SilverStarApple 849 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I want to become a Let's Player, and make Let's Plays and Playthroughs of games. I don't have any of the capture card I need yet, so I'll be stuck making GBA Let's Plays. I won't be able to do DS ones, becuase my Laptop is so old that it can barely handle a GBA emulator, and it can only record a GBA game for about a few minutes befor eI have to stop, turn the laptop off, let it cool down for a few hours, and continue. I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 (edited) Well if your computer is that old i can see why youd do GBA games. You could record a couple of minutes and then come backand record more, and then edit it and upload it once a week. Edited January 2, 2013 by darklord260 "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zacharias 191 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 You should try to take the cover off and see if there's too much dust in me, having a little cleanup in there can be a real lifesaver for laptops. If you can sorta record GBA games you should also consider other older platforms like NES, Master System, Genesis, SNES because they are easier to emulate. Your signature is harmful towards the rights of Hasbro, and has been terminated as a result. You have the obligation to accept this. Do you accept it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Random fact about sonic acording to a complex mathmatical equation, sonics max speed was 10 meters per second, marios max speed was 20 metres per second. 1 "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 (edited) If you're gonna make a let's play make sure that you got a good quality mic, and it doesn't sound like this. If it sounds like that get a new one. Also try not to do boring commentary like this. *Picks up item* ok got that... *silence* *walks* *gets another item* ok... got that too That's just boring and un-interesting, unfortunately it seems most let's plays seem to do that mistake, but try not too :3 Also linked to what I just said, try not to be shy and awkward, if you feel that way, the viewer will likely feel that way too. (Like that video I posted, the person in that video was being obviously awkward) Edited January 2, 2013 by Crazy Misty 3 siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Another good tip: if you have no subject just yell titties and give a reason why also if their is a cutscene of important conversation then you should try to remain silent. 1 "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 (edited) Well, good luck with your goal, and getting the right equipment and everything. It can be fun to be a Let's Player. If I can throw a little advice your way... Try to make it interesting. I've never seen a Let's Play video I really liked. If it's not a guy with a bad mic or a super-annoying voice, it's the master of the obvious CrazyMisty described, who just vocalizes everything he's doing because he can't think of anything else to say. "All right, I should save my game now...I'm walking up to the, uh, save icon...let's see, what name should I save under? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I'll do...BoringDude94." Edited January 2, 2013 by TailsAlone 3 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Well, good luck with your goal, and getting the right equipment in everything. It can be fun to be a Let's Player. If I can throw a little advice your way... Try to make it interesting. I've never seen a Let's Play video I really liked. If it's not a guy with a bad mic or a super-annoying voice, it's the master of the obvious CrazyMisty described, who just vocalizes everything he's doing because he can't think of anything else to say. "All right, I should save my game now...I'm walking up to the, uh, save icon...let's see, what name should I save under? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I'll do...BoringDude94." Indeed, a lot of people take let's playing for granted, it's actually really tough work. unless you're like PewDiePie and just scream every 5 seconds 2 siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Well, good luck with your goal, and getting the right equipment in everything. It can be fun to be a Let's Player. If I can throw a little advice your way... Try to make it interesting. I've never seen a Let's Play video I really liked. If it's not a guy with a bad mic or a super-annoying voice, it's the master of the obvious CrazyMisty described, who just vocalizes everything he's doing because he can't think of anything else to say. "All right, I should save my game now...I'm walking up to the, uh, save icon...let's see, what name should I save under? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I'll do...BoringDude94." Wow, if all your youtubers ars like that i feel bad for you you should try game grumps. They have one of the best overall fanbases. And their funny. 2 "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Wow, if all your youtubers ars like that i feel bad for you you should try game grumps. They have one of the best overall fanbases. And their funny. I want to make sweet love to you for saying that xD (I'm actually surprised their fanbase doesn't suck yet.) >Shameless self promotion but I don't care :333 siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunbro 4 Lyfe 939 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Another favs of mine (WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?!?!?!) would be chuggaconroy and official nerdcubed. Nerdcubed, whilst not alieng making the funniest of comments and remark, will alway have something to talk about. And in 720p. 2 "You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I want to become a Let's Player, and make Let's Plays and Playthroughs of games. I don't have any of the capture card I need yet, so I'll be stuck making GBA Let's Plays. I won't be able to do DS ones, becuase my Laptop is so old that it can barely handle a GBA emulator, and it can only record a GBA game for about a few minutes befor eI have to stop, turn the laptop off, let it cool down for a few hours, and continue. I'd watch, you just need to make sure you have lots of energy and passion when you talk, otherwise it drones of forever and I just go back to looping "Discord" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverStarApple 849 January 2, 2013 Author Share January 2, 2013 Don't worry, I'll have plenty of passion, and energy, and manliness. Do you think it'd be funny if I occasionally talked in the voices of the characters I sound like? Like one moment, I'd be all, "It's time to b-b-b-b-b-battle!", and the next I'd be all, "Pokemon battling is such a draaag", and the next I'd be all, "Yeah! Thunderbolt, critical hit! Whoo! Bonk!" I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twistdapony 31 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I'd like to see your Let's Plays if you have a channel or somessuch already made up. I love watching them! If you need some recommendations I can offer you a bunch for GBC/GBA! ^^ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie D Pie 1,036 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Well I have learned in my lessons that it is rather hard to do stuff like this. I recently started doing let's plays this year with a pokemon one dedicated to the forums. I barely have any equipment or anything... I simply use Fraps, Bandicam(Free trial), and upload using Windows Live Movie Maker. My tips would be you might want some good equipment before you start. Also what are you using to record, if you are using Bandicam(the free trial or whatever) then make sure you get good at synching the audio and and the game. It doesn't matter if you use something like Fraps which does both at the same time. Also don't be boring. That's one of the problems with many Let's Players, they are boring the whole time and just do whatever they can to try to make it exciting. If you run out of things to say, don't just start saying what you are doing because it's not a tutorial for the game, it's a fun playthough of a game with commentary that is usually meant to be funny. Well that is all I got, if any of it helped. My OC's Shadow Stalker/Aarod Brachuin/Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 My laptop is from like 2005, it handles GBA emulators like a pro. It can kind of handle DS ones. It rocks with N64 ones, and I can easily record PC games. Plus my PC has a built in microphone and webcam. I recommend getting one like I have, it wasn't very expensive and it really works well for gaming. (My PC was about $660, it has 3 GB RAM, two CPUs, an 3100 Radeon graphics card, and HD audio, it's a Toshiba, and it runs Windows 7 Home Premium) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silent Beat 33 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 You can also try playing some internet weird games just for fun until you get a lot of viewers, save some money and then maybe you could buy a new computer that can handle ds games! a lot of people enjoy watching Let's play happy wheels and slendermen, but is up to you, Good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
truemlp_fan98 20 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I think if you're doing the Lets Plays videos Yyou just gotta do your very best with what the equipment that you have, not everyone can be PewDiePie or machinima Gaming channels, you just gotta work and do your best. That is my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 You can also try playing some internet weird games just for fun until you get a lot of viewers, save some money and then maybe you could buy a new computer that can handle ds games! a lot of people enjoy watching Let's play happy wheels and slendermen, but is up to you, Good luck! No offence but those are over done to death. Anyway, I'm speaking from person preference here, but I prefer it when let's players play older games/games from their childhood, since there's usually more to commentate. 1 siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 Let's playing is actually quite hard, people think its just OH LETS SPEAK ABOUT STUFF DERHER, its really quite hard you have to be talking very consistently(Long silence is a no no for let's plays) I did some commentary's and tried to start a few let's plays in my days, but one of my biggest problems was I could never commit to finishing the game I started. So it ultimately failed. (I guess I still was pretty successful in the type I spent on youtube, I got a couple thousand views laying on my older videos.) You have to be very passionate, it helps if you truly love the game your playing of course, it also helps to be a good at talking to yourself(Its kinda true ) Don't be to weirded out by the fact that you feel like your talking to yourself(I talk to myself sometimes anyways, ok kinda often .) Just imagine your sorta a standup comedian or a talkshow host or something of that sort speaking to a crowd and it should be easier. Also of course don't be captain obvious or the person who speaks very quietly and very rarely, you want to speak as much and as often as possible, except if something very important is happening that you need to be quiet for(Some commentators like to stay quiet during cut scenes some don't sorta preference) Also you may want to exaggerate a bit while commentating, it all really depends on how naturally overeactive you are, but you may have to stretch your reactions a bit to keep things interesting . And also if you feel like your making a fool outta yourself, then chances are your doing a decent job(Depends on the extreme but you may think your commentary sounds stupid while others don't.) Another thing is you may not wanna do something thats a bit overdone, I actually don't have a problem with it because it'll be bad, its just because it'll be harder to get noticed if your doing something that 1 million other people are. Getting a good setup and equipment is pretty key for making videos, you need a good clean clear mic that will not sound like crap you found in your basement(If it is chances are it'll suck) And also try to get a good recording software, I used Fraps and I have a capture card I got for like 90 bucks(Which to be honest I hardly used because this was near the end of my career of youtube pretty much.) And finally quality is pretty important, i'd say its a heck of a lot more important than quantity because if you spam crappy videos they'll only get a few people watching each, plus if your making episode 1 and it sucks chances are nobody is going to go to episode 