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Favorite MLP Shipping and Why?


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Not really, I prefer regular Pinkie Pie shipping.


Normal is good, but it's the role reversal that makes it intriguing. To me at least.


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Have some selfcest.

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Normal is good, but it's the role reversal that makes it intriguing. To me at least.


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Have some selfcest.


Oh lord.


I thought it was dirtier than it seemed for a moment.



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I presanoly don't care for shipping when its of the same sex, It's not that I'm a anti-gay or anything but I normally like things that are consistent with the show


But allot of the times, they are so adoriabal that my heart fills with pure sugar,,, then I need to go to the emergency room, that's always fun.



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And for Avatar fans here is one that I thought was awesome

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Edited by marco23p
  • Brohoof 3
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That second pic is really hilarious.

Don't worry, this thread is for fun and whoever you ship together here doesn't have to represent what you would think about that kind of shipping in real life.

I mean look at what we have, we even have inanimate object shipping :P

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Depends on the day. Usually there's a good ship image or two in the art roundup on EqD, otherwise ponibooru and Google.


Berry is the town's drunk lesbian, right?


She's the town drunk, yes. They're all lesbians when we call on them to be.


Alright. This post is the "Crispy hasn't shipped anypony today and must make up for it" edition.


Consider the following:


Dash X Sorin


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Rarity X Twilight, riding crop edition.


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And just for grins, some Pinkemena X Tied up Luna


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I... uh...


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