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APPLESPIKE: Upcoming Episode, Why It Works and What It Means For The Fandom


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I admit it. I like Spike.


Yeah, I know. It's a complete and utter shock, right? Who could have guessed? Alert the presses, everyone! MallaJong likes Spike!


What others don't know, though, is my appreciation for the AppleSpike ship. Sure, my favorite MLP ship is the rare and mystifying RainbowSpike. If you've been reading

Spike's Rainbow Dash, you already have an idea why, in my opinion, I believe it's the most glorious vessel of all time. For two individuals of loyalty bound by romance conceive formidableness like no other.


  Enough about that ship, because this blog post is about the always adorable AppleSpike. Placed as my second favorite ship, AppleSpike has always been alive and thriving for quite some time now within the fandom, and the reason is mostly due to the fact that it doesn’t need powerful execution for others to realize it’s believable. Unlike RainbowSpike, FlutterSpike or even SpikeBloom, AppleSpike stands its ground by the will of imagination alone. It’s an entirely probable ship that, dare I say, could in in fact become canon.

But wait! That’s blasphemy, MallaJong! It’s obvious Sparity is the OTP of MLP! GAHHHH!!!

Calm your horses. I’m not trying to belittle Sparity in any way. It’s apparent the writers intended on making Sparity the canon ship, but that doesn’t mean AppleSpike isn’t able to be such either. Call it far-fetched, but I can’t help but notice multiple ship spark interactions between Applejack and Spike. It almost seems as if there are hints thrown at the viewer of AppleSpike coming into existence.


Of course, we see what we seek, so I understand that because I believe I’ve spotted something doesn’t actually make it truth.

Nonetheless, many are especially fond of the idea of Applejack and Spike getting together, and there are many reasons why. Applejack and Spike really have much more in common than one might initially recognize.

And just for you I’ll list the top three reigning likenesses.

3. Diligence

This reason is pretty straightforward. We’ve seen time and time again both Spike and Applejack work tirelessly for others, even at the stake of their own well-being. Spike works hard for not only Twilight but for the Mane Six as a whole (adding his input, cooking, researching, etc.), while Applejack’s sacrifices are just as plentiful. ‘Exhausted Spike’ and ‘Exhausted Applejack’ are so canon it’s almost comedic in a sense. Their aid at times goes beyond their capabilities, and it’s this persistence that greatly appeals to AppleSpike fans. Not to say that the other ponies don’t show diligence in their efforts, because they do. But one cannot deny that it’s perhaps easier to pair Spike and Applejack in this category firsthand. So it’s not surprising countless AppleSpike fanfiction pieces start off with Spike and Applejack bucking trees together at Sweet Apple Acres. They’re just two very hardworking characters toiling under the sun.


2. Honesty

Let’s get the obvious reason out of the way. Applejack is the Element is Honesty. She’s honest. We all know this, and there isn’t any need to discuss it further. When it comes to Spike, however, truthfulness tends to be a very keen attribute. Spike has lied before. That’s a given. Yet it’s because of the fact that he lied that he ended up learning and developing into the strong, admirable character he is today. Let’s refer to the Owlicious episode, for example. It wasn’t until Spike admitted his true feelings to Twilight that he realized how immature his misbehavior had been. How about his love for Rarity? Similarly to how Applejack isn’t able to lie through her teeth without appearing conspicuous, Spike makes it painfully obvious how much he loves the white unicorn. In the beginning he wasn’t able to hide it, and now it seems like he accepts and takes pride in his preferences. In the Crystal Empire episode, when Spike first noticed how eerily the castle staircase appeared in its descent to the bottom, he made it clear how scared he was. Throughout the entire series, we’ve observed Spike fully expose his inner sentiments (irritation, pleasure, excitement, etc.). And it’s this blatancy – this frankness – that allows AppleSpike to persevere through conflict within their own stories.


1. The Voice of Reason

Let’s face it: Contrary to what some believe, Twilight Sparkle isn’t the voice of reason of the group. Not always, anyway. So who oftentimes takes this role? Applejack…and Spike. This shouldn’t come off as a shock. When Spike’s not thinking straight, Applejack’s the voice. When Applejack’s not, Spike’s the voice. These two link together like chains. Applejack and Spike are the very representation of level-headedness. They’re both mature characters that understand how to properly apply reasoning to their surroundings. I don’t even feel I need to note down examples for these instances, because I can tell you’re already recalling a few as you read this. In conclusion, AppleSpike is the most level-headed ship of the bunch. And that should bring light to why the ship works. They’re the voice of reason, yet in the show they’re almost never given utmost consideration by the rest of the cast.