2, or 3 or so on, basically make good first impressions and keep them interested(PS. Cliff hangers are good, even if they feel cruel ) And if you can make sure you edit good, possibly do whatever necessary cutting needs to be done(Don't cut through the whole game, but do it when you know its necessary.) And make things in as high quality as you can, I know that rendering of high quality videos can take ages(Seriously it takes sometimes like half an hour, then you gotta upload which can be anything depending on internet speed.) Overall if you take your time though your videos will have a better chance, people appreciate when you work on something. Even things like links to the next episode as captions in your videos can help! Also I have to mention feedback, Its up to you what you do because it is YOUR channel, but you should atleast consider feedback, and don't just reject all other opinions, heck even listen to haters who aren't totally trolling you because they may be right and you have to be able to accept critique to improve. As for haters, we're all bronies here so we probably have some form of experience with them, but regardless if they're just flat out haters who are trolling you, block them and ignore them, don't even reply to them as it'll likely be pointless. Now don't block everyone who dislikes your content, theres a difference between haters and people who just dislike something about your videos, not everyone will like you videos. And don't let haters bother you, because infact the more haters you have chances are the more views you have aswell and it also means your becoming known enough that haters are starting to waste their time with you(This is good ) Ok I think thats all I have to say from experience and insight I've collected, I hope it helps!(Sorry its a bit long and a bit rambly ) Good luck with your youtube career, and remember to make sure you really want to do this and that you'll be able to be dedicated, it requires dedication! But if you can dedicate yourself it will help you become much more successful! Again good luck dude! 2 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Avery 29 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I've been planning on doing let's play's ever since i got my new computer, the amount of effort that you need to do to make it entertaining is the problem that i seem to have when making a video. Sure at the minute I'm only starting out with a headset and a few friends around me cracking jokes all the way through, we find them funny but we don't know how other people will react to of humor, but it's so hard to actually do something in a let's play that hasn't already been done. Watch one of our vids to see what I mean (or don't if you are easily offended) Message me privately if you have any ideas and no I am not doing this as self promotion 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverStarApple 849 January 2, 2013 Author Share January 2, 2013 Great advice! I don't use fraps, I use camstudio. However, the emulators I use will usually have built-in .AVI recorders, and I only use camstudio when recording Pokemon Showdown or Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelling Network. And even then, I always add different music onto the soundless audio, and credit the music-makers in the description. Could someone recommend some good GBA games to LP? Or, any games on consoles that will take even less processing power/CPU? I was thinking of doing Let's Plays of various Pokemon hacks, to start off with. I've already got three: One that is harder, one with 4th and 5th gen Pokemon, and one that has Touhou characters instead of Pokemon. Does anypony here know how to hack Pokemon to make it harder and more interesting to watch? Make your own Pokemon Hacks for me to play! I promise I'll credit you in the description of every video of that hack that I upload. Do things like letting me buy UltraBalls from the start, but give all of the gym leader's teams full of 6 powerful Pokemon that still fit the leader's themes. Don't put in level gaps where I need to Level Grind, but make me think, make me use strategy and tactics, and feel free to throw legendary Pokemon into the mix, if it'd mean making the game harder, and more interesting to watch. I'll me using a mic(A good mic) to record my voice as I play, so surprise me! (Without breaking the rules.) I want to go "What?" so many times that my fans will make What Remixes, Stupid Statement Dance Mixes of popular songs! I want Asquerade - What Zone to be my phone ringtone!!! ...And it will, if I ever get a phone. Also, please, tell me where I can find free video-editing software that will work better than Windows Movie Maker Live? I'll need a free one, to start off with, I'll buy an expensive one once I have money to throw around. I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazy Misty 654 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I think you should let's play Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, or Pokemon Fire Red, both are great games, in my opinion, but it's up to you. snip siggy by PixiGlow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezio Auditore 702 January 2, 2013 Share January 2, 2013 I can give you some links to the equipment you need to make good quality let's play's This is a 1080p capture with a button that starts and stops recording (extremely useful) Good quality mic, and you'll need a pop filter which are pretty cheap and all about the same quality. This monitor is great for recording, easy to use, good quality, etc. I wish you luck =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverStarApple 849 January 2, 2013 Author Share January 2, 2013 Thanks for the links, but I won't be buying anything until I've gotten enough money. I'd like to get a decent fanbase before I blow my secret emergency money on something that might not even work. Also, didn't I already say I was going to do Pokemon games? I was saying I'd also do some Pokemon Romhacks, to add some variety, since lots of people do main-series Pokemon Let's Plays. And my offer still stands: Anypony feel like getting into the credits section of my videos for making the romhack I'll play? I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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