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open Need for Heroes! (Revamp) Role Play

Octavia's Bow

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Nightfall shivered for a moment, then became still. He didn't move, his breath was almost inaudible and unnoticable, and his eyes were closed.


Nightfall opened his eyes, slowly.

"Ow... my head... Delphina, what's- what's wrong? My headahce is much worse, and now I'm all sore... Here..."

He held up his hooves, making signs that it hurt him.

"Please... take them off... I knew I wasn't quite... ready for this... Ow..."

He looked into her eyes, feeling very tired.

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"Are you two really cops?" Frey asked. "Ya don't seem particularly normal... I like it! This place just keeps gettin more the better as time goes by! And don't get me wrong. It wasn't too worse to begin with. Can't imagine a better a time. And I can imagine pretty well at that... What was I talkin about?"

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"Are we there yet, Uncle Marshal?"


A shadowy figure of a pink and white mare skipped along side of an orange brown stallion with a solid pink and white mare on his back.. Pride Marshal smiled. "Yes... we almost are there, sugar." He looked up. "Actually... we're there now!" There was a small cottage with a stream and several fruit trees there. Yes, the fruit trees were a little overgrown, but other than that, it seemed to be in perfect condition.


"Wow... Grandfather's cottage was small. Cute, though..." the white mare said telepathically.


"It certainly is... Ready to go in?" Pride asked, smiling.


"Yes. Yes, I am."


The inside had lots of charm of its own as well. several elements of several different cultures.

Pride laid down the girl on a bed on the first floor. "Stay here, OK?"


"OK, Uncle."


Pride kept a smile on his face until he left the house. Then the smile turned into a scowl. He sprinted off into Manehattan, stopping in front off of a casino. "Here it is..." He went through the door and unceremoniously hollered, "GAMMON!!!"


A pony playing cards in the back looked up. "Well... hello brother." He gulped. "May I... May I help you today?"

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After inspecting his various gadgets Thunder Hooves decided all his weapons were in good condition and slipped them back inside his saddlebags along with his folded up cloak. "Well It's nice to no I have somewhere to stay, I still need to find a job though. Don't want to seem too out of place," He told Ferean.

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Delphina pursed her lips, "You're a bit out of shape Nightfall. Your energies are unbalanced, but this is more of Jacks thing..." She sighed, and took them off, humming a song that made runes appear and pressing a 'button' to free him.


Sapphire blinked and shook her head, then grinned, "Sorry, I got distracted. And yes," she said cheerily to Frey, "We're real cops." She resumed bouncing and humming a tuneless melody next to Speedy. Hard to believe she's accurate shot with a .45 revolver for about 300 yards.


Feraen shrugged, "Suit yourself. But I would've stayed for the pasta," she said, taking the pot off and setting it to the side to cool. She began to chop up mushrooms and magically shear off cheese over the bowl, heating a bowl of butter with a spell.

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Feraen shrugged, "Suit yourself. But I would've stayed for the pasta," she said, taking the pot off and setting it to the side to cool. She began to chop up mushrooms and magically shear off cheese over the bowl, heating a bowl of butter with a spell.

"Well I guess I can stay for some food," Thunder Hooves told her. "You never actually told me your real name by the way," he mentioned. "My name's Thunder Hooves, and I can't very well live with some mare I don't know the name of," He told her with a small bow. "Hopefully you understand."

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"I guess the Sparking Flame is a bit long... My name is Feraen. Feraen Falosh. But you'll understand that I wish to keep my personal identity private. Please don't go around touting my name in public, especially if I'm in uniform. Also, one other thing. Please do not touch my vanilla file. It has some very personal information about my family, and I might tell you about it sometime, but it's very personal."

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"I guess the Sparking Flame is a bit long... My name is Feraen. Feraen Falosh. But you'll understand that I wish to keep my personal identity private. Please don't go around touting my name in public, especially if I'm in uniform. Also, one other thing. Please do not touch my vanilla file. It has some very personal information about my family, and I might tell you about it sometime, but it's very personal."

"I have no problem with respecting your privacy as long as you respect mine. I'd rather you not ask my reasoning for being against working alongside the police," he told her. "It's something that I don't easily talk about and would rather leave a secret," He finished.

