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Guess what...another drawing


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First of all, this took me forever to get it as accurate as it is. Been working on it since Friday...I think I started sometime on Friday evening and been working on it most of the time. The only things that I did other than the drawing were sleep, eat and used the little fillies room. :P 
Second - I'm pretty sure someone is gonna say why didn't I use the skeleton. Well it's because I don't want my drawing to look like a mess at the end so I used multiple pictures of ponies to kinda imagine how would it look right. :)
Third - I think I might stop drawing for a while because I got a **** ton of school work to do in February. :( And I'll probably get a drawing tablet for my PC so it should be a LOT easier then. ;)
Oh and of course the last part. The pic :P
I hope you all like it. :)

P.S. Do you think I should paint it? 


  • Brohoof 7
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Good job! Way better then anything i can draw  :P 


  • You have a personal style
  • You managed to do the hair of FlutterShy
  • The curves on the eyes are just... wow


You have some work to do (not much  :lol:  ) but i would give your drawing.....

Do you think I should paint it? 

Hmm..... I personally think that you should do nothing to it :D 
  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, LUkAa, you are such a talented artist! :D You did a great job, and by the sound of it you have far more patience as an artist than I ever do. ^_^ In time, I can see you becoming one of the best artists in this fandom. ;)  Good luck with your school work :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Love it !
I mean they just look so snugly and cute ;3
cannot wait when you have you tablet :D go make more and feed me with more of this awesomeness :3

Also leave it as it is now

Edited by Sensuna
  • Brohoof 1
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Ooh, this is pretty good! Mind if I use it as a base for my OC and crush? Also, digitalized it for ya! ;)


I had to change Fluttershy's back mane a little, because the pencil lines were confusing me. :P Hope you like it!

  • Brohoof 1
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Ooh, this is pretty good! Mind if I use it as a base for my OC and crush? Also, digitalized it for ya! ;)


I had to change Fluttershy's back mane a little, because the pencil lines were confusing me. :P Hope you like it!

Thanks! ^^

Sure you can use it as much as you want. ;)

And the last thing...If I like it. Hhhhmmmmmmm...no I don't. Why? Because I love it!  :wub:  Hope I didn't confuse you too much there. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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One little thing I realized just now the wings they're not watcha-ma-call-it? they're not positioned correctly it's kind of weird to look at

Ah. I see what you mean. Well I'm not really surprised about that. There had to be a mistake somewhere. :P But still...could be worse. right?

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