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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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Scourge growled at her. "Oh, really, hun? Well..." He noticed the shadows. "A good thief doesn't get caught. I don't apretiatee you losing one of my emeralds! Ta-ta!" He zoomed off. "Darn Rouge... she lost the two chaos Emeralds I stole! Now i'm back to three!"


Shining blinked as the speed at which the duel happened, then a green hedgehog came in, grabbed the emeralds, and zoomed away, with Knuckles and Shadow on his tail. "Huh...? Who is that? It looks like Manic."

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Shadow had reached the middle of the city as Knuckles followed him "Over there." Shadow said to Knuckles after he had seen Scourge with someone quite familiar. "Wait Rouge? What's she doing here?" Shadow said, confused. Before he could confront Scourge, Rouge had taken his emeralds and then they scattered somehow. "What the-SCOURGE!!" Shadow yelled but the green hedgehog had run off. "Dammit, he's gone." Shadow said walking up to Rouge. "Rouge, what happened, why did the emeralds scatter like that? And just how did you get to Equestria?"



~Fang The Sniper~

"AHH!! Get away ya overgrown lizard!!" Fang was speeding away from a dragon who was chasing Fang to get his gems back. The dragon roared and breathed fire at Fang who quickly dodged it with his hover bike before making a loop and shooting missiles at the dragon. While it was a direct hit the beast wouldn't give up.


"Fine then, have some of this!!" Fang activated a spring underneath the Marvelous Queen so that it would jump above the dragon. Once he was high enough the spring retracted and was replaced by a drill. The Marvelous Queen came down, almost like a rock, and drilled right into the dragons skull, killing it. "Sorry it had to be that way mate. Maybe next time you won't mess with Fang the Sniper." Fang said happily. Not only did he kill a dragon but he had gotten quite a lot of it's gold. "That's one problem solved but I still have no idea where Robotnik is." Fang had been searching for the Doctor for hours but he no where to be found. After a few minutes he came across a blue pony, Trixie, who he had nearly run into. Fang got stopped the bike. "Hey watch where your going lady, you could have hit my hover bike!!" Fang said annoyed and a bit angry.

Edited by N-Harmonia
  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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King Maximilian paced around throne room, trying to remain calm after what had transpired in front of his eyes.  "Ohhhh, these old bones are not what they used to be...  Sally..."  King Maximilian thought to himself, still pacing.


At that moment, another Mobian entered the throne room.  It was Elias Acorn, son of King Maximilian and Sally's brother.  "Father, you must get some rest.  You'll worry yourself sick if you continue like this."  Elias said to him, concerned.  He was concerned for his father ever since he started to show visible symptoms of losing his higher thinking and go senile.


King Maximilian looked towards his son.  "You know I worry easily about Sally, Elias..."  He said through coughing fits.  "The Death Egg just performed Chaos Control and not even Rotor could track where they are...  He says that they are in a different dimension now..."  King Maximilian said as he looked towards the horizon.  He felt his hour of twilight was approaching him and he still didn't have an heir to succeed him should he no longer be able to perform his duties as king.  He does have hopes for Elias, but that's up to him being able to marry his sweetheart.


Elias was Sally's twin brother as they seemed to share the same eyes.  "I know, father...  I'm worried about her too...  You can't just stay up here worrying yourself like this...  It won't help your...  Condition..."  Elias stated carefully as he looked towards the sun.  "Sally...  I hope you're okay..."  Elias said aloud.




However, there was trouble brewing off in a distant area far off from the edge of the Everfree Forest as the swarm of Changelings escorted the mentally broken Doctor Robotnik to his fallen Death Egg.  Chrysalis watched as he showed her the maniacal doctor began his fits of insanity.  She pondered how useful a broken old man would really be to her.  "Hmmmm, perhaps I can restore a bit of his sanity with my power.  I've done it before with Shining Armor, but unfortunately, I would not control him since he has no love in his heart.  Perhaps we can be fast friends with his way of thinking..."  Queen Chrysalis thought malevolently as she looked on at the piece of glass that she held with her magic.  Chrysalis recognized this area as the Haysead Swamps near Baltimare.  A devilish smile appeared on her face.  "Hmmmm, if what the Doctor says is true, then I believe we have our first....  Meal..."  Queen Chrysalis said with a chilling laugh as they escorted the doctor according to the directions provided by the glass.


As she looked on at Eggman, she remembered something about him speaking about a 'Snively'.  "Hmmmmm, I see.  So, Snively is this man's nephew, but even then, they did not think too much of each other.  Perhaps we can restore a portion of sanity..."  Chrysalis thought as she looked over at a Changeling near her, which seemed to read its Queen's mind.  It morphed into a human similar to Robotnik, except he was shorter and had a few strands of hair on his head left.  He wore a coat similar to Robotnik, except it was green.


"Don't worry, sir.  We'll get you the help you need to get you back to your glory."  Snively said with a slight stutter in his voice to the maniacal doctor.




Amy was in the town with Manic, Sonia, and Rarity.  Before she could speak any further with Manic, he raced to some other location. "Wait, Manic!"  Amy yelled out to him with no avail.  She appeared as if she was on fire.  "Oooooooooo, he's almost as bad as Sonic!"  Amy yelled out furiously before realizing that Sonia and Rarity were still with her.  "Oops, I'm sorry about that girls..."  Amy said apologetically to the two.  She also figured that Sonia knew Manic better than she did.


Sonia rolled her eyes. Rarity started walking in the direction of her house "Ok then, let's get going!" Said rarity. Sonia followed rarity.


After this whole fighting going on top of a slimy entrance, Amy felt it was overdue for a spa treatment.  "Yeah, thank you Rarity.  I can't believe it has been a year already since we have seen each other.  How is Sweetie Belle?"  Amy said cheerfully to the ivory unicorn.






- Claire Anne Carr)

The rolling of a scooter was heard zooming across the town along with the whir of fast flapping wings.  "Woohoo, come on Scootaloo!  Let's go faster!"  Sweetie Belle said to her, saying faster with a higher pitched tone.  "Aw'right, let's get to it, Scootaloo!"  Applebloom said excitedly as well.  The orange Pegasus Filly was leading the other two Crusaders around with her scooter and red wagon.


