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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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"One of the most powerful things in this world that can never truly be broken or taken away is the Bond that ties our friendships together. Even more so is the love we share with one another. Some believe that Love is something that you give to another you care for... However, there are those that believe that Love is something you can just take when you want it... It is a realization that my children will learn the hard way and it will all fall to them to protect it..."-Aleena__________________________________The citizens were growing restless as they feel the battle was coming to their front door. On what was supposed to be a beautiful day in Mobotropolis on the planet Mobius turned out to become the stage for the battle of the city. King Maximilian Acorn was feeling too old to witness such things ever since he was freed from the Negative Zone where he spent years of torment with the evil wizard, Ixis Naugus. While he was young in the zone, his old age here wasn't agreeing with him here on Mobius and he was running out of time. He wanted to see one of his own succeed him on the throne before he finally became unfit to effectively rule Mobotropolis. He had hoped his daughter, Princess Sally Acorn, would be able to marry and take up the throne, but so far, she had been unable to find one that she would truly be happy with.He was brought out of his musings from Antoine D'Coolette, the commander of Mobotropolis' forces. "Sire, Dr. Robotnik eez coming this way. He weel be here soon with... Ze Death Egg...." Antoine said calmly in his thick accent to King Maximilian. King Max turned his head somewhat feebly to Antoine. "I don't know how much more I can stand to see more destruction to our city because of Jules... Why, Jules?... Why can't we just work out our differences?..." King Maximilian said aloud in nostalgia.


Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, formerly Jules Ketubar, was a close advisor to him and a good friend until he staged a Coup on the Acorn family and turned his city into Robotropolis. It was only thanks to Sonic and his daughter, Princess Sally along with the Freedom Fighters that they took it back from Robotnik. Antoine didn't know how to respond to the king about Robotnik. All he knew about Robotnik was back when he fought alongside Sonic and Sally in the Knothole Freedom Fighters. "Ze Freedom Fighters have taken ze front line with ze army posting on ze border to fend off the ground forces from breaching ze city." Antoine stated in a shaky, yet determined voice.


Even though he is now commander of the Mobotropolis Army, he still isn't the bravest of fighters, but he was always ready to fight for the Royal Family and his country. "I shall be joining with the ground defenses." Antoine added in for Maximilian. "Very well, Antoine. Be careful, old friend..." King Maximilian said through a coughing fit. Antoine looked sadly at the king. He knew his condition was worsening and soon, he knew that the crown would have to be taken from one of his own children. Antoine stepped out the double doors leading out of the Royal Bedroom.


King Maximilian looked to his left to see Sir Charles the Hedgehog, Sonic's uncle and council member. "Sir Charles, I'm glad you're here with me, old friend." King Maximilian said to the aging light-blue hedgehog. Sir Charles, or Uncle Chuck as Sonic affectionately calls him, was the spitting image of Sonic if he was 50 years older from his silvery-white mustache to his graying blue coat. "Of course, your Majesty. I've stood with you during Robotnik's Coup and I would always stand with you now as his dreaded machine threatens to annihilate our home. I know Sonny boy will stop him. He and his friends always do, King Max..." Uncle Chuck said gruffly to the king. King Maximilian looked from Sir Charles to the horizon again. "I hope so, Chuck... I hope so..." King Maximilian said with an exhausted sigh.__________________________________Outside the city, a blue hedgehog stood grinning at the sight of Eggman's most deadly creation he had ever come up with, The Death Egg Mk. II. Eggman had finally done it. He was able to swipe all but one of the Chaos Emeralds to use to power the global Roboticizer to turn everyone on Mobius into his robotic slaves, ensuring his final victory over Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. However, Eggman had stated in a message that he knew Sonic had the final one, which was the Blue Chaos Emerald, and that he would come with the Death Egg in full force to Mobotropolis unless he surrendered it to him. Sonic knew exactly what he was going to answer to Robotnik and that was simply to tell Eggman to come and take it from him. As Sonic stood on the wing of Tails' beloved plane the Tornado, he heard Amy gave a shout on the other wing. "There it is! It's... It's bigger than the first one he used on the world..." Amy shouted with a bit of worry in her voice. She was as she always was from her pink hair to her trademark Piko Piko Hammer. Apparently, she didn't seem to be infatuated with Sonic anymore ever since their visit to Equestria a year ago. Now, she seems all about loving Sonic's little brother, Manic He honestly almost missed her being crazy about him... Almost.She was right, The Mk. II stood to be two kilometers longer than the original Death Egg and it looked like it was completely redesigned with its defense systems. Sonic had a hard time dealing with the last one, so he knew that the new one wouldn't be a pushover. However, he wasn't worried because this time, he's got more help to take this one down too."Don't sweat it, Amy! That tin can has got nothing on our teamwork!" Sonic shouted confidently as he took a fighting stance throwing a couple of air punches and an air kick, as if he already knew how it was to turn out. Sonic had the help of not only the Freedom Fighters taking on the Death Egg Mk. II, but he also had the help of Knuckles, Shadow, his brother Manic, his sister Sonia, and Princess Sally Acorn, The new leader of the Mobotropolis Freedom Fighters. Team Sonic consisted of Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Princess Sally who was overseeing all the strike teams as well as participating in the assault, on the Tornado. Team Sonic would distract the majority of the Death Egg's defenses, allowing the second team, Team Dark to encounter less resistance. Team Dark consisted of Shadow, Knuckles, Manic, and Sonia who would get inside the Death Egg using Sonic's Chaos Emerald to warp with Shadow's Chaos Control and provide an easier entry for Team Sonic. Their mission was to find and take back the Chaos Emeralds and prevent Eggman from getting the last Emerald. After that, they will capture Robotnik and disable the Death Egg Mk II."It looks like we're about twenty miles out before we're in striking range, guys... We should make sure our comms are working right." Amy shouted out to the gang on the plane while motioning to the device on her left wrist near her gold ring. Sonic gave them all a nod as he brought his comm unit to his wrist and pushed the red button to open up his mic. "This is Team Sonic calling all strike teams. Sound off, everybody. Over" Sonic stated crisply over the mic before letting go of the button, awaiting to hear answers from all the members. "Zis is Antoine reporting for the ground defense, Team Sonic. We read you, over." Antoine buzzed in over the comm unit. All that's left is Team Dark's response._____________________________________It was another beautiful day in Ponyville. Seldom clouds were in the sky and there was a light breeze blowing through the town, cooling the air. Ponies down below were going about their business as usual. Some construction of the town is still nearing completion because of the battle between Super Sonic and Perfect Discord. The town meeting hall was still splintered from one of Discord's energy ball attacks that was supposed to hit Sonic, but heavily damaged the hall instead. Sugarcube Corner got a complete makeover, to much of Pinkie Pie's delight as she loved the shop more than anything. Canterlot took the most damage, so it became a number one priority for reconstruction.All of this seemed to be in the past for Rainbow Dash however as she was once again resting on a cloud. She missed having Sonic around. He was her closest competition when it came to speed and they still have yet to race each other to see who truly was "The Fastest Thing Alive". She thought that some of Sonic's attacks were pretty cool like the Spin Dash, which she had been working on to spice up her routine to show off to the Wonderbolts. She opened her eyes as she felt the breeze blowing through her mane and feathers. She wondered if she somehow got flung into the Everfree Forest like she did a year ago that she would find Sonic there again. "Ugh, it's SOOOO boring around here. Where's that blue hedgehog when you need him?..." Rainbow Dash said aloud to herself as she sat up on top of her cloud over Ponyville being driven insane from her boredom. Deciding to try and find something to do, she decided to try and find Pinkie Pie for some pranks or Applejack for some competition. She decided to start with Pinkie Pie and flopped off her cloud, flapping her wings as she flew towards the new reconstructed Sugarcube Corner.

