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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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Shadow flinched "Something's not right." he says to Knuckles. "I feel strong amounts of Chaos Energy." Shadow takes out his emerald and sees it's glowing more than usual. "Just as I thought. Knuckles follow me I think I know where the Emeralds are." he says running off.


"On my way then" Nack says to Eggman as he gets on the Marvelous Queen and presses a button which makes a spring come out under the air bike and launch it into the air letting the Marvelous Queen fly towards the Death Egg.

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Knuckles just got the map details from the screen on his comms when Shadow alerted him to a development with the Chaos Emeralds, "Uh oh... We defiantly don't want those going off anywhere near the castle... Lead the way." Knuckles said while following Shadow's lead. They had just turned down a corridor when many of Eggman's Badniks began to fill the corridor, they seemed to be malfuctioning due to exposure from high amounts of chaos energy, "What in the...?" The Badniks seemed to be ripping each other apart, the energy spilling out of defeated Badniks and entering the remaining few, until only one was left, though it's being was unstable, shaking uncontrollably, it turned to see Shadow and Knuckles before darting away and escaping via one of the many vents in the area. "What was that thing!?" Knuckles blurted abruptly, looking down the corridor. He turned to Shadow, "I'm guessing the Emeralds are in there, right?" Knuckles pounded his fists together, "Then let's knock and see who's home." Knuckles said as he began to approach the door.




Robotnik looked on at the screen as the hedgehog in the room got zapped, but he seemed to have engaged the Emeralds before the electrical shock occurred, it seemed to be having a curious effect on the room, and the visual knocked Robotnik for a loop, the odd color of the energy being emitted seemed to short circuit Robotnik's already fragile grip on reality. He utterly snapped. He began shaking rather violently, his spasms caused him to act on muscle memory, he entered a several lines of programming into his computer before hitting the execute button. Suddenly the ground unit Badniks, who had fought the defenses of the Acorn kingdom back to the castle gates just suddenly ended their assault, they began moving in irregular patterns, many acting out certain emotions such as laughter, sadness, fear, and rage, though they made no vocal noise. Robotnik then crawled out of his command room, he scuttled down the hallway before finally sitting down, babbling incoherently to himself while drawing on the wall with a piece of chalk he believed he had, though the chalk wasn't real, he was writing something, one word over and over again, 'BadEgg' through his babbling his always seemed to keep a smile on his face, he began rocking back and forth as he continued his insane activity.

"It's too cold, far too cold... Ha ha heeheehee!" Robotnik turned to his left.

"No, I don't believe I heard that song before, please play it again." Robotnik sneered right.

"It wasn't my fault, they all hated us! Hated Grandpa!" Robotnik held his head up against the wall.

"Why? They always loved Colin more..." Robotnik returned to rocking back and forth while writing 'BadEgg' over and over, he then let a phrase slip out, "Computer, execute termination protocol, initiation code: Epsilon, Gamma, Gamma." With that a massive shake occurred thorough out the Death Egg, the termination protocol killed the Engine entirely, forcing the Death Egg out of the air, on a collision course with Castle Acorn.




Applejack only got maybe a couple of hours of sleep, she had horrible nightmares, she relived seeing Big Mac as a roboticized monstrosity, how that awful 'Eggman' convinced almost everypony that she and her friends were behind the destruction of Cantorlot, and the horrible monsterous form that Discord attained when he combined his essence with the Chaos Emerald. "This ain't doin' me no good... I'm still shook up from that whole mess..." Said Applejack, panic finally receding as she started up her usual routine. "Maybe I should talk tah Twilight about this... Maybe she got a spell that can nip this 'bad dream' buisness in the bud." Applejack left her house and headed in the direction of Twilight's tree home, hopeful that she might have a solution to her current dilemma.

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"What's this?" Tails walked over and opened the back panel of the Eggbot. He took one look at it, and his eyes widened. "Sonic! We need to get out... now! This energy is causing the robots to malfunction, and it's getting stronger by the minute!" Just then the entire ship lurched, and Tails' feelings told him that they were losing altitude. "We're falling!!!"

