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open Equestrian Civil War- Take Two

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42655-equestrian-civil-war-take-two/


New Lunar Republic Letter of Introduction

- To whom it may concern:


So, you've decided to join the Lunar Republic. From this day forth, you are part of the greatest army ever to exist in Equestrian soil. We will overthrow the tyrant Celestia and our Princess of the Moon bring forth equality and unity of all races: Ponies, Dogs, Griffons, and all other races alike!


The Lunar Infantry - Strong, Disciplined ground units.

The Lunar Mages - Powerful, Tactical Support Units

The Lunar Airforce - Fast, Agile Air Units


Solar Kingdom Letter of Introduction

- To whom it may concern:


So, you've seen the light and wish to fight for the values of righteousness? Welcome to the Solar Kingdom. It is our duty to preserve the peace and stability that the Great Princess Celestia had gifted us over the last thousand years for all ponies. It is our job to quell this rebellion and protect Equestria from Princess Luna and her forces.


The Solar Infantry - Strong Earth Pony Ground Units

The Solar Mages - Skiled Unicorn Support Units

The Solar Airforce - Fast Pegasus Air Units


Lunar Territory
Everfree Forest + West
Solar Territory
East of Everfree Forest
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"We need you in the battle, Private Air, as the Princess of the Sun requests your assistance in this mighty war. We wish you luck, and the gratitude that we give you because you have helped many of us starving ones here in Stalliongrad. Now be on your way." Air Opal turned away and shoved his way through the tent flaps and stared away from the sun toward the west. It would be a tough battle against the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna, but they could harness the power of the sun to defeat them. He began his treacherous hourney south to Trottingham, a stronghold of the Solar Empire. His head librated, taking in the small town, before looking back south among the expanse of the wide prairie that went past the Hasufel Mountains.


He trotted on, getting closer and closer to Trottingham, refusing to look in the westwardly direction, not wanting to look in the direction of the Everfree off in the distance, or even the Allacor Mountains that lay just beyond. It took him a great time to meet up with the trail that meant he was only an hour away from Trottingham, and 20 minutes later, he could hear aerophones playing sad tunes in the distance, a mix of clarinets, flutes and other instruments too. He stared off past Trottingham and Cloudsdale beyond, and he also gazed close up, at the lake he walked next to, The Great Nimbusgait Lakes, where he now went southeast. Needlefish, any fish with the Genus Belonidae, sprang out of the water, showing that the water was fresh to drink. He leaned in, putting his head underwater and taking great gulps of the refreshing water, as well as drenching his body. He shook himself and his mane, before turning and venturing the last few minutes to Trottingham.


((OOC: Get your dictionaries ready, I'm using a random word generator and set it to very uncommon, the second lowest level, and I'm going to make up situations where the word will work. Oh, and if a Solar hasn't posted yet, could you begin in Trottingham and talk to Air Opal? Make sure you mention me in your post.))

  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Fyrin Toxix read the letter he had received from Princess Luna. He had been reinstated to the military. Only this time to the Lunar Republic to join in the civil war. Not to fight off an apposing country.


He stepped out of his house in downtown Fillydelphia. He had been informed that there was a military outpost in Northern Fillydelphia, and to go there after receiving the letter and packing.


After packing his needed things, he set off to Northern Fillydelphia.


(OOC: I'm assuming that Fillydelphia is NLR territory. It is very near the boarder. It looked to me like it was just barely on the NLR territory. Forgive me if I'm mistaken.)

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by me. ^-^


Ask Discord thread!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52658-ask-discord/


"James Bond wasn't given an awesome name...

He himself made it an awesome name." - A Glimpse of Everything


Ä̛͍̟̯́͊ ͈̟̟̒̅̀G͚̻̳͂͆̀l̨͍̞͋́̊í͕̠̰̾̒m̤̙̮̆̃̕p̗̣̞̒̓̕ṡ̨͖̩͆̔e̢̙̭̍̈́̿ ̼̜̹̅͘͘ỏ̢͓͙͗͆f̯̬̎̓͜͝ ̟͍̮̅̓͠E͚͓̱̅̈́͑v͚̟̘͊̀͘ȩ̝̱̊̈̽ŗ̱̮̒̒͠ÿ̧̝̱͂̅ẗ͖̼͔́̀̉h̨̛̯̘̀̐í͕͕̜̏̈́ņ̭͕́̌͘g̰̻̖͂͐̾.̙͙̽̍̿ͅ.͉̪͔̽̂̏.̰̬͉̏̈́́

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The Poacher had been activated. Arcane energy flowed through the conduit of its body, fuelling the creature's facsimile heart. Chilling blue light shone from the empty sockets of the creature's eyes, illuminating the space around him.


