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My parents want me out of the fandom. I might be saying goodbye someday soon.*


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Don't make yourself vulnerable to being put down. Be assertive and defend yourself. I am going through the same thing right now. My mom caught me with my Rarity shirt and said "That's babyish." I countered with "Babyish yeah right! Look at the words!" My Rarity shirt said "Oh...it is on!". I'm still fighting to stay in. I just went to Hot Topic today and got myself an mlp belt, which I promised myself, I was not going to wear it until I get back to college. I even left my Rainbow Dash hoodie in my dorm room. 


But let's get something straight: Nobody, absolutely nobody can change who you are...but you. You want to be a brony and I completely understand that. Your parents are just ignorant of the fandom and are biased like most haters. My mom is biased as well. My dad said it is childish, but he also said "Do whatever, but be warned, people may treat you the way you don't want to be treated". 


Be a brony for as long as you want, if that's your decision, then it is. It is just plain ignorance like just about every other situation. 

  • Brohoof 2
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You're 17 years old.


You should be mature enough to decide what you can like or not.


They should be mature enough to accept your choices involving your likes and dislikes.


Just tell 'em you like ponies, and you won't change that just because it displeases them. 



  • Brohoof 2




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Yes, the good old "You have to be confident, always be yourself, don't change for other people, be proud of what you do ... As long as it fits how we want you to be.". Many parents do this, and while they probably mean it well, it can be very damaging and hypocritical.


But what surprises me is the part about friends. I mean, you can do it, as long as your friends are doing it? What? I mean, really, what? You can be individual, as long as you fall in line and go with the crowd, wherever it's going?

I don't agree, but I understand why conservative parents who want their kids to stop watching because they think it makes the gay (Yeah, those people exist) do it, but this sounds like your parents want to make you into a nice little mindless drone.


Sure, I definitely don't know all the variables and your parents, but I think this is kind of a situation where you shouldn't just nod and do it, even if your parents say so.

  • Brohoof 3


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Be a man and tell'em to piss off.


Ok I'm cooled down now.

You are your own person, They can't and shouldn't be controlling you.

You are a human being with your own thoughts feeling and beliefs. Who are they to tell you what you can and can't like.

Granted, they are your parent's, but being a brony is harmless.


"If your friends aren't doing it."

That right there is the biggest load of shit i've ever heard in my entire life.

I'm sure at one point in your life you've asked for something your friend had and they said "no you can't get that." Or. "I dont care if your friend has one/is doing it i said no."


My immediate response tho that would have been. "Ok then. My friend smokes meth, does that make it ok to smoke meth then."


Again, they shouldn't be telling you what you can and cannot like. Especially if its something a harmless as a fandom. 

  • Brohoof 2

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Tell your parents how this whole situation makes you feel. If your dad has some decency in him, he'll realize that this is cruel and he has the dumb.

  • Brohoof 1

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Okay, so I'd just gotten back from fencing (it's a club at out school), and my parents were leaving for the weekend. My dad came out and said, I thought jokingly, that he didn't want me "associating myself with bronies" anymore. I laughed (somewhat forced, for obvious reasons) and said "Nice try, dad, I know you're joking with me." to which he responded, and I quote, "I kind of wasn't." then went on to say "If your friends aren't doing it." Our conversation went on to them leaving and my responsibilities, so we left the brony topic.


Okay, if it wasn't obvious enough, let me spell it out: my parents, especially my dad, not only dissapprove of me being a brony, but they want me to change who I am. I know I've already written about them being dissapproving of the show and getting merchandise from it, but this is completely different. Now they're outright telling me I need to stop being a brony. And if I don't...there's no doubt in my mind they'll force me to stop, by any means possible.


Just reflecting on this incident really brings some questions to mind.


First, isn't this contradicting what they've told me about being confident and being myself?


Secondly, is this in any way right? Seriously, is it?


The third question related to a friend of mine, who is somewhat of a hater like my parents. The thing is, he hasn't seen the show yet, so I have a small advantage. The problem lies in not only the presentation of the show, but also how to bring it up and respond to any comments or questions he might ask. He's coming over today to hang out, and I'm beginning to question whether or not to show the show to him. This is a very delicate situation, which could determine my future. But at the same time, it feels like a "now or never" kind of situation. My biggest problem here is that I feel scared to show him the show because, if it wasn't bad enough that he could have his hatred furthered, it's also that his reaction, like I said, could determine what happens next. I hate that it's really come down to this, but it seems as though it has and there's no way to change that.