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Manic was tinkering with new hover board, now that he has twin G- defusers, he might be able to keep up with sonic.


Sonia was playing her piano, her usual rift, and checking her fire arms...


Manic gets the transmission from sonic,


"Hey bro! This is team dark on stand by awaiting for your go" said manic in a chilling tone


"Hey Amy! How's it going babe?" He added with a flirting tone...


He stood up closing the door on his hover board, "ok guys, get ready for sonics signal!"


Sonia put away her piano in her medallion and join manic in getting ready for the attack.




Rarity was trotting over to the spa, the spa didn't get that much damaged during the events one year ago, but it did get a splendid renovation. She walked inside and said to the two spa ponies, "hello darlings! Il have the usual". She walked into the steam room to relax.

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Shadow was talking to Omega and Rouge over his communicator when it buzzed telling him someone else was trying to get through. "Someone else is contacting us, just tell G.U.N. not to interfere unless it takes a turn for the worse." he says shutting off communications with the two and opening communications with Sonic. "This is Shadow, what do you want?" he says in his usual tone.


Nack the Weasel AKA Fang the Sniper was lounging around resting on his tail when he hears a plane. On closer inspection he sees it's the Tornado. "Aye Eggman, I think that hedgehog is on his way." he says to Robotnik over his communicator. "Want me to get rid of em' now?"

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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The red Echidna stood still, his arms crossed. He was in the company of Shadow, Sonia, and Manic. He stood with his gaze to the sky, fixated upon a lone, tiny bi-plane carrying his best friends toward what appeared to be certain doom, Dr. Eggman's Death Egg Mk II. Memories flooded into Knuckles's head of when he first met Eggman, his first Death Egg had crashed on Angel Island, as Eggman was working trying to repair it, Knuckles had stumbled upon the Doctor. Eggman convinced him that he was an innocent inventor and that a dastardly villian had sabotaged his ship into crashing into Angel Island, also that Sonic was after the floating Islands source of levitation, the Master Emerald. But it was all just a ruse for the Doctor to get his hands on the Master Emerald himself so that he could power the Death Egg once more, Sonic had managed to stop him then, but this time... "That thing is massive..." Knuckles said in astonishment, just then Sonic buzzed in on the communicator, then Manic chummed in, telling Sonic they were ready when he was.


Knuckles lifted his wrist to his face, the mic to his comm stitched to the inside of his glove so that he wouldn't drop it. "Sonic... *pause* Show Eggman that he has no idea what he's gotten himself into!" Knuckles exclaimed to his rival and friend in a reassuring way as he threw a punch in the air towards the ship, "And don't worry, we'll be coming in right behind you!" Knuckles looked toward the other members of Team Dark, Sonia and Manic were Sonic's siblings, of course they would do anything in their power to help Sonic, but Shadow was a wild card. Knuckles didn't really have a reason to distrust Shadow, but he felt that everyone seemed to trust him a little too readily, after all, it was Shadow who tried to activate the Ark cannon on the Space Colony Ark, and he's been on opposite sides for a while after that. Sure it was Shadow who inevitably stopped the Ark by almost sacrificing his own life, but Knuckles still didn't completely trust him. "Shadow, are you sure your Chaos Control will be strong enough to get us up there all the way?" Knuckles inquired to Shadow, "I don't wanna leave them up there without back-up any longer then they have to be." He said as he clenched his fists, thoughts over them getting shot down out of the sky filling his head should they not make it in time.





" Hmmmhmmmhmmm..." Robotnik giggled to himself, his plan nearing success, the victory he invisioned since his defeat in Equestria 1 year ago. "See this is all very familiar..." Robotnik said, seemingly talking to himself. "I've defeated Sonic and his little 'Freedom fighters' before..." His rambling echoed throughout the room he was in upon the Death Egg Mk II. "But they're end was too brief, there was no dawning realization upon that hedgehog's stupid face that he had been beaten, that I had won, that his struggle against me was in vein. The only thing left of my victory was a smoldering pile of ash that used to be Knothole, luckily for me... the prime universe seemed to be down one Dr. Robotnik..." The Doctor's glasses gleamed as the Tornado appeared on his radar. "Yet again, I am open to the very same possibility... I could activate the Death Egg's Geniocide cannon, the magnitude of the blast would be far too great for that pathetic excuse for a scrap heap to out maneuver..." A wicked smile appeared across the deranged Doctor's face, his sanity clearly not anywhere about him. His smile quickly turns to one of worry. "But if I do it... Then he learns no ultimate lesson, he doesn't know just how beneath me he truly is. His existence simply vanishes, his being is done away with, yet again? Then what will I do?" Robotnik clutches at his head, divided by a sure victory or one he could savor. The Doctor's grin then returns to him, "That's it! I'll toy with him!" His face one of sheer delight.


