Marcato 2,143 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 When my friend first introduced me to the site, you were the first post I saw. I'll never forget you. I still remember, I think your avatar was Kamina at the time. Or at least someone or something with Kamina glasses... And you were Lobstaar. Lobstaar/Stalkin'guu NASCARFAN Urdnot Pinkie Pie 1 ~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~ ~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~ Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 Letsee... Scootabloom Scotacool Feld0 NewCalamity That chaotic discord guy Zoop Swoop Chigens & Kay Libby Jonke Apple Bloom SBB64 what-his-name Evilshy Auriety (?) Ashbad Tom the Diamond Sakamoto Berry Pie Hven (his new name is weird) ds8 Crazyclay Ganaram Viscra Feather Spiral Shankveld Ol'Sarge Red Blue Princess Molestia Motion Spark DrizzleStar TheAwesomeone Draco2411 (?) Jadefire Electrobolt Danger Dashie Anonypony Comrade Dimtri Hammer Clarity Sugar Plum Apple-Jack Obsidian_Writer Crona I guess that's all. Couldn't remember anymore <wow I missed fuckload of the usual forumers...> How the hell did you miss me? I had two fights with you in the GCT at some point, I'm pretty sure I should be implanted in your mind by now . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 How the hell did you miss me? I had two fights with you in the GCT at some point, I'm pretty sure I should be implanted in your mind by now .Dude... I had a fight with a lot of people, I can't remember them all Besides, if I did remember you when I wrote that post, I would write 'plastic shooty' instead of your real username <my memory is weird like that> 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 (edited) Anyways.... Clarity Lightning Fluttershy Shankveld PinkieDaShy Crona Zoop Swoop Kurtiss Arylett Star Weaver Scootabloom Chaotic Me Motion Spark Twiliscael RD92 SSBB64 Ice Storm Ice Fire MissMachine Jokuc Jonke Kyronea NeverNeverland Djenty Nevermore Libby Sugar Plum Honey Puff My Little Pwny Strife Strafe Electrobolt Starbolt (Mal) Dawnpath SolarWind Feld0 Scootacool NewCalamity Thereisnospoon Vicke Peels Berry Pie Dimitri Dragonshy Ahri ds8 Ol' Sarge Skullbusta Nightfall IHazTommyWiseau WingedRatchet Marco23 Lady Rarity Pony Tich Sky Pinkazoid ZomBrony CucumberJack Mandy Staticthor Misso Klopp Apple Bloom Thor Roop (Chainsaw) I swear to god, I pulled all of those outta mah head; no looking at any source. I have photographic memory, yah know . I just realized, I totally forgot Devin in this mix . Dude... I had a fight with a lot of people, I can't remember them all Besides, if I did remember you when I wrote that post, I would write 'plastic shooty' instead of your real username <my memory is weird like that> Oh yeah? Well look at all the people I can remember > I also forgot Neikos, MGL, RKA, Silver Arrow, Fubz, Riclo, Lobstarr, and letterONE D:! How could I especially forget letterONE, a fellow Vanellope fan?! Damn, even mah photographic mind can't remember everyone . Edited December 1, 2012 by spas-ticShotty 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor XFizzle 8,670 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 XFizzle DJ XFizzle DX-Fizzle XFizzloop Master XFizzle Doctor XFizzella Doctor XFizzle and Doctor XFizzle MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 Just gonna go by what I call them xD Jokuc Feld0 Zoop Swoop Chaotic Discord Scootacool Evilshy Devs (Tishan) Tom The Diamond Xfizzle Shankveld Lurp FinestHour TagTeamCast RaccoonBL Crispy Clarity Allie Way CRAZY MISTY (just to show I haven't forgotten him) Dragonshy Toothless The Dragon StrongHooves NinjaDerpy Dimi (Dimitri) Motion Spark Flame Dancer Miss Machine Sugar Plum (Mei) Arylett Chigens Ashbad (DIDN'T FORGET YOU......I SWEAR) Uhhh pretty good considering I hage the worst memory ever :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 Just gonna go by what I call them xD Jokuc Feld0 Zoop Swoop Chaotic Discord Scootacool Evilshy Devs (Tishan) Tom The Diamond Xfizzle Shankveld Lurp FinestHour TagTeamCast RaccoonBL Crispy Clarity Allie Way CRAZY MISTY (just to show I haven't forgotten him) Dragonshy Toothless The Dragon StrongHooves NinjaDerpy Dimi (Dimitri) Motion Spark Flame Dancer Miss Machine Sugar Plum (Mei) Arylett Chigens Ashbad (DIDN'T FORGET YOU......I SWEAR) Uhhh pretty good considering I hage the worst memory ever That last sentence explains how you forgot me, considering how I got furious at you the other day for admitting you were the culprit behind Lurpy making that status . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 XFizzle DJ XFizzle DX-Fizzle XFizzloop Master XFizzle Doctor XFizzella Doctor XFizzle and Doctor XFizzle It just got personal. Hella serious up 'n here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 That last sentence explains how you forgot me, considering how I got furious at you the other day for admitting you were the culprit behind Lurpy making that status .YupNot sure how I forgot you, I evenlisted some members I've never talked to o3o :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 YupNot sure how I forgot you, I evenlisted some members I've never talked to o3o And somehow, you remembered Clari. Then again, she did make this thread..