So I really need some help here. Otherwise, I might be leaving the fandom, against my will no less. Although, to be honest, I might have no chance considering the circumstances.

I hate that if your friends arent doing it attitude. You are such an amazing person would be sad if you would be leaving the fandom. I hope you can find some way to explain to your parents how much you like being a brony. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Maybe there is a bigger issue and attacking the show is a way for him to vent?  Just a possible reason.  The best thing you can do is keep communication open.  If you don't, his dislike of a show could turn into a miserable time for you everyday.


I would ask him to explain why he doesn't want you to watch the show.  Tell him you'll listen and let him talk as long as he does the same while you explain your reasons.  This way you'll know exactly what the deal is and can go from there with no regrets. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Just tell them to fuck off...

You need Iron Will (Me!) to teach you how to get your way!

Just tell them that it's what you like and that they can't stop you.

If they take internet or computer away just tell them that you will go to an internet cafe.

Trust me if you need advice just say I'm always here...

  • Brohoof 1

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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that is nice that you dont want tis member of the community, but it is a sign of dissrespect to disobey your parnets its not cool. i listen to my parents and i am still a pretty cooll person. thoough it is not fair to be forced to like or dilike something you should still respect and love your parnets. because family is always there for you no matter what

 Respectfully disagreeing with this. Some parents are tyrants and frankly you don't how his parent are to him. The world is not a place where everyone's parents love them like yours do you. Its good to know you have those kinds of parents but some parents in this world drive their own children away, drive them to suicide, etc.


I say to the OP here its time to cowboy up partner. If they want to play that game, you play it right back. Stop talking to them, stop socializing with them. Make them see that something is clearly wrong and when they ask what it is you tell them. Tell them about the money we raised for the childrens hospital. Tell them about the other things we do for ourselves and others. Tell them that you love them so much but you beg them to not make you give up something you adore and makes you so happy. Remind them that kids these days have it tough and out of all the things you could be into, its a community that teach tolerance, friendship and being a better person.


If this fails, then sadly I would say to you what no person wants to hear but if its for the sake of your mental stability, then do so...go back in the closet as a brony and enjoy the show when and where you can. As a parent I would be pretty pissed for my kid to go against my wishes, but then again, I have open communication with my daughter and we talk things out. Good luck to you partner and from the Southern USA to you, good luck.

  • Brohoof 5

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hmm aren't you at an age where you are to take decisions of your own? Like why would your parents tell you what to do at such age. Ok look - with growing up there are more important things and responsibilities. So if you are doing something MLP related every now and then, like to the level of obssession, then perhaps you need to go lighter on that, but if you are only expressing this as one of the hobby you have among other interests, well then what's the freaking problem with that?

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Oh...and on the "If your friends aren't doing it" part....I had to laugh....If your friends were doing crack and drinking and driving, would that be cool with him because they were doing it? I mean come on. "Yes my boy, peer pressure is a good thing to cave into and you should never strive to be different" Fuck that. You are almost 18 years old dude. As I said, Cowboy the hell up. Watch some Die Hard movies....it'll help.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Normally I would say that you should never disobey your parents, but I'm willing to make an exception here. For one thing, this is a television show that you enjoy and is not inappropriate whatsoever. Another thing, this community is built upon respect for other people, now why would that ever be a bad thing. Finally, as long as watching the show isn't interfering with your school work or other responsibilities then what's the problem. My advice, keep enjoying the show somewhat secretly or stand up to your parents and explain to them why there is no harm in being apart of this fandom.

  • Brohoof 2

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Just do you what you need to do. I'm not really aware of what's really going on, but I guess you need to stand your ground and let things work out themselves. 

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 3



Your breath stinks.

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You should literally most definitely tell him to fuck off. You shouldn't have to change yourself for anyone, not even your parents. The fact that your own father wants you to change for none other than himself shows how flawed of a being he is. Call him out on his flaws and accuse him of being hypocritical. If all else fails then simply deny that bronies are intolerable or simply say no.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

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Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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On another forum where we weren't getting a long, and I can be quite impulsive to trolling and such nonsense, there were bronies. With the bronies - always get along, always mannered, we were forum friends. That much is the power of this show, it can bring people together and to get along. If for your parents smoking weed and drinking heavily is better tell them - okay daddy I go smoke dat weed, since you have a prob with my innocent TV show watching..

