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Where does the brony draw their line?


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i dont follow "love and tolerate", if bronies wanna get back at the anit bronies, let them.


there isnt a line for me, bronies can do as they please, even though some stuff is creepy to me (r34, guys cosplaying as the mane 6) you should be able to do it if you want to


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I wouldn't be able to say when I'd draw the line exactly...but I will say something about haters.


They hate it. So what? But then they make a big deal out of it. They create a video, or a picture, to show how much they hate it. Now what is that really? Haters like that need to get a life. They waste their time to do all this stuff for something they hate. Their obsessed with hating it. They care TOO much.

And so haters like this are people who have nothing better to do with their lives. So lets leave them alone.

Most of them are also trolls. Just wanting attention. So why give it to them? Eventually they'll get bored and move on. But this requires everyone to ignore.

But that won't ever happen.


So bronies...don't hate on haters TOO much. And if you do, try not to make a fool of yourself and make other bronies look bad.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Well, as FiM has proven time and again, love and tolerance are indeed important. But if the need arises, there is nothing wrong with standing up for your friends.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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As far as love and tolerance actually goes, im quite a big...hmm...well not a believer, but I do follow that quite a lot. If someone gets up in my face about something, I just smile and move on. I know this isn't going to be a good solution to everything, but it's worked for most things so far...

...now let me say this. Before I became a brony I had SERIOUS anger issues, I was kicked out of school for almost setting a lad on fire because he'd been winding me up more and more over the past year. I own a collection of machettes, each of which get regularly pounded into my bedroom door for stress relief. Whenever I do "love and tolerate" someone, there's always that anger inside that wells up, and is then stored away for later venting.


Going back to the original subject though, as I said I will love and tolerate people these days, violence doesn't get you anywhere. But a line is crossed when it's not me who's the target. If you're going to hurt me, or my property then i'll probably just stand aside like Fluttershy when there's a dragon in town.


But come to hurting one of my friends, or their things, and you're going to see a part of me that's more akin to something like the offspring of a Timberwolf and a Windigo. I will crash down on you like a ton of spiked metal boulders...

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I pretty much draw the line at extremely gory fanfiction.

I mean, I don't mind shipping, it's just that I find gory fanfiction extremely terrifying.


I read Rainbow Factory not long ago, and I still feel sick.

And a while back I watched the music video of cupcakes, it wasn't so bad, but after listening to CreepyPasta's version of it...it's just under Rainbow Factory in WTFness in my book.

My little Dashie was the first fanfic I heard, read by MicTheMicrophone - that one had me bawling like a baby.

And yesterday I listened to "Twi and me" read by Azekahh. I'm just going to stop reading fanfics altogether now.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I read Rainbow Factory not long ago, and I still feel sick.

And a while back I watched the music video of cupcakes, it wasn't so bad, but after listening to CreepyPasta's version of it...it's just under Rainbow Factory in WTFness in my book.

My little Dashie was the first fanfic I heard, read by MicTheMicrophone - that one had me bawling like a baby.

And yesterday I listened to "Twi and me" read by Azekahh. I'm just going to stop reading fanfics altogether now.


My little Dashie was the first pony fanfic I ever read too and by the end, I was pretty much bawling and I had never cried at a fanfiction at that point, so it was a new one for me.

Cupcakes pretty much put me off creepy fanfiction all together. Not one of the best things I've ever read, I must say.

But the CreepyPasta version of Cupcakes took the creepy scale to a whole new level. *shudder*


Credit to Lunia :)

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Well actually, I don't care at all what other people like and such but to me, the only thing I don't really like which I could never see myself doing is the cosplaying.


I just think cosplay is creepy.

I don't buy toys and such either, but I don't mind others doing it. About the r34, let's just say.. I dont mind it.....

Edited by Jokuc


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I don't draw any lines. People who attack me for liking a show, I ignore. People who attack me for liking the R34 side of it, I ignore. People who like things I dislike, I just don't bother caring one way or another.