"Calm down, you two.  I'm trying to concentrate."  Scootaloo said irritably to the two as they moved at a speed of twenty-five miles per hour.  It wasn't nearly as fast as Rainbow Dash or Sonic the Hedgehog, but she hoped it would've been enough to impress the two.  All of a sudden, Scootaloo was hit in the head by an object and the three careened out of control.  "Whoooaa, we're gonna crash!"  Scootaloo screamed out as they careened into the fountain.


A few seconds later, they were out of the water, but they were all wet now.  "Aw man...  Now my mane is wet..."  Sweetie Belle said disappointedly as she looked at herself.


Applebloom shook herself to get most of the water off of her, but as she did so she noticed a familiar object.  "Huh?  Hey girls!  Take ah look at this!"  Applebloom said surprised as she walked up to the object in question.  It was a strangely shaped Cyan gem lying on the ground a few feet from them.


"Wait, is that what I think it is?"  Sweetie Belle asked with a higher pitched tone on saying 'think'.  She walked up to pick up the gem and she felt a familiar surge of power in her.


Applebloom looked shocked as it confirmed their thoughts.  "It's a Chaos Emerald!"  The three exclaimed together in unison.  "But, ah don't understand...  Ah thought that the Emeralds were sent back ta Mobius with Sonic and the others..."  Applebloom said to the two.


Sweetie Belle looked towards Applebloom with the Emerald.  "Well, they had to have been.  I mean, we saw Sonic and his friends teleport out of here a year ago, but if this Emerald is here, then that would mean..."  Sweetie Belle said before trailing off.


Scootaloo had a look of excitement on her face.  "Then, that means that they are all back now!  Come on, let's go and find them!"  Scootaloo said excitedly to the two fillies.


Applebloom accepted the Emerald and placed it in her small saddlebag.  "Yeah!  Babs is comin' inta town in thirty minutes and Ah know she'll want ta see them too!"  Applebloom said excitedly as the three Crusaders got all set up in their transport again and headed to the train station.




Sonic walked with Rainbow Dash and the others as they entered Ponyville.  "So, Sonic.  Whatcha been up to since the last year?  I hope you haven't gotten slower since then..."  Rainbow said cheekily to the hedgehog.  Sonic looked back to her.  "You know how it is.  Busting old buttnik bots, taking names, that sort of thing."  Sonic said breezily to her.


"Well, I hope you aren't down about racing me sometime while you're still here.  We never got a chance to do so last year."  Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face.  Sonic returned with the trademark cheeky grin.  "Be careful what you wish for, feathers...  You might just not want to race me."  Sonic said to the rainbow maned mare.


However, their little banter was interrupted with the sight of Fluttershy running away with tears in her eyes.  "Huh?  Fluttershy?  Why is she..."  Rainbow asked, shocked and confused.  Her question was answered with an obnoxious voice that could only belong to Trixie.  Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth.  "Why that bloated!..."  Dash started as she was about to speed off to her to beat the daylights out of her, but Sonic was more than quick enough to stop her as he pulled her tail down.


"Whoa, calm down RD...  We promised Twi that we wouldn't jump in until she couldn't handle her."  Sonic reminded her as he saw that Cadence and Sally were running off to reach Fluttershy.  They watched the events go on as Twilight matched Trixie blow for blow.  When Shadow came on stage, another green hedgehog came in and swiped Shadow's Emerald along with Trixie's.  "Scourge!  He's getting away!"  Sonic said as he sped off after him.


Rainbow Dash watched Sonic go off after him.  "Wait, Sonic!"  RD started off, but Sonic was already out of earshot.  Rainbow Dash sped off in a flash of cyan towards Twilight.  "Twilight, we got a problem.  Sonic is chasing after the one who took the two Chaos Emeralds and we need to back him up!"  Rainbow Dash said quickly to her, feeling ready to move.


Sonic was running at forty miles an hour as he doesn't need to move too fast in this town.  As he got closer to Scourge's position, he saw him talking to Rouge and the Chaos Emeralds that Rouge held scattered to wherever they went.  "What the?!"  Sonic said surprised at the event.  He saw Scourge run off quickly at Mach 3 out of his sight.  "Darn...  I missed him..."  Sonic said to himself as he stopped near Shadow.  He turned his attention to Rouge.  "And just what exactly are you doing here, Rouge?..."  Sonic asked suspiciously to the bat thief, having no illusions as to her intentions on stealing some jewels.  He noticed a familiar crown she held.  "Hey!  Those don't belong to you, Rouge!"  Sonic said as he tapped his foot impatiently.  He remembered seeing that crown and necklaces as the Elements of Harmony from his battle with Absolute Discord and he wasn't going to let a thief like her to make off with those important relics.

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Rouge smiled at Shadow.


"Oh, I was with you guys...hiding, of course, but when Scourge and you went into that...portal I went in too. I headed to this city, and i'm dashing around, stealing beautiful gems! The best one I got so far wa-"


She stopped herself short when Sonic appeared next to Shadow. She raised her eyebrow as he started rambling about some things, but what really got her was that that beautiful crown wasn't hers.


"Hey, sweetie, finder keepers loser weepers. I found these, so their mine. See ya, you two! I've got places to go and pockets to pick!" She said with a wink as she fluttered off into the sky.




Trixie looked at the sniper with not much interest.


"Sorry, weasel, but I have places to go. I gotta get to The Crystal Empire before sunset for this jewel I lost, so sorry 'bout gettin' in your way. Just have a feud to settle with this...unicorn and this DARN green hedgehog." She told him, trotting off.




Fluttershy was shaking in her tree.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Rouge wait!" Shadow called out to the theft but she had already gone too far. "Some things ever change." Shadow said to himself.



