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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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"Woooahhh." Trixie told Twilight, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You found me out, big deal. Well, anyway, clever you came here. I was just about to go looking for you! How about...a magic duel? After all, my magic is now undoubtly stronger then yours! Winner takes all!"


Trixie snorted, and then readed her magic.


"You can go first...i'm sure I'LL win!"




"Oh, um, hiya...Shadow? I think?" Fluttershy muttered. "Um...welcome ba-"


She got slapped by Angel who randomly appeared out of nowhere.


"Oh, um, SORRY!" Fluttershy apologized. "So, um, why are you...here?"


Angel facepalmed.

Edited by Shift
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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Twilight was still at a stand till as she listened to Trixie's words. "Wow she's still as arrogant as she was when she left Ponyville." She thought.Trixie then proposed they have a magic duel thinking she would win because her magic was better now.. "What!?!" Twilight said in shock."A magic duel?" she said. "No way Trixie you can forget it." she rejected."Im not going to duel you just for the challenge."  She added.





"Thats it!" Spike said fed up with waiting. "I can't just stand here while Twilight is off fighting someone who is just as strong and dangrous." He said breaking off from Cadence and Shining Armor before they could even react and running off into the same direction as Twilight did into the Everfree. Although he wasn't sure where he was going he figured if he went the same way Twilight did he'd eventually meet up with her.

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Pinkie let out an excited gasp as she heard Applejack's suggestion "oh my gosh thats a great idea!!!! when we go there i can hand out invites for my best party ever!!!" they then hear a sonic boom like sound as well as what looked like a crash in Everfree and near where Fluttershy was. Pinkie hopped over to where the yellow pegasus to see a black hedgehog and a red echidna, Pinkie's mouth dropped open when she saw them which quickly turn into a wide grin and starting to hop around them "oh my gosh you're back, this is so awesome!!! oooh if you guys came to my party it would make it even more awesome!!! what do you think, would you guys come?" Pinkie asked after her ramble and leaning on her front hooves infront of Shadow her smile still on her face.




Cadence was with Shining Armor and Spike after Twilight ran into the forest and they took in what was happening "I don't like this Shining...not at all" she said as her ears flattened againest her head which quickly perked up as Spike said he couldn't stand around any longer and run after her sister-in-law into Everfree Forest "Spike wait!!" the alicorn yelled out after him and turned to her husband "come on Shining Armor we need to go after him!" she stated before spreading her wings and flew after the baby dragon.




Sally had briefly blacked out as they hit the strange slime when she awoke she found herself and her friends in a strange forest "okaaay...where are we...?" she asked before looking at her slimed self "ew...well it could be worse..." she muttered wiping the slime off. Just then she heard a voice calling Sonic's name not long after Manic had arrived, the other who showed up shocked her at first due to it being a cyan colored, rainbow maned pony with wings, but then remembered what Sonic and her other friends and told her and her father about their adventure in Equestria, at first she hadn't believed them but then she thought about all the crazy situations she had been with them. Sally scanned her mind searching for the name that Sonic called the pony when he called out to her and then asked what and how they got there "its...a bit of a long story to be honest, is there another place where we could talk?" Sally asked her, and then crossed her arms and smiled "so, your Rainbow Dash, huh? its nice to meet you, I'm Sally Acorn" she said introducing herself and holding out her hand.

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As Robotnik picked himself off of the ground, he was 'greeted' by a rather repulsive looking monstrosity, a small legion forming behind it all with a similar appearance to the grotesque blight that addressed him. On top of that, this abomination had the nerve to say that he, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the most brilliant mind in all of Möbius, no, in all the Multi-verse, and rightful ruler of all sentient beings, was their property!

"I would ordinarily deal with such insolence rather swiftly, and without mercy," said the Doctor in a foreboding tone, "But I currently haven't the time to deal with you..." Robotnik fidgeted with his glasses, the lenses brought up a screen on the inside, perceivable only to Robotnik, "I see... The Death Egg... Or the control room of the Death Egg is still intact... Hmm..." His comm channel read that Nack attempted to make contact with the Doctor. "Humph, trying to open communications now would be useless..." Upon seeing the world around him, as well as the creatures, sickening as they all were to him, he knew he was in Equestria once more. Robotnik turned around to the creatures once more, he pulled out a minor laser gun and quickly dispatched one of the smaller of the lot in front of him, it's cry and final breath were like music the the Doctor's ears, a wicked smirk growing on his face as he shot several rounds at ground in front of the larger one. "Allow ME to introduce MYSELF!" Robotnik bowed "I am Dr. Robotnik! Am... Julian Kentobur... But sometimes I go by 'Eggman'..." Robotnik dropped his weapon and collapsed clutching his head, "Am... I am... Robotnik... Am Ivo... Am I? I am... A 'Bad Egg'... Mommy, Mom... I am your son too... Heheheheeeeeeee...." Robotnik was twitching in his new found pose, still clutching his head. "Death Egg.... Death Egg... Rule them all with Death Eggeh heheheheheheheheheh...." Robotnik was lost in another one of his mental breakdowns




