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(OOC: Yes. She's subconsciously suicidal, but she doesn't want to admit it. Dark character motivations FTW.)


"You're great at this." the Doctress said as the light faded, and phased through Yusuke like she wasn't even physical.


She had simply returned to half-ghost form due to the Angel being beaten up by the combined force of a nuclear explosion, a camera, and Yusuke. Unhooking her soulblades and returning Discordant Harmony to pendant form, she stabbed to the ground and shoveled a sizeable chunk of moonrock. The blade was undamaged, not even dented.


"I guess half-inhuman is still half-alive. Hm... Must be these blades. Good enough for me." she muttered.


"Wait a second... If I'm half-ghost... Well, he can't physically hit me if I could phase through before... Oh Cthulhu, he's got a Spirit Gun blast with my name on it! If he hits these blades, I'm done for!"


She immediately went intangible with her blades and flew as fast as she could deeper into the moonrock., desperately trying to get as far away as possible to figure out how the heck she was going to recover a physical body or a safespot in time.


Huh, looks like the nuke WAS a bad plan after all. The odds are in Yusuke's favor as he's probably fast enough to blast through the moonrock faster than Doccy can fly.


...And you thought she was overpowered. Lawl.

Edited by The Weapon

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Dumbledore arrived back in the holoprojector room in a white burst of light, Fawkes still perched on his shoulder. He made his way to a table that was sitting in the corner, and took out his wand, which was still making sputtering noises. He waved it, and it emitted red sparks. "Hm." He set it down on the table, and started making incomprehensible hand movements over it, muttering in a strange language. Fawkes vacated his spot on the Headmaster's shoulder, and flew, landing on Alex's shoulder, where he looked at Alex with intelligent eyes.


Alex shook the bird of his shoulder. Where he was from Phoenix were simply beasts. It didn't occur to him that this was not always the case. Faux returned to his shoulder. he sighed. He looked at the birds eyes and realized that there was no way of getting the fire bird off of his shoulder. He almost extinguished the bird then and there but he suspected that the regeneration ability of this room would heal it.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Alex shook the bird of his shoulder. Where he was from Phoenix were simply beasts. It didn't occur to him that this was not always the case. Faux returned to his shoulder. he sighed. He looked at the birds eyes and realized that there was no way of getting the fire bird off of his shoulder. He almost extinguished the bird then and there but he suspected that the regeneration ability of this room would heal it.

Dumbledore looked up from where he worked on his wand, which had stopped its shuddering, and was now merely twitching every few seconds. Stowing it away, he made his way over to Alex and Fawkes, and Fawkes immediately moved to Dumbledore's shoulder. "I apologise for Fawkes' intrusion, but it seems he has taken an interest in you," 

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Alex turned to the old man. "interesting that Phoenix as a Fire monster would take an interest in a Mercury Adept." He turned back to watch the fights as the unfolded in front of him. "You appear quite cunning, id prefer if we did not have to face each other in battle. You remind me to much of someone once knew..."

Alex did not mention that he had never truly liked Kraden, he was just another burden while they were traveling.

Edited by SorenWolf

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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(OOC: Yes. She's subconsciously suicidal, but she doesn't want to admit it. Dark character motivations FTW.)


"You're great at this." the Doctress said as the light faded, and phased through Yusuke like she wasn't even physical.


She had simply returned to half-ghost form due to the Angel being beaten up by the combined force of a nuclear explosion, a camera, and Yusuke. Unhooking her soulblades and returning Discordant Harmony to pendant form, she stabbed to the ground and shoveled a sizeable chunk of moonrock. The blade was undamaged, not even dented.


"I guess half-inhuman is still half-alive. Hm... Must be these blades. Good enough for me." she muttered.


"Wait a second... If I'm half-ghost... Well, he can't physically hit me if I could phase through before... Oh Cthulhu, he's got a Spirit Gun blast with my name on it! If he hits these blades, I'm done for!"


She immediately went intangible with her blades and flew as fast as she could deeper into the moonrock., desperately trying to get as far away as possible to figure out how the heck she was going to recover a physical body or a safespot in time.


Huh, looks like the nuke WAS a bad plan after all. The odds are in Yusuke's favor as he's probably fast enough to blast through the moonrock faster than Doccy can fly.


...And you thought she was overpowered. Lawl.

Suspended in the air by his aura, Yusuke pointed his finger at her as she fled. (As an anime parody, his shirt disintegrated, but his pants are perfectly intact.)


