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private Multiverse Tournament


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Rainbow Dash simply flew to the right, out of range of the now falling building.. She was clearly trying to remove any usable resources from the battlefield to sway the battle more in a neutral favour. The more hazards in the field  the easier the battle would be to win. So with that in mind, Rainbow flew into a building, half expecting him to try to score an 'easy win by crushing her.

Spider-Man saw the cyan and rainbow wonder fly into another building. "Hide n' seek? Really?" Spider-Man kept an obnoxious front, but behind the mask, Peter felt like a real jerk. -ugh, this sucks, I've scared the poor thing half to death... Geez.... There's got to be a better way to end this... Oh, wait.- Spider-Man took out one of his refill capsules from his belt, he then broke the individual containers apart as he began his plan, he swung onto the building in which the pony had hidden in, placing the containers individually at strategic locations around the building, as well as on top, poking holes in each as oxygen rapidly became exposed to the liquid compound inside, it grew and expanded at an alarming rate, eventually causing the containers to explode, covering the building, and most of it's exits in an extremely strong, binding web. The only area on the top thirty floors not covered in web was the window in which rainbow herself flew in, which Spider-Man quickly followed suit. Upon entering, Spider-Man made sure to web the area off as well. "Okay 'Sparkles', I'm here! Now what?" Spider-Man began combing the area for her, or at least signs that she had been there.

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The time the Spider-man guy took to web out the place, Rainbow had moved outside and was hovering outside of the window, mocking him. If she kept this up a little longer, then he'll definitely blow his fuse. 'I'll just stall just this lil bit longer, then I'll actually fight.', she thought to herself.

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The Masked Man Broke out of the ice quickly, and fell into the lake.


Luckily, his systems were mostly water proof, but he hoped that the enemy did not know lightning attacks.


So, he jumped out of the water, and blasted Alex with a Pk fire γ (heavier damage by fire), of which blasted fire at Alex and exploded him and the area around him into flames.


He then landed a few yards infront of the flames, and quickly readied his sword and arm cannon to try and counter any sort of surprise attack, as this Enemy was very tricky.


The explosion had taken Alex by surprise, in fact it nearly finished him. luckily the explosion had knocked his concentration on the levitation off so he fell straight into the lake. "Ok, now im angry." not taking the time to heal himself Alex lifted both hands lifting the water of the lake up and forward in a tidal wave. As gravity and momentum took their hold he readied another summon and cast it.

(OOC:What spell was that you ask? well the Masked Man dosent know so why should you?)

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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The time the Spider-man guy took to web out the place, Rainbow had moved outside and was hovering outside of the window, mocking him. If she kept this up a little longer, then he'll definitely blow his fuse. 'I'll just stall just this lil bit longer, then I'll actually fight.', she thought to herself.

Spider-Man observed the Pegasus looking in on him from outside the window, mocking him. Peter thought to himself, -Huh, so that's what that feels like- referring to the countless times he's outwitted his own enemies. He now realized he wasn't dealing with a timid creature, but a thinking and resourceful acrobat, much like himself. "Alright pony... The kid gloves are off." Spider-Man said as he threw an old looking piano through the window, then kicking the piano the rest of the way through his web, upon exiting the building he slung another web toward the building again and clung to the wall, "So, are you gonna tell me your name, I'd like a name to go with my rather unlikely, but most defiantly, worthy opponent." Inquired Spider-Man.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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The explosion had taken Alex by surprise, in fact it nearly finished him. luckily the explosion had knocked his concentration on the levitation off so he fell straight into the lake. "Ok, now im angry." not taking the time to heal himself Alex lifted both hands lifting the water of the lake up and forward in a tidal wave. As gravity and momentum took their hold he readied another summon and cast it.

(OOC:What spell was that you ask? well the Masked Man dosent know so why should you?)

The Wave surprised the Masked Man a bit, and threw him around. 


As it cleared, he attempted to readily stand up, and then He decided this one is likely better at magic like stuff... So, he decided he would use Pk Love β(Meduim to heavier damage), he had the capability to cast two higher versions, but that would take too much precious time now.