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 And somehow, you remembered Clari.Then again, she did make this thread.....I only mentioned her because I remembered her blogs xDDidn't even know she made the thread xD :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 I only mentioned her because I remembered her blogs xDDidn't even know she made the thread xD I'm still baffled at how you forgot me. I'm the biggest AJ fan here (Though someone else might tell you otherwise.....), and like I said, I was really pissed off at you the other day. Whatever, I forgot letterONE, and he's the only other big Vanellope fan I know of on the forums, so I'm guilty aswell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 (edited) @Jokuc@PinkazoidI'm offended that both of you forgot me Edited December 1, 2012 by RainbowDash92 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 Urndot Pinkie Pie Blue Red Feld0 Thereisnospoon Zoop ~Chaotic Discord~ Scootacool Chigens and Kay SBB64 Harmonic Revelations Evilshy Jokuc Khaine21x3 Me Artemis Mei Shankveld Like everyone else, I know a lot more people by their avatars, I just don't remember their usernames. 3 My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 @Jokuc@PinkazoidI'm offended that both of you forgot me I remembered you, pfsh, yeah, totally, I swear, I was testing you to see if you noticed I didn't mention you :x :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 @Jokuc @Pinkazoid I'm offended that both of you forgot me Tell me about it <_<. I'm more offended that Pinkazoid forgot who I was. After all, I think you saw how mad I got at her yesterday . 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XUNUSEDXXX 3,459 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 Hmm, I seem not so remembered by these last few posters :x wahh wahhh 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Fluttershy 1,844 December 1, 2012 Share December 1, 2012 SBB64, RainbowDash92 and spas-ticShotty all got brohoofs for remembering me. As for the rest of you Let's see who I can list right now... Clarity spas-ticShotty Comrade Dimitri Hammer Motion Spark Feld0 Evilshy SBB64 RainbowDash92 Razorwing rka MuffinsOfChaos Chaotic Discord Doctor XFizzle Berry Pie Urdnot Pinkie Pie Solarwind Vicke Lady Rarity Pony Winged Ratched Silver Arrow Zoop Slick Skies Feld0's Overlord Shadow Stalker Red Blue Octavia's Cellozoid Party_Cannon icefire Pegasister1 Applebloom Ponydox Shankveld Scootacool Artemis Um... can't think of many more without cheating. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 December 3, 2012 Share December 3, 2012 Ok memory, you'll probably fail me, but here goes nothing... Gone Airborne Comrade Dimitri Motion Spark Feld0 Apple Bloom Apocalyptic Chaos Red Lady Rarity Pony Evilshy Princess_Molestia Rolls Royce Brohoof117 Scootacool ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) SSB64 Well I did better than I thought. 1 Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky 746 December 4, 2012 Share December 4, 2012 (edited) At least I have been remembered....once. Lighting fluttershy Night sky Dash is loyalty Misterurmery Narututardedscum Stalkin guu Chigens and Kay Idylan Feld0 Spas-sticShotty Pinkazoid Krystal Mal Jokuc Flame dancer Sky warden Clarity Mei Sugarplum PinkiedaShy ds8 Shankveld Red Elijordo Blue Berry pie Me Auerity Freckles Feld0's overlord Dimitri Scootacool The master Crona SSB64 Slick skies Ponydox RainbowDash92 Apocalyptic chaos Motion Spark Suntouched Coco Octavia Cellozoid Skyla Rolls Royce Skullbuster Evilshy Apple bloom Lady rarity pony Splinter Draw toonz Vicke Gone_airborne MissMachine Crispy Clue Rockshire Descant Chaotic Discord Zoop Swoop Silver arrow Rka Brohoof117 Thunderstorm Mr. Asian guy Doctor Xfizzle Oh and Cheery blossom This being roughly 69, I think I should stop. Edited December 4, 2012 by Sky 5 "Even If I were free, would anyone love me?" Vulpes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie D Pie 1,036 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 (edited) Santa Clare Finesthour Pinkazoid Jokuc Berry Pie DS8(Changed name, don't remeber what to, Dark Stalker I think...) TGAP HVen MM the Mighty Feld0 Feld0's overlord Zoop ~Chaotic Discord~ Kappa214 (I know more, this is sad...) ....Only one person remebered good ole, me Shadow Stalker or whatever you wish to call me... and I forgot them... well freak.... Edited December 6, 2012 by TGAP Babs Seed 2 My OC's Shadow Stalker/Aarod Brachuin/Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 (edited) @Jokuc @Pinkazoid I'm offended that both of you forgot me Well actually I did not forget you. I had only forgotten your new username so I was going to write the old name but I had also forgotten the last two numbers in your old name and it would be so embarassing to spell it wrong, lol. Edited December 6, 2012 by Jokuc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Fluttershy 1,844 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 ....Only one person remebered good ole, me Shadow Stalker or whatever you wish to call me... and I forgot them... well freak.... I am not impressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie D Pie 1,036 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 I am not impressed. I forgot a bunch of people.... my bad. My OC's Shadow Stalker/Aarod Brachuin/Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 December 6, 2012 Share December 6, 2012 (edited) Well... I know quite a bit of people that I don't see mentioned in the thread. Musix, NavyBrony22, Flutter Derps, Stranger, villan97, Shining star, Burning Desire, Twilight-Owl, and SongBrony But those that are.... Clarity, Spas-tic Shotty, Batbrony, Doctor Xfizzle, Lady Rarity Pony, Motion spark, Jokuc and Berry Pie Though this is just of the top of my head, I could probably make a long list o.o Edited December 6, 2012 by Retro_Derpy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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