"Love and Tolerance" shouldn't just be a brony thing to people. It's something you should think about in every part of your life. There are millions of people who like things you don't, and as long as they don't harm others through it, you should not attack or talk down to them.


Example: Blood fetishes and bestiality and such I cannot for the life of me stand. But I have friends who do enjoy that stuff. Why? Because petty things like that they enjoy do not define them as a person. I will give them an equal chance in my life and heart to show that they can be loyal and trustworthy, because to me that's all i need in a friend. I don't care what you watch, I don't care what you stimulate yourself to, just don't hurt anyone in the process and you'll receive the same amount of love from me. <3

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I really think that the best thing to do for haters is love and tolerate unless they get physical. I mean i watch mlp videos on youtube and just be amazed when "Bronies" and haters seem to be getting into wars over mlp. This just makes both sides look bad i mean a comment is a comment! A person has every right to say something but don't get into fights over it just explain why you like MLP and be done with it. But if someone attacks your friends or someone close to you defend them just don't be stupid about it.


Personally I might buy some MLP t-shirts and clothing and i'm thinking about buying season 1 on dvd, but that's about it. do i Backtalk anyone who maybe likes to cosplay no! In fact i give them credit for being able to be themselves and don't care what other ppl think.


I really think that the best thing to do for haters is love and tolerate unless they get physical. I mean i watch mlp videos on youtube and just be amazed when "Bronies" and haters seem to be getting into wars over mlp. This just makes both sides look bad i mean a comment is a comment! A person has every right to say something but don't get into fights over it just explain why you like MLP and be done with it. But if someone attacks your friends or someone close to you defend them just don't be stupid about it.


Personally I might buy some MLP t-shirts and clothing and i'm thinking about buying season 1 on dvd, but that's about it. do i Backtalk anyone who maybe likes to cosplay no! In fact i give them credit for being able to be themselves and don't care what other ppl think.

I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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The easiest way to deal with "haters" is to smile, role your eyes, and ignore them. However, if it can be done, it's often fun to outsmart them. Nothing's going to stop them, but you can always have a bit of fun on the side.

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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The easiest way to deal with "haters" is to smile, role your eyes, and ignore them. However, if it can be done, it's often fun to outsmart them. Nothing's going to stop them, but you can always have a bit of fun on the side.


It is fun to outsmart them, especially if you're arguing with logic. Haters never understand that...

But at the same time, responding to them in any way means they're winning. The best thing is indeed to just ignore them, or smile and walk away. As I said that is my preferred response, but every now and again there's just some things that push you over the edge.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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you'll never escape haters, theres just no place thats safe and free of them. you could barricade yourself off from the world with no tv or internet, never having any human contact, and someone out there will hate your lifestyle and call you creepy or a psychopath.


this is why artists and people with creative drive are mostly immune to people trashing them. theyre caught up in doing what they love and they simply dont have time to think about how people perceive them.


if youre gonna hate on anything im into or anything i dig, then show me something better. change my mind. enlighten me to what you think is better then what i like. maybe it will work, maybe it wont, but in the end im still not talking shit on what they enjoy.


grin and fuckin bear it people, cause you cant escape other people trashing what you love.

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Well, I'd usually just ignore them, because I don't like fights, or being mad at people, or having people mad at me ._. But still, I don't understand why haters can't leave us alone? You know...?

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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The best thing to do is to ignore the haters, which is easy in theory as in many cases people never bother to do so. Of course, if the haters resort to physical violence then all bets are off. I am a firm believer in Love & Tolerance and will be so to my death bed and beyond. But it does not mean being a pacifist. Love & Tolerance is the ability to acknowledge and respect those who do not see things the way you do. It is the ability to embrace those who share your interests and believes. It is the wisdom to know when the situation calls for putting your foot down and saying "enough is enough".


It is difficult to understand why the haters go out of their way at times, are their lives so miserable that they need to do everything in their power to feed on negative reactions? My curiosity will find no answers though. In time, the haters will be consumed by their own hatred and they will have no one to blame but themselves.