"Snively!" Robotnik barked, though the only reply was that his computer monitor became ready to accept vocal commands, "Fire the pulse cannons in random order around that hunk of junk, make them think we're desperate to get... Chhk... To get.. Chhk HA HA HA HA!" Robotnik erupted into laughter, "to get thHAt little *sigh* piece of trash away from us." The computer complied and simply uttered a "sequence initiated" in response. This catches Robotnik's atteintion. "Huh? Wha... Where am I?" Robotnik seemed to have snapped out of a trance of some kind. He then noticed the screen and the pulse cannons firing inaccuratly around the Tornado. "Oh... Oh right, I'm conquering Möbius again... Arn't I... But wait, am I missing anything?" Robotnik ran a quick diagnostic, acting much more like himself, which showed he indeed had six of the seven chaos emeralds as well as the Master emerald on stand-by, in case Sonic managed to grab the other six.

"That would be unfortunate if Sonic somehow managed to get to the core generator and remove the Emeralds, luckily I have that gullible fool Knuckles to-" he stopped mid-sentence, "No... No Ivo, get ahold of yourself... That happened... A long time ago..." Robotnik clasped a hand over his forehead, massaging his right temple. "Once... Once I beat him... Once I win, everything will make sense again..." Robotnik turned to his screen once again, to behold any new developments. Just then, Robotnik's communications channel buzzed to life, Nack had contacted Robotnik, asking him if he should take the plane down. "No, that will not be required... Just survey the area around the Death Egg..." Robotnik paused for a moment to hold his head, seemingly suffering from a headache. "They sent the Tornado alone against me, this can only mean that it's a distraction, tell me of any new developments on the ground, and eliminate them should they get in the way of my ultimate conquest, do so and you will receive the rest of our agreed upon payment. Robotnik out." Robotnik's comms screen then fizzled before finally crackling out, indicating the comm was closed, he turned his attention back to the screen displaying the Tornado, his gaze fixated upon the the blue hedgehog on the wing. His malice was on Sonic.





"C'mon ya'll, just. Pull it. A little. More! And.... Got it! *sigh* whoo, that sure was a lotta work." Said a tuckered out Applejack, having just finished helping construct another lost home for one of the ponies in Ponyville. "Well, that does it fer tahday... Same time tomorrow everypony! We'll get this place fixed up in no time!" That seemed to be Applejack's new catchphrase, cause everyday for a year after that climatic battle between perfect Discord and Super Sonic, her and the other citizens of Ponyville have been working to restore the town back to it's former glory. Though it seems that it truly is almost complete, the few things still needing to be repaired included Sugercube corner, Fluttershy's Cottage and animal sanctuary, and a few ponies houses here and there. "Pankie and Fluttershy sure have been patient..." Applejack said as she neared her barn house home. "I think tomorrow I'll start on Sugercube Corner... Not only will it give the Cakes and Pankie's home back to em', it'll also give the towns ponies a place to hang out and blow off some ah the stress they must be goin' through."

Applejack entered her home, and was greeted with many familiar faces. Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom were all in attendance, on top of that there were also many towns ponies including Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. The Apple family took in as many ponies as they could, in doing so, their living quarters became a little cramped, but it also felt nice to have so many warm and welcoming faces surrounding her upon entering. "Howdy ya'll..." Applejack said through a smile and tired eyes. "I'm pretty tuckered out from the repairs tahday... I think I'm just gonna get some dinner and go ta bed." She greeted many of the ponies as she made her way to the dining room.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Fluttershy smiled at Applejack.


"Oh, that's um, no problem. Um, y'know, do you, um, think we'll have another accident?" Fluttershy asked, backing up. "I don't want any of my...um....critters to get, um, hurt. So, um, I hope you don't mind, but I brought in a couple of my critter friends..."


Fluttershy gestured toward her huge array of animals, all shapes and sizes, including harry the bear.


"Um...is that okay...? I can't leave my poor dears out in the cold!" Fluttershy wimpered.






Trixie, on the meanwhiles, was in Baltimare. Having a duel with a unicorn.


"Ugh..." Trixie muttered, using her magic for some fireworks, but the other unicorn was winning with an array of flames. After a couple of seconds, the duel was over, and Trixie had lost.


"Don't come back!" The unicorn spat at Trixie. "Unless you have something to show for yourself!"


"What can Trixie do to show herself?" Trixie sneered.


"Well...you don't happen to know that accident involving that Discord thing?" The unicorn asked, and Trixie nodded.


"They had gems of amazing power. If you can find one, you will be welcomed back. But until then..chao!"


Trixie grumbled, and set off. She had no home, but at least she could get an emerald. But where was it? Oh...it was hopeless.


After Trixie left, the unicorn sneered.


"Those emeralds are long gone back into another dimension. It was a year ago! She'll never find it...and anywho, their really rare. What is it going to do, fall out of the sky in front of her?"

Edited by Shift
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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Tails was tense. If his calculations were off even by a little bit, they would miss the Death Egg's landing bay, crash into the si- no. No negative thoughts right now, Miles. Let's just get this- Whoa!

"Hold on!"

He performed an upward loop followed by a barrel roll. Then he performed a dive- inches to the ground- and swerved back up again. They were firing cannons at him! Which did nothing to help.

Anxiety regained...