The light also saw. The Poacher was in a stone room, a laboratory filled with unicorn scientists. The scientists watched with fascination as the Poacher began to come to life, talking amongst themselves while jotting down information. The head scientist and another unicorn approached the awakened creature.


"It... it worked! So, do we tell the princess?"


The head unicorn scoffed at this idea, "tell the princess? You mean, distract the princess of the night for a simple experiment?" he laughed bitterly. "This creature is nothing more than an age old plaything, an experiment into the creation of artificial life. I very much doubt it's supposed abilities... nevertheless, we have worked to long on this thing to simply toss it aside. So it's meant to take orders from high status..." he directed himself at the Poacher. "Number seven. I have a task for you; find and capture a live Phoenix, then bring it back here!"


There was a collective gasp from the scientists, as they waited for a reaction from the Poacher. It didn't move. The head scientist sighed, and smiled to himself.

"What a pity. It looks like our weapon is faul..."

Before he could finish, the Poacher leapt across the room, and through the single window. The unicorns were stunned into silence, and the head scientist's jaw dropped.


The Poacher took in his surroundings; a forest. His task was to locate a Phoenix. He moved off into the shadows.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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Col. Steeleye Sungazer:

By the Sun he hated military parades. In his mind, they were a useless waste of time in which his superiors stuck their heads in the ground rather than think for once. While he was forced to admit, the exacting percision demanded by the parade trainers whipped anyone under their gaze into straight lines at attention; such things were ultimately useless unless you wanted a literal wall of meatsheilds between you and the enemy in combat. Frankly, it wouldn't suprise him if that was exactly what his immeadiate superiors though was good miltary strategy. Most of them hadn't ever seen real warfare and the ones that had drew their experience from border skirmishes with other nations. The way Equestria was split, no matter what the maps said, there would be no defined border or safe zones. When you tore a country in half, peices on both sides were going to do their best to inflict maximum self damage.


So, here he was, marching at the front row and column of those whom he had been given command over, calling out orders in a magically magnified voice. "About, LEFT!" A thousand right back hooves slammed into the ground with total unison, raising a dust cloud as an equal number of faces turned ninety degrees clockwise. Well, almost in unison. His troops were Solar Mages and associated hangers on, not some crack frontline regiment with more brawn than brains. "Forward, MARCH!" By Celestia, it had been hard to- "About, FACE!"- even get them in straight lines. First it had been the divisions between magical schools, then it had been who stepped on whom's hoof. It just went on and on.


"Atten-TION! SALUTE!"  Three thousand hooves hit the ground with a resounding crack, the remaining one thousand (the upper left hoof) were firmly raised, elbow up sixty degrees, lower leg and hood rigidly horizontal across the chest, right below the neckline. As the dust settled, he pulled up a quick spell in his mind, scrying his regiment from a different angle than his own head provided. Good, most of them had managed to complete the salute perfectly. Thankfully those that were negligent had only slacked their hooves a small fraction, leaving their salute slightly crooked, just a couple of degrees.


A smattering of applause quickly turned into a rolling wave of stomped hooves. By far and large, the three minute presentation had exceeded expectations. Mages as a standard were aloof and reclusive ponies, whom did their best to keep themselves and their studies as far away from other Mages as possible. Regardless of this adversity, the standard two hundred Solar Mages out of the regiment stood at perfection attention, staring into the middle distance. A couple of the younger troopers were a tad fidgety, but that could only be ironed out as they matured.


From the Royal Observation Box, a perfectly formed and groomed white leg extended and gracefully returned the salute to the soldiers, the sign of approval. The practised five seconds passed, then the exit began. "Deform, RANKS! Soldiers dismissed!" Each row twenty abreast and fifty rows in total, began to peel off in a slow one hundred eighty degree arc back to the baracks, keeping formation under the watchful eye of officers. Col. Steeleye and his immeadite subordinates arranged themselves on either side of the exit, standing at attention until the last row had disappeared from sight around a street corner. Almost immeadiately, a magical scroll popped into existance in front of his hooves.


Dismissing his subordinates, Steeley retreated into the shade of a nearby cafe to read the message while the next regiment's presentation began. Almost imemadiately his eyes took in the royal crest, followed by a secretaries fluent but crisp writing. 'Col Steeleye of the Solar Mages Second Regiment, designated 'Sun Riders'. Your presence is hearby requested at the Royal Palace for an audience with our Princess Celestia, as soon as your duties allow. Your service is appreciated, First Clerk Quick Pen.'