'I don't want to do this.' He thought. 'Damn it! Why couldn't she be like Toguro and piss me off enough to make this easy!'


His blue aura concentrated into his finger.


"You've always quit whenever the answer wasn't served on a silver plate!" He heard Genkai's voice scream in his ear. "Are you gonna quit now just because you don't want the guilt? HOW THE HELL DID I RAISE SUCH AN IDIOT APPRENTICE!?"


"SHUT UP YOU OLD BITCH! YOU AREN'T MY FREAKING MOTHER!!!!" Yusuke screamed, releasing the spirit gun blast strait toward the Doctress. It was huge, the size of a small meteor, ripping through the obstacles in its way as it screamed through the air and drilled into the moon rock.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Dumbledore stroked Fawkes absentmindedly, a look of consideration upon his face. "A Mercury Adept? I've come across the term in my readings, and I'm not sure what it is that makes you think that I am truly an adept of any sort. And Fawkes is probably the most intelligent 'fire monster' I've ever had the good fortune to know." He chuckled. "Surely you give me more credit than is due. Admittedly I am clever, but that pales in comparison to the ingenuity and youth I see in my competition." 

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Dante and the Chief were loked in an epic fight trying to overpower each other until a whole group of manticores started to walk in. "Well, looks like they want to interupt the party" Dante said smirking to him this was just getting better and better. He pulled out his hand guns and started to shoot at the manticore's legs, but still firing a couple bullets at teh Chief.

(OOC:I am going to finesh this fight since he dropped out of the rp, so I'll do my best to have him die like a badass)

The Chief dodged the bullets Dante was firing, reaching into his armor he pulled out a sticky granede and tossed at Dante. Dante saw it coming and grabbed it getting ready to toss it back but to his surprised it wouldn't get off his hand. "Son of a bitch" was all Dante could say before the grenade went off right in his face. Chief walked over drawing his energy sword in one hand and a handgun in the other. Once the smoke cleard Dante was still standing but in his Devil Trigger mode. "I'll admit your fun to fight its a shame I have to kill you" Dante said smirking, the Chief just got in a battle stance figering his enemy had a trick or two up his sleve. "The same could be said about you "pal"" the Chief said charing at Dante, Dante jumped out of the way and fired lightning out of his hands that did nothing but increased teh Chief's sheilds. The Chief fired at Dante forcing him to teh ground. Dante pulled out Rebellion and tossed it at Cheif who knocks it aside with his energy sword, he charged at Dante and stabbed him though the gut and was ready to shot hik in teh head. "Come on" Dante said snaping his fingers The Chief heard something behind him and turned around in time to see Rebellion comeing back The Chief was able to doge it but Dante grabbed it and did a forward thrust impailing The Chief in the gut. The Chief could feel him dying he could feel it so he pointed his gun right in between Dantes eyes. "Here, something to remeber me by." The Chief said pulling the trigger both combatents fall to teh ground after a couple minets of silence Dante is the only one who gets, he wipes teh blood off his face as he shrugged. "Thanks for the gift" Dante said waiting to be teleported back.

(OOC: There I hope you like it, it was really hard for me to type this since I don't know much about Master Chief I hope I did well :unsure: )

  • Brohoof 1
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Dumbledore stroked Fawkes absentmindedly, a look of consideration upon his face. "A Mercury Adept? I've come across the term in my readings, and I'm not sure what it is that makes you think that I am truly an adept of any sort. And Fawkes is probably the most intelligent 'fire monster' I've ever had the good fortune to know." He chuckled. "Surely you give me more credit than is due. Admittedly I am clever, but that pales in comparison to the ingenuity and youth I see in my competition." 

Alex looked back at the old man. "I hope you do not include me in those you speak of as youth. You see, I appear much younger than I am. The Golden Sun has that affect it seems."


He turned back to the screen just in time to see the both combatants fall down. He expected both to be dead. But one stood up as if  he was uninjured. "Well there is a certainly handy ability."

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Alex looked back at the old man. "I hope you do not include me in those you speak of as youth. You see, I appear much younger than I am. The Golden Sun has that affect it seems."


He turned back to the screen just in time to see the both combatants fall down. He expected both to be dead. But one stood up as if  he was uninjured. "Well there is a certainly handy ability."

"Me, a Mercury Adept. You, a wholesome, young lad. Appearances are often decieving." Dumbledore winked, then turns to the screen to see the bulky one who had challenged his transfiguration getting up after being shot in the head. "No, I wouldn't mind being able to regenerate like that myself," Dumbledore agrees, stroking his withered hand unconsciously.