Edited by Meta Knight
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Princess Cadence was overseeing the construction of Canterlot and sighed "that was some fight...i must admit...Sonic's will to do what was right was inspiring" Cadence said aloud to herself "and though i wish the destruction of some of the places in Canterlot and Ponyville didn't happen...it couldn't be avoided...i wonder what Sonic and his friends are doing at the moment..." she asked herself looking up at the sky.




Princess Sally Acorn sat in the Tornado as they flew towards the Death Egg "it's definetly much bigger than the last one...but we can do this! we always do!!" she exclaimed confidently looking determined. she took a quick glance at Sonic and gave a quiet sigh, she rather missed the hedgehog but was still somewhat mad at him but she couldn't focus on that right now, they had Eggman to deal with. She then heard Tails shout a warning to hang on and she did as they saw him firing at them.




Pinkie Pie was jumping in place excited that she was staying at Applejacks until Sugercube corner was remade and she was enjoying every minute of it "hi Applejack!!!! how was your work today? was it fun? Pinkie suddenly gasped at this "ohohoh!!! if its fun can i help? can i? can i? huh? huh? huh?" the pink party pony asked hoping around her friend but upon hearing her friend was tired stopped jumping "oooh!!! don't worry!!! i'll be extra extra quiet for you so you can sleep!!" she harshly whispered before zooming out of the room.

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Shadow looked to Knuckles "I've preformed Choas Control dozens of times, besides it's not like Sonic can't take care of himself" Shadow said. Sonic's safety wasn't as important to Shadow as it was to Knuckles, or the rest of the team for that matter, though Shadow did have some sort of respect for the blue hedgehog seeing as Sonic was probably one of the only ones who can hold his own against Shadow. He then saw Eggman fire at the Tornado while Tails struggled to dodge the incoming fire. "Looks like Eggman wants to end this now" Shadow says ready to pull out his emerald and use Chaos Control.


Fang looks up at the Death Egg as it fires at the Tornado. "Well I guess he knows what he's doin'" he said to himself as he gets on his air-bike, the Marvelous Queen. Fang looked at his radar, a rather big blip was blinking on one side of the screen. "That's a mighty big power source, might be one of those emeralds Robotnik is after. Maybe if I get it for him he'll double my pay!" The weasel said with delight. "And Bark said taking another job form Robotnik was a waste of time." he says speeding off to the blip's location.

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Twilight & Spike



"There we go." Twilight said as she finished repairs on one of the many structures in the battle scared city of Canterlot. Twilight had been up 2 days straight fixing the damage along with some of The Royal Guard members and they were barely half done with the repairs. "Twilight please take a rest." Spike said to Twilight his voice full of concern. "I told you Spike i need to repair Canterlot as soon as possible." Twilight responded. "Celestia did leave the job in my hooves after all." she added as she started to leveitate some more material for construction. "Yes i know ,but you've been up for two days straight dont you think it would be a good idea to get a little nap?" Spike defended. "No Spike i wont let something as little as fatigue slow me down from doing my job." Twilight responded her horn dimming a little bit before regaining her composure. Spike sighed "There's just no convincing you is there?"

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A sharp turn right... a barrel roll to the left... almost into the landing bay...

And then the Tornado was hit.

As it started to fall, he pulled the controls upwards mightily. The wings repositioned, causing the Tornado to ride on a current of air right into the Death Egg landing bay.

"Well... that went smoothly."




Scourge laughed as he entered the core chamber. That Doctor had been too busy dealing with Sonic to be watching the other screens! What a noob. And now, with the Chaos Emeralds only just out of reach... he was this close to getting his dream world, his squad back, and his girls.

But... the Chaos Emeralds were guarded by laser technology. Welp, he couldn't look over everything. It was a long, tedious task to disable the lasers, but it was relatively easy. Just time consuming. Great. Let's get this done before Sonic gets here.




Shining was overseeing the reconstruction of Canterlot. "Alright men! This is the last house of this neighborhood! Put your backs into it!" He help a bit with his magic, but he mainly watched as several members of his guard pushed and pulled the wall into position. He then put several screws into the wall to hold it up.

Good as new.

He looked around. This neighborhood was destroyed by the events of last year. It was done already. The Royal Guard knew more about construction than he originally thought. He spotted his wife on the balcony of the castle. He waved to her, even though she probably wasn't going to see him.

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Knuckles wasn't very happy upon hearing Shadow's response, of course Sonic could take care of himself, but if the tornado got hit, who would be able to save Sally and Amy? Tails would be okay so long as the cockpit didn't get hit, he could just use his tails as propellers to get to safety, but to ask expect that his reflexes and strength would be enough to save even one of the girls, let only both of them, and float back down, there would be no way for Tails to pull it off. Knuckles was about to voice his opinion on the matter to Shadow when the Death Egg began to open fire upon the Tornado. Knuckles stood in dead silence as Talis' maneuvering kept the Tornado from getting hit.


"Aww man, we have to get up there!" Exclaimed Knuckles, "Manic! Is that board of yours ready to fly!?" Knuckles shouted, shaking the hedgehog as he did so. Just then, a pulse round clipped the Tornado, and the plane was quickly descending. "Oh no.... GUYS!" Knuckles shouted toward the falling plane, but through a marvel of Tails' skill and pure luck, Tails managed a landing inside of the Death Egg. "*through a sigh of relief* Oh thank goodness!" Knuckles brought his comm to his face again, "Sally, Tails, Amy, Sonic, how are you guys? Nothing broken right? Team Dark is still down here on stand by, do you need any back up?" Knuckles waited eagerly for a response.




Robotnik watched as Tails darted by and barrel rolled across the screen in an attempt to out maneuver the pulse rounds being fired from his Death Egg, it was humorous if nothing else to the Doctor. But soon his entertainment turned to dismay, the Tornado had been hit by a stray pulse round. "No! Figures that foxboy would be too sloppy a pilot to fly that scrap heap straight!" Robotnik hit his fist on his console out of anger. "No matter, even someone as thick as the fox could see that my landing bay is open, it's all a matter of how much he wants to live I suppose." Robotnik watched as the Tornado made it into the landing bay, although it wasn't quite a perfect landing. "Hmmmhmmmhmmm.... And now that Sonic has taken the bait it's time too... What's this?" Robotnik beheld a light on his console, indicating that the laser grid keeping the Emeralds in the Death Egg's core safe had been disabled. Upon closer inspection from the security feed from one of the monitors, it appeared to be, "Sonic!? But he only just-" Robotnik cut himself off upon seeing that the blue hedgehog was still indeed in the hanger, conversing with his team before departing deeper into the Death Egg. "Then who could... No... It can't be..." Robotnik had figured it out, who else could it have been if not the Sonic from his own dimension?