And then the blast of energy flew directly at Alex.


(OOC: Let's see if spells clash, or how you dodge this. [actually wouldn't completely finish you, even if a direct hit, but hurts like hell.])



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Spider-Man observed the Pegasus looking in on him from outside the window, mocking him. Peter thought to himself, -Huh, so that's what that feels like- referring to the countless times he's outwitted his own enemies. He now realized he wasn't dealing with a timid creature, but a thinking and resourceful acrobat, much like himself. "Alright pony... The kid gloves are off." Spider-Man said as he through an old looking pains through the window, then kicking the piano the rest of the way through his web, upon exiting the building he slung another web toward the building again and clung to the wall, "So, are you gonna tell me your name, I'd like a name to go with my rather unlikely, but most defiantly, worthy opponent." Inquired Spider-Man.

"Its Rainbow Dash.", she said, pointing to her hair as if it would give a clue. "Anyways, we aren't here for pointless chit-chat, we are here to do battle. So, again, if you are going to wimp out know, go ahead. If not, come at me bro.", she added, with a sly tone in her voice.

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The Wave surprised the Masked Man a bit, and threw him around. 


As it cleared, he attempted to readily stand up, and then He decided this one is likely better at magic like stuff... So, he decided he would use Pk Love β(Meduim to heavier damage), he had the capability to cast two higher versions, but that would take too much precious time now.


And then the blast of energy flew directly at Alex.


(OOC: Let's see if spells clash, or how you dodge this. [actually wouldn't completely finish you, even if a direct hit, but hurts like hell.])


Alex had cast Ice Missile, using a large amount of the water from the lake he rained down countless blades of ice on the soggy masked man. The energy blast knocked several of the  missiles away but enough of the missiles pierced the energy to hold his opponent in place. Alex stood over his opponent with grim determination. he raised his hand and cast Diamond Berg. (http://goldensun.wikia.com/wiki/Diamond_Dust_and_Diamond_Berg) Alex raised his head as the shattered shards of his opponent scattered across the plane. "You put up a good fight, but im afraid it wasn't enough."


(OOC: sorry but this had to be ended. Its been fun)

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Alex had cast Ice Missile, using a large amount of the water from the lake he rained down countless blades of ice on the soggy masked man. The energy blast knocked several of the  missiles away but enough of the missiles pierced the energy to hold his opponent in place. Alex stood over his opponent with grim determination. he raised his hand and cast Diamond Berg. (http://goldensun.wikia.com/wiki/Diamond_Dust_and_Diamond_Berg) Alex raised his head as the shattered shards of his opponent scattered across the plane. "You put up a good fight, but im afraid it wasn't enough."


(OOC: sorry but this had to be ended. Its been fun)

The Masked Man Cybernetics malfunctioned, and electricity blasted around. With a look at his opponent, he knew he was beaten, but this time he could not run. 


With the Diamond berg hit, His Mask flew off, and his orange hair shown, as he was very well visible as a young kid, 12 at most 13 years old.


Then, his Cybernetic Implants finally exploded, and a plume of smoke flew over him, barely breathing, but giving a few last breaths, to say... "Lucas... Mom......"

Edited by Secret Person



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The Masked Man Cybernetics malfunctioned, and electricity blasted around. With a look at his opponent, he knew he was beaten, but this time he could not run. 


With the Diamond berg hit, His Mask flew off, and his orange hair shown, as he was very well visible as a young kid, 12 at most 13 years old.


Then, his Cybernetic Implants finally exploded, and a plume of smoke flew over him, barely breathing, but giving a few last breaths, to say... "Lucas... Mom......"


He turned back to his opponent. "You still live? I will finish you if need be, but..." Alex thought about it. The kid was young yes, but maybe he could be useful. Alex already had a plan formulating in his mind. He bent down to the child and said. "If you give up I will let you live, and I think I know of a way to get the power that was promised us. I certainly dont plan on waiting for later rounds of this tournament..."