A short time later, he was admitted into the waiting room, third in line behind a pompous council member and a quiet noterary. The former would not shut up about how he was going to be promoted to head chairman of some board or another for the entire time while the latter kept silent. Steeleye mad note of the level half hooded stare that the clerk maintained, one that took in every last detail of what went around it while remaining largely unnoticed. Soon enough those in front were admitted, heard and dismissed. Steeleye a barely managed to keep a solemn face when he saw the councilpony forcibly thrown out a side door, through a window. Celestia was kind to all ponies, but it seemed that what some ponies really needed was a swift kick in the flank.


Princess Celestia:

The parade had gone a little better than expected. The 'Sun Riders' regiment had performed beyond expectation in her opinion. Though the Solar Mages were maybe some of the most useful troops at her disposal, they could also be the most bothersome. It was like trying to herd wet cats and not get bitten at the same time. A few of the other regiments had proven themselves in the event and even the worst had only been put in that ranking because a pony twisted his ankle mid-exercise. Some accidents were bound to happen, so she had managed to ward off disciplinary action on the unfortunate pony's behalf.


The thought of her punishment happy command brought a slight ache to her head, which she massaged with a well manicured forehoof. They meant well and had considerable influence in their respective feilds. Unfortunately it was their influence, not their talent, which had led them to their current position amongst her staff. Out of the twelve stallions and mares that made up her council, seven were too elderly to move without being carefully watched. Two of those not included were the newly promoted heirs of the former council members whom had passed on due to old age and stress. She missed the departed dearly, as they had always been a calming factor amongst the other council members. Once again, their heirs were well meaning, but they were rash in their decisions.


After a moment's thought, she had her clerk Quick Pen send a few letters. One had already summoned Col Steeleye, in order to compliment him on his performance and ask his advice. But there was always more planning to do, endless meetings and audiences. In this order, summons were sent to respective members of the community, most of some special talent: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie (both generals), Wavering Bass (a doctor), Vedana Purity (a well respected pony known for his good judgement), and Twilight Sparkle. Twilight had been a bit busy as of later, though Celestia hoped she would be available.

  • Brohoof 2


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Cunning Horn just sneaked his way into the city of Rockwington and strode along the crowded street of the capital of the Lunar Republic. He stopped in front of a building with a glass sign above the door. The door opened into a dark, wide and low room, filled by smoke and drunken noises. He spotted a fat and dark maned stallion, and patted him on the shoulder. The stallion turned back on him and gaped, "Captain!". His half opened left eye stared at Cunning Horn in awe.

"Aye. Now treat me a drink shall ye Hatcher?" Cunning Horn said as he glaced around the tavern.

"A-aye Captain" Hatcher turned to the bartender, "Two shots 'o rum, and hurry!".

"Nah, belay that! A glass o' rum, and a glass o' apple cider", Cunning Horn waved his hoof at the bartender, "Add some milk on it".

Hatcher chuckled and stared at Cunning Horn, "How did ye get here Captain? I heard the Empire captured ye some weeks ago".

"Ye seems like forget 'eh Hatcher?" He expanded his forelegs, "Who am I?".

Hatcher laughed "Captain Cunning Horn. Of course" He took a sip of his rum and continued, "So what are ye doin here Capt?".

Cunning Horn drunk his cider in a big sip, "Crew. I bet ye know some good ponies here" He said as he showed a pocket of gold coins which he hid in his mane.

"B-but, again? I mean, ye know yer reputation Captain. Ye need some more gold for that".

"I can afford some more, listen--".

The slammed door behind them cut his words. A group of armed ponies trotted inside and filled the room with occasional 'don't move' and 'freeze' to the screaming and confused ponies inside. An unicorn who looked like the leader walked to the center of the room and showed a piece of paper, "We are looking for a criminal named Cunning Horn. We got an information which state that he is here, in this tavern. For any good pony who help us to capture him will get a reward from the Republic" He shouted to the crowd as he showed a large pocket of gold and moved it up and down.

Cunning Horn reached Hatcher with his forelegs, "Grab me hooves, quickly".

"B-but Capt" Hatcher said as he grabbed Cunning Horns hooves.

"OH! Ye scurvy traitor! Betray me for a dang piece of dubloon!" Cunning Horn shouted to Hatcher as he followed the retired quartermaster to the officer in a fake capturing scene.