".... My, my... So when I bombarded Knothole in my dimension... Sonic must have escaped, letting all of his friends die while he ran away... His pain from losing his friends must have been exquisite... But he is no longer my main target, I've bested that trash already." Robotnik's speech became more irregular. "Sonic... Sonic? Sonic the Hedgehog!" Robotnik slammed a button on his control console. "You've stopped my acquisition of this land once Hedgehog!" Robotnik speaking on his loud speaker, his voice broadcast throughout his vessel though it was clearest in the Emerald core room currently occupied by Scourge, "But now you face my greatest weapon yet!" Just then, the room in which Scourge was in began to morph and change. "What? That isn't the RoboRobotnik Walker... Why am I still here? The doctor's voice sounded confused and a little scared. Though the room in which the Emerald's rested had become animate, a living weapon set to purge the room of anything that wasn't a Chaos Emerald, began by having the ceiling morph into a large wrecking ball with spikes, it then unleashed itself at Scorge as an energy based shielding materialized around the core containing the emeralds.




As Applejack stepped as politely as she could between ponies she met up with Fluttershy, whom stated that she had also let her animals in because she couldn't just leave them in the cold, "Ah, it's okay Fluttershy, I know them critters is important to ya... Just be sure tah clean up after em', Alrighty?" She gave a wink of approval to Fluttershy as she tried to turn to the kitchen, only to be met with Pinkie Pie's face just inches away from her own. The party pony went on about how she would want to help with the towns reconstruction if it was fun, but it just then hit the pink pony that Applejack was also tired, so before Applejack could form a rebuttal to what Pinkie just said, pinkie already dashed off to her next adventure. "Heh heh, ain't that just like Pankie..." Applejack said to herself as she finally made it to the kitchen. After dinner, Applejack trotted upstairs and slept in one of the smaller bed rooms, she had given up her own as it was big enough to accommodate more ponies in it, the room she was in now was little more then a bed with a tiny bit of floor to maneuver around. As she hung her hat on the lamp in the room, and crawled into the bed, her mind started to wander in thought, eventually settling on the events that took place one year ago. She shuddered to think back to those times, she hated to even devote any thought to that mad man, Robotnik, or as Sonic and his friends call him, "Dr. Eggman". Applejack giggled to herself a little, why give such a dangerous individual such a silly name? Even funnier was the fact that most of his inventions had egg references in them, so he must enjoy the nickname to some extent. "Won't do no good lyin' in a bed if'n I'm not tryin' tah sleep in it I reckon." Applejack said to herself as she let her eyelids close and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Scourge started as the Doctor's voice came on over the loudspeaker. "Well, wouldja look at that... he actually noticed!" And then the room morphed.


He dived to the left as the wrecking ball came down. Crunch! Welp, there went his bag. Great. And now there was a shield around the Emerald Core, and... this wasn't good.


He took out his one EMP charge and dived, dodging the wrecking ball. He would have to wait for the right moment to disable the shield...




Tails picked himself up, then Knuckles's voice came on from his headset.

"Sally, Tails, Amy, Sonic, how are you guys? Nothing broken right? Team Dark is still down here on stand by, do you need any back up?"


"Yeah, nothing broken. But backup would be nice. Come on up, guys."

Edited by Meta Knight
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"About time." Shadow says as he takes his emerald out. "Get ready everyone. Chaos Control!!" As Shadow said that energy from the Chaos Emerald emerged and consumed Team Dark teleporting them to the Death Egg.


Meanwhile Nack had arrived just a few moments sooner. As he watched behind cover he was able to hear the last part of their conversation and see Team Dark teleport away. "Wha, since when can people do that?" Nack was too stupid to know the real power of the emeralds all he knew is that they were jewels and that selling them would make him rich. "Bah whatever I have to tell Robotnik." he says getting out his communicator. "Robotnik, I think some of Sonic's friends are coming aboard the Death Egg. It was a Black Hedgehog, an Echidna, and uh....two smaller hedgehogs that were green and pink." he says to his employer.

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Manic was exited after chaos control, "alright everyone! Lets split and take up different parts of this egg! Sonia you come with me to the control room, it will be like the days in the underground! Knuckles you head on with shadow over to sonic and the gang! Ok? Lets do it to it!"


Manic knew he wasn't in charge of team dark, but it made him feel good to give out an order. He grabbed Sonia and got onto his board, "are you sure you can handle a sonic speed board?" Sonia said nervously, "chill sis, I can fly this board in my sleep" manic said being cocky, then flying down the hall. Badniks started to come out "alright Sonia! Get you piano out!"


Sonia touched her medallion, a pink light and glow surrounded her and shaped into her piano, she held it sideways and started shooting at the badniks. "Nice shooting Sonia! Keep it up we're almost there!"

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As Sonic had his radio open listening in over the sound of the wind and the engine, he heard Shadow sound off as well as Knuckles telling him to teach Eggman what it meant to mess with them. Sonic gave a chuckle as he opened the mic again to answer back to Knuckles. "You know it, Knuckles. Robuttnik doesn't stand a chance." Sonic said through the mic. He heard his brother sound off as well as Shadow asking why he was calling. "Just checking to make sure you weren't in the dark, buddy. We're approaching the Death Egg now. Shadow, get your team on board with Chaos Control and get those Emeralds back from the control room. We'll handle Eggman." Sonic said with a chuckle. It was at that moment when he closed his mic that Tails yelled out a warning letting them know that Eggman started a firing raid on the Tornado. "Whoa, incoming!" Sonic shouted out as they went through a series of loops and other aerial maneuvers to dodge the incoming cannon fire.