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Delphina pursed her lips, "You're a bit out of shape Nightfall. Your energies are unbalanced, but this is more of Jacks thing..." She sighed, and took them off, humming a song that made runes appear and pressing a 'button' to free him.


Sapphire blinked and shook her head, then grinned, "Sorry, I got distracted. And yes," she said cheerily to Frey, "We're real cops." She resumed bouncing and humming a tuneless melody next to Speedy. Hard to believe she's accurate shot with a .45 revolver for about 300 yards.


Feraen shrugged, "Suit yourself. But I would've stayed for the pasta," she said, taking the pot off and setting it to the side to cool. She began to chop up mushrooms and magically shear off cheese over the bowl, heating a bowl of butter with a spell.


"Are they?"

He felt a bit better after she took them off. He shook his head a little, then stood up suddenly, almost swaying.

"I forgot; I need to go talk to Jack."

He went back into the bedroom and looked around, only to find he was still wearing his police uniform. He shook his head and walked back out to the TV room.

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Delphina pursed her lips, "You're a bit out of shape Nightfall. Your energies are unbalanced, but this is more of Jacks thing..." She sighed, and took them off, humming a song that made runes appear and pressing a 'button' to free him.

Sapphire blinked and shook her head, then grinned, "Sorry, I got distracted. And yes," she said cheerily to Frey, "We're real cops." She resumed bouncing and humming a tuneless melody next to Speedy. Hard to believe she's accurate shot with a .45 revolver for about 300 yards.

Feraen shrugged, "Suit yourself. But I would've stayed for the pasta," she said, taking the pot off and setting it to the side to cool. She began to chop up mushrooms and magically shear off cheese over the bowl, heating a bowl of butter with a spell.

"Okay then. Wait up for me." Frey said. He trotted behind Sapphire and bounced along side her, humming the same tuneless song for no reason other than his own enjoyment. He figured that if there wasnt a reason not to do something, he might as well go along with it.
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Arrow pushed open her window and spread her leaflike wings. Then she closed the window and threw off the suit. "SWEET CELESTIA... ARROW MAKE UP YOUR MIND." She yelled, kicking a wall and turning on the radio. She sat down on the one chair in her apartment and crossed her front legs.



"There is one way to get this city back...And that is to scare everypony who lives here. How do we do that ? Scare the police, Scare the new's, Scare the mare...Pretty simple yet very...Oh what's the word...Whatever...Its just a good tactic." He chuckled and put on shiny Horseshoes that covered his whole hoof.

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Delphina nodded. She was curious, of course, but she also knew that secrets were secret for reason. She brought her finished meal to the table and dished a plate out for him. "It's like we're co-ed college room-mates." She smiled andsat down with her own plate of pasta.

"First, you need a shower. Then, you need to chage into a sare uniform. Then you are going to drink the tea I left you, even though it's cold and gross, because it will help you recover. And then we're going to go pick up Sapphire, because you're going to be majorly hung-over in an hour or two, and she'll probably have a spell for that, and then we will go to Jack's."

Sapphire grinned and started humming a harmony to the tuneless humming, swaying her head back and forth. She magically pics up a toy from the sidewalk, and levitates it absent-mindedly, disassembling it, fixing something broken, and re-assembling it, setting it down.

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(I feel like we're forgetting something. Where's Demence right now.)


Frey stopped bouncing and watched Sapphire repair the toy. "Hey now, you mind if I ask you a something, yes?" he requested. "Mind if you be tellin me your name? Mine's Frey. Simple enough to remember."

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"First, you need a shower. Then, you need to change into a spare uniform. Then you are going to drink the tea I left you, even though it's cold and gross, because it will help you recover. And then we're going to go pick up Sapphire, because you're going to be majorly hung-over in an hour or two, and she'll probably have a spell for that, and then we will go to Jack's.".


He couldn't argue with Delphina, even when he was feeling ok. Because he wasn't, he just nodded and went to the bathroom, starting up a warm shower. As he waited for the water to warm up, he picked up the tea and chugged it without a second look. He almost gagged, but forced it down, looking for the spare uniforms in the bedroom. Pulling the only spare out, he set it aside and got slowly into the warm shower.