(OOC: oooooh just had this idea!!! Im gonna run with it we will see how the game master reacts later)

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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He turned back to his opponent. "You still live? I will finish you if need be, but..." Alex thought about it. The kid was young yes, but maybe he could be useful. Alex already had a plan formulating in his mind. He bent down to the child and said. "If you give up I will let you live, and I think I know of a way to get the power that was promised us. I certainly dont plan on waiting for later rounds of this tournament..."

(OOC: oooooh just had this idea!!! Im gonna run with it we will see how the game master reacts later)

The Masked Man, no, Claus looked up, and nodded, though he was HEAVILY damaged, and some of his old life was allowed to enter his mind. Yet, he still wanted in on this Power, for Master Porky.


He extended his hand, and nodded in agreement... he did have a few useful items in his bag, and used a small energy capsule to keep himself alive, but he would need more repair.

Edited by Secret Person



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"Its Rainbow Dash.", she said, pointing to her hair as if it would give a clue. "Anyways, we aren't here for pointless chit-chat, we are here to do battle. So, again, if you are going to wimp out know, go ahead. If not, come at me bro.", she added, with a sly tone in her voice.

"Oh, your words. How they sting me so." Taunted Spider-Man as he held an over dramatic pose. "Especially considering I've been the one doing any kind of actual fighting, while you've been doing that really awesome 'run away, scared for your life' move, gotta say, you've got a lot of polish on that one, I can see why your the champ where you come from." Spider-Man said, hanging from the wall by his feet, his arms crossed.

"But I certainly aim to please, anyway look out Dashie, cause here comes the Spider-Man!" Spider-Man said as he shot a web from his web blaster directly at Dash.

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The Masked Man, no, Claus looked up, and nodded, though he was HEAVILY damaged, and some of his old life was allowed to enter his mind. Yet, he still wanted in on this Power, for Master Porky.


He extended his hand, and nodded in agreement... he did have a few useful items in his bag, and used a small energy capsule to keep himself alive, but he would need more repair.


Alex helped the boy to his feet, Yes this one will do nicely. He appears to have some form of Mars psynergy, but that shock earlier was more Jupiter. Hmmm, Ill have to watch him closely but the Plan is in effect. "Here let me help you with that." Alex said Casting Ply on both himself and the boy. Now we wait.


(OOC: for those of you who havent figured it out yet I am using Italics to represent Alex's thoughts)

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Th Masked Man felt rejuvenated  but some of his cybernetic implants were still messed up, most of which made him a bit stronger, and held his loyalty to the Pig King. 


With investigating, some in his chest was pierced, and fried by electricity, though he knew he HAD to get this power, even if it ment working with this one... Though, unusually  he thought about, talking... of which was programmed out of him, as he acted on his master will alone.


So, with a look at the one who sparred him, he decided not to cut his head off, and to turn around and get his helmet.



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the Dragonborn was observing the training room. whoever all theese people were, they had their own way of fightting. but so did he, which he showed by walking up to his own dummy. He used his shout to slow time. it may only last for 30 seconds, but that was all he needed. He began to slash at the dummy, and when time resumed. it fell into 5 pieces.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Well ain't that sweet," the Game Master said as his hologram appeared before Claus and Alex. "Unfortunately that's not how this works kiddies," he continued before snapping his fingers and sending Alex back to the waiting room. He then turned to Claus and snapped his fingers again causing a pillar of lava to jet from the ground and burn Claus to a crisp.



(This is gonnna be possibly confuzing)


Claus woke up completely healed in a dark metalic room with one exit to his right. To his left were case files on all of the Tournament Competitors.

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The Doctress stood in the training room, fighting imaginary foes with incresingly complex attacks, but using only minimal danmaku and using several tons from her infinite ammunition to fire into the void.


She sniffed the air. "Oh joy, he's found the blasted case files... Ah well, I'll listen in to whatever he decides is worth telling in the OOC.