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Twilight was passing by the many buildings of the now almost repaired city of Canterlot even. Even some of the many civilians started to return to thier daily lives after being shakened up from the aftermath of the Eggman/Discord conflict. As Twilight waved to many of the townsfolk she begun to think about her dream about Trixie she had recently. "It just doesn't make any sense." Twilight thought to herself. "I haven't even seen Trixie since the time she first came to Ponyville to show-off." She added. "So why did i have a strange dream about her now?" she asked not watching where she was walking oblivous to the staliion she was about to hit.


"Maybe i shoul-OOF" Twilight said interupted as she bumped right into a familiar face and fell down to the ground. "Oh sorry." Twilight said before finally looking up. "I wasn't looking whe--" she said realizing it was none other than her brother Shining Armor. "Big Brother!" Twilight said both surprised and excitied to see her brother again. "It's great to see you too." She said running up to hug him. "Im doing fine actually just helping out repairing Canterlot." she said. "How about you?" She asked back.






Spike yawned again after coming out of his sleep for about the 4th time in the same day. "Ahhhh there nothing beats a nice nap." Spike said getting out of bed. "Hmm where's Twilight?" he asked looking at the empty bed she was previously laying in. "Oh yeah!" He realized. "I suggested her to go see her brother." he said. "It's about time she started listening to me." Spike said chuckling as he walked out the room.

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Manic and Sonia had fought off lots of badnicks. Once they arrived at one of the control rooms, "alright! This is stop number one! K Sonia, take out the badnicks while I hack into the system." Manic said running towards one of the computers. Sonia was about to attack the badnicks, but once she was about to do a whirl wind, the badnicks were starting to attack each other.

"Wow manic, that was fast. What did you do to them?" Sonia said impressed with manics hacking. "Say what? I didn't do anything" manic looked at the badnicks that were destroying them selves. Then the whole ship jerked, manic felt light on his feet. "What's happening manic?!?" Yelled Sonia

"I I don't know"

Manic pushed a button on his wrist watch and opened contact with team sonic and the others of team dark.

"Yo guys... What's happening" he said over the mic.




Rarity was at sugar cube corner eating a cupcake pinky gave her... Nothing more... T_T

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"I'm doing great, and it just got better now that you are here!" Shining said with a smile. "All we have left now is the library. Anyways," he glanced at Cadence. "Cadence and I were wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch with us, since we all are doing so well. Spike can come too, if he wants to."

Edited by Meta Knight
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"Ok that sounds delightful." Twilight said cheerly. "I cant even remember the last time we all got together for some lesiure time." she added. "Im sure Spike would like to come too so i'll be back as soon as i get him." She said as she left Shining Armor and Cadence. As Twilight re-entered the streets of Canterlot she once again went into deep thought about her Trixie dream . "Hey Twilight!" a voice said right behind her. "WHA!" Twilight yelped surprised as she feel down again. She looked up to see that it was Spike behind her laughing. "Ha ha how does it feel to be the one startled?"  Spike said while laughing. "Ugh Spike that doesn't even count." Twilight said getting up. "I do that to you so you will get your lazy flank up, not to scare you intentionally." she added. "By the way do you want to come with me Shining and Cadence for lunch since we've worked so hard and the whole town is almost done minus the library i think we deserve to have some resting time." "Of course i want to go." Spike said enthusiactally. "Wherever you go i go." he adds. "Well then." Twilight said lifting Spike with her telekenisis and placing him on her back. "Lets go." Twilight said going back the way she came.

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Cadence smiled widely at Twilight's agreement who then quickly went to get Spike "well, i'm certainly glad everything has calmed down now and that re-construction is going well...i really hope nothing like that happens again...i don't think Equestria could take another fight like that" the alicorn commented to her husband when Twilight was out of sight.




