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private Pirate Adventure RP!


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"You have a plan?" Rich asked his commanding officer. He went to the captain's desk and pulled out pen, some ink and a piece of paper. "I assume it's not dropping cannonballs onto the pirate ships from high above." That might actually work, Rich thought to himself.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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Spark creeped in Arane's cabin and as quietly as possible, closed the door behind her. She sighed, finally soberd up but with a terrible headache. She was glad that in her drunken st ate she didn't reveal her secret. But she should reveal her secret now, or else....the possibliltiy seemed terrible. She sat down on the bed next to her captian, debating her words

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Sky sat on the yard of the top foremast with a small bottle of whiskey. He quietly watched the stars and waited. At the hint of trouble he would teleport onto the battleship and begin taking ponies out, but he was hoping that it wouldn't have to come to that. 

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Two ponies on the bed was too much for Time Bomb now. Sneaking into the captain's cabin had been one of the worst ideas he's ever had, and he couldn't really move, as there always seemed to be somepony in there at the same time. No words had been uttered yet, and the cottonweed around him under the bed was beginning to tickle him. Though he was still debating whether the ticklish substance was alive or lint.


He would have exposed himself earlier, but now that he had finally come to getting enough courage to confront the captain from under a bed, the new pony had come in, and he didn't want to show himself just yet, until she was gone. Then again, it was bad enough that he had stayed under so long without letting the captain know he was on his ship!


Shifting because of the uncomfortable feeling that was beginning to grow in his back thighs, he accidentally elevated himself and slammed his head onto the bottom of the bed. It was a loud sound, and though he didn't speak a single word of exclamation, he knew the ponies above him now knew his location. Crawling out from under the bed and standing up, he emitted a rapid fire sequence of words. "Pardon me, captain, but I have tried for years to become a pirate, and I thought with my talent of bombs, I wuld become in handy, but nopony had taken me, so I had to sneak on board, and I didn't know what I was thinking, and...I'd just like to become a pirate on this ship." He expected anger immediately, instinctively shielding his face.

  • Brohoof 1


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Pirate Opal fluttered up and landed smoothly into a sitting position. "Hoping for no battle, aye, Sky?" He stared up at the sky as well, his ears swinging around, waiting for any sign of cannons being fired, or any weapons at all, battle shouts just as deadly, as they also signified an attack. Pushing these thoughts of war out of his head, he stood up and turned. "I'd better get on the crow's nest to report any attacks, he stated, pushing off from the foremast and landing on the web leading up to the crow's nest, climbing higher until he plopped into the nest and onto the floor. He stood up, taking out his telescope, preparing to look through.


((OOC: :P I only understood something about The Wasp going north and us circling the island, and our attackers following The Wasp north. I feel like I'm wrong. Anypony want to correct me?.))

Edited by Opalicious

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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@@The Pirate Prince, @@SilverHeart,


"Actually Rich, you could. All I would need is a place permently aboard your ship and you can usemy griffon talents to meet your ends. And I have these lovely sharp claws too." Guin spread out her claws quickly so they made a sound like two knives acrapign against each other. Guin looked at Rich and Snowy then smiled sadistically

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Spark looked at surprise at the pony. A stowaway? On the Wasp? But Spark was grateful for the distraction, now she wouldn't have to reveal her secret... not yet anyway. the kid had nerve. Spark liked that about this kid. "What's your name, colt?" Spark noticed she was going soft. She wanted this stallion on board. Next thig she knew she would let a puppy become a amember of the crew. Ugh

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Time Bomb raised an eyebrow, feeling like he was being spoken at like he was half his actual age. "My name's Time Bomb, I specialize is bombs and cannon balls, as long as they blow up at the end." Time Bomb's eyes glinted as he spoke, his mind already half on testing his new bomb, specially made for pirate ships.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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@@The Pirate Prince, @@SilverHeart,


"Actually Rich, you could. All I would need is a place permently aboard your ship and you can usemy griffon talents to meet your ends. And I have these lovely sharp claws too." Guin spread out her claws quickly so they made a sound like two knives acrapign against each other. Guin looked at Rich and Snowy then smiled sadistically

"Great. Report to the galley and start peeling potatoes." Rich looked up from the list of pegasi crewmen he'd started writing from memory. "Next time you try to impress somepony, be sure it's not the unicorn that can knock you out with a stare and make you dream you're a fluffy bunny for two hours." He stood up. "I'll be going below to check the list of pegasi in the crew. I'll arrange a room for our vicious hunter." Rich left the room, then stuck his head back through the room. "By the way. The correct term is talons, not claws."

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Time Bomb raised an eyebrow, feeling like he was being spoken at like he was half his actual age. "My name's Time Bomb, I specialize is bombs and cannon balls, as long as they blow up at the end." Time Bomb's eyes glinted as he spoke, his mind already half on testing his new bomb, specially made for pirate ships.

"Oh, hello again. Did you have fun pretending to sneak past me? I hope you did, I didn't say anything because of it..." Red was standing in the doorway of the cabin, smoking another cigarette, this one shielded by his hoof in case anypony else got funny ideas about it.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@@The Pirate Prince@@Guinevere Griffon,



(OOC: Sorry for the sloppy post. I think I made it worse by rewriting it...)


