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Calling ALL Ponies! Recruiting anypony for RPG Discussion Board :P


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We (RainbowCloud Studios) are creating a MLP:FiM based action RPG called Tales of Equestria (you might've seen us around before, things have changed dramatically again since our last thread)

Development's going great, we've just kicked off after a few long months of planning everything! We've got out Devs, we've got our forums, so all we need now are ponies on the forums to help discussions move on. Our discussions have been pretty slow and even with Skype we still need more opinions on a variety of discussions to help us get the greatest ideas and also move on quickly.




Come join our forums to help us discuss carious elements of our game... please. All you gotta do is be committed and not run away after a week.



We can't just open up the forums for everyone to see. We need to keep everything safe and secret :P already had one spam attack (feel free to send hate to the spammer tokyoshul@exertwheen.com if you see someone called 'tokyoshul' joining up anywhere, be sure to warn admins).

So instead, we're having to recruit people into a discussion board. All you are expected to do is

  1. Be active and dedicated
  2. Discuss and help developers reach conclusions

And in return, you'll be able to see all development going on in our forums (right now you can only see part of this website talesofequestria.mlpforums.com big thanks to Feld0 for that ^-^), we'll include you into our team, you'll be invited into our Skype chat :D and you may include OCs of your choice into the game.

Also you can be in the credits.


Here are our rules of Feld0s and Feld0n'ts.

  • Feld0 be active and helpful on the forums
  • Feld0n't be mean or act in a hateful manner. Unity plays a big part in our team (and it's also the engine we're using hohoho! #gottalovepuns)
  • Feld0 tell us if you're going to be away, we're understanding people :P just notify us before you disappear for a while, we get worried.
  • Feld0n't randomly leave the team without telling us. It's important that I officially remove you from the team list.
  • Feld0 be nice to @Agent505 he's your moderator ;)
  • and a final Feld0n't be shy :P feel free to ask questions! We're a talkative and friendly bunch.

Here's an idea of our game:


It's an action RPG, so don't be thinking Pokemon or Final Fantasy, those have turn based battles. We're going for real time battles, such as the Legend of Zelda series.

The tale is of a newbie Canterlot guard who's on his first day of his job. He's never been to Canterlot or any fancy places, only ever heard of them, so when he arrives he's oblivious to the fact that the whole town and Castle has been taken over by the Eldriquines :o (here's some concept art of a Twilight Sparkle inspired one)


Once he finally figures out what's up - he quickly returns to town,. Only to see his best buddy, who's just a filly, being kidnapped by the evil forces. He goes in to save her, but is simply batted away. Stricken by grief and horror and confusion he flops into the corner of his now destroyed house. Lonely, weak and saddened, he doesn’t know what to do and decides to rest in the only place he feels safe, in his slumber (the fatty that he is, might as well made him eat his way out of depression as well)

The next morning you are awoken by Spike, who tells you what's up. He reignites your desire to save your buddy :D and then your quest begins ;)


I think we've got a good way of telling the story hehehe :P


So if you wish to discuss points on the story, share your knowledge about music and art, or your gaming knowledge, without being completely committed into actually doing anything and also keep updated on an up and coming game, then please sign up. All we want is dedication.


Idle users will be banned, we're looking for people who will continue to help us rather than just pop in once and leave. We don't mean be online every single day, just pop in a couple of times a week, heck, half of us are only online once a week :P


Here's the recruitment section http://talesofequestria.mlpforums.com/forum-17.html :DPlease leave a comment down below!


Remember: Everypony is welcome! All you gotta do is sign up :P

  • Brohoof 3


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This seems like an interesting concept and something I would like to be part of a discussion about. I'm a bit busy tonight with pre-production of the Harbinger Project but tomorrow I can apply to join the discussion thread. So you can count me in. I'll ask our crew from Slick Scribe Studios and Twilight Epiphanies Productions if they want to help out in a discussion thread as well. 


Obsidian Winter

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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This seems like an interesting concept and something I would like to be part of a discussion about. I'm a bit busy tonight with pre-production of the Harbinger Project but tomorrow I can apply to join the discussion thread. So you can count me in. I'll ask our crew from Slick Scribe Studios and Twilight Epiphanies Productions if they want to help out in a discussion thread as well. 


Obsidian Winter

Thanks for the consideration! On behalf of RainbowCloud, we'll happily accept anybody that's willing to be a an active and contributing member to the discussion boards, Thanks for bringing us to the attention of others.^^ Don't forget to sign up on our forums and apply so we'll be able to add you to the development team. - Otty





Guide for Recruitment: http://talesofequestria.mlpforums.com/thread-11.html

Edited by PwnedThisWay
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This seems like an interesting concept and something I would like to be part of a discussion about. I'm a bit busy tonight with pre-production of the Harbinger Project but tomorrow I can apply to join the discussion thread. So you can count me in. I'll ask our crew from Slick Scribe Studios and Twilight Epiphanies Productions if they want to help out in a discussion thread as well.


Obsidian Winter

Yes! ^-^ sounds great! Thanks for asking others as well to join :P we'll need quite a few ponies as we've still got lots of things open to discuss, just not a lot (or even nil) discussion.


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Well, I suck at everything... But i think i can help. SIGN ME UP! (Of course i will sign myself up but...yeah Just gonna be at school  most of the day. I CAN STILL WORK THIS OUT.  I love RPGs. I love ponies. i will sign up!

  • Brohoof 1

PERSONA 4!!!!!!!!