"Tails, do a barrel roll!" Amy shouted out as she held onto the left wing for dear life. Sonic saw two missiles moving in on the Tornado and Sonic jumped up into a spin towards them. He landed on top of the first one and jumped again towards the other missile, forcing the first one to go off-course. He landed on the second one and gave another jump from the missile back to the Tornado, sending the second one off-course as well. He didn't look at the ensuing explosion that occurred from the off-course missiles. Instead, Sonic and the team were hit by one of the pulse cannon fires and they were going down. Amy screamed as the Tornado was descending to the ground until Tails was able to get her to fly deftly into an open hanger bay. The landing was all smooth as the plane skidded across the hanger bay throwing both Amy and Sonic off of the wings, but they were inside the Death Egg now. Sonic picked himself up from the pile of spare parts of the old Swat-bots with a Sonic Spin. "Whew, talk about a wipe-out." Sonic said as he brushed himself of the dust he accumulated from the crash. He saw Tails, Amy, and Sally together outside the plane.


Amy felt a bit bruised from the crash. "Ooooohhhh, that bloated Eggman. Just wait until I get my hands on him! I ruined my dress..." Amy pouted angrily as she looked sadly at her torn pink dress. The bottom of the dress had a tear running up an inch and was quite dirty as well.


Sonic gave a visible facepalm at Amy's concern for her dress, but he disregarded it quickly when she felt ready to clock Robotnik.


"Sally, Tails, Amy, Sonic, how are you guys? Nothing broken right? Team Dark is still down here on stand by, do you need any back up?"

Sonic heard Knuckles call in over the radio with Tails responding back to him. "Better hurry, Knucklehead. Wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun I'll be having with Buttnik." Sonic said over the comm unit cheekily before looking over at Sally expectantly.




"Hey, Sal! What does the map that NICOLE has say about the Death Egg and where we can find Eggman?" Sonic asked quickly to Sally. He felt awkward having her along with the strike team, but she did have a point saying that she and NICOLE, her computer A.I., were their best chance at disabling the Death Egg without causing massive damage to anyone down below.




As Rainbow Dash flew down to Sugarcube Corner, she saw much of it had been changed from the reconstruction. For one, it was a new constructed gingerbread house, giving the same delicious aroma. Instead of a pink cupcake frosting top on the roof, it had the spitting image of a Strawberry Shortcake. New lines of gumdrops had been formed around the corners leading up to the strawberry shortcake rooftop and two candy canes stood crossed between each other over the entrance. As Rainbow Dash approached the shop, her stomach started to growl at her out of protest from the satisfying smell of baked goods.


Rainbow Dash entered Sugarcube Corner through the front door and looked around the shop. She was surrounded by many mouthwatering sweets from Apple fritters to Cherry Pies. "Pinkie Pie! Are you in here?" Rainbow Dash called out, but she received nothing but silence. "Great, the one time Pinkie Pie isn't here stuffing her face with cake..." Rainbow Dash grumbled to herself.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

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Cadence looked back down to the construction just in time to see her husband Shining Armor waving to her and quickly waved back, spread her wings and flew down toward him and landed beside him "so how is the construction going dear?" she asked giving him a small nuzzle.



Sally looked up at Sonic before taking out the handheld "NICOLE?" Sally questioned her A.I. friend "according to the map he should be at the cockpit but we should be careful" the computer A.I. answered "then we're heading there, agreed?" Sally asked making sure the others were in agreement.




no sooner then had Rainbow finshed that sentence did she suddenly appear "HELLO Rainbow Dash!!!" Pinkie nearly yelled in excitement "isn't the new Sugarcube Corner just fantastic?! i mean the new look and EVERYTHING?!" she asked hyper activly, jumping up and down before stopping and pulling out a tray of cupcakes from nowhere and quickly snatched one up with her mouth and held the trey out to the cyan pegasus "want one?" she asked her mouth full of cupcake.

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Shining Armor smiled and nuzzled her back. "It's going extremely well. This neighborhood has just been completed, which means we can move on to the last thing to be repaired- the library. Thank Celestia most of the manuscripts were removed in time."


And.... NOW!

Scourge tossed the EMP blast and disabled the energy shield.

However... the blast somehow interfered with the Chaos Emeralds, charging them with power. They started to glow...


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Knuckles was slightly dizzy from the chaos warp, he was never a big fan, but at least he didn't get trapped in the portal like last time. As he regained his senses, Manic and Sonia had already split from the main group. "Tch, they don't even know what part of the Death Egg we landed on and they take off, and they call me a 'hot head'." Knuckles said, a smile gracing his face as he saw much of Sonic in his brother and sister. He held his comm up to his mouth, "Hey, Sally. This is Knuckles, are you able to have NICOLE give us a read on our location, I'm not sure what part of the Death Egg we've warped to, also if you could pass that info along to Manic and Sonia, that would be great they kinda just took off. Over." Knuckles lowered his hand then he kneeled and put his hands to the floor of the ship, then closed his eyes.

"I knew it", said Knuckles, still kneeling, "Eggman also has the Master Emerald on board... Alright Shadow," Knuckles started as he got back up, "We got two targets now, which are we going for first? The Chaos Emeralds, or the Mater Emera-" Knuckles was then cut off by Eggman's booming voice over the loud speaker system in the Death Egg

"You've stopped my acquisition of this land once Hedgehog! But now you face my greatest weapon yet!"


"Nevermind, sounds like Sonic found himself some trouble, let's move!" Knuckles said while awaiting a response from Sally.