"No, I doubt that would be very effective. At most, dropping cannonballs would only damage the decks on the larger ships. My plan is too use pitch bombs to set any ships that survive the first phase of our assault on-" Snowy was interrupted by Guin as she tried to...intimidate or impress him? If either had been the purpose of flexing her talons and smiling then she had failed, miserably. 


Snowy watched as Rich taunted Guin and then left. His patience was wearing thin. Snowy briefly considered calling Rich back in, but decided against it. He turned his attention back to the Griffon in front of him.


"So Guin, tell me why I should let you stay on my ship. You're a civilian. There is little you can do that my own pegasi couldn't. Worse than that though you are a Griffon. I find it very hard to believe that a non-Equestrian would be so willing to help our military. Now why are you here?"


(OOC: For those that don't know, pitch is a type of oil [Or another name for it] that was used during sieges to set fire to enemy troops. Consider it somewhat like Greek Fire or Napalm if you want. However it is much easier to put out...I think. You could also boil it and then pour it on soldiers from your walls.)

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"So Guin, tell me why I should let you stay on my ship. You're a civilian. There is little you can do that my own pegasi couldn't. Worse than that though you are a Griffon. I find it very hard to believe that a non-Equestrian would be so willing to help our military. Now why are you here?"


"You  act like I have anywhere else to go. Pirates are dumb and ignorant. They prevented me from returning to the motherland. I want revenge, simple as that." Guin told Snowy. "Also, I can do way more than your pegasi. They hace to hold their weapons in their mouths. Gross." Guin sat down at a table and started absent-mindedly scratching patterns into the wood

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"Totally," Time Bomb sneered, continuing, "I saw how you spotted me while you were buying that cigar of yours, as the eyes on the back of your head saw me sneak aboard." The evident sarcasm was let go, he asked, "Before we keep going, it is best that we introduce ourselves. My name's Time Bomb."


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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Slicer grinned and shook Nightfall's hoof. "It's wonderful that we agree comrade." He stood up and made his way to the door.

"Cascade, Fade...Let us be off to the ship. We must inform the crew of the new's." He said, Smiling and looking back at Nightfall. "I almost forgot...Captain Nightfall...Do you like CupCakes ?" He asked, His smile widened.

Ohh, no... They had been so, so close, too... Cascade closed her eyes gently and shook her head, almost not noticeably. She actually had to put forward quite a bit of effort not to facehoof. For their sakes as much as Nightfall's own, Cascade truly hoped that Nightfall detested cupcakes....


((Going to bed soon. Might post in another RP first real quick.))



"Yup. Way beyond the boundary of crazy."

"On the seas, I don't mess around. Take note of that: no jokes and fooling around around me when I'm sailing. And if you aren't smart enough to figure that out, that is a no."

"And I'm more of a cake pony when I want things like that, anyway."

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Fade's sigh of relief is inaudible, but it is one of relief nonetheless. Yet another pony spared from her captains rather peculiur habit of destroying anypony who happens to enjoy cupcakes.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother she thinks grudgingly.


An alliance with the Black Abyss could prove useful in the future, and now that Slicer knew that Nightfall had no interest in the wretched pastery, things could move for the better for the inhabitance of both ships.

She nods at Slicer's command and prepares to leave the Abyss.

  • Brohoof 2
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"Yup. Way beyond the boundary of crazy."

"On the seas, I don't mess around. Take note of that: no jokes and fooling around around me when I'm sailing. And if you aren't smart enough to figure that out, that is a no."

"And I'm more of a cake pony when I want things like that, anyway."


Cascade gave Captain Nightfall a brief, almost apologetic look as she accompanied the her captain and fellow crewmember off of hte ship. 


Fade's sigh of relief is inaudible, but it is one of relief nonetheless. Yet another pony spared from her captains rather peculiur habit of destroying anypony who happens to enjoy cupcakes.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother she thinks grudgingly.


An alliance with the Black Abyss could prove useful in the future, and now that Slicer knew that Nightfall had no interest in the wretched pastery, things could move for the better for the inhabitance of both ships.

She nods at Slicer's command and prepares to leave the Abyss.

Cascade's thoughts rather mirrored those of Fade, although neither of them knew it. Cascade gave Fade a look of relief that clearly said 'that couldn't have gone better' as they walked out of the Captain's cabin.

  • Brohoof 1

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Arcane had just thought the bump was the ocean moving beneath them, and he tried to fall back asleep. His drink had gotten his pretty sleepy, and now he was hearing voices. He sat up and looked around, everything looked mostly like blurs and shapes, but his vision soon came to, and he... "ORSINO, VARUS, KUNKKA" he shouted, and soon three ponies came in and dragged them all away from his cabin.


Arcane dressed himself and sighed, "I swear, i end up with the weirdest ponies..." he said before walking out of his cabin, his crew still being held by his body guards, or at least he felt they were. Even with their struggles, they were held in place by Varus, Orsino and Kunkka.