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Hmm, seems pretty cool. I suck at anything like coding (Tried Java, failed miserably) but I sure could help on forums. Sign me up! I will sign up. Sorry, I'm too young (Well that's what it says). Seems like a good game though, I think it will get big quick. One question: Will the game be free for download, because if so then you might end up like MLP : RPG. Hope it won't.

Edited by Blinding Light
  • Brohoof 1


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Not much in the way of actually developing any sort of game,but I'll be more than happy to discuss ideas and such to help improve the game if possible.The only setback would be that I'd be busy with school and such.While I do attend a laid-back school,I might not be able to help as much as I'd want to during the week.Just a heads-up on that front.

Edited by CaptainBlue808
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Hmm, seems pretty cool. I suck at anything like coding (Tried Java, failed miserably) but I sure could help on forums. Sign me up! I will sign up. Sorry, I'm too young (Well that's what it says). Seems like a good game though, I think it will get big quick. One question: Will the game be free for download, because if so then you might end up like MLP : RPG. Hope it won't.

:/ whaddya mean too young, forums should have the same age limit as these ones? D:

Yea, we're pretty wary about copyright issues, one of the first things we discussed actually, came to the conclusion that we'll have to deal with it later, can't say/do much now :s


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:/ whaddya mean too young, forums should have the same age limit as these ones? D:

Yea, we're pretty wary about copyright issues, one of the first things we discussed actually, came to the conclusion that we'll have to deal with it later, can't say/do much now :s

Apparently your site is 13+ (I'm 12). I normally just bypass that stuff and say I'm 42 or something but I didn't feel like it now. Anyway, I guess I could be a texturer but I would need a texture map of some kind, I ain't the best at Gimp but I'm good at getting the colours in the right spot so something small would do. Just think of me as some kind of backup in case one of your main guys quit..


PS: What game engine are you using?

Edited by Blinding Light


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You could always directly ask Hasbro, it's a good idea to get in touch once you have a solid concept and proven interest (so that you can convince them it's worthy of the name, companies as a whole only care about revenue so as long as it doesn't make any money for someone else or cost them any money through investment or associating their brand with a huge failure of a product), but before you get so close to release that if they DO decide to shut things down for whatever reason you didn't spend years of your life for something that gets closed down right before it's ready for release (I expect you'll know more about this MLP:online thing I've heard of since I'm still new to the whole Brony thing). I think that if you've just opened a semi-public forum then you're getting pretty close to the right time (though if you don't have any art to show in case someone asks, then you might want to wait a little while).


I'll head over to the forum though, it's always nice to support a new game.


(P.S. It's not such a priority as Hasbro, but if this gets really big then you might also want to get everything cool with Namco Bandai too; typically it wouldn't be a huge deal, but after Bethesda sued Mojang over the word Scrolls, it's not hard to believe Namco Bandai could lay claim to everything starting with "Tales of")

This space intentionally left blank.

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Okay. Aha! Another game project with DEDICATION as its motto. Thank god!

I really am interested to join, but I will need more information about this game. Is it an offline RPG or online? 2d or 3d? For what platform? Will you please be so kind and answer my questions?



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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You could always directly ask Hasbro, it's a good idea to get in touch once you have a solid concept and proven interest (so that you can convince them it's worthy of the name, companies as a whole only care about revenue so as long as it doesn't make any money for someone else or cost them any money through investment or associating their brand with a huge failure of a product), but before you get so close to release that if they DO decide to shut things down for whatever reason you didn't spend years of your life for something that gets closed down right before it's ready for release (I expect you'll know more about this MLP:online thing I've heard of since I'm still new to the whole Brony thing). I think that if you've just opened a semi-public forum then you're getting pretty close to the right time (though if you don't have any art to show in case someone asks, then you might want to wait a little while).


I'll head over to the forum though, it's always nice to support a new game.


(P.S. It's not such a priority as Hasbro, but if this gets really big then you might also want to get everything cool with Namco Bandai too; typically it wouldn't be a huge deal, but after Bethesda sued Mojang over the word Scrolls, it's not hard to believe Namco Bandai could lay claim to everything starting with "Tales of")

Yup, we've already had this discussion and this point did come up. A few of the devs would love to try something like that. The others are saying, let's make this one MLP game and move onto another original game which we'll be able to sell with ease. It's in the general section of the forums, you'll be able to see that even without being accepted into the team.


Okay. Aha! Another game project with DEDICATION as its motto. Thank god!


I really am interested to join, but I will need more information about this game. Is it an offline RPG or online? 2d or 3d? For what platform? Will you please be so kind and answer my questions?

Yup ^_^ dedication and unity.

Primarily, it's offline.

3D with 2d art. So that it doesn't look weird. You'll probably understand better if you tried the build :P

We could essentially release it on any platform, but due to copyright scares we're keeping it to PC for now.

K I might be kind D:


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Yup, we've already had this discussion and this point did come up. A few of the devs would love to try something like that. The others are saying, let's make this one MLP game and move onto another original game which we'll be able to sell with ease. It's in the general section of the forums, you'll be able to see that even without being accepted into the team.



Yup ^_^ dedication and unity.

Primarily, it's offline.

3D with 2d art. So that it doesn't look weird. You'll probably understand better if you tried the build :P

We could essentially release it on any platform, but due to copyright scares we're keeping it to PC for now.

K I might be kind D:

3D with 2D art. I see. Ragnarok Online uses 2D characters in 3D environment. :lol:

Well, let me look for more information about this project first before I join. You know, there are so many projects which is not dedicated and dies easily.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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