"This isn't at all what I had in mind when I constructed the Death Egg... I must have invented this room in my sleep!" Said The Doctor, obviously suffering from yet another mental breakdown as he was reliving the events of the first Death Egg. Then Nack buzzed in with news that another group on the ground just vanished into thin air, the Doctors response was not one that was expected. "Snively! How many times have I told you not to bother me while I'm scheming!?" The Doctor said in a fit, just then the computer came up again with another message, 'The chaos core shield has gone offline' this snapped Robotnik back into reality, "Ewha? Nack? Uhh... *clears throat* excellent work, you'll receive your payment upon arrival back on the Death Egg Mk II, plus a bonus for every interloper you dispose of on the way." Robotnik sank back into his chair, he monitored how the ground forces were doing, the Mobians were putting up a fight, but the sheer numbers of Robotnik's Badniks would soon overwhelm them. He then turned his attention toward the Emerald core, "Cute front, whomever you are" he then hit a button on his console, "But I don't have time for a fake Sonic." Water began to be shot out in little droplets inside of the emerald core room, two tesla coils then formed inside the room, the intention was clear, anything inside of the chamber was about to receive some rather, 'shocking' news.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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"Oh, um okay!" Flutershy called out at Applejack, then decided to get some fresh air my trotting out of the barn. After giving a teensy farewell to her critters, she trotted out of Ponyville.


"Gee, what...nice weather. Rainbow Dash did good!" Fluttershy said to herself.


Fluttershy fluttered over to Pinkie and Rainbow, then looked at Sugarcube Corner. FLuttershy smiled.


"Oh, Pinkie, I really like Sugarcube Corner's new...style..." Fluttershy complimented.





Trixie's life sucked ever since that purple unicorn walked into her life. One part of Trixie knew that she had noplace in Equestria to go to, and finding that gem was hopeless. The other side had hope.


"Oh, Trixie is doomed." Trixie wimpered. "Okay, let's see what places I have left in Equestria."


Trixie used her magic to conjur up a list and quill.


"Baltimare is out..."


"Manehatten, Trixie could go back, but they are SUCH snobs and Trixie get's barely and cash there...So that's a no-go..."


"Ponyville is DEFINITILY out..."


"Canterlot is out, Trixie already made a fool of herself in front of her majesty Celestia..."


"Los Pegasus and Cloudsdale, Trixie can't fly. Well, if Trixie used the walk-on-clouds spell...nah."


"Appleoosa...Nope, that farmer pony, Applejack, was it? Already told her cousin about the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE...more like the meek and hopeless Trixie."


"Crystal Kingdom...I might be able to go there."


Trixie sat down, going down the list, then let all o it out. Her pain. Her anger. Her jealously.


"TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS GOING TO PAY! AND TRIXIE WILL FIND THAT EMERALD!" Trixie told the sky [Can the sky talk?] And then ran off, determined to find that emerald and make sure she, and only she would be the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria!

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Manic was cruising down the halls of the death egg with Sonia on the back of the hover board shooting at every badnick in sight, "manic hedgehog, do you even know where we're going?" Asked Sonia with a stern voice. "Chill Sonia, the one of the control rooms should be right around this corn,..."

Manic turned the corner and crashed into a wall. Manic and Sonia were both on the floor. when they stood up, Sonia was giving manic a stair with anger. "Smooth, real smooth manic" Sonia said annoyed with manic, "haha sorry sis" said manic... Then a group of badnicks surrounded them... Getting ready to attack. "Alright Sonia! Let's hit it!" Manic yelled jumping onto the head of a badnick, he pulls out his drumsticks and drums the head of the badnick. Sonia had her piano shooting at every badnick that attacked! Manic touches his medallion, a green light brings out his drum kit, he hops on them and drums a beat! Sonia put away her piano and did one of her whirlwind spins. As soon as all the badnicks were scrap metal, manic dug into one of them taking a key card chip. "This should help us out!" Manic chuckled them got his board and jumped on it followed by Sonia... Manic pulls down his mic, "yo Sally! Can you get Nicole to download a map of this place onto my PDA?... In the mean time... Well just cruse around trying to find a control room. And how you holding up Amy?" "Manic... Don't you think we should waaaaaaaaaaaa...." Manic cut Sonia off by blasting his board at full speed down a hall.



Rarity finished at the spa, she decided to go see what her friends were up to. As she walked by sugarcube corner, she saw most of her friends there. She walked up and "why pinky dear! Shugarcube corner looks absolutely fabulous!" Rarity enjoined the new look.

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(I hate to have SCOURGE be the one to do this, but... you'e really left me not very many choice.)


He saw the water fall to the ground. "Doctor, is that the... wait..." There were two condenser coils on the side of the room. "Oh... I see what you are doing, doctor." He grabbed the six Chaos Emeralds, as Quickly as he could. Then...

"Chaos Con- Yowch!"

And then the Emeralds released their energy, warping everyone- and a huge chunk of the Death Egg- to a dimension unknown to him...


You see, at that moment, Scourge foot had touched the water right at the moment he used the Chaos Control, which, since he was touching the Chaos Emeralds, the electricity flowed into the Chaos Emeralds, which is the only reason he was not fried into a crisp. He intended to teleport back to his homeworld- Anti Mobius, but, since he was not focused on the location at the time of teleportation, the Chaos Emeralds teleported Team Sonic, Team Dark, Nack, Scourge, and Eggman... 25 light years North and down... in other words...


... back to Equestria. Again.


However, the Chaos enery that was spewed moved relatively slowly, considering that all seven Chaos Emeralds weren't gathered. And a pool of electrified water is no easy thing to warp...

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"TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS GOING TO PAY! AND TRIXIE WILL FIND THAT EMERALD!" Trixie told the sky [Can the sky talk?] And then ran off, determined to find that emerald and make sure she, and only she would be the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria!

"Ugh" Twilight groaned as she scrambled out of the bed she was in. "What a wierd dream.....I thought i was dreaming about Tri-...wait a minute how did i get here?" she asked herself in confusion. She looked around to see Spike laying down sleeping in his own bed across from where she was. Twilight walked over to Spike and nudged him as he slept "Spike get up." Twilight said to the sleeping dragon. "Uhhh 5 more minutes mom please." Spike mumbled. "SPIKE GET UP!!!" Twilight Shouted. "WHA!!" Spike shouted awakened from his slumber. "Oh Twilight your awake." Spike said. "When did i go to sleep?" Twilight said. "I don't even recall coming in here to sleep anyway because i was busy making some more repairs." Spike just looked at the ground to avoid Twilights eyes "Yeah...about that you kinda passed out from exahustion.....Afterwards some of the guards just carried you here so you could sleep."