Applejack was happy to hear that Pinkie was on board with the idea of going up to Cantorlot with their friends, but wasn't ready for Pinkie to rush past her, towards the Everfree Forest, "Hey Pankie, ya'll wait up, ya hear?" Applejack galloped after her, wondering how Pinkie could manage to bounce that fast, "Gosh, it's a good thing that girl ain't interested in competition, sure would hate tah try and beat her in a race if she was actually serious...heh heh" Applejack giggled to herself as she neared closer to where Pinkie was bouncing to, seeing Fluttershy was reassuring, but what made Pinkie swell up with joy filled Applejack's heart with the fear that was plaguing her nightmares. And if the look of the Echidna was anything to go by, they wern't here for a visit. Applejack turned toward Shadow, "What's happenin' here? I thought ya'll headed back to the world ya'll came from!? What in the name of Celestia are ya'll doin' back here!?" Applejack's voice hit a slight panicked pitch upon uttering the last sentence. A little while after that Knuckles began to regan consciousness, "ngh... That smarts..." Knuckles said as he began rubbing his left shoulder, he then noticed the three ponies in front of him and Shadow. "Ah geez... Are we back here again?" Knuckles said as he put his hands to the ground and began concentrating, almost immediately finding out that the Master Emerald was here as well, but scattered across the land, in pieces. "Well, I guess it's only fitting we be here again... Hey, uh... Fluttershy right?" Knuckles started as he attempted to stand, only to fall down again. Slightly embarrassed he continued. "We need to find that smart friend of yours, you left one of YOUR problems in MY emerald, and she might be the only one with a way to fix it." Knuckles Staggered to his feet. "Ngh, Shadow... Did the others get sent here too?"

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Trixie sighed.


"I knew you'd say that."


She let her horn light up with magic, and then before casting magic on her, she talked to Twilight.


"I knew you'd say that. I just knew it. I'm afraid you'll have to learn your lesson of not dueling me...as such, why not use some newfound power on you, and I sense your sister and brother and assistant are coming. Shame. I would of had more fun with you. But I can't fight off an Alicorn. I just can't. And I won't stand a chance anyway, so why bother and you take away my one source of power and mind?" Trixie said with a sigh, but then her attitude quickly changed.


A large spear circled around Twilight, trapping her in place. Trixie started to think for a moment.


"Well, anyways, good-bye!" Trixie said, trotting off, calm as ever.




"Oh!" Fluttershy said with a smile, holding out her hoof. "N-nice for you to drop by..."


She flew over to Applejack.


"Um? I don't think you should be so rude to Mr. Shadow and Mr. Knuckles...I think...we need to treat them with the utmost respect..." Fluttershy said quietly.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Pinkie let out an excited gasp as she heard Applejack's suggestion "oh my gosh thats a great idea!!!! when we go there i can hand out invites for my best party ever!!!" they then hear a sonic boom like sound as well as what looked like a crash in Everfree and near where Fluttershy was. Pinkie hopped over to where the yellow pegasus to see a black hedgehog and a red echidna, Pinkie's mouth dropped open when she saw them which quickly turn into a wide grin and starting to hop around them "oh my gosh you're back, this is so awesome!!! oooh if you guys came to my party it would make it even more awesome!!! what do you think, would you guys come?" Pinkie asked after her ramble and leaning on her front hooves infront of Shadow her smile still on her face.

Shadow's cringed upon hearing Pinkie's voice. ~Not her again.~ he thought to himself. "There are bigger things going on right now. Your party will have to wait." He says in his normal, seroius tone.


"Ngh, Shadow... Did the others get sent here too?"

"There's no way to tell. The communicator is broken and Tails isn't around to fix it." Shadow answers. "We'll just have to look and hope we find them."


Nack wakes up to find himself in the Everfree forest. "Agh, were am I?" he says thinking out loud. He then sees his air bike stuck between two branches. "Great" he says sighing. He then presses a button on his wrist and the Marvolus Queen's boosters start up flying the air bike out of the tree and back to Nack. "There we go, now lets go find Robotnik. He still owes me my rings." he says speeding away on his air bike.

  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Scourge was running through an odd town. Of course, he couldn't see it too clearly, considering that he was moving at Mach 4, but, it is what it is. At least that the others weren't-

Suddenly his arm slammed into something- something red. And it stuck.

Knuckles the Echidna was stuck on his arm. His hand had entered Knuckles's mouth, and it stuck.

"AAGH!!! GET HIM OFF, GET HIM OFF!" he hollered, shaking his arm like mad. He was able to throw him off into a stand or something, and then he sprinted out of town.




Cadence declared safeties off, and ran into the forest like mad. "Honey! Wait!" He dashed after her.




Tails sighed at Manic's appearance. "Hello, Manic. No need to flirt with Amy at this time." He rolled his eyes and turned to Sonic. "Well, if we are here, Knuckles, Shadow, and Eggman are here too... let's go find them." He glanced at the track burnt into the ground by Scourge. "And Scourge is here too..."

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"Scourge?"  Shadow said as the green hedgehog ran into Knuckles only to run off shortly after. "Knuckles stay here with the ponies I'm going after Scourge." he says before boosting off after Scourge determined to get the other Emeralds back.