Pinkie put the two trays onto a nearby table and began bouncing in place "soooooo? how are the new cupcakes? they're double chocolate mint, a little something i've been working on and-..." Pinkie suddenly stopped bouncing and her eyes widened "oh my gosh...i just had the best idea EVER!!!" Pinkie exclaimed "i am going to throw the biggest party in the history of parties and invite everypony from Ponyville, Cloudsale and Canterlot!!!!!" she shouted excitedly making a huge leap in the air before landing calmly "great idea, huh?" she said grinning widly




Sally looked on in horror as she saw the Death Egg heading on a collision course towards Acorn Castle "oh-no...we're going to crash if we don't hurry to the control room" Sally quickly got NICOLE back out "NICOLE bring up the map of the death egg and locate the quickest route to the control room!" Sally quickly told her computerized friend "i shall try Sally" it was a moment before NICOLE hightlighted a route "thank you NICOLE, we need to hurry!" Sally exclaimed her friends.

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Sonic was shifted out of his spot on the plane when the Death Egg took a lurch downwards, sending the remaining Eggbots plummeting into the wall.  "Whoa, what the heck is going on?"  Sonic asked aloud as he narrowly spun to the left of an incoming plane, threatening to make contact.


Amy had her next swing thrown off as well from the shift of the Death Egg Mk. II.  "What in the world is going on?"  Amy asked out loud, holding onto the front wheel of an unmanned flyer.


Sonic looked towards his team and then outside the hanger.  He saw that they were inching towards New Mobotropolis.  Robotnik was planning to ram it into the city.  "We have to get to the control room before this place is toast."  Sonic said as he got up and swooped in to pick Tails and Sally down the corridor where it lead to the control room that pilots the Death Egg.


Amy raced after Sonic.  "Darn it, Sonic!  Wait for me!"  Amy yelled out after him as she ran down the same corridor.


Sonic and the team were approaching the control room.  After putting Sally and Tails down, Sonic went into a Spin Dash to bust down the door inside.  Sonic got up and looked around.  "Come and get some, Eggman!"  Sonic yelled out in a taunt, looking for the Doctor.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Wahh!!!" Tails exclaimed, shocked. "Sonic! I thought we were going after the-"


Sonic had Spin Dashed into the control room. This was going to end real well.




Shining smiled and nuzzled Cadence. "I am of the same opinion. But what are the chances of something like that happening again, especially with only a year in between?"

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"So what are we going to eat for lunch?" Spike asked as she rode on Twilight. "We havent decided yet Spike." Twilight said. "--But im sure we'll go somewhere with awesome food." she added. "Can we please go somewhere were with gems?" Spike asked. "Maybe Spike ..........Cadence and Shining have to agree with it though." Twilight said as they reached back to where Shining Armor and Cadence were. "Ok guys were back." Twilight said to the married duo. "So now that Spike's here we can go eat." she added.

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Robotnik rolled down the hallway as the Death Egg began it's descent. As he rolled toward the control room he came from, Sonic burst through the door,

Sonic was shifted out of his spot on the plane when the Death Egg took a lurch downwards, sending the remaining Eggbots plummeting into the wall.  "Whoa, what the heck is going on?"  Sonic asked aloud as he narrowly spun to the left of an incoming plane, threatening to make contact.


Amy had her next swing thrown off as well from the shift of the Death Egg Mk. II.  "What in the world is going on?"  Amy asked out loud, holding onto the front wheel of an unmanned flyer.


Sonic looked towards his team and then outside the hanger.  He saw that they were inching towards New Mobotropolis.  Robotnik was planning to ram it into the city.  "We have to get to the control room before this place is toast."  Sonic said as he got up and swooped in to pick Tails and Sally down the corridor where it lead to the control room that pilots the Death Egg.


Amy raced after Sonic.  "Darn it, Sonic!  Wait for me!"  Amy yelled out after him as she ran down the same corridor.


Sonic and the team were approaching the control room.  After putting Sally and Tails down, Sonic went into a Spin Dash to bust down the door inside.  Sonic got up and looked around.  "Come and get some, Eggman!"  Sonic yelled out in a taunt, looking for the Doctor.

