much Applejack, when Rainbow Dash has the same VA. Probably a thing with the tone. Oh well. To each their own. :)
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Well, in the first, unless you're just as tactless as Spike, are you REALLY going to tell the truth? :P


And on the second, well, like I said. Terrified from what's probably her biggest fear, she wouldn't really want anyone else to know. The thing I like about this things, it's that they are really "Real life" things. Even if they are related to a certain trait they are suppposed to follow.


A true honest person wouldn't lie, they'd tell the truth or avoid the question to be nice. I don't think people should lie to try to make people feel better. And I'm rather annoyed by that.


I still love AJ though.

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