Nack was speeding through Everfree on the Marvelous Queen when he sees what looks like an exit. "Well that wasn't too har-OOF" Nack ran into Cadence knocking him off his Air Bike. "Hey watch where your goin' you could have put a scratch in my-" Nack stopped when he saw what Cadence looked like. "Oh...well excuse me I should have been more careful. So what's a beautiful lady like yourself doing in a place like this?" he flirted unaware of Shining Armor.

Edited by N-Harmonia
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Scourge turned around to see Shadow behind them. He smirked. "Heheheh... Hello, Shadow." He dashed off around the village and into the Forest again. He tossed about 25 rings behind him, thinking that Shadow might take the money instead of going after him.


Shining lunged after Cadence, saw her with some weasel trying to flirt with her, came up behind him, and launched him into a tree a few hundred meters back. "That's my wife, you." He continued to follow Cadence.

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Shadow followed Scourge wherever he went, trying his best not to hurt anyone. [or anypony] When Scourge dropped his rings Shadow just ignored them. Though as he passed by he collected some anyway just because that tends to happen whenever a Mobian touches a gold ring. "I'm not as greedy as or as stupid as you Scourge, your tricks won't work. Now hand over the other emeralds before I decide to make you." Shadow said to the green hedgehog.


Nack freed himself from the tree started to walk back to his air bike. "Humph didn't want a stupid pony anyway..." Nack says, brushing himself off. As he continued walking a green blur pasted him and dropped some rings behind it. ~Well don't mind if I do~ he though to himself going to pick up the rings as another blur, this one black, passed him and collected a few rings on his way by. "HEY THAT'S MY MONEY!!!" Nack yelled at the blur who was a few miles off by now. Nack pressed a button on his wrist and once again the Marvelous Queen flew to its master who proceeded to get on and chase after the two blurs.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Twilight glared at Trixie until she could sense not one or two but three entities coming there way. Trixie assumed  that it was Cadence,Shining and Spike after checking the energy signatures herself Twilight  knew she was right "Darn It Spike!"Twilight thought. "I thought  i told him to stay put."she continued until Trixie intimated  her out of her thoughts by lighting her horn. Before Twilight  could react a spear shield suddenly surrounded  her.  "Ack" Twilight  shouted touching the shield left a small burning sensation. Twilight was about to respond with her own magic until Trixie left.  Fortunetly handling  all the three Unicorn/Alicorn trio would've proven too much for her. Before Trixie  said her goodbye  and left Twilight  took notice of the jewel that was placed on her magic cape. "That thing looked familiar." Twilight  mumbled to herself. "But even if its possible  how the heck did she get her hooves on something  that powerful?" she continued until she heard a small noise behind her. Out from the rustling bushes came out a familiar  draconic face. 


"Twilight?!?" Spike said shocked  seeing his motherly figure in an ominous barrier. "Are you ok?" he asked. Twilight was a little irritated  the baby dragon had shown up but she hid her anger well. "I'm fine Spike." Twilight  said in a reassuring  voice. "I'ts just a simple barrier spell." She added or at least to her it was a simple spell. "Just give me a second." Twilight said as she readied her horn. Twilight  horned glowed it's usual aura and within seconds the barrier was gone.  Spike was so relieved he immediately ran up to hug Twilight  "Thank Celestia your ok!" Spike  said. "Who put you in that thing anyway?"he questioned looking around seeing nobody was around as the letter Celestia sent said."It was Trixie apparently." Twilight responded. "Trixie?!?" Spike reacted. "What was she doing all the way out here?" He asked again. "I don't know Spike." Twilight responded. "But i think a better question is why are you here?" she said putting a stern face on. "You deliberately disobeyed my order to stay put." She added. "But Twilight  i-" Spike tried to defend but got interrupted. "You don't know how dangerous Trixie  is right now." 


Shining Armor and Cadence finally showed up. "And where were YOU guys?" Twilight  said turning her attention  to the couple. "I thought you were suppose to watch Spike  so he wouldn't do something like this?" She said a little irritated .

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Sonic was about to answer her question until he was dropped on by Scourge and Tails from the sky.



Scourge fell right on top of Sonic. He shook his head, and stood up and grinned. "Thanks for breakin' my fall, Sonic. Man, that had to-UMPH!"   Tails had landed right on top of him. He threw him off, looked at them, and said with a mocking bow, "Hello there, you two. I'll be going now. Ta-ta!" He ran at Mach 4 right on out of Sonic's sight..



Sonic's face was buried into the ground a bit and had to pull his head out like a carrot.


Rainbow Dash watched the strange green hedgehog speed off.  "What the hay?  Is that your brother, Sonic?  He looks...  Different."  Rainbow Dash asked Sonic.


Sonic saw that Tails was still on top of him and lay down in an impatient manner, tapping his fingers loudly on the ground for Tails to hear.  "Ummm, Tails...  Down here."  Sonic said to the two-tailed fox.  He noticed that Tails looked down at him and got off him.