In less than two weeks, an AppleSpike episode will be released. It’s entitled “Spike At Your Service”. This is the episode synopsis:

Just as Spike is about to be gobbled up by hungry Timberwolves, he is saved by Applejack; Spike feels the need to repay Applejack and is soon offering a little too much assistance on the farm in order to fulfill the "Noble Dragon Code”.

This episode sounds hilarious, adorable and filled with so many “ship sparks” it’s insane. Just by the synopsis alone, I can already think of over a dozen AppleSpike ideas. That’s how powerful the AppleSpike ship is, and this episode will surely provide a lot more resources for the vessel.

This is the episode I am most excited for Season 3. It’s neither a Spike-centered episode nor an Applejack-centered episode. It’s a collective APPLESPIKE episode. Our favorite baby dragon and cowpony are finally enjoying more screen time in the world of Equestria. And I cannot wait for all the AppleSpike fanfictions, fanart and fanvideos to spawn from this episode.

Although I’ve only fully read one AppleSpike fanfiction, I am still a lover for the pairing. What does this upcoming episode mean for the fandom? It’s sure to serve as the lock on that AppleSpike door. It’s the fallback in case one runs into any doubts. The game-changing strike! It’s a moment for AppleSpike fans everywhere to rejoice over, and its history will forever be recorded in the hearts and minds of bronies.

So get out there, everyone! Write an AppleSpike fanfiction right now! Of course, if you’re short on ideas and require some inspiration, you’ll be sure to be receiving some soon in the coming weeks.



This was written to shed some light on the AppleSpike fandom. After I found out that an AppleSpike episode was coming up, I felt compelled to produce a list of reasons why it works. :)

Edited by MallaJong1
  • Brohoof 2
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Well, you shouldn't forget the very first one, if you wish to stretch it more. When out of all ponies to watch him receive the ticket, Applejack was the one, back in The Ticket Master.


Anyway, I always thought that a lot of Spike's personality could be boiled down to different parts of personality within most of the mane 6. Spike loves parties and is just as energetic like Pinkie, has the laziness, loyalty, tactlessness and even jealousy of Rainbow Dash, has the eye for detail and commitment to work of Rarity, and like you mentioned, the diligence and voice of reason ability from Applejack (I can't say I agree a lot with the honesty thing). And let us not forget, that he has his own things, such as being sarcastic and sardonic on occasions. (Maybe a lot of by the book situations with Twilight got him that XD).


However, I must say that I'm intriugued how that episode will play and I can't disagree on the fact that Applejack and Spike could have a lot in common. :) More devlopment of the relationship between Spike and Applejack is interesting to say the least (and by relationship, I mean friendship, just in case).

  • Brohoof 2
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You mean this episode?


Even if the Spike&Applejack relationship got canonized, it will not stop the fandom from hailing AJ or Spike with someone else. Even after all those teary falling-to-our-doom scene between Rarity and Spike, we still see Rarity being depicted as someone else' marefriend.




I gotta say the AppleSpike canonized won't mean anything to the fandom. It might works, yeah, depends on the episode. It can be awkwardly working together while blushing, or AJ will be agitated with Spike being too passionately helping her and ends up screwing up stuff.


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What do I honestly think of this ship? No offense or anything, but...




Anyway, while I doubt this episode will be outright ship-heavy, it'll probably give supporters of the ship a few more reasons why they like it. But from my standpoint, it'll probably be a stereotypical someone-saves-someone-else-and-goes-overboard-trying-to-repay-them episode. Nothing more, nothing less.



Together since October 19th, 2011


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A while ago I would have said this idea was crazy, but when I sat down and watched all of Season 1 again I realized there are a few brief but very obvious moments between AJ and Spike. I wouldn't call them romantic moments, but it's not hard to take that extra step in fanon. I can't wait for this episode just because I like both characters a lot, but now I'm going to be watching for Applespike moments too, and it's all your fault!!

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Anyway, while I doubt this episode will be outright ship-heavy, it'll probably give supporters of the ship a few more reasons why they like it. But from my standpoint, it'll probably be a stereotypical someone-saves-someone-else-and-goes-overboard-trying-to-repay-them episode. Nothing more, nothing less.

Remember that almost all lessons learned from MLP:FiM are "obvious" and "stereotypical," look at One Bad Apple. Doesn't mean anything else wouldn't happen. 


I personally am not a big fan of the ship myself, but I think Applejack and Spike are VERY good friends. I mean seriously, I don't know why people are freaking out about Sparity being replaced with AppleSpike. AJ and Spike aren't ever going to be as close as him and Rarity, but they can be friends, can't they not? -.-

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