"Thank you my good man. You just helped the Republic by your good deeds. Here, take the reward" The officer said as he gave the pocket of gold to Hatcher. He gestured two soldiers to grab Cunning Horn and dragged him out of the tavern.

Cunning Horn glanced around the street as he followed the group of soldier with his forelegs grabbed by soldiers on both of his side and his backlegs rubbed against the street lazily. The soldiers took him into the inner wall of the city and dragged him along to the fortress, "Uhm, officer. The prison is right there isn't it?" Cunning Horn pointed to the other side of the fortress inside the wall.

"Correct prisoner, but we are taking you to the Princess. Now move your feet!" The officer replied as he opened the door.

"Ye die now Cunning Horn" Cunning Horn thought as he imagined the figure of the Princess of the Night.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Pinkie Pie:

Pinkie, of course, was staring at the parade. Woosh! Ba-bam! In her mind, it was fun super duper exciting! She needed to get a party for the good work they did!

"HEY, EVERYPONY! GREAT PARADE! IT WAS SUPER DUPER FUN FRAZZLEY EXCITING AND COOL! So, I think we deserve a PARTY  to celebrate!" Pinkie Pie yelled in one breath, but then stopped herself to yell out one more thing - "Step out of the way, Party Cannon!"


Pinkie lit the fuse, and the entire area appeared to...explode? Wait, no, just smoke came around them, and a full on-swing party was in the front, with a banner reading; "That was a really super duper fun parade party!"


Pinkie hopped up on a random stage, touched the mike, and than proceeded to yell:




Then she started singing 'Equestria Girls' in a really hip fashion.


Scootaloo was fascinated by the parade. With wacky moves and crazy twirls, she squinted to spot her idol among them. She couldn't find her, and groaned. She didn't notice the parade was over until Pinkie Pie shot a Party Cannon, and she got a table on top of her. She crawled out, slowly as possible, checked not to have a broken wing. Good, it hurt, but wasn't broken. Then, after grabbing a hay brownie or two, sped off to search for Rainbow Dash.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning Dust watched from afar at Pinkie's crazy party. She wasn't really into parties, but snatched a Fruit Punch from the table. Lightning Dust really didn't mind that she wasn't in the parade - she was a free spirit after all, flying around wherever the wind took her. But she signed up for Solar Empire just to get protected, and so she could risk herself more when inside the New Lunar Republic territory  Besides, she and Rainbow both had a lot in common, and were buds. She didn't wanna face off against the only pegasi she deemed as a 'challenge'.


Lightning Dust then flew off as fast as her wings could take her, and than proceeded to attempt to beat her time between Canterlot and Cloudsdale, drinking her fruit punch along the way. [Her Record: 7 minutes and 36 seconds]


Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Luna paced back and forth. With a headache. Indeed, one of the worst ones that she has had in a long time. They seem to happen spontaneously during times of stress.


"Princess Luna!"


She looked up. "Yes?"


"We have captured Cunning Horn!"


She perked up. "Come in with him, then."


There seemed to be some thumping, and then two guards came and brought him in.


"Hello, there, Cunning Horn. You are probably wondering why you are here."

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The guard released his forelegs and stood right behind Cunning Horn, "Ah. Greetings to ye, Princess of the Night" Cunning Horn touched his eyebrow with his hoof and put his hoof down as he bowed a little in a weird salute. He glanced around the room and found a table with some foods on it, and a large windows in one side of the room. Two guards stood near the door, two stood behind him, and another four stood near the Princess.
"Ye are right Yer Majesty. If I may know why did ye call me here?" He looked at the food table and walked to it slowly. He titled his head a little to the table, "If I may?".

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Luna took a good look at him. He looked thin, but not skin and bones. She thought about it. "You are here to- if you are willing- to help us plan for this war against T- Celestia." She looked at his expression and suppressed a laugh. "Yes, you may eat if you wish. It's not there for display."

Edited by Meta Knight
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"Oh. That's a very kind of ye yer Majesty" Cunning Horn gave another weird salute and observed the table to choice a food. He took a piece of cake and walked to the windows. The found that he was very high from the ground and there were two ropes which extended to another wall of the fortress and some Lunar Republic banner hanged in those ropes. First banner was pretty close from his floor, but another one was too far below him. He took a bite of his cake and turned to Princess Luna, "Pardon yer Majesty? If I may remind ye, I'm Captain Cunning Horn" He extended his forelegs, "Ye know me reputation. Why do ye want me to help ye Princess of the Night?".