Fang was ready to show that pony hoe he earned the title of "Sniper" but then she said something about a jewel. "Jewel eh? Just so happens that I'm lookin' for a jewel too, about seven of them." Fang says to Trixie. "What did Robotnik call em' again...Chaos Emeralds? You wouldn't be looking for those too would you?"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Spike!!! behind you!!!" Sally yelled out to the dragon as she lept over the baby dragon and gave one of the timberwolves a karate kick and gave another timberwolf a kick which shattered them to pieces, the last one was about leap at her when Cadence flew down behind it and gave it a good buck shattering it to pieces, the princess of quickly looked to the others "we have to get out of here before they reform!" Cadence told them, upon seeing Sally's confused expression she explained "Timberwolves have the ability to reform they're bodies" Sally nodded in understanding "in that case let's get out of here quickly and go back to town and see how Twilight is doing against that Trixie character" Sally said to them as she turned around and started to walk back towards Ponyville. Cadence nodded in agreement and walked over to Spike and put him on her back "why don't you relax for a bit Spike" she said as she gently flew up towards Fluttershy and took her hooves "it's alright now, let's get going before those timberwolves wake up shall we?" the alicorn told the pegasus softly as she flew slowly back to the ground waiting for Fluttershy to follow her and started to walk away slowly.




Pinkie looks around wildly confused by what was going on, first Trixie turned her friend Lyra into a stallion which shocked her, then Shadow demanding the chaos emerald, then a green hedghog you looked similar to Manic but scarier, swiped the emerald from Trixie and sped off with Shadow tailing him. Pinkie knew she wouldn't be able to catch the black hedgehog THIS time so instead she bounced over to Twilight "hey Twi!!! i saw everything that meanie Trixie i wanted to get my party cannon but then i saw you were were going to take her on and i was with Shadow, ...i want to try and get him to smile..." she whispered looking side to side "but he left after chasing that green hedgehog and i don't know where is now but i know i'll see him later, so do you need any help with anything Twilight?" the pink party pony asked her friend while bouncing up and down with a big grin on her face.

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Manic had flown away on his hover board, he went after nack. But he had lost him before he started flying. Manic pulled out the two chaos emeralds, "I guess I should start tracking down the other chaos emeralds, and maybe Il run into the others!" manic says to himself. He puts one emerald into his belt pouch and flys off in the detection that the chaos emerald glowed bright. 

As manic headed towards the other chaos emeralds, the glow got brighter. After it got really bright manic stopped and came down from the clouds, he saw the chaos emeralds scatter. "oh you have got to be kidding me" she said with an annoyed tone.  He looks at rouge who was confronted by sonic and shadow, then manic saw rouge had stolen the elements of harmony. As soon as rouge started flying away, manic goes down to sonic and shadow. " dont worry guys! Il handle her!" he said to both hedgehogs before flying off after rouge. 

He caught up to  and flew right beside her. "hey rouge, long time! Steal anything worth talking about?" he asked the bat in a friendly tone.



Rarity looks back at Amy, "oh she is still the sweat little darling from a year ago! Iv been spending more time with her lately" replied rarity. She lead the girls to her boutique, at the front door, " here we are girls!" said rarity cheerfully. "oh were going to have so much fun! I think we should start with a facial while we get you girls out of those slimy close" added rarity.

Sonia walks into the boutique.

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"Ok then lets finish thi-" Twilight was interrupted with the sudden appearance with a green hedgehog punching Shadow and taking his emerald. "Who are yo-" A shocked Twilight tried to say but was uninterrupted again as it took Trixie's emerald and ran away. "Seriously whats going on he-" She said interrupted again as she saw the two emeralds go off in separate directions. Trixie just taunted her again and went off to get her emerald back. "Well we just see about tha-" Twilight said once again interrupted by a quick hug from one of her friends Applejack. "It's great to see you too Applejack its been like two weeks me and Spike left Ponyville to fix up Canterlot." She pulled away from the hug. "Yeah without a doubt there's something bad going on and IM going to stop it....as usual" she said toward her country friend. She could hear some of the commotion coming from the area Shadow, Sonic and Rainbow Dash  were with a  mysterious bat girl. She was thinking as everything felt to out  of place and she needed to organize. It didn't help that Pinkie all of a sudden showed up and started talking to her. "Uhhh WAIT that bat girl has the Elements." She shouted realizing what she had stolen. She looked at Pinkie "Uh can i put you on hold i gotta talk to Rainbow Dash." She said to the party pony before dashing over to Rainbow Dash. "Dash you gotta stop that bat girl." "She has the Elements of Harmony and chances are were going to need them!" She explained to the Pegasus in a very panicky manner as Rouge was already almost out of sight.






"Woah!" Spike shouted as he heard a Timberwolf come out from behind him luckily Sally was watching his back and destroyed it before it had a chance. "Whew thanks!" Spike said relieved. Cadence told them they should get out of there fast as the timber-wolves could reform. "Ok then." He turned to Fluttershy . "Fluttershy its ok now we should go while its calm and clear." he trying to comfort the Pegasus one more time before climbing on Cadence's back. "Thanks i could use a little relaxation after that." He said thanking the alicorn. "I just hope Twi's ok." He said worriedly. 

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Robotnik laid on his back, allowing his arms and legs to fall as he began reciting math problems, deliberately giving wrong answers to each as one of the changelings morphed into a very familiar face to the doctor. "Snively? Huh, where the heck have you been?" Robotnik said non-chelontly to his nephew as he twiddled his thumbs. "Nevermind, not important. What is important Snively is the future." Robotnik stated matter-of-factly, "You see Snivley, I've been playing the same game, over and over again... I come up with a plan to rule everything, Sonic interferes, I try to kill him, he stops me... As fast as he is Snivley, not even he can escape the pull that seems to keep us bound to the same formula. In a sense, we are a merry-go-round, always turning, never stopping. Sure there are many merry-go-rounds, they all have different animals and what-not, like bunnies, and elephants, and poni- nevermind." As the doctor finished that last sentence, he turned and gave a genuine smile to Snivley, as if he had just said some inside joke. "The point being that merry-go-rounds can be all different colors, and have different animals on them, but essentially it's all the same. Meaning that in many different worlds, different realities, different realms of existence, there will always be one force opposing another. Do you know what merry-go-rounds remind me of Snively?" Robotnik asked his nephew as he sat up, putting his full weight on a single changeling, whose face showed comedic expressions of strain and fatigue. "Ice cream!" Robotnik shouted as he fell back into the group of changelings.