Seeing the Hedgehog had a curious effect on the Doctor, he put his feet to the ground, still curled up however. Upon making contact with the ground, the magnetized stabilizers in his boots kicked in, causing Robotnik to stop in place. "Hello... Hello... Hellohohi! How are you? You? You.... YOU!" Robotnik immediately snapped back into reality, "What's happening? What have you done you blasted Hedgehog!?" Robotnik said in a fit of rage, momentarily turning away from Sonic to face the monitor and try to diagnose the problem with his craft. "The engines are down... Humph. Computer, activate Master protocol, engage the Master Emerald!" Upon issuing the order, the computer began to run various programs to activate the power of the Master Emerald. Upon tapping into the Master Emeralds power, the energy waves from the currently unstable Chaos Emeralds and the energy waves from the Master Emerald began to converge, to violent results. Several pieces of the Death Egg structure began to become unstable, entire sections of the Death Egg began to vanish out of nowhere. Back in the control room, the current situation became apparent to Robotnik as well as those who were able to understand the readings being displayed on his monitor. "WHAT!? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BASE!?" Robotnik was completely livid, so much so that he charged at Sonic himself, with no technology, with reckless abandon.




Applejack trotted down the street of a rather busy Ponyville. "Sure is a lotta comin' n' goin' happenin' right now, hope the library ain't too busy for Twi to be able tah see me." As Applejack approached the door to Twilight's house, when she noticed a note on Twilight's door. Applejack read the note aloud, "Gone to Cantorlot to help with the reconstruction effort, I'll be back as soon as I'm able. -Twilight, well shoot, Cantorlot got it worse n' most places, no tellin' how long that'll take fer her to get back..." Applejack stood around, thinking for a moment before getting an idea, "I know! I'll get the girls together, and take a trip up ta see Twilight, it's been a long time, besides, we've all been workin' so hard in our own way it's about time we got to see each other again and catch up." Satisfied with the idea, Applejack headed toward Sugarcube Corner knowing that she'd at least find Pinkie Pie there.


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Shadow stumbled back as he Death Egg fell. "Well this can't be good" he says busting down the door only to find Scoruge with the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald which seemed to be acting strange. Very strange indeed. "Scrouge? What the hell did you do? No matter, Knuckles I need you to turn off the Chaos Emeralds I'll deal with Scoruge." he says as he readies two Chaos Spears.

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Scourge was up to his knees in liquid chaos energy. "I don't know, you black hedgehog! Just HELP ME OUT OF- Wagh!"

The Chaos Energy seddenly dissolved the floor, and he went plunging down...

But instead of hitting the next floor... he just kept falling... and falling... with six emeralds in his bag.

(Equestria, Equestria, Equeeestria!)



"Well, I was thinking..."

Something caught Shining Armors attention. It appeared to be liquid... slime... suddenly dripping out of the sky over the Everfree Forest. "What's that? It rings familiar..."

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Trixie saw the huge slime-y thing drop from the sky. Trixie gaped out in amazement.


"What th-"


Next thing she knew she was hit in the head by a gem. After recovering and examining it, it seemed to be a emerald filled with magical energy.


"Yes! Trixie is pretty sure this is it!"


After replacing it with her jewel on her cape, Trixie tried out some fancy magic tricks. She even 'murdered' a passing timberwolf- and didn't break a sweat!


"Yes! Watch out Twilight Sparkle, Trixie is comig for you!





Fluttershy was hiding behind a cloud, whimpering at that weird thing in the sky.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Scourge was up to his knees in liquid chaos energy. "I don't know, you black hedgehog! Just HELP ME OUT OF- Wagh!"

The Chaos Energy seddenly dissolved the floor, and he went plunging down...

But instead of hitting the next floor... he just kept falling... and falling... with six emeralds in his bag.

(Equestria, Equestria, Equeeestria!)



"Well, I was thinking..."

Something caught Shining Armors attention. It appeared to be liquid... slime... suddenly dripping out of the sky over the Everfree Forest. "What's that? It rings familiar..."

[OOC: I think Scrouge does know who Shadow is as they have fought before or something. I don't know I just kinda skimed the wiki. Point is you might want to edit the first part of that post]


Shadow watched as Scourge fell through the floor and contacted Sonic. "Sonic whatever your doing better be important because I found Scourge, and I think he induced Chaos Control. A rather unstable one, we don't have much longer on this ship." he says.


Fang landed in the hanger just before the Death Egg started to crash and was now driving his airbike through the space station. "Robotnik what's going on? Why is the ship crashing?" he askes through the communicator.