((OOC : Yes, he's talking like a pirate. If someone gets curious about his grammar :lol: ))

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Vedana Purity arrived to Canterlot, the main base of the Solar Empire forces. He has returned from a Pilgrimage from the east, and sense of violence and darkness within the air. The wild animals are frightened and scared, Vedana Purity has decided to arrive to Canterlot to sign in to the Mages section, perhaps his guidance and wisdom will prove of importance to Celestia.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Pinkie Pie:


Pinkie Pie was bouncing around when she saw this wicked cool pony she never saw before in front of her! She bounced in front of Vedana with a really big smile on her face.


"Hi there pony I don't know ooh are you coming to sign up because you don't appear to be lunar empire how do I know i'm a general duh I really hope you join the earth pony division because i'm the general and we'll have tons of fun! Then again, twilight's mage division is fun too! Hey, do you want to party with us a parade just happened it was so much fun! Oh and we can make this a WELCOME TO THE SOLAR EMPIRE party! Sounds like fun, huuuuuh? Well what's your name, I'l Pinkamena Diane Responsobility Party Pie, scintific name Pinkius Pieagus, according to silly Twilight, Party Thrower Extrodinare! I'm the element of laughter! Oh, now that I take a closer look, you could be with Dashie. You could be her right-hoof mare! Oh, silyl me, Lightning Dust already has that title. Or was it Scootaloo? Nah, she's her biggest admirer. I;m her second biggest admirer! Oh, to sign up you have to go to Celestia want me to come with you? I can file in a good report saying my friend is super duper fun and fantastic!" Pinkie rambled, saying it in two breaths. She held out a cupcake for Vedana, a huge grin on her face.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning Dust made it back in 5 minutes and 58 seconds, new record, aw yeah! She was a bit hungry so she grabbed a cupcake as she passed.



Scoots still couldn't find Dash!

"RAINBOW DASH! WHERE ARE YOU?" She shouted to the air, hoping she would answer.

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Scoots?" Rainbow Dash's ears perked up as she flew into the air in search of her "Ugh, Pinkie, why did you throw another party?" she asked herself still searching. *I got enough to worry about with the air force in Cloudsdale, and I'm stuck in a party, this won't end well* she said snorting annoyingly.


(bweh, long post didin't save from yesterday, just gonna wing it :L)




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Pinkie Pie:


Pinkie Pie was bouncing around when she saw this wicked cool pony she never saw before in front of her! She bounced in front of Vedana with a really big smile on her face.


"Hi there pony I don't know ooh are you coming to sign up because you don't appear to be lunar empire how do I know i'm a general duh I really hope you join the earth pony division because i'm the general and we'll have tons of fun! Then again, twilight's mage division is fun too! Hey, do you want to party with us a parade just happened it was so much fun! Oh and we can make this a WELCOME TO THE SOLAR EMPIRE party! Sounds like fun, huuuuuh? Well what's your name, I'l Pinkamena Diane Responsobility Party Pie, scintific name Pinkius Pieagus, according to silly Twilight, Party Thrower Extrodinare! I'm the element of laughter! Oh, now that I take a closer look, you could be with Dashie. You could be her right-hoof mare! Oh, silyl me, Lightning Dust already has that title. Or was it Scootaloo? Nah, she's her biggest admirer. I;m her second biggest admirer! Oh, to sign up you have to go to Celestia want me to come with you? I can file in a good report saying my friend is super duper fun and fantastic!" Pinkie rambled, saying it in two breaths. She held out a cupcake for Vedana, a huge grin on her face.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning Dust made it back in 5 minutes and 58 seconds, new record, aw yeah! She was a bit hungry so she grabbed a cupcake as she passed.



Scoots still couldn't find Dash!


"RAINBOW DASH! WHERE ARE YOU?" She shouted to the air, hoping she would answer.

(..Dude you are...AMAZING as Pinkie Pie!! XD)


Vedana jumped slighty as the blind unicorn did not expect this Pink Earth Pony appear out of nowhere. Vedana sweat dropped slightly trying to decode everything she just said into slower detail. "Y-Y-yes I am joining the Solar Empire actually my dear. My name is Vedana Purity at your service." The blind unicorn bowed respectfully, his ears suddenly perked up when the blind unicorn heard Pinkie name. "Wait...THE Pinkie pie, oh my dear I simply ADORE your cupcakes and parties, even though I havn't been to one before, but I have heard that many ponies enjoy your parties!" Vedana Complimented her greatly with a warm smile.