"WHAT" Twilight said shocked. "How long was i out?" She asked. "Only for an hour or 2 it's no big deal Twilight." Spike said trying to calm her down. "Of course it's a big deal Spike i told you i need to fix the damage here as soon as---- "As possible." Spike said cutting Twilight off. "Look Twilight i know that you got a big responsablility but that;s no reason to overwork yourself your acting just like Applejack did when she was harvesting her apples all by herself." Twilight smiled. "Heh i guess your right i guess all doing all this work blinded me so much that i couldn't even see my own personal health."


"Yeah i know." Spike said as he yawned. "Now why dont you take a break and go chat with your brother while i take myself another nap." He said getting into his bed. "Oh yeah i totally forgot that Shining was here helping with repairs i guess it would be good talking to him since he's here." Twilight said going out the door. "Yeah " Spike said. "You go on and do that." he said as he closed his eyes.

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Sally had NICOLE bring up the map again and took a good look at the map and responded to Knuckles "according to the map it looks like your in the launch area...and i'll send a map to Manic and Sonia, and i'm sending you two one as well, be careful" Sally said before sending a copy of the map to Knuckles and Manic. Sally let out a long sigh and looked to Sonic "whats next? and not something risky Sonic Hedgehog" she said knowing how Sonic was.




Cadence smiled at her husband's news "well that's good...hmm...and i think we should go see Twilight, i think she's over working herself" she told him "then perhaps the four of us -if Spike wishes to join us- could have lunch together" she said smiling.




Pinkie's smile became even bigger when she saw Fluttershy and Rarity "hiya Fluttershy and Rarity and thanks Sugarcube Corner is even more fantabulos!!!! hey you two want a cupcake too?" she asked pulling out another tray and standing on her hind hooves wobbiling just a little bit and the giant smile never leaving her face.

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Shining smiled. "That's a great idea! It'll be great to actually talk to Twilight again..." He nuzzled Cadence again, and then started walking down the street...

right into Twilight.

After helping his sister up, he smiled. "Twilie! How are you doing today?"




Tails took this moment to peek around the place. All of a sudden, his sensors started to act up.

"Hey, Sonic, we need to get this over with. This place suddenly has unstable pulses of Chaos Energy for some reason... let's get the Chaos Emeralds before Dr. Robotnik does something with them."

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Sonic listened in as NICOLE brought up the holographic blueprints of the Death Egg Mk. II.  Sonic remembered how brilliant NICOLE was in bringing New Mobotropolis to the Freedom Fighters after Eggman found Knothole and burnt all down to the ground.  Apparently, she was able to reprogram the entire Nanite City to reshape the entire city to Mobotropolis' former glory before Robotnik staged the coup and converted the city to Robotropolis.  She even remade the Lake of Power Rings that Sonic's Uncle, Sir Charles created to grant Sonic more power to combat against Robotnik.  Sonic was beaten by Robotnik once, which almost cost the lives of all of the Mobians, including Sally.  Fortunately, thanks to the planning of Sonic and NICOLE, the remaining freedom fighters were able to break out the captives and stopped Robotnik from destroying their new home, New Mobotropolis.  As far as Sonic is concerned, NICOLE has been a great friend and an invaluable asset to the Freedom Fighters


Sally had NICOLE bring up the map again and took a good look at the map and responded to Knuckles "according to the map it looks like your in the launch area...and i'll send a map to Manic and Sonia, and i'm sending you two one as well, be careful" Sally said before sending a copy of the map to Knuckles and Manic. Sally let out a long sigh and looked to Sonic.  "whats next? and not something risky Sonic Hedgehog" she said knowing how Sonic was.





Sonic looked towards Sally asking him about a plan that wasn't something risky.  Sally was her usual self again where she doubted about Sonic's abilities.  After all that he has been through, he expected her to have a little more faith in him.  "I'll tell ya what's next.  Attack."  Sonic said simply and breezily.  He heard Tails say something about an unstable Chaos Energy signature, but at that moment, a squad of eight Eggbots have come out from the other side of the hanger.


"Guys, look!"  Amy said aloud as the Eggbots started to fire on the group.  Amy drew out her Piko Piko Hammer and made a long leap into the air before bringing her hammer down on top of one of the further Eggbots, sending shrapnel towards the other Eggbots..  "Take that, ya hunks of junk!"  Amy said aloud as two other Eggbots exploded from the shrapnel caused by the explosion from the first one thanks to Amy's hammer.


"Way to smash those tin cans, Amy!"  Sonic said proudly to the pink hedgehog before turning his attention to the gang.  "Tails, you take Amy to see what's going on with the Emeralds while me and Sally head for the control room where Robuttnik is hiding."  Sonic said before he sped off towards one of the unmanned flyers to the left side of the hanger next to the squad of Eggbots.  "Yo, butt-bots!  Over heeeerrrrrre!"  Sonic said taunting them as he sat down on the nose of the flyer.  Four of the Eggbots turned towards Sonic.  "Intruder Alert.  Hedgehog: Priority One."  the lead Eggbot said in a monotone voice, signalling the rest of the Eggbots to ignore Amy and turned their guns on Sonic.




Rainbow Dash got a surprise when Pinkie Pie just popped in Sugarcube Corner out of nowhere asking Rainbow Dash a series of rapid-fire questions.  *Heh, same, old Pinkie Pie.*  Rainbow Dash thought aloud.  Rainbow Dash accepted the muffin non-chalantly.  "What's in this, Pinkie?"  Rainbow Dash asked the bouncing pink mare.  Before she got an answer, Fluttershy and Rarity popped their heads in.  "Hey, you two.  Whatcha you two up to right now?"  Rainbow Dash asked excitedly, eager to do something exciting for a change.

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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