"Just what were you thinking Spark? Coming into my cabin without invitation or permission? And you Red, if i see you smoke one more cigar, your getting half rations. And Spark, i'm reducing the half rations punishment to quarter rations. And..." he paused before walking over and inspecting the other pony he didn't know. "Who are you, and what are you doing on my ship?"


(And don't even try to say you slipped away before they got you, i've had ENOUGH with you controlling events in your favor, its time for something BAD to happen to your characters. Orsino, Varus and Kunkka are a few of the strongest ponies on board)

  • Brohoof 3

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Time Bomb cleared his throat, already seeing a future of torn limbs and blood within the sharks beneath. "My-" he began, and cleared his throat again, trying to speak more clearly, "My name is Time Bomb, and I am aboard your ship, though it is my apologies, because I had wished for a job n a pirate ship for so long, I couldn't hold myself." His head dropped, his thoughts filling his mind to the point where he could only here the reply from the pony, but he could almost feel the salt stinging his eyes, his body going under. His lungs weren't getting their air, and he was beginning to black out, and he couldn't do a single thing to stop the onslaught of pictures.


Flitter Wing

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

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@@Yorobia, @,


Spark heard Bomb's explaination and didn't question his resolve. Tough as nails. "I was, umm, ah forget it" Spark didn't care to reveal her secret right there. But the way events were going, her secret might be not valid by the time she got around to revealing it. She was starting to resent her captain, and a 1st mate resenting her captain could mean something nasty. "Now that you know that I'm not going to knife you in your sleep, can Orsino let me go now?" Spark asked sweetly, but with an edge of bitterness, all warmth for her captain dissolved.

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@@Guinevere Griffon,


"And despite your species' apparent advantage, we have always held our own against your species. I'll let you stay and give you a chance to prove yourself." Snowy's ire grew as the Griffon started to scratch his desk. "Now get the buck out of my quarters before you ruin anymore of my furniture and I decide to have you arrested." 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Arcane started to stare down Spark... but instead of doing anything he might regret, he backed up a little bit and sighed, noticing the hatred toward him. He half smiled and put a hoof on Spark's shoulder, "Spark... I'm sorry, that's no way to treat the pony I chose for my first mate. Forget the quarter rations, you don't deserve it. You're probably still drunk... so I'll let you go with a warning. Orsino..."

Orsino let Spark go and smiled, "Sorry bout that Spark, still friends right? Nothing personal I hope, only following orders" he said before walking off to do who knows what.


Arcane walked over to the other one, the one that revealed himself as Time Bomb. "I've had enough with ponies being allowed onto my ship... but you seem to be of use, and you didn't injure one of my crew members to get here. You will have to share a bunk with Dirk, I suggest trying to breath out of your mouth when you sleep, it starts to smell after a little while" he joked, and he heard some complaint from Dirk, but he couldn't make out the words.

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Spark, still kinda peeved, headed to her cabin in the middle of Arcane's final sentence, not waiting whether or not Bomb got permission to stay on board. It took all her willpower not to jerk away in disgust whenever he captain touched her shoulder. She now realized all men were the same, her secret no longer applied. She would be steely to him but not impolite, and would be on his side i the case of mutiny, but other than that, he was no longer her friend. She was acting like a stupid filly. 'Grow up' she told herself, holding back tears. At least no one was there to mock her.

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Sky teleported off the yard and onto the deck. He then slowly walked over to Krystal. "Hey." He said nonchalantly. He had finished his whiskey and threw it into the sea. "It's a quite the quiet night on the ship, ay? Maybe if we had a few more deckhands things would be more interesting?"

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Yup. Way beyond the boundary of crazy."

"On the seas, I don't mess around. Take note of that: no jokes and fooling around around me when I'm sailing. And if you aren't smart enough to figure that out, that is a no."

"And I'm more of a cake pony when I want things like that, anyway."

Slicer gave Nightfall a serious look. "I do not 'Joke', Captain Nightfall. And that is...Interesting." He grinned at Nightfall then proceeded to walk out of his cabin. "F-Fade C-Cascade...Lets get back to the ship and eat all the left over banana bread...I am in the mood for nom's." He said, His crazed smile returning as he jumped into the air and flew towards the Asylum.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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Krystal tied the wheel off with a rope so they'd stay on course when Sky approached her. She smiled back at him and replied "I don't know, I kind of like it quiet. It's peaceful, majestic, and oh so... serene..." she gave the last word a bit of added flavor. She especially liked the wind going through her mane, the very smell of it complimented her. It made her feel free. The deckhands were putting out all sources of light so they would be undetectable as they snuck past the Arbitrator. As the last torch went out, the whole ship went dark. Their only source of light was the moon behind the clouds. Sky, who was standing right in front of her, almost vanished in the night. All that was left was his radiant golden eyes. She could still feel him in front of her though, his invisible magical aura growing stronger under the stars. She looked back and could see the faintest flicker of lightning just north of Casaflanca. A storm was brewing.

  • Brohoof 1

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