They had been traveling for a while, the entire time Robotnik was conversing with his nephew on the kinds of food he enjoyed, but everything he would always follow up with a story about having an ice cream afterwards, they began to enter a swamp area as Robotnik touched his fingers to the tip of his nose, "You know Snivley, perhaps it's time I got off the merry-go-round, it's fun the first few spins and everything seems new and exciting, but eventually you realize that no matter how long you ride for, you'll never pass the animal ahead of you, and he the one in front of him, it goes on and on until you get to the sad sack behind you, who ironically enough, is leaps and bounds ahead of the one that your trying to pass! Besides, who wants to get all dizzy?"

Robotnik began giggling while humming "Soft Kitty" to himself when they had arrived, half of the downed Death Egg mk II, smoldering, but reletivly intact, though Robotnik's mood remained unchanged "Ah! See Snivley? Remember when I built the first Death Egg? Or rather when the Robotnik of your universe built it? Remember how easily Sonic bested what was considered to be the most devastating weapon Möbius had ever seen? Pffbbbt, up in space one minute, crashing into Angel Island the next." Robotnik sat up again while kicking his feet, "You know... Seeing this reminds me of the time I poisoned your father and the rest of the returning Overlanders when I was still self Roboticized, remember that Snivley? Heh heh heh, remember, heehee, remember how he got so mad he tried to puch me? Then 'Zoooop' frozen forever in a metalic prison, I tell ya, I miss being able to Robotize by touch..." Robotnik said remembering the moment. "Oh yeah... Sorry about your dad." Robotnik added, not much feeling thrown into it. Robotnik finally stood on his own, the poor changeling underneath him collapsing from exhaustion, walking up the ramp as it lowered itself in Robotnik's presence. "Stay out here and keep watch Snively, I don't wish to be disturbed..." Said Robotnik in a darker tone then his previous mood had indicated.




Knuckles followed Shadow up until they met with Rouge, and the Chaos Emeralds she had stolen had been repealed by the Elements of Harmony, unfortunatly the Chaos Emeralds had distracted him and Scourge had gotten away. "Grrrr... He got away..." Knuckles slammed his fist against a wall to a neighboring building, mearly cracking it as he held back before impact. He turned to Shadow, whom was grilling Rouge on what she was doing in Equestria. Sonic then sped through and realized that Rouge's 'new look' were actually the Elements of Harmony, upon being acused of theft, Rouge took the opportunity to scram, Knuckles then stepped inbetween Sonic and Shadow, "Don't bother for now, it'll be easy enough to catch her, she can't help but steal jewels, her next target'll be where the most gems will be, but right now we have much bigger problems." Knuckles folded his arms.

"The Chaos Emeralds, as well as the Master Emerald have been tainted." Knuckles said sternly.




As Twilight pulled away from the hug and began frantically trying to get everypony organized and have a job to do, Applejack couldn't help but to admire her friend's ability to work under pressure, but soon the feelings of dread crept upon her again, it was happening again, but faster this time. She looked at Pinkie Pie, who was trying her best to get ztwilight's attiention, then remembered the directions that the Chaos Emeralds had gone, and that Trixie, after the smoke from her smoke bomb cleared, could be seen heading toward the Emerald that shot out to the north. "Not on mah watch, sister." Applejack whispered to herself as she raced in the same direction as Trixe, grabbing a bag of apples from a vender as she raced by, the only thing the vendor saw was four bits two completely still and two spinning in place.

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Shining recoiled at Scourge's appearance, and then facehoofed. "This all seems pointless..." He was shaking, trying to keep calm.


Tails was wandering along... and then was hit by the wagon of a scooter... a very familiar scooter that he had rebuilt for a certain someone after Omega destroyed it. Just then, a Chaos Emerald landed in his hand. What...?

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The CMC were traveling along the road towards the train station over by Riverstone Road.  "It shouldn't be too far now.  Babs is totally going to freak when she sees-"  Scootaloo started until she was cut off from a sudden impact that sent the metallic scooter flying along with the CMC.  After flying for a hangtime of three seconds, the three fillies landed with a thud.


"Ugggghh, sheesh Scootaloo.  What is it with you and running into things lately?..."  Sweetie Belle said to the orange chicken.  Applebloom was a little dizzy from the crash landing.  She could make out a yellow-orange figure standing in front of her.  She shook her head and looked up to see the familiar two-tailed fox she had met a year ago.  Her eyes widened with joy and a great smile crossed her face.  "Tails!  Ah can't believe yer here!"  Applebloom said cheerfully as she gave the young fox a joyful hug.  The CMC gave a cute squee and they all crowded on Tails in a hug.


"Tails, ah'm so glad yer here again!  Ya came at the best time too!  Mah cousin Babs is comin' into town from Manehatten and we told her all about you and the others.  She's gonna be at the train station in ten minutes!  Come with us.  Please."  Applebloom said to the young fox with a pleading smile.


"Pretty please?"  Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined in with their own little puppy dog face expectantly.




Snively looked towards Queen Chrysalis, who gave him a nod.  She sent a thought to the disguised Changeling.  *You're in charge of making him think you are his nephew in order to help lessen his psychotic breakdowns.  We want him to be useful to us, not blabber on like a little baby.*  Chrysalis thought to Snively.  Snively listened to Eggman as he spoke with a more serious demeanor.  "Y-yes sir.  The perimeter shall be s-set up."  Snively said feebly to his 'master'.


Queen Chrysalis looked on at this massive station.  She thought that this Eggman character could very well help her get what she wants in exchange for what he wants.  She smiled devilishly at the thought of a meal coming soon.