Edited by N-Harmonia
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Twilight waited for a response until Spike gasped at something. "What`s wrong Spike" Twilight asked in concern. "O-over there." Spike said hesitantly pointing a claw toward the Everfree Forest where a sudden boom ruptured from the clouds and out came some kind of slimy substance. Shining said something about it being familiar. "Yeah it kind of does seem familar." She said agreeing with her brother. A thought had formed in Twilight's mind remember ing that that evil doctor named Robotnik used during the recent Equestrian crisis. "It couldn't be that again could it?" Twilight mentally thought to herself. "I mean i clearly remember the portal to Sonics world being permanently sealed off from ours so how could this stuff even co being sealed a year ago so how could this stuff even exist here?" Twilight thought again before Spike interrupted her thoughts. "Uhhh Twilight LOOK OUT!!" he shouted getting Twilights attention. Apparently some of the slime stuff started to scatter out into regions beyond the Everfree Forest and one big glob of the stuff was headed toward the group. "Whoa!" Twilight shouted caught off guard. She quickly made her horn glow and then a rasberry colored barrier covered Spike ,Shining Armor, Cadence and herself. just as the slime hit the shield it just slid off it and hit the ground. "Wow nice reflex" Spike complemented. "Don't thank me yet" She said , a serious look on her face. The clouds beyond the Everfree turned into an ominous black color and the the wind began to pick up.She turned to her brother and Cadence. "Can you guys inform the princess about this?" She asked. " I need to check something out." She added. "Oh and take Spike with you too." She said levitating Spike off her back and to the ground. "What?" Spike said shocked that Twilight would leave him here. "But I wanna come with you." He complained. "No Spike where im going is a little too dangerous for you it'd be better if you stay here." She defended."But im suppose to go where you go remember?" Spike defended. "I remember Spike ,but this is an exception." I couldnt bear with myself if something bad were to happen to you." She said glancing to Spike. "Understand?" She asked. "Yeah i understand." Spike said dissapointed. "Good." Twilight said running toward the epic center of the strange event taking place within the Everfree Forest but not before looking back at Spike Shining and Cadence one last time. She dissapeard from view under the cover of the trees .

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Manic and Sonia were still in control room f. Manic pulled out his board "hop on Sonia! We gotta juice and jam!" Yelled manic. Sonia hopped onto the hover board and they darted off. Manic was looking at his wrist watch PDA to get the route to the main control room to back up sonic. "MANIC!!! Look out!!!!" Sonia yells and points to some strange liquid that was falling from the floor above. Manic failed to stop in time and her crashed the board into the liquid. After floating around a little bit a flash of white light.



Rarity was enjoying the new sugar cube corner cupcakes.

"Why pinky dear, thees cupcakes are remarkably delicious!"

Just then a Loud waterfall sounding crash came from outside of sugar cube corner. " what is equestria could that have been?" Wondered rarity as she trotted outside to see what made that noise. Some slimy liquid crashed outside of sugar cube corner.


Manic and Sonia were coughing after hitting the ground, they stood up and looked around. "Manic hedgehog! This is your fault. If you had paid more attention, my outfit could be clean." Sonia was upset with manic. "Sonia... I think we have bigger problems then your cloths, this place seems familiar." Manic thought for a moment " We're not in mobious anymore, if I remember... This is equestria" said manic.


Rarity saw two hedgehogs who were covered with this strange liquid, "girls!" She said turning to her friends in sugar cube corner, "I think the hedgehogs are back" rarity walks up to the two hedgehogs "manic, is that you?" Asked rarity.

"Yo rarity! Long time no see!" Replied manic

"What are you doing in equestria?" Asked rarity

"Don't know... We were attacking but nick then all of a sudden... We're here" said manic.

"Oh, well then welcome back to equestria!" Said rarity

"Um, not to interrupt but, is there a spa can go too? I'm just filthy from that fall" asked Sonia

"Oh darling, we must get you fixed up right away! Come with me quickly!"


Rarity ran off with Sonia to get cleaned up at the spa...

"Somehow I thought those two would get along hahaha" manic chuckled


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Shadow stumbled back as he Death Egg fell. "Well this can't be good" he says busting down the door only to find Scoruge with the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald which seemed to be acting strange. Very strange indeed. "Scrouge? What the hell did you do? No matter, Knuckles I need you to turn off the Chaos Emeralds I'll deal with Scoruge." he says as he readies two Chaos Spears.