Amy heard a familiar voice and saw that it was from Manic.  "Manic, I'm glad you're okay.  Eeeuch, I wish I could say the same about my outfit..."  Amy said slightly begrudgingly as she looked at herself.  She saw Scourge run off with the Chaos Emeralds and decided to chase after him.  Before doing so, she grabs ahold of Manic's arm.  "Sonic, we'll be back later.  We gotta get those Emeralds back from Scourge before he does anything nasty."  Amy said to Sonic and the group before dashing off after Scourge at a speed that is quite fast for a girl with boots.  Amy was catching up to Scourge who was now being chased by Shadow.  As she dragged Manic along with her, she bowled over some weasel wearing a hat on some kind of machine and didn't slow down on the two blurs.  "Get back here, you pretender!"  Amy yelled at him as she swung her Piko Piko Hammer at Scourge.




Sonic arched an eyebrow.  He felt the need to help her and his brother catch his other faker, but he figured that they could handle him.  Sonic got up and dusted himself off.  "Nah, Dash.  That's Scourge, he's my double-ganger.  It's a bit of a long story, I'll tell you all about him as soon as we get back to...  The Canterlot Castle, was it?"  Sonic said to her in a neutral manner.


Rainbow Dash looked towards Sally as she spoke to her.  "Sally Acorn?...  Oh yeah, you're that princess that Sonic told me all about you.  Yeah, it's nice to meet you too.  Maybe we should get out of the forest qui..."  Rainbow Dash stopped when she heard voices near them.  "Wait a minute...  I know that obnoxious voice anywhere..."  Rainbow Dash said suspiciously as she motioned to the group to follow her.


Sonic grabbed Tails and Sally before going off after her.  Eventually after a full thirty seconds of travelling at high speeds, they reached to find Twilight Sparkle trapped in something.  "Twilight, what happened?!"  Rainbow Dash asked incredulously to her.  They looked on to see Spike, Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor together with Twilight Sparkle.




Queen Chrysalis stood rigid as she saw the doctor attempted to intimidate her with his fancy weaponry.  A devilish smile crossed her face.  "Apparently, you have NO idea who you are insulting, Doctor considering I have a legion and you are on your own."  Chrysalis spoke as two hundred more appeared by her side and surrounded Robotnik.  As she looked on as Robotnik went into a mental breakdown, she started to see that he wouldn't provide valuable sustenance for her and her children.  *Hmmmm, perhaps he might be useful in a different way.*  Chrysalis thought to herself as she magicked the weapon away from him and obliterated it.


"Now Doctor...  I think I may have a bit hasty with my attitude towards you.  I have been so rude as to not giving you a chance to explain your situation.  However, I must demand you say it quickly as I have much to do, no thanks to...  Twilight Sparkle and her friends..."  Chrysalis said in a neutral tone to him.

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Get back here, you pretender!"





As two chaos emeralds went flying out of his bag (now leaving three) they flew in different directions. As for Scourge... he was sent flying north at about 200m/s with an airime of 34 seconds. So, basically, he got away, but at the cost of two Chaos Emeralds.




"Chaos Control!"


There was a flash of light, and Scourge was gone.




Shining Armor scowled. "Cadence got... worried for your safety." As they heard a voice, he turned to find one of Twiight's friends, and Sonic the Hedgehog.


"Oh, no... not again... we just... finished." He put a hoof on his forehead. "Great. Just... great."


Tails looked at his questionably. "What's wrong? I thought that our presence was a good thing."


Shining looked up and glared. "If you are here, what do you think the chances of the doctor being here?"


Tails sighed. "Oh..."


He turned to Sonic. "Any ideas where he is? Or where Amy, Shadow, and Scourge, too, at that?"

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When Amy grabbed manic and started running after Scourge, manic was expecting to be swept off his feet and be pulled threw the air. But then remembered that Amy isn't as fast as sonic. As Amy ran infront of manic holding his arm, manic said "babe, you know it would be faster to ride on my..." Manic was cut off after a branch smacked him in the face. "Ouch"


Once they got out into the open, manic was starting to loose balance as he was being pulled by Amy. When Amy swung her hammer at scourge, 2 emeralds fell out of his bag. Manic broke free from Amy's grip and picked up the two chaos emeralds.

"Alright! Nice swing babe!" Manic said proudly



At the spa...

Rarity and Sonia were in the steam room...

"It's been too long since Iv had a spa day like this" said Sonia

"How long darling?" Asked rarity

"A whole month" said Sonia

"That must be awful, I can't imagine somepony like you not going to the spa for a whole month" said rarity

"Tell me about it" said Sonia

They both broke into laughter.

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"Dammit he's gone!" Shadow said angry that three Chaos Emeralds had just gotten away. "Well at least we got two more emeralds." Shadow says walking over to Manic and Amy. "Manic give me the emeralds they'll be safer with m-AGHH" Shadow was cut off by Nack who had shot two missiles from his airbike that hit shadow dead on, sending him back a few feet. "That's what ya get for stealing my rings!!" Nack yelled in Shadow's direction. "Now I see you got two of those chaos things Robotnik wants. Why don't you make this easy and hand em' over, unless you wanna end up like your friend over there." Nack said to Manic pointing both his popgun at him and his laser gun at Amy.


[Yes, Nack has a laser gun in the comics.]

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Robotnik cringed and snickered as he sat holding his head, until the strange beast uttered something that grabbed Robotnik's attiention, warped as his mind was.

  However, I must demand you say it quickly as I have much to do, no thanks to...  Twilight Sparkle and her friends..."  Chrysalis said in a neutral tone to him.