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Sapphire giggled, "We'll, you should know MY name silly! Speedy TOLD you! But it's Sapphire. Do you want a brownie? Her!" She was bouncing faster now, excited, and magical shot a brownie straight into Frey's mouth. "Here we are, the police station. One prisoner to the cells pending re-sentencing, and one batch of brownies to take out of the oven." While saying this, a white circle opened up underneath Demence, and he dropped through the floor through the roof and into a cell, as the white circle closed. Runes appeared on the bars, and his personal effects disappeared. (They're in an evidence box in the evidence room.) (Hope this helps with any confusion)


Delphina took Nightfall's cup back to the kitchen and threw his clothes in the laundry. She then took out her cello, and tried to fill her apartment with happy, energetic music. The neutrals of the walls began to slightly take on properties of the music, looking brighter.


Den finally made it home before Patches. A miracle. I can have a meal for him ready before he gets home, and he won't have to do his homework half dead. Wait, when are parent-teachers conferences again? Oh man, I guess I'll have to ask him about that... Hmm, leaf-sandwich, or cucumber salad....

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Delphina nodded. She was curious, of course, but she also knew that secrets were secret for reason. She brought her finished meal to the table and dished a plate out for him. "It's like we're co-ed college room-mates." She smiled andsat down with her own plate of pasta.


Thunder Hooves smiled and sat down at the table. "I wouldn't know, school was never my strong suit, college never seemed like something I needed," He told Ferean. "Although I have had to share a carriage with my stage crew," He continued before digging into his pasta.

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Sapphire giggled, "We'll, you should know MY name silly! Speedy TOLD you! But it's Sapphire. Do you want a brownie? Her!" She was bouncing faster now, excited, and magical shot a brownie straight into Frey's mouth. "Here we are, the police station. One prisoner to the cells pending re-sentencing, and one batch of brownies to take out of the oven." While saying this, a white circle opened up underneath Demence, and he dropped through the floor through the roof and into a cell, as the white circle closed. Runes appeared on the bars, and his personal effects disappeared. (They're in an evidence box in the evidence room.) (Hope this helps with any confusion)


Delphina took Nightfall's cup back to the kitchen and threw his clothes in the laundry. She then took out her cello, and tried to fill her apartment with happy, energetic music. The neutrals of the walls began to slightly take on properties of the music, looking brighter.


Speedy rolled her eyes, smiled, and bumped into Sapphire.

"You are so happy and energetic. That may be why I love you."


Nightfall's warm shower made him almost tired, but he eventually stepped out and heard Delphina's cello. He felt better slowly, getting dressed and leaving the bathroom.

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Frey looked disappointed after hearing what speedy said, but he did his best to hide it. He stuck the brownie in his mouth and bit off half of it.




Patches began his walk home. The day of school he had just had was a B day, consisting of most of his easy classes, Biology I, English II, PE, and finally Art.

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Feraen smiled, "In my... College... We had 4 mares in a dorm; two bunk-beds, a mini-fridge, a table, and a bathroom. Those were some crazy days. Four mares, one shower. And I had a few crazy dorm-mates, they just loved to stay up late. Oh, the memories..." She ate her pasta, thinking.


Sapphire giggled, "Oh Speedy... Woah, look! A bird!" She was distracted for a whole minute, and then she looked back down at Speedy, "One day, I'm going to fly by myself too. As soon as I figure out a way to make a giant brownie." She bounced next to her marefriend and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "And maybe I'll see about how much time we can get alone together today~."


Delphina waited patiently for Nightfall to be ready to go.


Den began to throw food together.

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'Blast! Just my luck, I say.' Frey thought to himself. 'Find a cute one and she swings that way. Best be forgetting about that then.'




Patches walked inside the house and laid his bag next to the door.




Jack walked out of his room to see Cumulus alone on the couch. "I hope you haven't been sleeping all this time." Cumulus said.

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Delphina waited patiently for Nightfall to be ready to go.


Nightfall walked up to Delphina and hugged her, nuzzling her tiredly.