"Ya don't hafta tell me twice!" Retorts Knuckles as he jumped over the strange, chaos energy riddled liquid, onto the Master Emerald. -Okay Master Emerald, subside... There's no need to put out that much power, rest...- Knuckles was in a kneeling position, communicating with the Master Emerald through thoughts and feelings when suddenly, the Master Emerald responded to Knuckles request by sending the energy flow directly through Knuckles himself, "What the- GRAH!" As the Energy fed itself through Knuckles, it momentarily shifted Knuckles to Hyper Knuckles, before Knuckles was flung from the Master Emerald, directly into the ceiling, as he fell from the ceiling, sinking into the liquid, as well as unconsciousness, Knuckles could've sworn he heard a chuckle that sounded all to familiar to him, yet also completely forigen to him as well. "Ngh... Sh- Shadow..." Knuckles slipped into unconsciousness as the floor gave in to the liquid and caved in.




As Applejack entered Sugarcube Corner, she saw Rainbow fly off somewhere in the distance, as a strange looking liquid fell from the sky as well, upon shaking her head, she decided that the liquid was just a figment of her imagination as she hadn't gotten much sleep, she turned back to the opening of the store to find Pinkie Pie to be the only one there. "Well howdy Pankie, how are you tahday?" She quickly realized she'd be standing there all day if she let Pinkie answer. "Uh! Before ya'll start on that, I had an idea, it's been awhile since any of us have seen Twi right? It's also been awhile since any of us took a break from all this reconstruction buisness." Applejack looked down, then back at Pinkie. "So anyways, I was thinkin' that maybe we get everypony together and take the next train up to Cantorlot an' go up 'n see Twilight... Would ya mind helpin' me find everypony Pankie?" Applejack looked to her friend, her eyes full of hope that Pinkie would say in her usual cheery tone, 'Of course silly! Like you even need to ask me to do something that sounds like this much fun!'

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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As King Maximilian looked onward at the battle taking place over the horizon from his royal chambers, his gaze fell upon the battlefield on the ground in front of the city of New Mobotropolis.  He could see that Antione was working alongside the other Freedom Fighters to lead the city's defenses and they were generally safe from any direct blasts from the Death Egg Mk II, thanks to the defense system that is ran solely by NICOLE on a separate grid.  The real problem is the ground forces that Robotnik had sent out, although the Freedom Fighters are doing a good job of holding them back.


"Sire, look!  The Death Egg is falling towards Mobotropolis!"  Uncle Chuck said out loud to King Maximilian, who turned his attention from the ground battle to the Death Egg.


King Maximilian didn't like the look of the Death Egg.  Not only was it falling to New Mobotropolis, but it looked like it was having a very unstable reaction.  "Oh Sally...  Please be okay..."  King Maximilian said aloud.




Sonic looked on towards Robotnik as he started acting incoherently, shaking Sonic's hand jovially as well until he started acting like himself again.  "Uhhhh, is it just me or is something REALLY wrong with Buttnik?"  Sonic whispered to his group.  Amy looked on at Eggman wide-eyed.  "Guys, I don't like this..."  Amy said nervously.

"Sonic whatever your doing better be important because I found Scourge, and I think he induced Chaos Control. A rather unstable one, we don't have much longer on this ship." he says.


Sonic heard Shadow hail him over the comm, but was only able to hear bits of it due to the Chaos interference.  "I didn't get that, Shadow...  What did you say about Scourge?"  Sonic said back over the comm.


Upon tapping into the Master Emeralds power, the energy waves from the currently unstable Chaos Emeralds and the energy waves from the Master Emerald began to converge, to violent results. Several pieces of the Death Egg structure began to become unstable, entire sections of the Death Egg began to vanish out of nowhere. Back in the control room, the current situation became apparent to Robotnik as well as those who were able to understand the readings being displayed on his monitor. "WHAT!? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BASE!?" Robotnik was completely livid, so much so that he charged at Sonic himself, with no technology, with reckless abandon.