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Using an intertial screw, the Doctress redirected to the side, narrowly being missed by the blast.


"Plan B: That unicorn form!"


Blasting up to the surface, she exploded into her new form.


A small MLP-style unicorn with butterfly wings appeared in place of the Doctress.


"Plan C: That guy!" she screamed frantically.


With a blast of light, Master Doctor Mark Vanguard appeared in place of the pony.


"Seriously, on my last two forms here." he muttered. "Hate having to use THIS form."


(OOC: Summary: Doctress exits moon underground to surface, flies up, turns into a unicorn, then turns back to human and hits Rule 63 full on and turns into a guy.)

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Using an intertial screw, the Doctress redirected to the side, narrowly being missed by the blast.


"Plan B: That unicorn form!"


Blasting up to the surface, she exploded into her new form.


A small MLP-style unicorn with butterfly wings appeared in place of the Doctress.


"Plan C: That guy!" she screamed frantically.


With a blast of light, Master Doctor Mark Vanguard appeared in place of the pony.


"Seriously, on my last two forms here." he muttered. "Hate having to use THIS form."


(OOC: Summary: Doctress exits moon underground to surface, flies up, turns into a unicorn, then turns back to human and hits Rule 63 full on and turns into a guy.)

"You can turn into a whale at this point, I don't freaking care!" Yusuke said, curling his fist and charging his energy into it. "You could be a human or a demon or somebody's grandmother! It doesn't matter any more. I'm done feeling sorry for you. You've made your last mistake, something that nobody has ever lived to repeat. You just pissed me off!" He thrust his fist into the air, creating hundreds of energy projectiles each nearly as large as his spirit gun. They were all moving at the speed of a bullet.

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Elaie." the Medical Division leader finished, intoning the name of the Grand Contract. "I have to go. Let's make this quick. I'd play, but unlike Flandre my sister wasn't just incapacitated by the other person and I have other obligations."


With a wave of Discordant Harmony, every single projectile was absorbed into a complete abyss portal, which closed after absorbing the offending projectiles.


A hole in the universe ripped itself into existence, with a small child waving on the other side.


"Come on Doccy, we've got a crisis situation on our hands with the neighbors!"


Whoever it was was gone in seconds with the Doctress Entity, the portal closed and replaced by a letter.


"We apologize for the inconvenience and a schedule conflict. Under request by the United Omniverse, the Doctress has to be withdrawn due to a dislogic maelstrom infecting this universe cluster should she continue in any form existing here. Have fun dying. This letter will destroy the entire galaxy you're in to destroy the maelstrom's existence capacitator in question.... Now."


Before the letter detonated and blasted the entire galaxy out of existence, the Doctress pulled a Zqan Tyrant DM Narrator Move and forcibly relocated Yusuke to the lobby.


A small note fluttered down. "You win. -Doctress Melissa Vanguard, Elesion Councilmember.

P.S. : Keep the letter. I'll set up a chain of correspondence with the others and you later."



(OOC: Due to the fact this battle is taking too long from at least one person's perspective and the Doctress is overpowered (Admittedly in-character she probably would just blanket the area in relogic fields to shut down anything impossible IRL then shoot you repeatedly) , and I think it's time for a serious OSLT plot blogpost, I'm going to withdraw at Koenma's request. :P If anyone wants me to stay, I'll edit accordingly.)

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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(Interesting way to go. I can honestly say that I've never seen anything like that happen in an rp.)


Yusuke took a moment to look around and figure out where he was. The lobby. "You know, getting teleported is really starting to piss me off!" He announced to no one in particular. He read the note in his hand and shoved it in his pocket.


Yusuke kicked open the door to the viewing room. There were less people there than he remembered, they must have all been fighting. He saw Agent 47, who was one of the only people still in the room.


"Guessing you haven't gotten a fight yet." He said. "Sucks to be you, huh?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Ive already had a fight." Yusuke said. "Baldie here hasn't, if that's any surprise. Can't say I'm enjoying the show, though. There's only one person here who's ass I need to kick, and that's the Game Master!" He looked at one of the security cameras and pointed his finger at it. "Bang."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Alex watched as several winners arrived. They are getting to cocky. While I dont wish to go into my second battle quite so soon, it will be interesting observing these players. Alex looked again at the new, first round winners. They need to learn patience.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Alex watched as several winners arrived. They are getting to cocky. While I dont wish to go into my second battle quite so soon, it will be interesting observing these players. Alex looked again at the new, first round winners. They need to learn patience.