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Personally I may seem happy and patient a lot of the time but if you anger me intentionally I unleash a world of wrath unfathomable to one who hasn't seen me angry prior. Let's just say I have anger problems.


Reminds me of that time when someone trolled by posting a video of them destroying a Halo 1 disc so I tricked them into giving me their password and then I deleted their account. I get nasty when someone

attempts to anger me.


But personally that's only if they intentionally do something to anger someone. Usually I'm quite passive.


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For me love and tolerate also includes 'ignore' because like with most things bullies do if you ignore them they eventually get bored and wander away.


Of course if there is a point where you should defend yourself but for me that is only when actual physical violence is involved. Stuff thats on the net... meh.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Of course if there is a point where you should defend yourself but for me that is only when actual physical violence is involved. Stuff thats on the net... meh.


That's a good point actually, if we just ignore everything on the internet then we'll get along fine with the people that we do talk to, cause we'll just ignore the haters. When it comes down to physical violence then I personally see nothing wrong with caving someone's face in before they do it to us first.

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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That's a good point actually, if we just ignore everything on the internet then we'll get along fine with the ponies that we do talk to, cause we'll just ignore the haters. When it comes down to physical violence then I personally see nothing wrong with caving somepony's face in before they do it to us first.


Well I tend to let them strike first just for the 'self defence' reason, you look like you started it if you go first. Pre-emptiveness isn't always a good thing.

Also it gives them a chance to think about it before they hit you. Seriously nothing confuses a bully more than being told they get to have the first shot.

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Well I tend to let them strike first just for the 'self defence' reason, you look like you started it if you go first. Pre-emptiveness isn't always a good thing.

Also it gives them a chance to think about it before they hit you. Seriously nothing confuses a bully more than being told they get to have the first shot.



In my life, i've NEVER hit anyone first. Strictly speaking they may not have always hit me first either, you know when they swing for you and you dodge and hit them first? Does that count? o.O/


But no seriously I understand what you mean, you always play the self-defence card, it has no down-sides.

I'll also only ever defend myself reasonably, im not going to down someone and then stamp on their head. I'll drop them, then walk away. If they come back for more, i'll drop them again, and walk away again - rinse and repeat until they learn lol.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I barely go over the line, but once, I broke lose at Fimfiction when someone was dissing My Little Dashie in a hurtful way. I just told them to back off, and that it was a really good fic and you shouldn't bash it. I never actually FIGHT WITH THE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, as what is MLP about?

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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In my life, i've NEVER hit anypony first. Strictly speaking they may not have always hit me first either, you know when they swing for you and you dodge and hit them first? Does that count? o.O/


But no seriously I understand what you mean, you always play the self-defence card, it has no down-sides.

I'll also only ever defend myself reasonably, im not going to down somepony and then stamp on their head. I'll drop them, then walk away. If they come back for more, i'll drop them again, and walk away again - rinse and repeat until they learn lol.


In my mind it does, they attempted to hurt you so you dodged therefore your well within your rights to get them before they try again because if they did it once its totally likely they will.


But curb stompings so much fun! :P

Edited by Fridge
  • Brohoof 1

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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So...what actually IS the "Royal canterlot voice" I hear it all over the place being mentioned but I never actually understood what it meant..?

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So...what actually IS the "Royal canterlot voice" I hear it all over the place being mentioned but I never actually understood what it meant..?


Have you watched 'Luna Eclipsed'? Its from that.

Basically the Royal Canterlot Voice is shouting with grace and dignity. Well thats how I see it.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Have you watched 'Luna Eclipsed'? Its from that.

Basically the Royal Canterlot Voice is shouting with grace and dignity. Well thats how I see it.


Indeed I have watched it :P

I need to watch the episodes again though, but everytime I try and watch them, it's normally at night and im tired ._.

I'd like to sit through them all, but it would take like 19 hours...and I never seem to be able to watch them in the morning...

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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