Sonic looked at Rouge as she tried to make off with the Elements of Harmony.  "Rouge, give those back!"  Sonic started off as he revved himself for a Sonic Spin Dash at her, but soon proved to be unnecessary as Rainbow Dash bowled her over to get the Elements back from Rouge.


"Just the hay do YOU think you are for taking what isn't yours?"  Rainbow Dash said irritably as she flew down to Twilight.  Sonic gave a smirk to her.  "You just had to steal the heroic spotlight, huh?"  Sonic asked cheekily to Rainbow Dash.




Amy walked with Rarity and Sonia to her boutique for the day together.  She giggled from excitement.  "Oh, Rarity.  I've missed our days together from the spa a year ago.  Let's get started!"  Amy said to her cheerfully as she felt ready to get out of her slimy clothes and into some fresh new ones.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Manic, who was hovering beside rouge, sees rainbowdash trying to get the elements of harmony back, manic rolled his eyes and, "take a chill pill rainbow, I can handle this" he said.


Manic turned back to rouge and, "so, have you stolen anything worth talking about, because I just so happen to have a bag full of gemstones and a chaos emerald" he said keeping cautious weather rouge thought to reach into his pickets.



Rarity went and got a mud mask kit while Sonia changed into some clean cloths. Rarity walked back into the room, "ok girls! Shall we get started?" rarity asked

"I'm ready anytime sister!" replid Sonia.



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Rouge the Bat

Rouge looked at all of the ponies attempting to steal her jewels. When manic said he had a chaos emerald, she raised an eye.

"Hmm...tempting offer. But probably a trick...gotta go." Rouge said as she dashed to the shiniest place in view - The Crystal Kingdom.

Trixie Lulamoon


Trixie smiled.


"Why, yes it is. Now, deeply sorry, but I have to go." She said as she trotted away.




Fluttershy was hanging in that tree like there was no tommorow.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Hey get back here!" Fang yells at Trixie chasing after her. "Why don't you let me finish, eh?" Fang said to Trixie as he caught up. ~None of these ponies seem to have any manners~ Fang thought to himself, as if he had any manners himself. "Look I'll cut to the chase. This guy called Robotnik hired me to find the Chaos Emeralds so he can stop this blue hedgehog and his friends. His name was Sonic, I think." Fang said, even though he had encounter Sonic several times before he never really cared to remember his name. "Anyway, why don't you and me team up? I'm sure Robotnik would pay you a lot if we got em all."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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(Tryin' to make rixie a true bad guy now, eh?)


"Erhm... sure." Tails said to the CMC. "However... this Chaos Emerald needs to be returned to Sonic as soon as possible. So, I'll be able to meet your friend and talk, but then I won't be able to stay for too long. But I'm sure Sonic won't mind for a little bit. So, how's the scoote-" Suddenly, he felt an odd sensation on his nose. "Hey..." He started to look around. "Something isn't right." He quickly laced up his shoes. "Come on, girls... let's go." He stretched his legs and his tails, and then he began to quickly beat them up and down. He began to hover a few inches off the ground.


(Insert random problem here.)

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Content with Snivley's trembling obedience, Robotnik entered the Death Egg. He traversed it's hallways and corridors, taking note of what needed repair or replacement, he both lamented and welcomed the work that would need to be done, something else to quiet the voices in his head. ~...and that's all that you need for a time machin- broccoli is for chumps, Mac & Cheese is wher- he's dead Ivo, they all are. And it was Your- Birthday Juilian! Blow out your candles and- You should have never been born.~

Robotnik rubbed his right temple, "Yes... Work, work should be just what I may need- what's this?" Robotnik stumbled upon a room full of scrap parts, save for one Badnik, it looked to be malfuctioning, as well as fiercely trying to repair and modify itself. "Intriguing... Identify yourself unit..." The doctor demanded of the shuttering machine. The Badnik quickly shuffled in front of Robotnik, and stood, the Badnik, though still shaking and sputtering, looked to be like it was trying to make itself look like Robotnik. It spoke finally, "kzzzzert, I am unit... DATA NOT FOUND! Berrrrrzt, Robotnik sir!" It then saluted Robotnik, whom was still trying to understand what happened to make it malfunction to that point.

"Yes, and what is your primary objective... Unit?" The doctor inquired further. "Gzzzzert! Primary, zzzt! Objective is to serve Master Robot-zzzzzzzzzzzzz-nik, and further, bloop! The Eggman Empire! Sir!" The Doctor stood puzzled as what he would do with the machine, that is, until he noticed the machine seemed to be generating the liquid chaos that the Emeralds generated. "I see unit.... But you'll do me no good here... Let's move you and get you fixed up, to better serve me.... Heh heh heh... Hahahahhahahahahahaha!"

Several hours passed, it was already dark when Robotnik re-emerged from the Death Egg, behind him followed four surviving Egg-Robos, and behind them, several dozen make-shift Egg Pawns, some looked like straight up wire frames, but none-the-less it was a small army. "Hello again, Queen Chrysalis... Here, as I have promised, is your army for taking a town of your very own, if my map data is still correct, then... Ugh, 'Baltimare', should be the target closest to us. I'll command the troops for a 'Shock and Awe' campaign... I'll be careful not too hurt the ponies, mommy..." Robotnik quickly shook his head from side to side, he then pressed a button on his watch, causing the EggMobile, his floating means of transportation, as well as his universal key for controlling his bigger weapons, to rise from the open hanger bay of his damaged station. It lowered itself down to Robotnik as he got in, he motioned for Snivley and the Queen to join him, the EggMoblie stretched to accommodate additional occupants, "Snivley, should I become... Unfit to lead during this operation, you are to immediately restrain me and take over my position, temporarily of course." Robotnik said to his nephew sternly before shifting his focus to Chrysalis. "Come now, my dear. Baltimare won't be conquering itself." Robotnik said through a plastic smile.