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Don't leave if they are forcing you too. You should only leave if you want to leave. Now about your friend. I have hater friends who haven't seen the show either. I do plan on having a few of them watch it, but only at the right time. Explain your situation maybe and see if he's willing to watch it just so he understands what's going on. But don't force it upon him. If you do, his hatred will grow. I hope everything works out for you

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Keep it a secret. Say your over it. (But in truth you aren't.)


Be less open about it.


You see there's a thing called lying.


I don't tell very many people about things a like. 

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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you 17 years old right

do you father have any idea what 17 years old kids do these days


but i wander if there any other side to the story

do you buy lots of MLP things, and wist to mach money , do you act weird , do MLP make you stay away from others hobby (but you go to club that good


i want to know what his point of view

why watching cartoon worst thin


Drags , sex , porn , alcohol , gangs , dangers sport like fencing


i can't say any thing till i know what his point of view


and you 17 years old  act like it

if you was 14-15 just do as you mom and dad say but 17 !


they must treat like an adult now, and you must make them know that you not kid

af they want you to stop do same thing tell me way

Edited by almozayaf
  • Brohoof 1
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that is nice that you dont want tis member of the community, but it is a sign of dissrespect to disobey your parnets its not cool. i listen to my parents and i am still a pretty cooll person. thoough it is not fair to be forced to like or dilike something you should still respect and love your parnets. because family is always there for you no matter what

This is not the case. Did you not read about his family telling him off? They obviously are not there for him and do not deserve respect.

  • Brohoof 2


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you 17 years old right

do you father have any idea what 17 years old kids do these days


but i wander if there any other side to the story

do you buy lots of MLP things, and wist to mach money , do you act weird , do MLP make you stay away from others hobby (but you go to club that good


i want to know what his point of view

why watching cartoon worst thin


Drags , sex , porn , alcohol , gangs , dangers sport like fencing


i can't say any thing till i know what his point of view


and you 17 years old  act like it

if you was 14-15 just do as you mom and dad say but 17 !


they must treat like an adult now, and you must make them know that you not kid

af they want you to stop do same thing tell me way


On the contrary, they make a distinct effort (and I can't emphasize that enough) to make sure I know they "They're up here, and I'm down here" (Simply put it, they're explaining dominance over me).


To answer your questions, first, no, I don't have any MLP merchandise, nor do I waste any money (I actually tend to save it a bit too much). The last time I tried to ask for MLP stuff...Let's just say it didn't go well (or this: http://mlpforums.com/topic/43464-i-tried-asking-my-parents-for-a-rainbow-dash-plushhangs-head/). Next, I don't act weird, per say, but remember that weird is subjective (in other words, I'm normal as the friends my parents seem to enjoy comparing me to). Lastly, no, MLP does not make me stay away from other hobbies, although my dad said once when discussing social opportunities, and I quote, "It'll get you away from...(listing of things), and your bronies", which just enraged me deep down.


I don't know what to say anymore.

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Drags , sex , porn , alcohol , gangs , dangers sport like fencing


I'm sorry, but fencing, with proper gear and precaution, is no more dangerous than most major sports. I'd know, because it used to be a hobby of mine. 


Edited by Regality
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I'm sorry, but fencing, with proper gear and precaution, is no more dangerous than most major sports. I'd know, because I used to be a hobby of mine. 



And we do use proper gear, consisting of a jacket (with protective material in the front for protection), a mask, and blades that are either dulled (in the case of cutting swords like the saber), or have a rubber stopper on them (in the case of stabbing swords like the Foil or Epee). Also, that's where a lot of bronies are, so really I just don't understand my parents' arguments. I swear, a person they well know and think well of is a brony, and when I told them about it, they just didn't seem to know what to say. I'm assuming they've changed their opinion on him now. All because of a TV show.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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so did he gave you a good resen why not to watch it


do he think nuked horses is bad for you :D


ask him way it just don't make since


is it magic i know same parents don;r want magic show or movies in the house )


in my country i;m the only one who know the show :D no arab fans for the show yet

so mabe ..


PS : i read the other topic

i think you father point you not man if you watch MLP


these is stupid


and he fear what others will think about you


let me say that

i'm (31) years old and i use to think that way thin i find out ill die with out the things i realy like


life is so short to live it like other peoples want , and life so short to don't live it the way you want


you know what just ignor him and YOLO


you don't do any thing wrong

dame it other kids do drags sex join gang bullies and to many other things

you father lucky to have you


by the way you don't do any one of these things right

Edited by almozayaf
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