"Twilight Sparkle... The Elements of Harmony..." Robotnik quickly sat up, he gathered himself up and started pacing. "I've always hated magic Snivley... Ever since Ixis, I've absolutely loathed the concept of it..." Robotnik stood still, as if hearing input from someone who wasn't there. "Magic... Discord betraying me, I could've won... I was on the very precipice of victory! Then Metal betrayed me, he used magic that he gleamed off of scanning those magic using unicorns... And Discord... Discord betrayed me, after absorbing the essence of the Chaos Emeralds he then went so far as to absorb the Master Emerald, he ruined my plans Snivley... My... What? ... you dare...SHUT UP SNIVLEY!!!" Robotnik then began to wildly attack an unseen victim, he continued his wild lashing untill he stopped and backed away from what appeared to be a mound of dirt. Robotnik began to regan his sensibility afterward. "Huff... Huff... Excuse that little... Outburst..." Robotnik caught his breath and regained his composure. "So... You have designs of revenge against those accursed Elements of Harmony as well..." Robotnik walked toward the tallest of the dark creatures. "I'm not sure if you noticed, but one year ago I almost conquered this entire land... However, through sabotage and betrayal... Victory eluded me..." Robotnik straightened up his posture and began again, "I can tell from your... Regal aura, that you must be the leader, the Queen of your... Subjects... But you've been banished to this abysmal land, so unbecoming of your obvious greatness. Quite personally I couldn't care less about your deliemma but as I'm sure you've noticed I'm not too... 'stable' at the moment, so I have a proposition for you," Robotnik turned and walked toward the north of the area he currently was. "My Death Egg, a station of sorts, has crashed somewhere in this direction, under normal conditions I'd simply build a simple means of conveyance and get there with time to spare, but I cannot trust my own actions anymore it seems, and my condition is only getting worse." He began to rub his right temple, "Get me to my Death Egg, and I can promise you the forces you would need to take any city that you see fit. And that's just for starters, tell me, how do you like the idea of total, indomitable power? Queen Chrysalis, do we have a deal?" Robotnik offered his hand as a sign of trying to establish a partnership, though he held a Big Bang grenade in his other, completely willing to destroy everything within a 35 mile radius should things not go his way.




"Are you off your rocker?" Applejack whispered back to Fluttershy, "if they're here, then what are the odds that awful Doctor Eggman's here too?!" Applejack pulled back and collected herself again, "Sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean tah snap at ya, it's just that... I... I never really got over the last time that, that monster was here..." Applejack whispered, her eyes darted from the ground back to Fluttershy.


"Hey, ponies! You got something you wanna share with the rest of the cla- GLOMM" Knuckles' comment on the two whispering ponies was cut short as he was decked in the mouth by what appeared to be a green blur, but as Knuckles was now going at the same speed as what had hit him due to the thing's hand being stuck in Knuckles' mouth, Knuckles managed to identify the blur as Scourge, before he had time to react however, Scourge had thrown him into a freshly-baked bread stand, "GRAH!" Knuckles hit the stand so hard that the stand was obliterated, due to him having been moving at Mach 4, he ended up making a large mark in the main road before he stopped, kicking up large amounts of dirt and debris, a lot of which happened to fall in the open roof of the spa in Ponyville. "Ngh... Uhh..." Knuckles winced at the pain he was in, he somehow managed to sit up as Shadow caught up and instructed Knuckles to wait for the ponies as they were following after them. "Ugh" Knuckles fell over and went to sleep.


[Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest]


"Pardon? I didn't quite catch tha-" Applejack was taken aback by how Knuckles was there one second and gone the next, "What in the hay?!" Before she could even finish her thought Shadow dashed off after them as well, although Applejack had strong reservations about persuing them, she knew they were headed for Ponyville, meaning that her family and friends were in danger, "C'mon Sugarcube, we gotta catch up to those speed demons before we have a repeat of what happened last time!" She said to Fluttershy before dashing off after the three strange creatures that sped off.

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Manic was holding the two chaos emeralds with nack pointing his guns at him and Amy. Manic put the emeralds in his belt pouch, "just chill out dude there's no need for that" manic said as he pulled out only one emerald from his pouch. "How about I give you one emerald and the girl here?" Manic gave the emerald to Amy and pushed her towards nack. Before any comment could be made, he quickly pulled out his board, hoped on it and headed towards the two. Manic picked up Amy and smacked right into nack, then blasted off in the detection of ponyville.



Sonia and rarity walked out of the steam room to find lots of dirt in the center of the room.

"You girls just opened up yesterday and you can't even keep the place clean?" Said rarity in her normal freaked out tone

"Come along darling, we shall continue at my house" said rarity

Sonia followed rarity out of the spa to see knuckles who was lying on the ground...