Knuckles looked on as Rouge tried to get away, only to be intercepted by Rainbow Dash, "See Sonic? She's got Rouge covered, no need to worry about the Elements right now. However the Emeralds are a problem..." Knuckles ended the sentence on a darker note. "Now I don't know how, but somehow when that multiple-animal freak, Discord, absorbed the Chaos Emeralds and amplified their power through the Master Emerald last year, he somehow tainted their energy with his own, I felt it when I tried to calm the Chaos Emeralds down through the Master Emerald back on Eggman's Death Egg." Knuckles paused as he relived the Master Emerald funneling the Chaotic energy of the Emeralds through him.

"Considering Shadow used a Chaos Emerald to get on the Death Egg, the energy must not affect you two, at least not as long as you only use one or two..." Knuckles looked at Shadow to see if there was anything visibly different about him, Knuckles then folded his arms across his chest and continued, "But if anyone else got ahold of one, who know what could happen? Another thing is... The Master Emerald shattered upon arriving in Equestria, normally I'd be very angry about that... But I can hear it calling out to me." Knuckles shuttered, "but not like how it usually would. It's like it's demanding that I reassemble it... I got a bad feeling about this guys." Knuckles ended his story on that note, he then waited for Sonic and Shadow's response.




Applejack had been galloping after Trixe when she heard an earth shaking roar erupt from the deeper inside the woods, "What n' Tarnation was that!?" Applejack exclaimed as she headed further in, as she had gone deeper into the forest, she came across a dragon! A truly horrific sight on it's own, but this was even worse still, the top of it's head had a deep hole in it, the sight was not one that Applejack wanted to see, she lost the breakfast she had that morning in the bushes close to where the dragon's body rested. After avoiding the dragon she trotted further into the forest when she heard somepony exclaim, 'Hey, get back here!' She moved in closer, but stayed hidden within the thickest patch of bushes she could find, upon closer inspection Apllejack saw that Trixe was being stopped by something that looked like it came from Sonic's world, then he mentioned the name... Robotnik. Applejack made an adudible gasp, before quickly covering her mouth with her hooves. ~Robotnik!? That's the name that Eggman used when he talked us intah puttin' up those waterin' doohickeys! If he's back then... Oh no, I'm in over mah head!~ Applejack thought as she remained still within the foliage.

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Sally and Cadence looked over to Fluttershy to see that the pegasus was still clinging to the tree branch. Sally looked nervously at the remains of the timberwolves before looking back to the winged pony "its Fluttershy right? I'm Sally, a friend of Sonic's, listen i know your still upset about what happened in town and by what just happened with those things but we have to get back to town before these things wake and to find out what has happened since we left" Sally told her softly, Cadence nodded in agreement before unfolding her wings "hold on Spike" she told the baby dragon as she flew up towards Fluttershy and took her hooves "Fluttershy, Sally is right we need to get back to town so we can help the others, appearently those Chaos Emerald are back and we are going to have to find someway to find them before somepony else does. Please Fluttershy?" she asked the timid pegasus this time staying with her until she came back down with her.




"HEY!!!" Pinkie yelled out after Twilight appearently putting her on hold, the pink party pony was about to follow when she Trixie running and Applejack going after her, Pinkie decided to go after Applejack and found her crouched behind a bush when joining her friend she saw Trixie talking to the purple weasel thing she had crashed into earlier "i crashed into that purple thing earlier...i thought Manic was taking care of him though..." Pinkie whispered very quietly not relizing she could scare her friend very easily at the moment.

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Snively nodded obediently to his uncle/dictator.  "Y-yes sir, I will make sure the o-operation goes smoothly should the need arises..."  Snively said to the doctor.  Queen Chrysalis was near Doctor Robotnik and looked on at the small army that Eggman provided for her.  


"Hmmmm, they are not what I had in mind, but they will be more than enough to take Baltimare, doctor.  You're right...  I think it is about time we got started..."  Queen Chrysalis said with a low, but slightly eager voice.  She turned to her changelings to address them.  "Sons and daughters...  The time has come to begin anew.  We have scrounging for scraps for over a year since we have failed at Canterlot Castle.  Now, we have a chance to take what we want the most.  A banquet of love to consume for our own!"  Queen Chrysalis called out in a commanding voice that inspired the changelings to cheer for their potential bounty after months of starvation.  Chrysalis motioned towards the doctor to join her.  "Please, join me doctor.  After all, this will be as much of your victory as it will be as much as ours..."  Chrysalis said to the doctor as Snively hid a secret smile, thinking of how duped the doctor was with them.




Amy was very glad about being able to get another spa treatment when she needed it the most.  She took off her dress, but left on the two piece bikini she had underneath it.  "Ahhhh, this feels much better...  Sonia, you'll love Rarity.  She is one of the most sophisticated ponies I've ever met and she's great at making dresses."  Amy said to the two with her as she sat down on a nearby chair.




Rainbow Dash saw Rouge trying to escape from the area, but sadly, she wasn't as fast as Rainbow Dash.  Rainbow dashed after Rouge to swipe away the bag containing the Elements of Harmony and hurried back to Twilight.  "Quick, get these back to Princess Celestia."  Rainbow Dash said to Twilight, holding onto the bag filled with the Elements inside.


Sonic looked around to see that Princess Cadence and Sally still weren't back with them yet.  "Hmmmm, guess they are still trying to help Fluttershy..."  Sonic stated obviously as he turned to the group.  "Hey, guys.  I'm gonna go check on them real quick.  See ya in a Sonic second."  Sonic said before he sped off at Mach three to where he saw Princess Cadence, Spike, and Sally head off to.


Sonic arrived at a messy scene.  "Oh boy, you girls trying to be lumberjacks?"  Sonic asked them cheekily with a slight chuckle.  "What's going on?  Will Fluttershy be okay?"  Sonic asked with visible concern.  All of a sudden, the branches started to rattle and come together.  Sonic turned to see the event.  "Whoooa, I think we might have a mando problemo..."  Sonic said loudly to the group.  After ten seconds where there were five or so timberwolves, there was now one timberwolf about three stories tall over the group.  It gave a roar and the smell of its breath was...  Not so pleasant.  "Whew...  Buddy, I got two words for you: breath mint."  Sonic said slightly irritably, waving his hand to push away the smell.




