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How would you react if you got Fluttershy for Christmas? I would be so happy!  :pinkie:


Are you kidding me!?!  There are no words in the English dictionary to describe the amount of joy and happiness I would feel if I got Flutters as a Christmas present.  My emotions would be well over 9,000.  Trust me.

  • Brohoof 5
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I love fluttershy so much. I feel sad though because I don't mean to dwell on this but my dog passed away before graduation. I wish Fluttershy could have met him but it was too late.

I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my best dog a few years ago too.  Sometimes I have dreams with Abby (that was her name) she was the most beautiful golden retriever, even her ears had golden curls.  She loved baths (which is rare with animals) and would grab the hairdryer in her mouth and sit on the floor, wagging her tail.  =^.^=

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What kind of music do you think Fluttershy would listen to? I think she'd like calm relaxing music, but she's have a guilty pleasure for EDM. 


I couldn't agree more I think she would listen to The Piano Guys


Edited by countryman
  • Brohoof 2
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What kind of music do you think Fluttershy would listen to? I think she'd like calm relaxing music, but she's have a guilty pleasure for EDM.


I agree with you. I also think that maybe she'd be into showtunes for some reason. Also, really cute picture of her. It makes me think of her cute head bobbing moment from the "Our Town" segment of The Cutie Map Part I.
  • Brohoof 2
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Oh look...somepony hung...Mistletoe... :blush: Now, how about a loving kiss, my dear?



Oh...but of course I'll kiss you my love. :blush: Though I'd kiss you anyways even without the mistletoe. ;)



I definitely know that I'd be more than willing to kiss Fluttershy without hesitation, mistletoe or no mistletoe. Heck, I'd even kiss her on New Years Day given the opportunity.

Hey guys check out this awesome video from WatchPony.com of the Top 10 Cutest Fluttershy Moments and prepare for cuteness overload.  Keep in mind though that this was posted before Season 5 so it's not the most current.  With that said, they've announced that they're going to be doing an updated version now that Season 5 is completed.  In the meantime hope you guys enjoy.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6FeE0xJW9U

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