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As Shining Armor defended himself and Cadence for them being there Rainbow Dash, Sonic,Tails and Sally had all of a sudden showed up. While Twilight was slightly glad Sonic and his friends were here she sighed as she facehoofed at the realisation that the doctor or even worse could be out doing who knows what. Rainbow asked what had happened. "Just a little run in with Trixie." Twilight responded. She turned her attention to Sonic. "I'ts great to see you and your friends again Sonic!" She said. "But i think we may have a problem." She added. "Why is it that every time you guys show up something bad happens?" Spike interjected. "We just finished fixing the damage from the last time too...." Spike  continued but a small glare from Twilight scilenced him. "......Anyway, i believe one of my rivals Trixie has one of your chaos emeralds." Twilight said. "She just tried to duel me with its power but she left." she added. "I  think im going to go after her to get it back....knowing her i bet she plans on abusing it."  Spike once again spoke up. "But Twilight, arent the chaos emeralds pretty powerful?" He asked looking at Twilight. Twilight  looked back and responded , "I know Spike im not sure if i can beat her as i am now but i still have to try." She said. "By the way..." Twilight said  looking at Sonic you wouldn't happen to know of anything we should be aware of or where any of the other chaos emeralds are would you?" She asked.

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(OOC: Okay, I'm breaking my own rule here ONCE because I don't know how many of you would be able to catch it on the OOC thread, but you CAN if you should choose to put in a link to a song that is either Sonic related, MLP related, or both to enhance reading experience.  That is all.)


Amy looked on at Nack as he demanded the Chaos Emeralds that he had no right of having.  She looked at the purple Chaos Emerald she held after Manic said something surprising.  "You'll WHAT?!"  Amy asked him out of surprise as she was pushed towards Nack.  Before that creep could get a hand on her, she was pulled up by Manic who used his hover board to smash into Nack.  "Are you out of your mind, Manic Hedgehog?!"  Amy asked out of a hint of anger to him as they sped off to a familiar place.


She looked on and saw that it was Ponyville that they were heading towards.  She saw a red blur that slowly manifested into Knuckles.  She later saw a familiar beautiful unicorn with Sonia.  "Ahaha, Sonia!  Rarity!  It's me, Amy!"  Amy called out to them as they closed in on the spa and jumped off the hover board to meet them.  "It's been so long, Rarity.  If I'd known I was going to be back here, I would worn the dress you made me a year ago."  Amy said happily to the unicorn.




Sonic looked on at a unicorn that he did not recognize and he did not look happy to see Sonic and his friends.  "Hey, cool your jets, buddy.  We weren't the ones who rampaged your kingdom, you can give Buttnik that credit."  Sonic said to him indignantly.  


Rainbow gave Sonic a sharp nudge, who responded with an ouch.  "Cool it, Sonic.  That's Shining Armor, the Captain of the Canterlot Guard AND Twilight's brother."  Rainbow said to him cautiously.


Sonic raised his hands in mock defeat.  "Alright, alright, we were just doing what we could last year."  Sonic said to both Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash.


Tails sighed. "Oh..."   He turned to Sonic. "Any ideas where he is? Or where Amy, Shadow, and Scourge, too, at that?"


Sonic looked towards Tails and shook his head.  "My guess is Shadow is going after Scourge because he has some of the Chaos Emeralds and Amy went off with Manic to get him as well."  Sonic said before hearing Amy shout out and heard a loud wallop.  He looked towards the sky to see a green blur flying high in the air.  "Yep, looks like they got 'em."  Sonic said cheekily.  "As for Buttnik, I have no idea where he went, but don't worry, we'll get him.  Everyone here knows who he is and he has nobody to fall back on."  Sonic said breezily to the group.







As Shining Armor defended himself and Cadence for them being there Rainbow Dash, Sonic,Tails and Sally had all of a sudden showed up. While Twilight was slightly glad Sonic and his friends were here she sighed as she facehoofed at the realisation that the doctor or even worse could be out doing who knows what. Rainbow asked what had happened. "Just a little run in with Trixie." Twilight responded. She turned her attention to Sonic. "I'ts great to see you and your friends again Sonic!" She said. "But i think we may have a problem." She added. "Why is it that every time you guys show up something bad happens?" Spike interjected. "We just finished fixing the damage from the last time too...." Spike  continued but a small glare from Twilight scilenced him. "......Anyway, i believe one of my rivals Trixie has one of your chaos emeralds." Twilight said. "She just tried to duel me with its power but she left." she added. "I  think im going to go after her to get it back....knowing her i bet she plans on abusing it."  Spike once again spoke up. "But Twilight, arent the chaos emeralds pretty powerful?" He asked looking at Twilight. Twilight  looked back and responded , "I know Spike im not sure if i can beat her as i am now but i still have to try." She said. "By the way..." Twilight said  looking at Sonic you wouldn't happen to know of anything we should be aware of or where any of the other chaos emeralds are would you?" She asked.


Sonic threw up his hands again.  "Sheesh, I never realized that I'm still Public Enemy Number One here in Equestria..."  Sonic said to Spike, feeling a little irritated after risking his neck stopping Absolute Discord from destroying Equestria.


As Twilight explained her situation, Rainbow Dash had an irritated look.  "What the hay?  That blowhard now has a Chaos Emerald?  Sheesh, that mare doesn't know when to quit."  Rainbow Dash said with a hint of a grudge in her voice.  "Well, if you're going after her, I'm coming with you Twilight.  If she is more powerful, there's no way I'm leaving you hanging to deal with her."  Rainbow Dash said to her with finality.