The CMC looked at Tails and when they heard him agree to come, they yelled in unison.  "Yay!  Tails is coming to meet Babs!"  The CMC then proceeded to drag Tails by his hand and the CMC were back on their scooter heading for the train station.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Rarity was preparing the mud masks... After Amy complimented rarity, she turned around with the bowl of mud and said, "oh Amy darling, I'm flattered"


She put down the bowl and went and got a plate of cucumbers.


Sonia turned to Amy, "I love her already! But that beautiful dress you had made by her? It was a gem girl!"


Rarity walked back into the room and put the plate right beside the bowl of mud.

"Now Amy, Iv had a few more attempts with your style of dress making while you were gone, I think I still have them somewhere, I might need to make some changes to fit one for Sonia. You girls can start while i go find them"


Sonia sat down by the bowl and started to cover her face with mud.

"Ah, it's so nice to feel relaxed!"



Manic watched rainbow take the elements... "Fine... We'll do it your way"


* even with this awesome bord... I still can't keep up*


Manic flew over to sonic... Where this giant forest like wolf was...

" now that one big wolf..."



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"OK, then... let's g-" A loud roar echoed throughout the forest. "Umm... heheh... lets go. Now." Tails took off, with the CMC's following behind.

When they arrived, the train was just pulling into the station.


Upon hearing the roar, Shining Armor sprinted off towards it. To see Cadence, Fluttershy, and a hedgehog in a tree and Sonic taunting a huge timber wolf. After a facehoof, he edged over to Sonic and, in a rare display of giddiness, showed Sonic a breath mint. "I think I have just the thing right here." He shoved it into the Timber Wolf's mouth, causing it to gag. Then he helped to get the others down. "Distract it, please, Sonic, while I remove the ladies- and my wife- from danger."


Scourge cursed again as he mindlessly ran in a random direction. Why did Rouge have to be so obstinate? Those were his gems, not hers. But then... he ran into something. He picked himself off of the ground, and saw... a crystal? He could make millions off of it! He walked around it... and noticed what was behind it.


"A entire city of crystal? Woo! I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Edited by Thunder Knight
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  • 2 weeks later...



Robotnik flew the EggMoblie to the front of the formation, ordering the egg troops to follow him, "To victory!" They didn't have to go very far in order to find their target, Baltimare. It stood, untouched and undamaged even from the Doctor's Campagin one year previous. Robotnik aimed to remedy that. "Egg troops, this is about as simple strategy gets. This is going to be a fear campaign, get them out of their houses an corral them into one area, no casualties, it might effect the return for our rightful princess here." He said, gesturing to Chrysalis. "Any questions?" He asked the EggPawns

One EggPawn put it's hand up, "I have a question Mr. Ro-" before it could even finish it's statement Robotnik had smashed it with the wrecking ball attachment to his EggMobile "Oh, so no one has any questions? Good, then begin the occupation." Robotnik said through his teeth, clearly agitated. But his agitation soon turned to satisfaction as his army tore through the city of Baltimare, forcing the populous out of their homes before torching their buildings to the ground, reducing them to rubble and ash. After all was said and done, the occupation only lasted 15 minutes before Baltimare was completely brought to it's knees, the populous were cowering in the center square, being held there by the EggPawns, parents comforting the foals, telling them everything was going to be fine as they held each other close.

"I do believe this is where you come in my dear... Try not to make too much of a mess, I plan to build my next base here." Robotnik said, admiring his mustache in the mirror on his control panel.




"Yah! Pankie!?" Applejack brought her hooves back over her mouth, she then got up and began galloping over to Pinkie grabbing her in an attempt to get her to follow her. "No time tah explain, Sugarcube, but we gotta get goin'! That Egg-feller's back! We gotta warn Twilight and the others!" She said while picking up speed.

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[Deeply sorry for taking so long to post.]

Fluttershy nodded and quickly fluttered down into Cadences hooves. She shrieked with fear and thrust herself into Cadences hooves, before realizing they are going to attack her. Voices started echoing inside her head.


"Fluttershy, you've got to stop being such a doormat."


"Stand up for yourself!"




"Come ON, Fluttershy!"




"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"


"Please...for me? For Cloudsdale?"


Fluttershy stepped out of Cadences hooves and approved the timberwolves attempting to...er...'murder' her. She headbutted them, sending them flying into a tree. Then she stepped right over them, as the timberwolves were exchanging nervous glaces.


"YOU. BIG. MEANIES! Picking on a defenseless pony! You should be ASHAMED of yourself! What would your mothers think?!" She assertively said, using the stare to it's full potential. 

"NOW GO BACK HOME AND THINK about what you have done! I don't want to see you ever picking on somepony again!"


The timberwolves looked at each other with pleading faces, and dashed back into the forest as fast as a whip. Flutteshy turned around and blushed.


"Er...sorry?" She said, attempting to make herself as small as a pea.



Rouge the Bat


Rouge slowly descended into the Crystal Kingdom.


"A city of crystal? I'm rich!" She told herself and she fluttered in, unaware of Scourage's presence.


Trixie Lulamoon


Trixie pondered her options. She could join this weasel, and maybe be able to fool him later to give her the emerald, and eventually turn on him and get a nice bike. Or she could pick up the emerald herself at the risk of getting shot with that gun...


"Sure...let's work together to get the emerald." She said with a groan. Trixie disliked alliances, but it was better than getting shot. She hopped on the bike and pointed toward the Crystal Kingdom. "D'you see the Crystals? That's the Crystal Kingdom. I have a colleague there who hunts jewels, and she just tipped me off a minute ago that she has acquired a Chaos Emerald. I told her to not sell it to anypony, and just keep it there until I arrive."

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Smart move." he said putting away his gun. Fang pushed a button on his wrist and the Marvlous Queen suddenly grew to make room for Trixie. "Crystal Kingdom you say? This should be fun." Fang responded thinking of how much those crystals must be worth. "Alright we'll go there, get the Chaos Emerald and find my employer, Robotnik. He'll tell us what to do from there." Fang explained to Trixe as he revved up his airbike and sped off.