"No." she said, whilst stabbing the air reapeatedly.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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"Well ain't that sweet," the Game Master said as his hologram appeared before Claus and Alex. "Unfortunately that's not how this works kiddies," he continued before snapping his fingers and sending Alex back to the waiting room. He then turned to Claus and snapped his fingers again causing a pillar of lava to jet from the ground and burn Claus to a crisp.



(This is gonnna be possibly confuzing)


Claus woke up completely healed in a dark metalic room with one exit to his right. To his left were case files on all of the Tournament Competitors.

One thought hit the Masked Man when he saw the "Master"... Yep, figures.


upon waking up in said room, rather confused, the invite said he would be allowed back to his world... perhaps this was somewhere in his world. Then, with a notice of the case files, he walked over, and decided to grab as many as he could before investigating the exit.


(OOC: I KNEW something like that would happen, considering the SURVEILLANCE, haha! oh well, you would not want Porky having that power.)

Edited by Secret Person



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Alex blinked and he was back in the waiting room. He smirked as he watched his opponent engulfed in flames. "why thank you Game Master, I do hate to get my hands dirty. As he looked around the room he noticed that the fight between the cyan pegasus and the strange man still continued. He also noticed the doorway labeled "training room." As he entered the room he noticed all his opponents were training in their own way. Alex noticed the old man sharing a drink with another competitor. he walked over to them, erected a chair out of ice and sat down

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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as soon as Sora noticed the flash of light he immediately and excitedly ran to greet Alex hoping the champion who be able to give him a recap of the fight because he missed it during his brief fight with Dante. which wasn't much of a fight Sora had got his ass handed to him and did most of the damage to himself. on his way over he spotted the young man that was caught in the cross fire from his battle his cheek had healed form the sword slash but Sora still felt he should apologize. "I'm really sorry about that you see Dante had be messing with my friend Merlin over here and i was trying to defend him but i may have gotten a little carried away." sora said dejectly hoping that he was not still upset at the accident. "by the way does anyone when the next match will begin?

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Dumbledore chuckled. "I'm honored that you think I am Merlin; however, I regret to inform you that he was far before my time. My name is Albus Dumbledore, and I teach at a school called Hogwarts." His eyes were twinkling. "But I'm even more honored to think you would jump in on my behalf. Needless to say I could have defended myself; but I hardly think it would have been necessary."

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oh, sorry about that you just remind me of a friend of mine from my his name is Merlin he is a great and powerful and he is the one who taught me how to  use magic. you just reminded me of him and i would give for a friend. your resemblance to him must have sparked a reaction on impluse.

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"Ah. Well, that's an understandable mistake then. You see, I am also a teacher of magic." Dumbledore rather liked the young man. He had a good heart. "Would you allow me to offer a glass of firewhiskey? And it occurs to me that I do not know your name, although this is not surprising; I know almost nobody here."

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Aragorn went back to smoking his long pipe, watching the others as the mood began to soften. The first competitor had fallen, surely now the next two would be chosen to fight. Aragorn was one of the few here who had no magic on his side, no unseen force. he would rely entirely on his training and his experience. But in the end he did not know if it would be enough. He eyed over at the berserk warrior hacking apart dummies. His frenzy of blows were accurate and deadly. If Aragorn was to face him, he would need to keep at a great distance. His fingers twitched on his bow, he had an idea.


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47 looked over at the newly returned winner, Alex. The first match was over, and a victor had been declared. That meant that two new competitors would most certainly be chosen. 47's hands twitched instinctively towards the Silverballers, and his senses immediately sharpened, preparing for the moment he got picked.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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*Snatches note off of the table* "This was sent . . . how long ago? Oh dear." *Starts reading* "Hmm, let's see . . . chosen to be . . . hmmshmmsumm . . .  I see. Well, this interferes with my plans for tea, but I suppose I could miss it for a multiversally important tournament." *Grabs sonic screwdriver and runs off into the portal*


"Sorry I'm late! Someone sent it after I traveled back a few decades from the present, and I returned a few hours after, and I took a while longer to notice the note. My name is Professor River Song, Archaeologist. And you all are?" *Looks at Spiderman and makes a few chuckling noises at his costume*

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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