Sonic looked to Twilight as well.  "Same here, Twi.  Besides, it would be interesting to see what this Trixie can do."  Sonic said with a grin crossing his face and feeling ready to move.




Little did Sonic know, that statement about Eggman would be far from the truth.  As Queen Chrysalis looked at Robotnik losing his mind, she pondered more about his worth to her until she saw him straighten up more upon hearing Twilight Sparkle.  She raised an eyebrow as he spoke of his events that he had for Equestria one year ago and her devilish smile grew wider as he spoke.


When he mentioned of something that held indomitable power, she was intrigued.  She wondered if this power could sustain her and her children for extended periods of time.  Robotnik held out a hand for her to shake to solidify the deal.  "Hmmmm, your proposition is most...intriguing.  Very well, we shall accept a mutual agreement.  Although, I doubt that my partnership could come without a cost to me...  Is there something you needed...taken care of, Doctor?"  Queen Chrysalis said coldly to the diabolical doctor, although she was reluctant to shake the doctor's hand as she still couldn't completely trust him.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Are you out of your mind manic hedgehog" Amy said... "Nah babe, he had guns, and that was the only way I could snag some rings from him" said manic as he showed Amy the rings he got from nack. "And besides, your too cute to be shot" he said with a flirty tone. Once Amy spotted knuckles, Sonia, and rarity, he pulled his board down and hoped off with Amy.

When rarity was greeted by Amy, "oh hello darling! Yes it was been some time, but um... Your dress is... Err... What is that stuff?" Rarity was referring to the chaos liquid bits on Amy's dress... "Would you like to join us?" Asked rarity.


Manic walked over to knuckles who was on the ground... "Yo! What happened to knuckles?" Asked manic

"I don't know, we just found him like that" said Sonia

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Manic was holding the two chaos emeralds with nack pointing his guns at him and Amy. Manic put the emeralds in his belt pouch, "just chill out dude there's no need for that" manic said as he pulled out only one emerald from his pouch. "How about I give you one emerald and the girl here?" Manic gave the emerald to Amy and pushed her towards nack. Before any comment could be made, he quickly pulled out his board, hoped on it and headed towards the two. Manic picked up Amy and smacked right into nack, then blasted off in the detection of ponyville.


"Look just give me both emeralds an-OOF!!" Manic had ran right into Nack with his hover board and sped off with Amy and the Chaos Emeralds. "Why you..." Nack said getting on his air bike and speeding after Manic.




Shadow had just gotten up as Manic based off with Nack following. "Now what's he doing?" Shadow said to himself sighing. He quickly got up and followed Manic and Nack to Ponyville.

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Trixie popped up a two-way flashback screen in front of Twilight. It was like facetiming...with magic.


"Hello, fellow ponies! And a fellow snarkle, and a fellow...er...." Trixie said, looking at Sonic. "...hedgehog? I have no idea."


"Anyway! To those who don't know, I am the GRRRREEEAAAT AND POOOWWWEEERRRRFUL TRIXIE! Now that I got my hooves on this emerald, she is the most amazing unicorn in allll of Equestria! I'd be glad to duel you...but only duel TWILIGHT. No hedgehog duels. Only with the snarkle. " Trixie said with a sneer.


"How about...Ponyville Square in 15 minutes?" Trixie asked, smiling.




"Oh, um, it's alright."

Fluttershy flew after Applejack, Angel Bunny riding on her back, hopping up and down.

Edited by Shift
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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Although the creature refused to shake the Doctor's hand, it agreed to a partnership, though she asked if Robotnik wanted her to prove her ability, so to speak. "Heh heh, the only thing from you that I require is that you keep those blasted 'Elements of Harmony' out of the picture, you see, as much as I dislike those... Ponies, I hate something else even more. I made a mistake in trying to let 'others' dispatch him for me, I realize now that the only way to ensure victory against my foe is to deal with him myself." Robotnik began rubbing his right temple again. "Ugh, however... If you managed to kidnap one or two of his little friends, it'd give him more 'drive' to come and find me." Robotnik turned back to the right, "Once I defeat Sonic... Everything will make sense again." The Doctor began shaking, but he managed to keep focused. "Queen Chrysilas, for now all that I require is safe passage to where my Death Egg has been downed, once there I'll give you the resources needed to take one of the surrounding towns for your own, and that will be for starters." Robotnik began to wobble, "Once you've taken a city... I can begin to rebuild, then we can look for the source of that indomitable power I mentioned earlier... ErrrrAGH!" Robotnik had a searing headache from resisting the breakdown for so long. "However... Gah, the Hedgehog cannot know, nuh... That I'm... Still... Breathing, it will give me... Dah! ... The element of surprise... Needed... Needed... Need-" Robotnik collapsed, his body completely exhausted from the strain of simply maintaining his sanity.