"Well i thought Army Division have specific race selections...Buut since your hear, I guess you just changed my mind to join the Earth Pony squad."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Pinkie Pie & Lightning Dust:

[i'm good at being random :P]


"Yupsetero Dashie! Oh, right, I think Celestia summoned you! I think it was for a party or something..." Pinkie said with a smile, but then her tail started twitching.


"OUT OF THE WAY!" She yelled, pushing Dash aside as Bon-Bon knocked over her potted plant on top of canterlot castle, it would of hit dash but her twitchy tail made sure of that.


"Sorry!" Bon Bon yelled.


"I think scoots wants you to teach her a few moves!" Pinkie told Dashie with a grin.


Pinkie turned back to Vedana, who agreed to join her squad. "Well, yes, but i'm sure I can convince Celestia you have enough bulk to join my squad! We'll have a super duper fun time! Alright, generals and Princess Celestia have the right to accept ponies...SO CONGRAZZLES YOU'RE ON MY SQUAD! Omigosh i've never been so excited in my whole life well except for the time I wen-" Pinkie said, just to get a hoof in the mouth by a passing Lightning Dust.


"Pinkie...we already have enough to worry about 'sides yout ramblings. Well, good job on getting on her squad kid, just don't get her sad, okay? It gives us more to worry about...she's dangerous when sad. And goes a bit...psycho. I'm going to go attempt my Fly-Around-Solar-Empire-Territory-Plus-Badlands course, so see ya', I guess." Lightning told the group and dashed off.


"Hey! You forgot your cupcake!" Pinkie called after Lightning, but Lightning couldn't hear her, so she just shrugged and gulped the cupcake down.





"Oh, well, um, uh, hi, Dash!" Scootaloo blushed. "As Pinkie said...Could you show me a few moves? Or could we just..um..hang out? As sisters? Pleasssseeee? I'll help in your general duty!" Scootaloo asked dash, putting on the cutest face possible.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Pinkie Pie & Lightning Dust:

[i'm good at being random :P]


"Yupsetero Dashie! Oh, right, I think Celestia summoned you! I think it was for a party or something..." Pinkie said with a smile, but then her tail started twitching.


"OUT OF THE WAY!" She yelled, pushing Dash aside as Bon-Bon knocked over her potted plant on top of canterlot castle, it would of hit dash but her twitchy tail made sure of that.


"Sorry!" Bon Bon yelled.


"I think scoots wants you to teach her a few moves!" Pinkie told Dashie with a grin.


Pinkie turned back to Vedana, who agreed to join her squad. "Well, yes, but i'm sure I can convince Celestia you have enough bulk to join my squad! We'll have a super duper fun time! Alright, generals and Princess Celestia have the right to accept ponies...SO CONGRAZZLES YOU'RE ON MY SQUAD! Omigosh i've never been so excited in my whole life well except for the time I wen-" Pinkie said, just to get a hoof in the mouth by a passing Lightning Dust.


"Pinkie...we already have enough to worry about 'sides yout ramblings. Well, good job on getting on her squad kid, just don't get her sad, okay? It gives us more to worry about...she's dangerous when sad. And goes a bit...psycho. I'm going to go attempt my Fly-Around-Solar-Empire-Territory-Plus-Badlands course, so see ya', I guess." Lightning told the group and dashed off.


"Hey! You forgot your cupcake!" Pinkie called after Lightning, but Lightning couldn't hear her, so she just shrugged and gulped the cupcake down.





"Oh, well, um, uh, hi, Dash!" Scootaloo blushed. "As Pinkie said...Could you show me a few moves? Or could we just..um..hang out? As sisters? Pleasssseeee? I'll help in your general duty!" Scootaloo asked dash, putting on the cutest face possible.

(Well don't you dare lose your random! XD)


Vedana simply chuckled on the way Pinkie pie acted, and the comment on being called a 'kid', "I see now. Hahahahaha, well I do like the crazy type of mares, I assure you I will not allow any pony to harm my new general." The blind unicorn informed Lightening Dust, turning to Pinkie pie with a warm smile.

Since lightening Dust left, Vedana had a serious face, "Now my dear Pinkie, I must ask your request to join you in meeting with Princess Celestia, something terrible is about to happen, I can sense it. The wildlife are frightened, and this." Vedana showed pinkie Pie a petrified rabbit, clinging onto Vedana with its dear life. "This is cause of what is happening." The blind unicorn sung a lullaby to soothe the rabbit soul, which did work.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Valkyrie wandered the streets of Rockwington aimlessly. She had only joined the Luna republic so she could get revenge on the tyrant Celestia. But as she wandered the streets, it seemed like that would not happen, she had been considered far to aggressive and violent and after only one little skirmish she had been sent back Rockwington. It really didn't make much sense to her.
"Why does it matter how I kill them?" she muttered to herself.