Yusuke looked over his shoulder. Someone was looking at him... again. "Is the guy in the back a friend of yours?" He asked sarcastically to Agent 47. "You two have the same stalker attitude. You'd make great friends."


"The view's a lot better from over here!" He yelled to Alex.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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47 sighed. While he didn't normally wish harm upon others, save individuals like Blake Dexter or Agent Smith, Yusuke was getting on his nerves. He was like a fly, only more talkative. This was one of the few instances that 47 wanted someone to die.


"Is this how you normally behave?" 47 asked Yusuke.

  • Brohoof 1

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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"AGENT 47!"







(OOC: Canterlot taken over by changlings. Exists in fanfics only. No one will recognize it.)






(A giant field of ice and ice mountains. Subzero temps, guys, get ready.)


(Everytime one uses a new power, describe it in OOC in the RP post like Descant does. So that we can all enjoy it.)



(@@Cranium Tyranus,)

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"Give me a freaking break!" Yusuke yelled. "I just had a fight, and baldy here is still on his first round! Damn it! This is just like the dark tournament. They're rigging this whole damn thing against me. Two matches in a row! Where's the audience chanting 'Kill Yusuke?' At least that gave me a good atmosphere!"


(Seriously, this needs to be organized better. Yusuke and Dante are on round two, 47 is still on round one, and Dumbledore is on round 3!)

Edited by Pretty Koenma
  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"AGENT 47!"








(OOC: Canterlot taken over by changlings. Exists in fanfics only. No one will recognize it.)









(A giant field of ice and ice mountains. Subzero temps, guys, get ready.)


(Everytime one uses a new power, describe it in OOC in the RP post like Descant does. So that we can all enjoy it.)



(@@Cranium Tyranus,)

Dante grabbed his next weapons Cerbeus and Nevan as he was transported to teh next arena. "Don't break any bones old man." Dante sais with a smirk the cold didn't seen to bother dante much since it was the same as Fortuna Castle. the only thing thats missing is teh "savior" tearing though town.

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47 quickly drew his Silverballers and surveyed the arena. Surrounding him were jet black winged horses, not unlike Rainbow Dash. They reminded 47 of insects. The creatures were laden with holes in their legs, and 47 wondered how they stood without their extremities crumbling under their weight. The buildings were of a similar color, and they had a sinister edge to their construction. 47 turned to his opponent.


It was Yusuke.


In a way, 47 was satisfied. He had an opprotunity to kill the pest who was giving him so much grief. 47 raised a single Silverballer to Yusuke's head, fully prepared to put a hole (or several) in it. However, before he could pull the trigger, the mental note about Yusuke and the fight between him and the Doctress came back to 47, and he ducked into a nearby building.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Yusuke watched Agent 47 duck away. "What's the matter? We were about to have a lot of fun. You already know what I can do. Why don't you come out and share with the rest of the class!" He pulled his fist to his chest and streams of blue light showed through his knuckles. "If you aren't gonna come out of that building, I'm gonna be forced to remove that wall."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Yusuke watched Agent 47 duck away. "What's the matter? We were about to have a lot of fun. You already know what I can do. Why don't you come out and share with the rest of the class!" He pulled his fist to his chest and streams of blue light showed through his knuckles. "If you aren't gonna come out of that building, I'm gonna be forced to remove that wall."


47 listened to Yusuke taunting him from behind the door of the building. He had decided that stealth was the best possible option for taking out someone as powerful as Yusuke. 47 looked around and looked around the building. Mercifully, there was a back door. Not so mercifully, there was also one of those creatures. Its compound eyes locked with 47's for a brief moment as the assassin raised his silenced pistol. It managed to hiss at him for a fraction of a second before 47 shot it in the head. He then instinctively stowed the corpse before ducking out the back door, hoping Yusuke didn't hear the creature's hiss.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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A mass of five changelings Flew at Yusuke from the left side. He used his charged attack that was meant for the door that 47 was hiding behind to launch bits of blue energy shrapnel at the creatures, creating a loud banging sound. "SHOTGUN!" The changelings fell out of the air and crashed into the ground.


Yusuke looked back at the house that 47 had hid in. "Listen," He said. "I'm sure this prize seems important to you, but you're just a regular human. I can tell. Just give up now before you do something you'll regret. I don't give second warnings." He lifted his index finger and charged it again. This time, the energy was red instead of blue.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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