Sonic's answer had to wait since he heard a warning siren blare off loudly.  "Agggh, what is happening?"  Amy said loudly as she covered her ears.


Sonic winced a bit from the noise and opened his eyes to see that Robotnik was just charging at him with zero regards to his safety.  "Whoa, Ivo!  I know you're a mad scientist, but this is ridiculous."  Sonic said jokingly as he saw that Eggman was still moving towards him.  Figuring that Sonic didn't need to do much, he stepped aside to the left, leaving his right foot planted and saw Robotnik trip over it.  He chuckled a bit at the incident, but now he felt he needed to find out what exactly was making Robotnik like this.  He didn't feel how he was beating him so easily.  All of a sudden, they felt that the ground was crumbling.around them and all of a sudden, they were all covered with some kind of slime and next thing they knew, they were all falling.




Rainbow Dash was inside Sugarcube Corner listening to Pinkie Pie speaking at sixty kilometers an hour until she heard a commotion outside and followed Rarity.  Out there, she saw a familiar face as well as one she didn't know.


Rarity saw two hedgehogs who were covered with this strange liquid, "girls!" She said turning to her friends in sugar cube corner, "I think the hedgehogs are back" rarity walks up to the two hedgehogs "manic, is that you?" Asked rarity. "Yo rarity! Long time no see!" Replied manic "What are you doing in equestria?" Asked rarity "Don't know... We were attacking but nick then all of a sudden... We're here" said manic. "Oh, well then welcome back to equestria!" Said rarity


Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped as she saw Manic, Sonic's brother.  "Wait, if you're here, then that means..."  Rainbow Dash said as she looked up at the sky.  She was seeing a group of blurs falling from the sky together, but a blue one sent her flying towards the Everfree Forest where they were falling to.


Sonic opened his eyes and gazed upon a place that seemed strangely familiar to him.  He was in a forest of some kind, but recognized the shrubery.  "Oooooh man, bummer majores..."  Sonic mumbled as he got up looking around to see Amy, Sally, and Tails were still with him.


Amy got up groggily and looked at herself covered in slime.  "Eeeeewwwww, what IS this slimy stuff?"  Amy said aloud as she got up, standing afraid of touching the slime on her body.


Sonic was about to voice his opinion when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.  "Soniiiiiiic!"  Sonic looked around and looked ahead to see that Rainbow Dash was flying to them.  "Rainbow Dash?  Is that you?"  Sonic asked, amazed and excited to see his one of his greatest competitions and a friend.  Rainbow Dash landed in front of the group.  "I can't believe you're here again!  What happened and how did you get here?"  Rainbow Dash asked excitedly to them.




Love...  It was a fleeting thing for her as she looked around at her starving children.  They were all hungry, but it was all that they could feed them due to inaccess to available food.  "My family needs more sustenance quickly.  I do not know how much longer I can keep them all alive...  All thanks to Twilight and that 'married' couple'."  The female creature said loothingly.  She heard a commotion coming from the sky and she looked as a red object fell to the ground.  A devilish smile crossed her face.  "Looks like we have company."  The creature said aloud to the others around her as they started to move together on the red figure.


It definitely looked like a strange creature to her.  It looked large and round with a pair of strange glasses as well as no fur, save for the mustache on its face.  "Awaken, creature; For now you are in the presence of Queen Chrysalis and now belong to us."  Queen Chrysalis said in a commanding and devilish voice to the strange man.

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Scourge fell right on top of Sonic. He shook his head, and stood up and grinned. "Thanks for breakin' my fall, Sonic. Man, that had to-UMPH!"


Tails had landed right on top of him. He threw him off, looked at them, and said with a mocking bow, "Hello there, you two. I'll be going now. Ta-ta!" He ran at Mach 4 right on out of Sonic's sight..,


About a mile away, he stopped. "Now, to check my loot... one, two, three, four, five... hey, wait. Where did the sixth one go?" He sighed. "Well, five is five better than none, at least. Now, where am I?"




Tails groaned... was that... Scourge? Probably. But for now... he looked around for Sonic, but he was nowhere in sight. Then he looked down. 