She spotted a tavern and decided it would be best to get some booze in her. She slowly made her way towards it, half dragging her hind legs with each step.

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Vedana Purity's ears perked up when he saw a clerk trotting fast towards him with a letter. "For me? Thank you." The blind unicorn opened up the letter, and placed his hoof on the piece of paper, reading the words with his hoof. "Hmmm, it appears I am to be summoned anyway by Princess Celestia. Well I must not keep her waiting."


The Blind Unicorn nodded to his general Pinkie Pie as Vedana Purity trots up the gate where two Royal Guard stood watched. They smiled at Vedana, as they knew him well for tending to their needs and emotional problems. "Greeting Master Vedana, her highness is expecting you?" One of the guards asked him politely, Vedana chuckled and showed the letter of summoning. The guards smiled and opened the main gate, "Come on in Sir, a pleasure to see you again."


"And to you two I am sure, keep up the good work." Vedana complimented the guards, as the blind unicorn makes his way inside, wearing his Kung Fu uniform of Inner Peace (http://img2.mlstatic.com/s_MLM_v_O_f_2710513153_052012.jpg this) with his straw hat (http://images.wikia.com/kungfupanda/images/4/4c/LWSword.jpg this) making his way slowly to Princess Celestia.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Pinkie Pie:


Pinkie Pie had already recieved her letter, so she popped up behind Verdana.


"Hey, Tia, it's me, Pinkie! I heard that you wanted my up here so yeah this is my new guy I hope you can let him in we'll have SOOOO much fun!

Anyway...what do you need? Ooh! Are we raiding? Lightning and Rainbow and Scoots would LOVE to raid! Lightning is always yellinga bout no action around here, i'd you clear her up!" Pinkie rambled. "Anyway, whatcha need?"


Lightning Dust:

Lightning has already made her way to Stallingrod, and made a turn toward Manehatten.



Scoots was still making that face to her idol.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Valkyrie wandered the streets of Rockwington aimlessly. She had only joined the Luna republic so she could get revenge on the tyrant Celestia. But as she wandered the streets, it seemed like that would not happen, she had been considered far to aggressive and violent and after only one little skirmish she had been sent back Rockwington. It really didn't make much sense to her.

"Why does it matter how I kill them?" she muttered to herself.

She spotted a tavern and decided it would be best to get some booze in her. She slowly made her way towards it, half dragging her hind legs with each step.

"General" Applejack sat at the bar in Rockwington sipping some hard apple cidar. She had just delivered it from what was left of Sweet Apple Acres. While she was there she decided to have a cup or two or five. This damn war was all wrong. One of her sisters best friends, Scootaloo had left with Rainbow Dash for solar territory. It left all three of them heart broken. But young ones often suffered for the mistakes of their care takers. As for herself, she just couldn't leave Rarity or Fluttershy here alone. Big Mac had already joined the Lunar forces as a Col. and it broke her heart that he would be fighting and killing possible former friends. She couldn't disagree with his reasoning. She also believed in Lunas way of ruling. She agreed there should be no second class for griffons, dragons, etc regardless how unsavory they may be. Applejack held a crumpled piece of paper in her hoof and sighed.

It was a letter from Princess Luna. Since Applejack was the element of Honesty and a general Element bearer in general, she wanted her to lead her ground forces. The entire Lunar Infantry and support staff all at her command. If she took the job, there was no way she could avoid fighting and killing ponies she knew. She may even end up in conflict with Rainbow, Twilight or Pinkie. THe thought made her sick and she took another long swing of the cider.

Though the Battle for Ponyville was on going, Sweet Apple Acres was a warzone. She hated what the Solars had done. Why couldn't they just leave us in peace? She laid her head down on the bar table and let her hat slide over her face.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Luna watched him eat for a bit, and then stated, "We have heard of your brilliance and would appreciate you to assist us with strategy..." She closed her eyes and sighed. "We am sorry you were treated as a criminal by the guards... from what we've heard, you are one in the Solar Empire, so we decided to bring you to us as one, so that we may catch Celestia off guard to hear you were serving for us, after hearing reports that you were executed."

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Wavering was heading to the Medical Centre at Canterlot early in the morning, it seemed like the on going battle for Ponyville had been leaving more wounded than they expected, even if it was nothing too bad it was a priority to treat the wounded as fast as possible to keep the pressure going and avoid infections, they didn't have enough staff and Wavering noticed it everytime he passed by the structure, either way he put on his earbuds with a chilling music, calm is what people most needed at the time.