Shadow followed the trail of another Chaos Emerald, it seemed to be in the same place Rouge headed to. "Pretty cool city" Shadow said looking at his surroundings. "Almost reminds me of something I'd see on Mobius." Shadow started to remember some of the crazier places he'd been to like Casino Highway, a city of nothing but pinball tables and poker chips. He then noticed that, not only were the buildings made of crystal, but the ponies that lived there were as well. "Trying to find an Emerald here is going to be harder than I thought." Shadow said as he went deeper into the city.


[OOC: Could someone tell me who has what emerld? I think Scourge has Shadow's and Trixe's and Rouge might have one.]

Edited by N-Harmonia
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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by Acousticbrony)


It was a normal day in Canterlot right now.  The high society ponies were going about their business, going to social gatherings, seeing the races, attending auctions for antiquities, and lavishing the high life.  However, it was a different story up in Canterlot Castle where the Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, looked out upon the world from the throne room.


"Construction has been going on for some time now...  It has only been a year since our world was almost left in utter chaos, my sister..."  Princess Luna spoke gravely to the regal Alicorn of the Day.


Princess Celestia nodded to Luna before looking back onto Ponyville off in the distance.  "It is true, but we have Sonic and his friends along with Twilight and hers to thank for stopping Dr. Eggman and Discord from destroying the world.  However, I now feel a sense of familiarity, dear Luna...  Spike's letter had mentioned of a strange energy entering our world from the Everfree Forest...  I suspect Sonic the Hedgehog has returned."  Celestia explained to her sister.


"If that is true, then that could only mean one thing: that vile doctor is back..."  Luna said with a hint of disgust in her voice.


Celestia placed a hoof on her sister's shoulder.  "If that is true, then he has nowhere to run.  We all know what he has done and he shall receive no kindness from us unless he is willing to surrender to Sonic and us...  Don't worry, my sister...  Everything will be-"


"We have an emergency from Baltimare!...  Your highnesses..."  a Corporal of the Royal Guard clad in his full battle armor charged into the throne room before bowing politely to the sisters.


"Oh no..."




"Oh YES!  That feels sooooo nice!"  Amy exclaimed from enjoyment as she covered her face with the mud mask.  "Sonia, I'm glad you're here now...  Equestria is really peaceful.  If you thought Ponyville was nice, you'll love Canterlot.  All of the highest of society are there.  You would've loved being there so much, Sonia."  Amy said to her as she put a pair of chopped up cucumbers to cover her eyes.  Her mind drifted back to when Manic expressed his feelings for her.  She had to admit, Manic was a really good guy, but he was alot like his brother, Sonic, which made her mind drift back to when he first saved her from Hyper Metal Sonic on the Stardust Speedway Zone.


Amy sighed at this.  She seemed like she was still having small twinges of forlorn love for Sonic, but she kept telling herself that it won't happen for them.




"Oh yes!  She's gonna be here soon!"  The CMC shouted out together as they see the train starting to pull into the station.  Once both the CMC and the train stopped together, the doors of the train opened right up.  Many ponies exited out of the train, including one that was a particular brown Earth Pony with an Hourglass for a Cutie Mark.


A figure emerged from the smoke generated by the train and it appeared to be a caramel coated filly with a short reddish pink mane and tail with no Cutie Mark.  The CMC smiled in excitement along with the young Earth pony.  "Babs!  You're here!"  The CMC shouted in unison as they crowded around Babs.


"Hey you guys, it's been too long since we've seen each otha'."  Babs said in her apparent Manehatten voice.


Applebloom pulled Tails closer to the group.  "Babs, this is Tails.  He's tha one who taught meh how to fix thangs and make meh more useful around the farm.  His friends are here too, includin Sonic!"  Applebloom explained to the young filly before turning to Tails.  "Tails, this is mah cousin, Babs Seed.  She's from Manehatten and she's just like us; she has no Cutie Mark!"  Applebloom explained excitedly.


Babs opened her mouth in surprise.  "Wow, it's so cool to meet you, Tails."  Babs said clearly happy to see him.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Manic saw fluttershy lash out at the timberwolves, his jaw doped. He

knew how shy fluttershy was, and seeing how she made the Timberwolves run
off... it made him feel like he wasn't useful, he hadn’t felt like this since
the beginning of the underground. He looks at his hover board and fly’s
off above the clouds. He was high up in the sky, he looked at the horizon and
continued to think. Then, he puts his board at top speed and blasts off. At March
4, he was still thinking about the things that happened in the past. He really
felt like he wasn’t needed. Sonic was fast and skilled with dealing with
badnicks, Sonia was also skilled with the badnicks, they could do a spin dash,
but manic couldn’t. Tails was skilled with tech and was way better than manic. The
only thing that stood out to him was how good of a thief he was and that he
could cause earthquakes. Being a thief was a bad thing and causing earthquakes
can be overdone most of the time. Manic was lost in his thoughts that he wasn’t
paying attention to where he was going and he crashed into a mountain. He
pulled himself together and went down to the ground. He passed through the
ponyville market steeling a tomato and saw rarity’s place. He knew that Amy
would be there so he walked over to it and knocked on the door.



Rarity was searching for
the dresses that she made for Amy about a year ago. She found two of them, a
red dress mixed with rubies and a dark blue with rubies. She brought them to Amy
and Sonia. “Here you are girls! I made them for if you ever came back Amy, and I
hope that I got the measurements right, I may half to do some fitting for you Sonia”
then there was a knock on the door, “oh probably a customer, I’ll be right back
girls!” rarity said as she trotted to the door.

Sonia took off one of the cucumber
off her eyes and looked at the dresses, “oh my! There beautiful!” she said impressed.

Rarity opened the door and
saw manic. “Oh hello darling,” rarity said

“Hey rarity, is Amy here”
manic asked

“Yes she is”


Manic walked in and
followed rarity.

“Amy! Someone’s here to
see you” she called out as she walked into the room.

Manic walked in with
rarity and, “hey Amy, what’s up?”

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