APPLEJACK & knuckles


"C'mon Sugarcube, we gotta hurry! No tellin' what could happen if we let 'em run loose!" Applejack shouted back to Fluttershy, whom was bringing up the rear. Applejack began running as fast as she could, eventually reaching Ponyville, upon entering she took note of all the damage already caused; a broken bread stand, a large amount of the road was missing, with Knuckles laying in the end of the tremendous skid mark, knocked out. And the ponies who owned the spa were crying in hysterics about their ruined lobby. Applejack didn't care too much for the last thing, but what she did care about was what it did to the ponies, they were upset, the baker was distraught, and now, no pony with a wagon could travel on that part of the road without the risk of tipping their wagon over. Applejack stood in place for a moment before she noticed Rarity with Manic, Amy, and one more that she didn't recognize. She decided to trot over, "Howdy Rarity, Amy, Manic." She tipped her hat out of courtesy, "Sorry, I don't think I've made yer aquantience, my names Applejack, welcome tah Ponyville!" Cuts to an overhead view to show that much of the town was still being repaired, not to mention the 'accidents' that occurred just a little while ago. "Sorry if it don't seem like much right now... We're... Still tryin' tah fix 'er up from the last time ya'll... visited. I'm sorry, I didn't mean fer it tah come out like that, it's just... Bad timin' is all." Applejack looked to Knuckles, "Does anypony know what in Equestria happened to him?"

Knuckles foot occasionally twitched, but other then that he was still out like a light. "I'm no expert, but I think yer friend might need a doctor."

Applejack said to Manic's group, while still looking at the twitching Echidna.

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Twilight was relieved for the support she had from her friends. "Thanks guys!" she said gratefully. "How are we going to find Trixie anyway?" Spike asked. "That's simple." Twilight responded. "I just need to-" she added before being interrupted by Trixie herself who reappeared right in front of the group. "uh nevermind." she sighed.After introducing herself for about the billionth time Trixie proposed to duel again. Twilight was about to eagerly the challenge until Trixie said she'd have to duel alone. Twight thought for a moment before coming with answer. "Fine Trixie your on." Twilight said with a confident look ignoring the fact Trixie was going low as to name calling her 'Snarkle'. Trixie suggested dueling at ponyville square in 15 minutes. "Its agreed then we'll meet up there." she added with a smug smile.


Spike was a little indifferent on the whole issue. "Twilight....are you sure about this?" He whispered in Twilights ear. "Don't worry Spike I got quite a few tricks up my hooves." she defended. "Yeah I know your one of the best unicorns in all of Equestria." Spike said aloud feeling confident in Twilights magic capability. "I bet Trixie can't even beat you with a chaos emerald!" He said chuckling.Spike got a little closer to Trixie. "Why I bet you wouldn't even last 30 seconds against Twilight!" Spike gloated pointing his claw at Trixie and laughed. While Spike was boasting to Trixie Twilight turned toward Sonic and Rainbow Dash. "Hey Rainbow Dash.....Sonic." Twilight said motioning them to come forward. She began to whisper something. "There's something I want you two to do for me." she whispered. "Im not completely sure if I can beat Trixie on my own without one of those chaos emeralds but I can surely ware her down." she continued. "....And if I do so happen fall I want you two to rush her and steal the emerald from her." She'd be too tired to defend herself from you two with your combined speed." she said revealing her plan or rather her back-up plann to them. Twilight waited for a response.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Pinkie flew in her odd flying machine made of candy following Manic, the weasel, and Shadow, it seemed to her that Shadow never ever smiled and that was just unacceptable to her so she was going to try and make him smile, then suddenly she heard creaks from contraption "um...maybe i didn't fix it right?" she asked herself as she pulled out a book when she heard a loud crack that made her freeze and her eyes go wide "...uh-oh...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ALL PONIES FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!" she screamed out as she jumped off the flying candy machine and landed with a thd on the ground, upon hearing the crash behind her, she looked around her to see it landed on top of the weasel "um....oops...my bad?" she asked sheepishly laughing nervously.




Cadence was about to explain what happened to Twilight when her husband explained first which she sighed at, then they saw Rainbow Daash with Sonic, Tails and another figure she didn't regonize but let it go when she heard Shining's dislike of them there as it would that the docter could be here as well "Shining...." she said in warning before turning to them "it truly is wonderful to see you again Sonic the Hedgehog, but you see some of the construction from last year's...events...are still being done" she explained to them before turning to the new figure "though i don't remember seeing you before, this is my husband Shining Armor and I'm Princess Cadence neice of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and you are?" she asked holding out her hoof. Sally gave a smile and took the hoof in her hand and shook it "my name is Sally Acorn, Princess of Mobius, leader of the Freedom Fighters decitcated to fighting Robotnik, and I'm terribly sorry about what happened last year, we do promise to do our best to stop him, right guys?" she asked gazing towards them, Sonic in pacticular. "it would seem we have something in common" Cadence said giggling "it seems we do..." Sally laughed slightly before looking back partly at Sonic again and Cadence noticed this and carefully used to her magic to see that there had been a very strong bond between them, it was still there but it had faded quite a bit, she was about to ask Sally about this when azure unicorn appeared challenging her sister-in-law to a dual and Twilight's agreement but then whispering her back-up plan to Sonic and Rainbow to snatch the chaos emerald that the other unicorn had. Cadence slowly walked up to Twilight and sighed "Twilight...i don't approve of this...but you feel that you must just promise you'll be careful, alright?". Sally upon hearing about this knew that Sonic would agree as it was in his nature sighed and turned to Sonic "Sonic...i know that you're most likely going to help, so if this back-up does go into effect just make sure you be careful" she told him simply

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