A guard stopped him by the entrance of the Centre. "Doctor Wavering?" "That would be me, what's the problem?" Said Wavering trying to get pass him but failing. "Your Highness, needs of your presence as soon as possible". Wavering stopped trying and took off one of his earbuds and looked to the guard directly. "I understand, if you could wait here a moment I would appreciate it, I have something to do here first." The guard nodded and letted him pass.


Wavering trotted to the Emergency Room and the receptionist inmediatly approached him "Doctor! thanks Celestia you are here, we need-" "I know, I've been noticing that for the last couple of days, but believe me I will come here and help  but right now it seems like  our Princess needs me for something, I don't know why but as soon as I get out of there I'll come here to help....as long as she doesnt want me for something more important..." Said Wavering interrupting the receptionist and lowering his voice at the end. He then headed to the main entrance again to meet with the guard.


"Ok, I'm ready now, if you would be so kind to show me the way, we could get there faster," Wavering put on his earbud again playing a song that made him feel in a rush "Well, this IS interesting" he thought to himself as he walked towards the castle with the guard.


((Sorry for the late post, again me being lazy :I ))

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Whirlwind sat alone in the corner of a Tavern outside of Canterlot with a flagon full of ale in his hoof and a pile of gold on the table, his last job for the solar empire went well and he was paid handsomely for his efforts, and that just how he liked it.

"Ah... barkeep another plz" he said and he finished the flagon in his hand and glared at the pony who were eye him... or more so his gold.

"that's a fair bit of gold you have there, care to gamble some away?" one the the ponies drunkenly grumbled as he twirled a small dagger in his hand

"no I'm good i did enough gambling earlier, and i recon you have nothing to offer me" replied Whirlwind as he flipped some gold toward the bar keep. and then proceed the place his Rapier in the table "in case you want to bet you life instead" he said with a cold stare at the pony who back away and left the bar, the threat may have been unnecessary but its better yo avoid the risk entirely rather then think 'maybe'.


he returned to his room at the inn to rest and sober up for yet another day of war.

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Princess Celestia:

Colonel Steeleye had arrived with his attributed prompt timing. He had come in and immeadiately kneeled before her, bowing in the manner most of her subject did. A small sigh escaped her lips at this, drawing worried looks from her entourage. Dismissing their fears with a simple wave of her forehoof, she spoke softly. "Colonel Steeleye," She said with a quiet yet very audible tone. "I appreciate your loyalty and service to our Kingdom, but I ask you to stand. I would like to see your face, as I have heard much about you." Steeleye had risen to his feet with blinding speed, gracefully unfolding his legs in one smooth motion as he presented his eyes to her. After a moments examination, the Princess gave a smile and nodded her appreciation. "Much of what I have been told is true," she commented. "But  perhaps they were a little too... stingy when describing your better qualities. I hope to see the bravery and determination you possess in the coming days Colonel."


At this point her other summoned guests began to arrive in the audience room. Pinkie Pie's reliably cheerful antics brought a smile to the Princess's lips. She loved each of the Elements dearly as a friend could, even those who now fought against her. This was the same with Luna and taken a step further by the sisterhood they shared. It did mildly suprise Celestia to see Vedana Purity in Pinkie's company. In terms of pure energy they were polar opposites, one quite and thoughtful while the other was loud and boisterous. Pinkie's inquiry and rambling made her giggle, politely muffled behind her left forehoof.


"Of course he can join Pinkie," Celestia responded. "He's always been a wonderful pony to have around and I know several of my personal guard owe him many thank-you's." She turned her head to Vedana and widened her smile. "I asked you both here today to talk of a matter of great importance. Once the other ponies I have invited are present, we will begin." Thought she intentionally neglected to say what the meeting was about, she continued on. "Please, all of you, come over by me and sit. Refreshments are always there for my friends." Indeed, a number of cushioned chairs and small tables were nestled close around the throne, where all could easily see her and char. On the tables fruits and treats both simple and exotic were presented. "I do wish more ponies would simply come by to chat. At least the fruit doesn't go to waste each evening. The castle cook loves to make jams and treats for the soldiers."


Her attention was drawn to the door where Wavering Bass had just arrived, accompanied by a castle guard. "Thank you for coming Doctor Bass," she said. "It is a pleasure to have you in attendance. Many of my consultants say you are a fine doctor, much in demand as of late, unfortunate as that is. Come, sit by my throne. You are the last guest I can reasonably expect, so let us begin."

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Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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