"Ok. I'm all ready. We had to go get Speedy- no, wait. Sapphire, right? Are we going to walk there, or teleport there?"

He stopped nuzzling her and looked into her eyes.

"I'm feeling a bit better..."

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Mirror walks down the road, staring blankly forwards. She sees a pony walking by and cocks her head slightly, noticing the ponies personality. Angry. Hostile. Her eyes spark and she walks forwards, punching somepony in the face and strolling off, angered. Somepony tries to ask what's wrong and she also punches him. She breaks down the door of her apartment and sits on her bed, and her eyes spark once more and she is back to looking blankly at the world with no emotions.

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Gearbox smiled happily as she trotted out of the grocery store, a long blue sock with a plastic sole covering her right foreleg so as to hide its mechanized nature. She paused and stepped to the side to let a trio of unicorns (a mother and two young colts) pass through the sliding door into the store before exiting herself. Her smile stayed in place but her eye twitched as she watched them pass by her. The mother smiled at her and she felt her stomach churn painfully in revulsion, "Good afternoon," she chirped. She smiled at the colts who smiled back. 'I hope you rot in Tartarus you sickening monstrosities'.


She quickly walked away from the ugly confrontation, still with a smile on her face, and found a bench to stop at. She climbed onto it and sat down. With her teeth she pulled out a nondescript shopping list from her saddlebags. Laying it on the bench nect to her she pulled out a pen and began checking things off, "Let's see now... Eggs. Check. Milk. Check. Cabbage. Check. Sugar cubes. Oh dear, I forgot the sugar cubes." She briefly considered heading back to retrieve the forgotten confections but on looking over at the shop noticed two more groups of unicorns entering. Her ears twitched, eager to fold back in rage, but she contained herself and chose to forget the sugar cubes for now. She'd never be able to contain herself in there and she couldn't risk being arrested now, not when her plan was just about to get rolling.


She looked back at the list and looked at the next item, "Medical records of the recently deceased from Manehattan General. I knew there was something else I was supposed to do today." She giggled to herself at her clumsy memory before folding up the list and stuffing it back in her saddlebags. At the same time from her bag she retrieved a small brass egg... thing. She placed it on the ground and tapped her hoof next to it in a specific sequence, "talking" to it in Morse code. The egg popped open with a small puff of steam, unfolding into a mostly mechanical squirrel (a brain and some claws were all that remained of the original squirel) and clicked cheerfully at her. "Good little one," she cooed, stroking its cold metal back, "Mama needs a distraction for the police. Go cause some trouble, would you please?" She tapped out a few more words with her hoof and the brass squirrel nodded. It swiftly turned around and bolted down the street at a speed squirrels were not meant to go at.


As her tiny minion went to cause mischief, Gearbox turned in the other direction, still smiing, and heading for the main hospital in Manehattan; Manehattan General.



(Is there already a big hospital established?)

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Feraen smiled, "In my... College... We had 4 mares in a dorm; two bunk-beds, a mini-fridge, a table, and a bathroom. Those were some crazy days. Four mares, one shower. And I had a few crazy dorm-mates, they just loved to stay up late. Oh, the memories..." She ate her pasta, thinking.


"You had me at four mares one shower," Thunder Hooves told his new roommate. "Life of a performer isn't all it's cracked up to be though. Constantly moving from place to place, never having time to.... meet anypony, always stuck listening to the crew's same bad jokes it wasn't hell but it sure sucked." Edited by Half-Note
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Sapphire leans in and whispers to Speedy, "Did you see him checking me out? I didn't know I was that cute!<3!" She giggles and bounces off to take some phone calls.

"Hey Patches," Den says, coming out of the kitchen, with two plates with a couple sandwiches on each. He sets them down on the table, "How was your day? Sorry I wasn't here this morning. Jack... had a surprise."

Delphina nods, "Right now. Take things slow, one step at a time. I'm glad to hear your feeling better, but you're... fried. You've never had such a short temper before. And you've never snapped at me, either. So just relax, as much as possible. I don't expect you to never get angry or surprised, but I do expect you to be able to handle yourself." She pics up a saddle bag with her uniform, just in case. Today, however, she was going to try to stay Delphina.

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