"Oh! Sorry, Sonic. didn't see ya there." He reached down and helped him back up. "This place seems familiar... where have we..."


Then his eyes floated over to Rainbow Dash.


"What... Rainbow? Then we are in Equestria again! Huh..."


He took out his sensors. "Sonic... I don't think my sensors made it through the Chaos Control this time..."

  • Brohoof 1
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"EEEPPPP!" Fluttershy yelped as a red...thing with spikes on it's knuckles crashed next to her cloud. She gently flew down and nudged it.


"Um, Mr. Red?" Fluttershy asked. "Um, why di-id you crash?"




Trixie sensed Twi's presence in the everfree, and carefully trotted over to where she was standing.



Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Twilight was running throughout the Everfree forest. The wind was calming down a little bit ,but the dark clouds above remained. The slime that was previously raining down upon the forest had stopped ,but there was still some spots of slime on the ground. Twilight carefully avoided touching any of the slime and stopped in a small area clear of trees. The few patches of poison joke around the trees gave an eerie glow to the place. "Now where's the source of that large mana field i sense?" Twilight questioned herself. She had sensed  ever sense the strange storm over the Everefree occurred. She turned her head at the sound of a noise behind her, out a shadowy figure emerged from the trees. "Who are you!" Twilight shouted. The mysterious figure slowly walked out of the shadows from the trees and into the dim light of the forest clearing to reveal itself. "Trixie?!?" Twilight said shocked. She knew Trixie was quite skilled in the arts of magic ,but she never felt this kind of mana field coming from her before. Twilight didn't understand how she managed to increase her skills so drastically since the last time she saw her she couldn't even handle a Ursa Minor back then ,but now it felt like she could handle even an Ursa Major!. "What are you doing here!" Twilight shouted demanding an answer as a thunderous boom sounded from the sky.





After Twilight left; Spike immediately sprung into action to tell Celestia of the trouble that had started to brew all over Equestria. He quickly went and got a scroll and a quill and began writing a message to the princess. "Twilight ran off somewhere in the Everfree ....Big trouble.....-Spike​!" He quickly wrote onto the letter and rolled it up to blow his fire on, sending the message to the princess. After about 5 minutes Spike belched out a letter from Celestia. He quickly grabbed the letter and began reading it. "I'm aware of the troubles that are starting to come up within Equestria, In response I've sent some royal guard members to deal with anything that represents itself to be a threat. As for Twilight i can sense her somewhere in the Everfree with another unicorn with a powerful mana field and if I'm correct it feels like they will have a fight any moment now, However i'm not quite sure how the outcome may be so please stand by as i gather some more information. - Princess Celestia. After reading the letter Spike looked out towards the Everfree. "Twilight...." He said as a thunderous boom sounded from the sky. 

  • Brohoof 3
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As manic watched rarity and Sonia run away to the spa, he poped out his board and hoped on it.

"Great to see all of you again! But I'm going to follow rainbow dash and see if my bro is ok!"

Manic flew off towards the everfree forest. He could only see rainbow in the distance, but once he caught up to her, sonic, tails, and Amy were there by a pool of the strange chaos liquid...

"Hey bro! What swimming? Hahaha"

Then he quickly turned to Amy

"Hay babe, you ok? That was one nasty fall."



Rarity and sonia were walking into the spa.

As they were in the waiting room...

"So darling, I don't believe we've met"

Said rarity

"I'm Sonia, I'm manic and sonic's sister."



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"Knuckles!" as Shadow was about to run over to Knuckles the floor underneath the echidna caved in with Shadow's doing the same, landing him near Fluttershy and Knuckles. "Uhgg....Oh great." Shadow said as got up and saw the yellow pony realizing he was in Equestria again.


"Eggman!? ....Gah blast it." Nack said to himself when Robotnik didn't respond. He then saw the sensors on his air bike blinking rapidly and followed it until he reached the room were the Master Emerald was. ~What's going on in there?~ he thought as he watched Knuckles trying to communicate with the Master Emerald only to be blasted across the room and fall through the floor when it caved it, with Shadow following. Before Nack could investigate the floor underneath him caved in as well transporting him and the Marvelous Queen to Equestria in the middle of the Everfree forest.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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